Pokemon Light Blue-y Gray IC

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IC: "Thanks! Sorry again that I'm late."

Bianca stepped through the door after the boy evidently trying to sneak past Sandstone.

Hey, it was his life choice, not hers.

When she entered the battle room all stray thoughts vanished, the gears of her mind already whirring like the Metacub ahead of her.

Hyttria, Lilitad, Metacub, Sheeper...

And a Hoppip.

Well then.

Bianca brushed the hair out of her eyes as Slither... Well, slithered around her left leg and body, coming to a rest with his head about a foot above her shoulder and the rest of his length wrapped around her middle. He looked almost peaceful-

That didn't last long. The Aquapent nearly immediately focused on the Metacub on the floor and hissed.

Bianca's head snapped to the right, she shushed the snake, and then turned to apologize.

"I-I'm sorry, Slither is... Annoying sometimes."
Geargr jumped at the sudden sound behind them, looking back, just as his friend did, to see what the sound had come from.
The look on Valer's face started as alert and harsh, yet softened as he saw the girl who was apologizing, realizing that she was pretty cute, and seemed sweet, despite her Pokemon's disposition.

"It's quite alright.
You know how these guys can be, sometimes they act weird when they're just trying to look out for us, besides, Aquapent are at least part Water-type, right?
Most Waters don't really like Electrics at first, due to being at a type disadvantage, so it's nothing to worry about if we keep them both in check."

As the smile Valer flashed the girl became a goofy grin, Geargr facepawed at his trainer's silliness as he spoke, realizing that he'd started flirting with the girl, even though Valer didn't.
"My name's Valerian, Valerian Saracuze, would you like to sit with me and watch the goings on?"
Meira heard the command, and saw the lilitad go into a defensive stance. Was it a bluff, or was the frog going to do something at the last minute? Eh, what does it matter. It's not like its a gym battle or anything. "Hyttria, speed up!" Perhaps it was a bluff. Or the other trainer had just forgotten about the haze of ice that was surrounding the water-type. Hyttria was now less that a meter away from the grass type and moving quickly. It looked like the hit was definately going to connect, and probably do quite a bit of damage too.
Aaron and the Lillitad knew with the combined abilities and growing speed of the Hyttria that the small frog Pokémon may not be able to win this battle. Either way, the battle has taught the Lillitad many things already so he wasn't going to be too disappointed if he lost. And with that, the Hyttria connected head on with the Lillitad, the force sending him tumbling backwards and landing on his stomach. "Lillitad!" she shouted helplessly. The force of that collision had to have at least stunned the Hyttria as well, but Aaron highly doubted that -- the blue Pokémon was definitely skilled. The brunette decided that it was time to take her little froggy off the field. He was moving slightly, but he didn't look like he was getting up. She walked into the battle and kneeled down to her Pokémon and took him up into her arms. "Let's go get you all feeling better... You did great!"
IC: "Sure! I'm Bianca Talis, and the git of a snake wrapped around me is Slither. It's not anything about supereffectivity, he's just in a bad mood because he had to wake up early this morning despite his best attempts."

Bianca sat down, Slither tightening slightly as she moved, then relaxing as she stopped. Even as she was looking at Valer, the snake was watching the battle intently, Geargr forgotten for the moment. The instant the Lilitad was defeated and the Aquapent realized the flirting that was going on, however, he wrapped himself around Bianca's eyes and hissed at Valer. His trainer giggled and pulled him off.

"See? Told you."
Dahlia still intently watching the outcome of the battle when Joseph spoke to her. She looked at his Hoppip, which was apparently called Maura, and began to contemplate whether she should let Sheeper battle it or not. Sheeper still didn't know any fire-type moves, so it had no real type advantage, but if Maura knew any grass-type moves then at least they wouldn't be very effective. When the match was over, Dahlia once again faced Joseph. "You know what? Why not. I think you're right about Sheeper wanting to battle, it's just that I'm so afraid of her losing and then being so discouraged she'll never want to do it again... But your Maura seems like a nice Pokémon, and I don't think Sheeper would mind losing to it. Oh, and she doesn't like the rain, either, so I think it'll be fair on that point" She looked at the Pokémon held by her arm. "I'm sorry, but you're going to have to get a bit wet for this one." Dahlia switched spots with Aaron who was about to heal her Lillitad. "You did great in that battle, Lillitad too. You guys managed to get both me and Sheeper fired up enough to have a match of our own!" She said to Aaron before placing Sheeper on the ground. "So, Joseph, are you coming or not?"
Meira congratulated Hyttria on victory, then returned it to it's pokeball. She could see why some people might keep their pokemon out all the time, but to her, pokemon were allies, not friends. You share a mutual respect with them and grow strong together, but becoming too attached to them will only weaken the both of you. She approached the professor, who told her that she must wait until all battles were finished before prizes would be given out. She grumbled, but obediently sat down and waited. Apparently, the next match was between a Hoppip and a pokemon she had never seen before. The pokedex declared it a fire type. She guessed she wouldn't be waiting for long.
Meira congratulated Hyttria on victory, then returned it to it's pokeball. She could see why some people might keep their pokemon out all the time, but to her, pokemon were allies, not friends. You share a mutual respect with them and grow strong together, but becoming too attached to them will only weaken the both of you. She approached the professor, who told her that she must wait until all battles were finished before prizes would be given out. She grumbled, but obediently sat down and waited. Apparently, the next match was between a Hoppip and a pokemon she had never seen before. The pokedex declared it a fire type. She guessed she wouldn't be waiting for long.
Aaron nodded towards Dahlia and her Pokémon, "Thank you! I hope you do really good." She placed Lillitad upon her head where he usually liked to rest after a hard battle. He curled up and went straight to sleep as his Trainer took a seat next to her earlier opponent. Once comfortable she took out her Pokédex and began scanning over the two new Pokémon on the field. "A Sheeper and a Hoppip... cool!" She put away her gadgets and began searching for the few snacks she kept for Lillitad. She went up to her froggy friend and wiggled the snack in front of his nose. After a moment he swiped it and scarfed it down before returning to his slumber.
"Yes. Let's begin." Joseph briskly walked over to his side of the field, and coaxed Maura out, "C'mon girl, lets go!" The Hoppip let out a small battle cry as it faced the Sheep pokemon.
Normally he would use his pokedex to get more information, but it would feel like cheating to be honest. Instead, he gave a slight nod of thanks to Meira, "I thank you for the environment that you have given us for this battle. Turning, he commanded his Hoppip to take the initiative, "Maura, Splash in the mud!" Hopefully, if Sheeper knew any fire moves, the mud would provide at least superficial cover. The rain would make it even less effective. Hopefully she didn't have any good moves to hit Maura. Luckily, the heavy rain was enough to keep Maura down, so she wouldnt float away due to her light and small body. He gave a nod to his opponent, "Good luck, have fun."
Dahlia was confused over Joseph's choice of the move Splash. Was this really a time to be playing around? But then she thought that he might be trying to set up a fake Water Sport, in which case, kudos to him for coming up with that, but it would have been a waste of a move. Sheeper knew no fire-type moves. She got an idea. As long as Joseph didn't know that, it could work in her favor. "Sheeper, use growl!" The small Pokémon shook off the rain, and started running around Maura, yipping like a dog. This way, not only did she lower Maura's attack stat, but she also left the mystery open of whether Sheeper knew a fire-type move or not.
"Maura, stay in place. Tail whip." The small pink plant started spinning around, waving it's tail and crying out in joy. While it was a battle move used to lower defense, Maura made it seem like a childish game of Ring around the Rosie. Joseph internally smiled, not being a very serious pokemon, Maura never minded following his commands, and never cared about losing. The mere fact that he was taking care of her seemed to make her radiate with pure joy, and he thanked his mother for choosing the small plant for him. Granted, he would have preferred a pokemon that she actually caught for him, but Maura proved to be an invaluable companion. He often got mocked for his choice of pokemon. It didn't concern him, not anymore. People could point. They could laugh and mock all they want. Complete obedience made it easier to execute his own strategies, and watching Sheeper run around gave him a few ideas. "Maura, continue, make sure not to lower yourself, raise yourself a tiny bit and stay at that height." Hopefully Dahlia didn't understand his strategy yet. Honestly, it was his only chance at winning. All other options were out of question. A simple tackle would do terribly, and Synthesis isn't as effective in the rain as in normal weather, or in sunshine. Granted, Synthesis could still heal small wounds. He did know how to use Maura's weight, and he planned to use that as a contingency for when Sheeper decided to attack. Watching the pink and brown plant, he visibly smiled. It was good to have her watch his back, and he knew that she would follow all of his orders to the point. Pulling out a small coin from his pocket, a nickel, he flipped it into the air and snatched it, seemingly playing a game with himself. He didn't even look at Maura anymore. Both of them knew what to do. His smile faded, and his posture became more relaxed. He continued flipping the coin and turned his eyes away from the battle, disinterested.
That Hoppip was going to be a tough target to hit, Dahlia thought. Being so light and floaty, it could easily sway away from an incoming tackle. Still, if she wanted even the smallest chance of winning this battle, Sheeper would have to try and attack it sooner or later. She watched as Maura floated even higher up, making it increasingly difficult to even reach her from the ground. Then, as Dahlia flicked her view from Pokémon to trainer, a look of shock shot across her face. What was he doing!? The look of shock quickly turned into a disgusted frown, and she clenched her fists. She absolutely loathed people who acted high and mighty, especially during battle. Her father had taught her that the point of battling was to bring out the best from both Pokémon and trainer, to make them grow and deepen the bond between them. Even when he had complete advantage over a challenger, he wouldn't lose interest and act like he didn't care. He would always try to slip in a few tips for the opponent, cheer for it, and applaud it when it performed well. He always put 110% effort into each and every one of his battles. Therefore, not investing yourself into a fight was a deadly sin to her. She knew perfectly well that his actions could simply be to provoke her into trying to attack Maura, but she didn't care. Right now, all she wanted was to wipe that disgusting look off his face. Luckily for her, Sheeper was a mountain goat Pokémon. "Sheeper, jump up and use tackle! But not from the ground!" The small Pokémon followed her orders. It was allowed to attack, but not from its current position. But there was nothing around for it to climb up on in order to get to higher ground, except for... Sheeper continued running around a bit, until it was right in front of Joseph, where it suddenly leapt up and took charge from his shoulder, knocking the coin out of his hand before flying at Maura with incredible speed.
Valer smiled as Bianca laughed, reminding him of a friend he had long ago, before his life went down the gutter.
Geargr, seeing the Aquapent hiss at his friend, jumped to his feet, his gear spinning until he realized what the hiss way for, alling on his back and laughing so hard he began to roll towards the battlefield, Valer running up and stopping him before he went too far out.
As he helped his friend back to where they were seated, he looked him over to make sure he was unharmed, smiling at the dizzy look on his face, stiffly his laughter as he spoke to him, turning back to the girl and the sea serpent.

"Gear, you look just like a Spinda.
Doesn't he, Bianca?"
Some people were very brave people. People that could stand up to dauntless situations, never backing away from any fight, and never exuding fear. Too bad Joseph wasn't one of those people. Instead, he gave a very high-pitched, undignified squeal as the sheep pokemon jumped at him. He comically spun his arms to correct his balance but only worsened the situation, and fell into an undignified pile.
"..." Standing up and blushing a bit in humiliation, he opened his mouth to say a couple of choice words. Squealing in delight, Maura started laughing hysterically in the air. This gave Sheeper the perfect angle, and scored a direct hit on the plant. Giving her own undignified shriek, she fell to the ground. Unlike Joseph, she found the humor in the situation and continued laughing uncontrollably. Joseph closed his mouth, then gave a sheepish grin at his pokemon, "Maura, it's not that funny...." The pink plant instead laughed harder, and jumped about the field, not paying any attention while play acting spinning her arms and falling. Faintly smiling, Joseph bent down and retrieved his coin. He wiped off a small portion of mud on it, and looked at the side that was right side up. Tails. "Maura, Synthesis." The pink plant complied, laughing while she did so. Sometimes were laughter was irritating. Then again, if he imagined himself falling, he supposed he could laugh a bit. Of course, falling proved a big point to him. While he didn't plan for the improvised tackle, it let him know where the situation stood. Normally, an eleven pound pokemon jumping off of him wouldn't be enough to knock him down. Instead, it let him understand how the battle was going. Though, it didn't seem as if the person across him was amused, she seemed a bit angry when he flipped his coin. Then again, he supposed he would be too, if he saw a trainer not care about a pokemon as good-natured as Maura. Strategically speaking, it was better that she was angry, as it would make for less rational decisions, and hopefully a lesser degree of thinking. On the other hand, he didn't know how long he was staying, and incurring the wrath of anyone would be a bad idea. Mother always taught him to be polite. He would rather not think of Father. He didn't speak or apologize though, honestly, he had less tact than Bugsy, and anything he said would probably just goad the trainer. Even after Maura used Synthesis, she continued laughing, shaking in the rain as small glistening drops made their way to the ground. It was a good thing Maura was so light, otherwise, her body would have held up more resistance that she wouldn't be able to put up with.

"Mom, how come I can never win with Maura?" A younger Joseph was pouting, sitting in the small family room, a small Hoppip racing around him. His mother was a kind woman, and it was a marvel to even understand why she would marry Joseph's father. She lifted Maura up, and gave a smile as the pokemon laughed, "Well, have you ever tried using her size for an advantage?"
"What do you mean?" Honestly, he was confused. Hoppips weren't strong at all, he knew that much. He heard that clusters of them had to gather, just to avoid being blown away by a light breeze. "Well, Maura's really light, think of a fight like this, say a Spinarak tackled her, what should she do?" Joseph replied hesitantly, "Try to resist the hit?" Shaking her head, his mother stood, "Unless you have to stay in an area, no. Maura's light, so if you hit her, she'll go flying. It may seem like a disadvantage, but instead of resisting, she'll just transfer most of the energy of the hit outside of her body." Joseph hesitantly picked up the Hoppip,and realized that she barely weighed a pound. Again, hesitantly, he asked, "Mom, no offense to Maura, but she's really weak. Can't you get me another pokemon? Joey keeps on talking about his Rattata, but Clarissa has a Snorunt! Can't you get me a better one? Pleaaase?" Again, she shook her head, "Joseph, I want you to understand that just because a pokemon is weak in theory, each pokemon has their own strengths and weaknesses." Joseph frowned, "Even Delibird?" His mother smiled, "Yes, even Delibird."

Each small drop of rain seemed uniform, and the same. However, most of the time rain came in various sizes, forms, and was unique in it's own way. Each individual drop didn't do much, but as a unit, rain as a whole is a purifier that brought life to desolate areas. Of course, rain isn't empty weight. Each drop adds a bit of weight. Fortunately, the human skin slides most of the rain off, and doesn't necessarily absorb it. Same went for Maura, who thrived a bit in the rain. The same couldn't be said for Sheeper. Wool gets much heavier in the rain. It explains why he got knocked down so easily, even though, by observing Sheeper before, he seemed to be a light pokemon. Then again, none of their pokemon were very heavy. Of course, he did know one thing he was supposed to atone for. "Sorry Maura. Shouldn't have gotten carried away there. Old habits die hard..." He paused, not adding, And this one keeps on clinging on.

It was a habit he got from his father.
Needless to say, he wasn't fond of his father.
And honestly, if his father was watching, he would disapprove of using Maura, a Hoppip, one of the weakest pokemon in the Johto region.

He would get rid of every last trace of his father, no matter what it cost him. He shook his head, then suddenly changed and reconcentrated on the battle, "Thanks for the tackle, I was getting a bit distracted. I thank you for snapping me out of it. Maura! Tail whip!" Giving a small grin, he issued the command to Maura, who gave her own battle cry.
Again, the small pink pokemon hopped into the air, and begun another rotation, spinning in place. He then remembered that people were waiting, "Whoops. Sorry, we should be done soon!" He retook his old stance, but started swinging his right arm. "Let's go, go go!" He talked much faster, moved faster, and was much more energetic. However, he missed something that the more somber Joseph would have realized. The rain was thinning out.

"Sorry Celia, but I'm afraid Joseph's been diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder. It seems that he's going to be switching from depressed to energetic at odd intervals. I suspect it's because of his earlier bouts of insomnia. While we can keep it suppressed with uses of modern medicines, I'm afraid that at times his mood will rapidly change."
Her opponent had been acting weird the whole battle, but Dahlia didn't care anymore. She had succesfully knocked the nonchalant right out of him, so she didn't mind if she were to lose this battle now. Then again, for the sake of her Pokémon's morale, she needed to give it her all. The rain was beginning to thin out, but the weather was still far from advantagous for either of the two Pokémon on the field. As long as it wasn't sunny, the Hoppip's synthesis wouldn't heal as much, and Sheeper who in general didn't like the rain felt a bit insecure in her movements. So far all Maura had done was use Tail Whip, but Sheeper had negated one of them with her Growl and even got in a bit of damage with a Tackle. The way things seemed now, Dahlia's team was on top. But that floaty Hoppip was still a bit of a problem. Sheeper continuously circled around the opponent, and when she came around to Dahlia, she creamed "Sheeper, come to mama!" With a happy 'baa', the Sheeper jumped up towards Dahlia, who didn't catch her. Instead, she rebounded her like a volleyball. "Quick, use tackle!" Dahlia said before flinging her Pokémon towards the target. Using the same type of tactic as before may seem cheap, but maintaining the same level as Maura and not attacking from the ground. was Dahlia's best chance of winning.
"Hm?" The rain was thinning out. This was bad for some reason, but he couldn't exactly remember. It didn't matter though, as long as Maura and that sheep thing had a good time. "Maura! Tackle!" A more obscure part of him pointed out the mistake too slow, too late. Instead of bouncing from the attack as usual, the Hoppip flew backwards at high speed, bolstered by the heavier Sheeper, and the thinned rain, which offered no resistance. Ten minutes ago, he would have known that this would happen. Twelve minutes ago, he would have made contingencies for such situations. Of course, right as he was in the middle of it, he got distracted. He shook his head, and stuck up his hand to break Maura's fall. "Unfortunately, Maura is unable to battle. I concede." The pink plant gave a dizzy growl, and started batting her arms forward as if attempting to punch the Sheep pokemon. "Good fight. You deserved that victory." Maura, no longer restricted by such burdening rain, was up and about after a quick Potion, and was, instead of hiding under Joseph's coat, running about outside. The trainer in question laid a lazy eye on his pokemon and gave a slight smile, then looked at the other assembled trainers, making a quick count in his head, "I believe the next two are up? Ah, and sorry about taking so long." Turning around, he walked towards a small, waterlogged bench, and sat down, pulling out a small book and starting to read it, The Art of Battle by Red Akai. His Hoppip didn't really enjoy literature, so she instead resorted to running about, making mock charges at the other pokemon as she generally played around. Occasionally she hopped up to Joseph's shoulder to read a sentence or so, but then hop down after a second or so due to boredom.
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