POTW: Personality of Color

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Which color shades are you most attracted to the most to represent YOU?

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Once upon a time me and Isaboo noticed people in the cbox who used similar colors also seemed to share similar personality traits. At first I thought it was silly, but then I did a whole bunch of research in writing down people's names, what colors they used, and the personality traits they shared... And the findings were amazing!

Since then I have lost all of that research. t__t But the thought that COLOR = PERSONALITIES is always there!

Check out THIS COOL LINK about how your favorite colors give a hint to your personalities!


- Which general shade of color do you MOST OFTEN USE in the cbox or for your own personal text on the forums. If you've been too lazy to use color text - which colors WOULD you use?

- Show us the shade of color you like the best with your posted text! here is an awesome site for colors!

- Finally, look at other people's chosen colors when they post and vote in the poll. Can YOU see similarities between you and those people? You might have more in common than you think! 8D
"I am Grey. I stand between the candle and the star. We are Grey. We stand between the darkness and the light."
- Which general shade of color do you MOST OFTEN USE in the cbox or for your own personal text on the forums.
When I write in the Cbox then it's always dark red, but I'm not in that often on the Cbox xD hahaha If I write in the forum then it's often white, sometimes I take a random colour depending on my mood. If I write in a rp then I often take a colour that represent my character a bit, a colour that my character would like the most. (except black because that isn't even visible X Dhahah)
Puu, me checking red didn't go through...
Red is my favorite color... T___T

I use my pretty pepperminty green for the chatbox.
And I use lots of different colors for forum text.
But my favorite color is red!

Ozzie sometimes has a color like mine, I think that we are similar, and so we get along well.
My color will always be TEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAL

Kitti, edit your vote and vote again? D: You prolly voted when I had to fix the poll.
I tend to like the Teal blue/greens for my characters in RPs. It's easy on my eyes and not -too- bright where it could become a hassle to read but in the Cbox it's usually the darker shades of blue and orange that draw me to them. I'm currently using orange as my Cbox color because well... orange is my favorite. XD Blue is a close second though, and dark blues draw a bit less attention than a bright color like orange which was one reason I originally used the dark blue color.

Anyway, dark orange is currently winning! Go orange, go!
Hmmm I like Dark shaded colors....Something like a dark lavender...or black...sometimes..Characters I use Red...
Well I guess I rushed to answer then. I chose Dark Orange as something that represented me.

I think it does represent me- my RL name has an orange shade to my synaesthete mind, and I feel dark oranges, or amber shades, go well with my personality.

Now, at the Cbox, I use cinnamon. That is because I'm a cinnamon fan... and because I would never, never choose something too colorful that made my eyes wince. I'd always chose a muted shade to write, unless posting, where I'd leave the default white. I happen to like the cinnamon shade as well, but, again, I like many colours as well, so....

Buuuuuuut my favourite color has been green almost all my life. Greens draw my attention, especially natural greens- such as those shades you can find in a forest, or in a fresh salad, or all over a lorikeet's feathers. In my eyes, too. The only color that competes with my green preference is that of the amber- especially when it has translucency, like a citrine crystal, or a glass full of beer. Or whiskey.


And yes, Dianers, color choice and personality go by the hand. That combined with font type and size used gives a lot of information. Unfortunately, it's information that is felt rather that known. Also called intuitive perception...
- Which general shade of color do you MOST OFTEN USE in the cbox or for your own personal text on the forums. If you've been too lazy to use color text - which colors WOULD you use?
I mostly use teal when I write, or beige, or a nice grey blue, but most of the blue and darker green colours are hard to see on the black background here so I use teal:)

- Show us the shade of color you like the best with your posted text!
I love the colour blue, mostly the muted, darker blue like a sapphire, but green and red comes close as well.
I've always been a big fan of red, myself. :'D And from what I've read about it, it does suit me. But I also love sky-blue, and certain traits related to that color suit me too...interesting.

Oh, and hello.~ I'm new, so I'm trying to get my five posts in!
So most people know me for using the dark pink color "romance" in the chat. Though I use to be much more found of tealish colors in chat.

Pink This color embodies the gentler qualities of Red, symbolizing love and affection without passion. Women who prefer Pink tend to be maternal. Pink desires protection, special treatment and a sheltered life. Pink people require affection and like to feel loved and secure, perhaps wanting to appear delicate and fragile. Pink people tend to be charming and gentle, if a trifle indefinite.

Blue-Green Exacting, discriminating, poised and attractive, the Blue-Green person tends to be sensitive, intellectual and refined, persevering and stable if rather detached. Blue-Greens have excellent taste, and are usually courteous and charming, capable but often refusing help or guidance.

As for font, I love Times New Roman & when I can get away with is Papyrus!
I ended up using a Seagreen type color for my Cbox and personal text, but only because when I was looking on my computer for a good avatar, the one I found had Seagreen hair.
Because I'm weird and like everything to match, my text ended up being Seagreen.

However my favorite is a light greyish blue, kind of like a stormy color. But any greys/blacks/blues I like. They're just very attractive and peaceful to me.

I don't really know anyone well enough to know if my personality is similar to anyone, though.
This isn't my favorite color, but I find myself using something similar to this in the c-box, and I feel that it represents the part of me that is not even close to being in this reality but rather in some land that exists inside my head. Sometimes I use this color instead. I actually like this color more.

I usually don't bother with IC text color. If I do, it changes depending upon the character in use. I have a character whose color should be "I've had the shizzles three days straight" brown. One of my perkier characters would be ambiguous muted purply pink, because the perkiness is somewhat of a facade. Another character with an extremely bland outward personality would be "I-am-boring-but-not-entirely" grey.

IC if I use colors, they must coordinate at least on some level. Bright yellow and dark purple will never fly with me.

For the poll I chose five or six colors that represent different parts of myself. I forgot to pick light silver to represent a physical innocence and appearance but not as innocent personality. I really like dark green, it's my favorite color, but muted greens define the (minuscule) part of me that is quiet and could melt into the natural world without a sound. Dark blue-y purple represents the deeper end of my personality that isn't seen quite so often. It also represents the depression that will haunt me if I don't stay medicated and the horrible skank-faced whore of a bitch I am sometimes. Because purple is totally an evil witch color. That was a joke. That is why light pinks are some of my colors. I pretend I am five on the inside. Teal is easily amused and pleased. Dark blue for how much I sleep and how unpleasant or odd that rest is sometimes. Turquoise because I'm an airhead with excess energy.

If I had to pick just one color to represent myself, I would probably... choose... This one. The one from the first paragraph. Not happy, not sad, not any singular feeling, but a mix of many colors like r a i n b o w s t e w.
Normally I use black because it's default and I like the color. But I hate using the default, so I go with dark blues or dark purples. I wasn't particularly fond of purple when I was young, oddly enough, but I grew up loving it. If I ever need to pick a lighter color. such as if the background is dark, I go with teals, but the darker the better.

The results on that site are pretty dang fitting. I guess it makes sense, since you choose your favorite color, but not your birth date blood type or whatever other personality test thing.

Black: Dignified and impressive without being showy, Black people want to give the appearance of mystery, but their preference may also indicate a suppression of desires and worldly aims, suggesting hidden depths and inner longings.

am i the only one that noticed the all caps "TITTY" by any chance?

cuddos Iwaku... subliminal message approved
I like ALL colors. I feel all colors represent me depending on my mood at that time. But I chose bright yellows because I usually use "mustard" in the cbox and I like to think I'm usually a happy person; a"ray of sunshine" o_o