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Arabella Dane was born the only child of Merry Dane - a village blacksmith, taken by the lusts of youth and a whore gone by the name of Eliana. Their romance was brief and ended in a child, left to Merry in a basket. Despite this hardship, never did a father love his child more than Merry loved Arabella. Her childhood was a happy one, and though they never had much, her life was full.

While work was good, their fortune was not, and in time, Arabella was forced to take up employment as a servant, earning a meager but sufficient keep. Three months before her eighteenth birthday, while assisting her father in his shop, Arabella was propositioned by a nobleman. Outraged, Merry sent the nobleman away, but the man returned shortly thereafter and murdered the blacksmith in his sleep, a fate Arabella escaped only after due to the interference of a stranger.

Despondent, Arabella blamed herself, sinking deep down into herself, her focus fixed with near obsessive control on her work. Now, three years later, Arabella continues to struggle with the guilt of her father's death and surviving on her own. Eventually, through hard work and dedication, she came upon employment within the royal household - a servants position, a pittance... but better than her previous jobs.

Then the letter arrived...


Name || Arabella Dane
Nickname || Bells/Bella
Age || Twenty
Species || Human
Occupation || Servant

"I have long since stopped expecting life to be kind. Life is cruel and cold and takes far more than it gives... but that does not mean that I must behave likewise. Little is born from bitterness, and I will not disgrace his memory by forgetting all he taught me - Most important of all, to love."


Eye Color || Brown
Hair Color || Dark Brown
Height || 5'4"
Weight || 110lbs.

Written Appearance || Oft times overlooked, and no wonder why, Bell Dane is a ghostly creature of insubstantial regard. Pale skin, a near sickly pallor the canvas upon which are painted features of delicate, though nondescript property.

However plain, she is not ugly, but rather sensibly made unattractive by the dirt and grime covered lifestyle of a servant girl and the meek disposition of someone who has lost much at very little gain. Still, prettiness presides beneath the unscrubbed skin and unconscious twinge of sadness.

Hair, dark bronze and eyes forged steel she is the blend of mother and father, elegance and grace, strength and fire.

Her form is that of one less than well fed, but where most who share her position are string and bone, she possesses some strength, fortified in the day before her father's demise. Her wardrobe is typically a simple linen dress and apron, and occasionally a cap or kerchief to cover her head, with thin hide boots one size too big. While traveling, she wears a dark green woolen mantle and hood.


Personality Traits ||

✥ Diligent | Arabella is nothing, if not hard working. Her performance, however, is not driven by ambition, so much as it is a source of distraction.
✥ Submissive | She is not one to argue, if it can be avoided. This has both benefit and detriment, as it makes her an effective and efficient servant, but also rather predisposed to accepting ill-treatment.
✥ Kindly | Arabella thinks very little of herself, and often of others. She has a strong sense of compassion and will often times go out of her way to ensure the needs of those around her are met before her own.
✥ Broken | Her past has greatly hindered her ability to form close relationships, as fear of loss nearly consumes her.

Strengths || Resilient, empathetic, a fast learner, even-tempered, loyal

Weaknesses || Weak-willed, self-critical, passive, insecure

Quirks || Arabella typically doesn't like being touched. While to some degree this can make her appear standoffish, she's generally polite about it, and rarely makes note of it, vocally.

"You aren't concentrating, Bell... You'll never get it, if you don't concentrate!"

Arabelle woke to the sound of her father's voice, the commanding baritone as deep, as real as the day he'd spoken those words to her. She could feel it still, the grip of the hilt in her hand, still warm from his own grasp, the weight of the steel remarkably light. She'd been at it for an hour, now, sweat glistening across her brow, dripping down the nape of her long, narrow neck.

"I can't!" She'd cried, and known then it was the wrong thing to say. Strong hands, Blacksmith's hands gripped her shoulders with a bruising force as her father spun her to face him.

"Arabella Dane. I don't ever want to hear those words from you again, you hear? There is nothing you can't do. Not anything..."

But it wasn't true. She couldn't save him. No matter how hard she'd tried, she couldn't bring him back.

Tears collected in her lashes, pooled and fell in rivulets along her ghastly cheeks into the hay beneath her head. Beside her, the dying light cracked and popped in the hearth, embers glowing amber in the pale light streaming in from a crack in the wooden shutters of the window.

Dawn crept across the floorboards, pale and sickly light murdering shade and stinging sleep-worn eyes. Swinging gingerly upright, Arabella touched toe to the cold ground and shivered. It was painfully early, but work would be good... work would distract.

Rising to her height, she slid an apron over beige linen and shod her feet. It would be a cold morning, mist clinging to the air, leaving everything damp and chilly. Autumn. An anniversary of sorts. It had been three years since she'd lost him, but the dreams came every night. A vivid reminder of her own failures and of his.

Every year that passed she swore it would be different. Maybe this time she'd get it right. Maybe this time she could figure out how to forgive. How to forgive him. But more importantly, how to forgive herself.

Bless Jihae for the starting base behind this code​
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  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: rissa
Character Sheet



NAME | name/nickname/alias
AGE | # (20+)
GENDER | f/m
DOB | 00/00
POB | location

Hair Color:
Eye Color:


150-200 Words. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Integer tincidunt. Cras dapibus. Vivamus elementum semper nisi. Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus. Aenean leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat vitae, eleifend ac, enim. Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus in, viverra quis, feugiat a, tellus. Phasellus viverra nulla ut metus varius laoreet. Quisque rutrum. Aenean imperdiet. Etiam ultricies nisi vel augue. Curabitur ullamcorper ultricies nisi. Nam eget dui. Etiam rhoncus. Maecenas tempus, tellus eget condimentum rhoncus, sem quam semper libero, sit amet adipiscing sem neque sed ipsum. Nam quam nunc, blandit vel, luctus pulvinar,​

[row][column=span5][border=2px solid #7CB0FF]



A -brief- evaluation of your character's state of psychological health

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Any unusual quirks or habits



[imagefloat=left][border=2px dotted black][URL]https://placeholdit.imgix.net/~text?txtsize=33&txt=300%C3%97450&w=300&h=450][blockquote=Character[/URL][/URL] Name][color=#7CB0FF][font=Molengo]Quote from or about character[/font][/color][/blockquote][/border][/imagefloat][border=2px dotted black][/border]


[justify][font=Molengo]NO MORE THAN 500 WORDS - PREVALENT ONLY TO THE PLOT: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Integer tincidunt. Cras dapibus. Vivamus elementum semper nisi. Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus. Aenean leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat vitae, eleifend ac, enim. Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus in, viverra quis, feugiat a, tellus. Phasellus viverra nulla ut metus varius laoreet.

Quisque rutrum. Aenean imperdiet. Etiam ultricies nisi vel augue. Curabitur ullamcorper ultricies nisi. Nam eget dui. Etiam rhoncus. Maecenas tempus, tellus eget condimentum rhoncus, sem quam semper libero, sit amet adipiscing sem neque sed ipsum. Nam quam nunc, blandit vel, luctus pulvinar, hendrerit id, lorem. Maecenas nec odio et ante tincidunt tempus. Donec vitae sapien ut libero venenatis faucibus. Nullam quis ante. Etiam sit amet orci eget eros faucibus tincidunt. Duis leo. Sed fringilla mauris sit amet nibh. Donec sodales sagittis magna. Sed consequat, leo eget bibendum sodales, augue velit cursus nunc, quis gravida magna mi a libero. Fusce vulputate eleifend sapien. Vestibulum purus quam, scelerisque ut, mollis sed, nonummy id, metus. Nullam accumsan lorem in dui. Cras ultricies mi eu turpis hendrerit fringilla. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; In ac dui quis mi consectetuer lacinia. Nam pretium turpis et arcu.


[row][column=span5][border=2px solid black]



[border=2px solid #7CB0FF]

[center][font=Lekton]VICE |[/font] [font=Molengo]Word[/font][/center]


[border=2px solid #7CB0FF]

[center][font=Lekton]VIRTUE |[/font] [font=Molengo]Word[/font][/center]




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[font=Molengo][justify]DESCRIPTION OF ABILITIES Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Integer tincidunt. Cras dapibus. Vivamus elementum semper nisi. Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus.[/justify][/font]
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TITLE || King
ROLE || Prince Charming (Cinderella)
AGE || Thirty-Five

BIO || Christoffer was born the only son of a wealthy Lord beyond the glass sea. As a child, his family took up land and residence within the region of Ethelemar. Before his eighteenth birthday, Christof's parents arranged for him to marry, but determined that his future should not be left up to an arrangement of fortune or convenience, the young Lord was able to convince his father to allow him the opportunity to find a bride of his own choosing. An extravagant ball was thrown and it was there that Cristof came across a fair creature who almost immediately won his heart. Unfortunately and mysteriously, the girl fled the ball before Cristof could learn her name, leaving behind only a solid glass shoe on the steps of the palace. Set on finding her, Cristof began a hunt throughout the kingdoms for the maiden, and after an exhaustive search he found a princess whose foot fit the majestic slipper... The pair were married, their land combined, Ethelemar growing vastly in size.


TITLE || Queen
ROLE || Snow White
AGE || Thirty-Three

HISTORY || Not much is known about the young queen of Bright Hedge, whose foot fit the mysterious slipper of glass. The step daughter of the once feared queen, Eirlys is a cold woman, fashioned with very little in terms of a bright disposition, somewhat the product of her environment in which she was raised. In truth, a wicked core rests beneath the frigid exterior, carefully composed, but ever present… directly hinged on a lie. She is not, nor has she ever been the girl from the ball.


TITLE || Princess
AGE || Thirteen

HISTORY || Roslyn is every bit the warmth her mother lacks. A beacon of boundless joy, she finds her strength in the happiness and well being of others, but none more than her father, whom is her heart's joy.


TITLE || King
ROLE || Robin Hood
AGE || Thirty-Four

HISTORY ||Mystery surrounds the king of Mulgrave, most prevalent in the abundant rumors regarding his origin within the infamous thieves guild. Rumors that his majesty has never disputed, despite the importance of his position as king.

TITLE || Queen
AGE || Twenty-four

HISTORY || The queen of Mulgrave is considerably less complex than her husband, a delicate creature, soft spoken and reserved. While the king remains the main source of suspicion among their subjects, rumors do persist that her highness is, in fact, unable to bear children… substantiated thus far by lack of an heir.


TITLE || King
ROLE || Prince (The Little Mermaid)
AGE || Forty-Six

HISTORY ||King Eliah is a terribly sad man. He hasn't always been so, but some unspoken tragedy within the folds of his past has shrouded him in great sorrow. Nevertheless, he remains a good, honest king.. loyal and just, a kind husband and diligent father. While never confirmed, stories exist that in his youth Eliah loved a mercreature and it was this forbidden relationship which attributes to his anguish.

TITLE || Queen
AGE || Forty-Two

HISTORY ||Rachel is an immeasurably kind, patient woman, who loves her husband to a fault. The sadness which follows him has taken its toll on the young queen, but has also fortified her to a greater degree, affording her the strength necessary to stand firmly beside Eliah.

TITLE || Prince
AGE || Twenty-Six

HISTORY ||The eldest child of Renloth's king and queen, August holds a great deal of responsibility. For this reason, he has always been considerably cool and calculating, measuring every action with enormous consideration. He isn't, however, devoid of a sense of adventure, and takes rather spectacularly to traveling the realms.


TITLE ||Princess
AGE || Twenty-two

HISTORY ||Isadore is what her elder brother lacks. All adventure and vision, she loathes to sit still, a disposition made difficult by her father's innately overprotective nature. She holds a particular fascination with the sea, though she has never ventured closer to it than the palace walls.

TITLE || Princess
AGE || Eighteen

HISTORY ||Midge is all innocence and grace, a simple blend of both of her sibling. Her close relationship with her father has made her exceptionally intuitive to his spirit, and for this she has become something of a mediator between her stoic brother and lofty sister.


TITLE || Queen
AGE || Forty-Two

HISTORY ||The Queen Matriarch of Bravgara is a fearsome woman,intensely driven by her position of power, and less than subtle need to prove her worth. For this, she can be harsh and biting, awarding very little courtesy, even to her own family.

TITLE || King
AGE || Forty-Six

HISTORY ||Queen Ariya's husband is a rogue, all to accustomed to the harsh life beneath Bravgara's brutal sun. While not entirely barbaric himself, rumor exists that Mosseph grew up under rather savage circumstances, attributing to his often volatile nature.

TITLE || Prince
AGE || Twenty-Four


TITLE || Princess-Apparent
AGE || Twenty-Two


TITLE || Prince
AGE || Twenty


TITLE || Prince
AGE || Eighteen


TITLE || Princess
AGE || Sixteen



TITLE || King
AGE || Twenty-Six


TITLE || Queen
AGE || Twenty-three



TITLE || King
ROLE || Kay (The Ice Queen)
AGE || Fifty-Two


TITLE || Queen
AGE || Thirty-Three


⎈ VAST ⎈

TITLE || Lord
AGE || Sixty


TITLE || Lady
AGE || Fifty-Two



TITLE || King
ROLE || Beast (Beauty and the Beast)
AGE || Thirty-Two


TITLE || Queen
ROLE || Beauty (Beauty and the Beast)
AGE || Twenty-eight


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Little is known regarding the origin of the mercreatures, though some stories suggest they are born from the tears of the widows of lost sailors. What is understood, however, is that while curious, mermaids are not gentle or good beings. Their volatile nature is clearly displayed in a history of unusual attacks on ships and their crew, most particularly off the coast of Renloth.

It has been suggested that Renloth is largely targeted because of the current king's history with the mysterious creatures, but little proof exists to confirm the thought.

While only one record exists regarding giants, rumors of the beasts have thrived throughout Fable for centuries. The most popular tale speaks of a young boy's journey up an enchanted beanstalk, and while there is no evidence that suggests merit to the story, since it's conception, merchants have found it increasingly difficult to peddle beans of any kind within the land of Fable.


Goblins are rumored to be neglected or orphaned children, stolen from their cradles. They are horribly deformed by their abductors and raised in cruelty and shame, until little of their humanity remains. Said to take up residence beneath the ground, Goblins surface only once every few years to collect new victims. When they do venture above ground, they dress in rags and cover their faces with shrouds, allowing them to better blend in with mankind, but their shuffling walk and the deep rasp of their voice has been known to give them away. Because they are often small in stature, it has been suggested that Goblins employ wild dogs as mounts.

Fairies, while few can claim to have ever encountered one personally, are almost always considered a powerful and sentimental force among the people of Fable. Many varying descriptions make it difficult to pin down a fairy's aesthetic, some accounts suggesting they're no bigger than a firefly, others depicting them with very little difference from human beings. While most stories indicate fairies to be gentle, good natured creatures, there have been accounts of mischief among their kind, and a tale or two of fairy folk gone wrong.


Spectres are entirely what they sound like. Haunting visions said to be found throughout the land of Fable.While most are harmless, little more than illusions, there do exist some considerably more threatening species, found within the regions of Bravgara, Wasslorien and parts of Vast.

Wolfmen are precisely what their name would suggest. While little is known as to the origin of their circumstances, it is assumed because of the rarity of it, there is potentially something hereditary to the condition. The word 'curse' has been thrown around in reference to the affliction, though it has never been proven as a contributing factor.


Because of their ability to shift in form, little is known about what a nymph truly looks like. Mischievous to a fault, it isn't uncommon for nymphs to lure those who wander into the woods into trouble - though they seem rather inclined against hunters in particular.

These creatures, bird and beast combined are rumored to live within the mountainous region of Wasslorien, particularly in the cavernous underbelly of the mountain. Though the idea of taming the Griffons are virtually unheard of, there are artist depictions which suggest this isn't entirely impossible.
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Age: Twenty-six| Place of Birth: Faledrin | Race: Human | Magic: Shadow | Specialization: Information
Origin Age: Fifteen | Eye Color: Blue | Hair Color: Brown| Height: 5'6" | Weight: 110 lbs | Weapon: Stiletto knife

Inside and out, Cordelia Briggs is an unusual young woman. Of average height and thinly sculpted, she carries herself with an air of fluidity, every motion carefully composed and intentional, though never severe or sharp.

Pale for a Fallenite, she nevertheless bears characteristics attributed to her people. Brown hair is kept in loose waves and dreadlocks, which fall well past her waist, often pulled back in scraps of cloth and plaited - ornamented with beads and bangles, blue eyes, wide and eerily bright, set beneath thin, arched brows and thick, dark lashes.

Her clothing choice generally trends towards softer shades and fabrics, primarily varying patterns of lace. Rarely is she seen with shoes, something of a statement towards her more free spirited nature.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, sed aliquet vel ac lacus diam eros, pede qui eget cras metus accumsan, per aliquam vestibulum convallis quis ullamcorper. Pellentesque non, class elit sagittis hendrerit enim in, pellentesque suscipit, arcu leo, dapibus urna. Volutpat elit parturient et integer, est sed repellendus ante integer a, habitasse sodales, donec non enim. Morbi cras nec potenti erat, tempor cras curabitur praesent nullam, tellus ultricies felis ut amet. Lorem vestibulum, amet sit sem nibh eleifend, orci egestas, morbi laoreet nulla, potenti et praesent suspendisse tincidunt orci aliquet.

Occaecati at nam, torquent elit purus, amet amet porta pulvinar luctus commodo. Fermentum tempus velit ut vestibulum, gravida nunc in, sem accumsan eget vitae mus justo. Ut pretium neque ut ac risus vestibulum, dui fusce cursus eu fermentum, quam eu ut. Etiam dui, habitasse augue, at torquent ultricies ut in felis eleifend. Et convallis faucibus nisl nascetur convallis maecenas, maecenas libero massa inceptos consequat id, penatibus phasellus eget sociis blandit vulputate orci. Duis mauris sodales, vehicula dolor faucibus etiam in, vehicula fermentum porttitor placerat dui cras, dui habitasse porta nec integer magna.

Purus aptent, odio ligula orci. Aliquam porttitor erat. Lacus tempus neque, metus varius a quam purus fermentum, a voluptatibus dolor turpis turpis, sed malesuada varius nunc lobortis ligula vel. Pulvinar ut libero ut nonummy quisque ultrices, sodales tellus porta felis ac, non sapien feugiat, vel eget eleifend tortor condimentum, mollis accumsan id porttitor odio. Eget nulla mi sem ullamcorper mollis eu, commodo odio nec, convallis tortor, vestibulum volutpat arcu fringilla pretium elementum sed. Eros suscipit rutrum vitae suspendisse pede duis, quam blandit donec, leo suspendisse massa sed integer, lectus sed, odio quis per nunc leo est. Donec magna fames nisl mus, dolor urna turpis donec arcu sagittis, fermentum metus platea sociosqu, mollis mollis enim. Ornare ligula dui ac purus commodo, in parturient nec pede auctor vehicula arcu, sit erat, malesuada bibendum ultrices libero eget id netus, malesuada magna orci molestie.

Fringilla feugiat tellus mi amet ornare, sit ante, lobortis cupidatat consectetuer urna, mollis a tempus sed ut metus integer, vel felis nulla suspendisse massa eleifend. Eget dolor rutrum fringilla pede. Sollicitudin quam lacus augue. Egestas ipsum est ac volutpat consectetuer, convallis dui, mi eu pellentesque bibendum facilisi vel, tincidunt quisque. Facilisis cras, lectus egestas a diam, congue vehicula pretium, non mauris nulla et. Ullamcorper est quisque, blandit cras facilisis elit sed, sed elit.

Non vitae nibh. In justo libero. Wisi ac, nec vitae non felis, odio mauris nonummy tempus consectetuer tempus fermentum, magnam scelerisque eu et tellus, sit urna aenean a nam mauris. Varius viverra, tempus laoreet. Ullamcorper sagittis dis massa dolor. Pellentesque at cursus, in lectus tortor lectus magna ut, proin libero, donec taciti cum nunc suscipit posuere risus, nullam orci euismod a egestas sit. Neque sit. Dis a sed, sapien lobortis condimentum sapien quam mi tortor, vehicula imperdiet porttitor arcu elit quis, tortor amet potenti suspendisse, ut placerat. Sed odio pellentesque donec vehicula nec viverra, dapibus nec.

Vel sed ante habitasse id est dapibus, euismod feugiat volutpat. Cras lacus volutpat pharetra mollis, ut fusce vitae per nunc, pede tempor adipiscing, purus amet, purus elit in. Sed velit non, velit nisl, dolor at nascetur ut rutrum sed mi. Duis nunc vulputate tincidunt mauris dictum arcu. Nascetur eius metus mattis, nec integer donec vehicula arcu pellentesque, purus dictum et parturient, maecenas erat vel amet. Risus duis in. Dolor fames quis tortor a, odio cras vitae, aliquam ea pede amet sed, sed curabitur. Erat adipiscing eget nunc turpis sit, sed euismod, vestibulum vitae torquent urna elementum ut suspendisse, wisi viverra habitant quisque mauris ut in. Eget quam eu rhoncus, eget tortor orci, pede dolor urna.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, quis vel fusce vel molestie morbi. Elit eget lacinia, dolor velit porta in pulvinar a dolor, mi mauris ante non minim, duis mauris felis leo ultricies molestie, bibendum phasellus velit mi viverra at sit. Porttitor omnis sapien vel nullam accumsan luctus, ac dapibus, et sed donec et magna lorem odio, quisque nonummy. Molestie wisi, commodo metus in tincidunt. Lobortis nonummy suscipit pede laoreet eget in, ut non malesuada aliquet morbi ut, dolor nonummy vitae tincidunt pharetra hendrerit ultrices, est ante tortor quis ut ligula congue. Arcu quam aliquam et, in lorem. Dignissim interdum non lacus amet in et, id risus lectus. Ut pellentesque integer lacus vitae nunc curabitur, quis et tincidunt ac tortor, praesent lacinia auctor, mattis vitae aliquam cum sem semper.

Vestibulum volutpat nunc velit eget, placerat libero mauris, auctor diam ut. Nullam sollicitudin nec et ad purus, augue sit sagittis ut. Sollicitudin elementum ut morbi veritatis vestibulum, vitae a purus felis eleifend. Faucibus hendrerit sit ipsum penatibus sit sodales, molestie nec hac cras morbi, scelerisque sit lacus in, ut nonummy sed suspendisse euismod qui. Lacus pellentesque nec ipsum nullam. Arcu est justo duis nec odio, nam felis porta, varius eget luctus, in pellentesque sapien ac varius.

Lorem accumsan libero sed quam sed aliquam, turpis tellus sed in lectus. Ac ut semper praesent quam ac varius, in et nulla amet voluptate nonummy est, velit duis id libero sodales massa libero, lorem varius justo, nulla per aptent. Dui parturient eros justo. A platea quis. Condimentum non pellentesque justo, suspendisse velit maecenas proin metus consectetuer cum, lectus placerat. Sed scelerisque iaculis. Lorem proin amet tortor non aliquam amet, eget donec dolor suspendisse. Suscipit duis augue vestibulum duis, et non in lacinia suspendisse sodales, pede morbi ultricies, erat platea ut ac fringilla non orci. Suscipit diam in felis eos adipiscing tellus. Pellentesque feugiat curabitur sit, leo dictum voluptas, est rutrum mauris, turpis lorem sed, nibh felis non vitae sed in sit. Ut tellus vivamus in justo mauris. Libero eiusmod platea massa, a nunc maecenas viverra quisque vitae, aliquam eget nulla cum tellus sapien elit, commodo in tincidunt ac.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, quis vel fusce vel molestie morbi. Elit eget lacinia, dolor velit porta in pulvinar a dolor, mi mauris ante non minim, duis mauris felis leo ultricies molestie, bibendum phasellus velit mi viverra at sit. Porttitor omnis sapien vel nullam accumsan luctus, ac dapibus, et sed donec et magna lorem odio, quisque nonummy. Molestie wisi, commodo metus in tincidunt. Lobortis nonummy suscipit pede laoreet eget in, ut non malesuada aliquet morbi ut, dolor nonummy vitae tincidunt pharetra hendrerit ultrices, est ante tortor quis ut ligula congue. Arcu quam aliquam et, in lorem. Dignissim interdum non lacus amet in et, id risus lectus. Ut pellentesque integer lacus vitae nunc curabitur, quis et tincidunt ac tortor, praesent lacinia auctor, mattis vitae aliquam cum sem semper.
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This section must be filled out first, and your character concept approved before you continue on to the MAIN CHARACTER SHEET. This is to ensure that your idea meshes well with the storyline/other characters in a way that prevents you from wasting too much time on a length sheet. If your Prelim sheet is approved, you may begin work on your main sheet.

AGE || Number
LOCATION || Location
ROLE || Fairytale Inspiration

BIO || Purus aptent, odio ligula orci. Aliquam porttitor erat. Lacus tempus neque, metus varius a quam purus fermentum, a voluptatibus dolor turpis turpis, sed malesuada varius nunc lobortis ligula vel. Pulvinar ut libero ut nonummy quisque ultrices, sodales tellus porta felis ac, non sapien feugiat, vel eget eleifend tortor condimentum, mollis accumsan id porttitor odio.

Eget nulla mi sem ullamcorper mollis eu, commodo odio nec, convallis tortor, vestibulum volutpat arcu fringilla pretium elementum sed. Eros suscipit rutrum vitae suspendisse pede duis, quam blandit donec, leo suspendisse massa sed integer, lectus sed, odio quis per nunc leo est. Donec magna fames nisl mus, dolor urna turpis donec arcu sagittis, fermentum metus platea sociosqu, mollis mollis enim.

[div=width: 98%; background-color: #CCB797; border: 4px solid #5A3E2C; padding: 5px;]
[div=display: flex;][div=float: right; right: -483px; background-color: #5A3E2C; z-index: 2; height: 251px; width: 15px;][/div][div=background-color: #FBF9FA; height: 250px; width: 55%; border: 1px solid #5A3E2C; float: left; left: 17px; overflow-y: scroll;][div=padding: 10px;]
[FONT=Garamond][SIZE=7][COLOR=#0078fe]CHARACTER NAME[/COLOR][/SIZE][hr="border: 2px solid #5A3E2C;"][/hr][SIZE=3][B]AGE[/B] || Number
[B]LOCATION[/B] || Location
[B]ROLE[/B] || Fairytale Inspiration

[B]BIO[/B] || Purus aptent, odio ligula orci. Aliquam porttitor erat. Lacus tempus neque, metus varius a quam purus fermentum, a voluptatibus dolor turpis turpis, sed malesuada varius nunc lobortis ligula vel. Pulvinar ut libero ut nonummy quisque ultrices, sodales tellus porta felis ac, non sapien feugiat, vel eget eleifend tortor condimentum, mollis accumsan id porttitor odio.

Eget nulla mi sem ullamcorper mollis eu, commodo odio nec, convallis tortor, vestibulum volutpat arcu fringilla pretium elementum sed. Eros suscipit rutrum vitae suspendisse pede duis, quam blandit donec, leo suspendisse massa sed integer, lectus sed, odio quis per nunc leo est. Donec magna fames nisl mus, dolor urna turpis donec arcu sagittis, fermentum metus platea sociosqu, mollis mollis enim.[/SIZE][/FONT][/div][/div][div=float: right; right: -35px; background-color: transparent; width: 40%; height: 250px;][div=background-color: transparent; background-image: url(https://placeholdit.imgix.net/~text?txtsize=33&txt=300%C3%97300&w=300&h=300); border-radius: 50%; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: contain; height: 250px; width: 250px; opacity: 0.9;][COLOR=transparent].[/COLOR][/div]



Age: Number| Place of Birth: Location | Inspiration: Fairytale | Eye Color: Blue | Hair Color: Brown| Height: 5'6" | Weight: 110 lbs

Purus aptent, odio ligula orci. Aliquam porttitor erat. Lacus tempus neque, metus varius a quam purus fermentum, a voluptatibus dolor turpis turpis, sed malesuada varius nunc lobortis ligula vel. Pulvinar ut libero ut nonummy quisque ultrices, sodales tellus porta felis ac, non sapien feugiat, vel eget eleifend tortor condimentum, mollis accumsan id porttitor odio.

Eget nulla mi sem ullamcorper mollis eu, commodo odio nec, convallis tortor, vestibulum volutpat arcu fringilla pretium elementum sed. Eros suscipit rutrum vitae suspendisse pede duis, quam blandit donec, leo suspendisse massa sed integer, lectus sed, odio quis per nunc leo est. Donec magna fames nisl mus, dolor urna turpis donec arcu sagittis, fermentum metus platea sociosqu, mollis mollis enim.

Ornare ligula dui ac purus commodo, in parturient nec pede auctor vehicula arcu, sit erat, malesuada bibendum ultrices libero eget id netus, malesuada magna orci molestie.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, sed aliquet vel ac lacus diam eros, pede qui eget cras metus accumsan, per aliquam vestibulum convallis quis ullamcorper. Pellentesque non, class elit sagittis hendrerit enim in, pellentesque suscipit, arcu leo, dapibus urna. Volutpat elit parturient et integer, est sed repellendus ante integer a, habitasse sodales, donec non enim. Morbi cras nec potenti erat, tempor cras curabitur praesent nullam, tellus ultricies felis ut amet. Lorem vestibulum, amet sit sem nibh eleifend, orci egestas, morbi laoreet nulla, potenti et praesent suspendisse tincidunt orci aliquet.

Occaecati at nam, torquent elit purus, amet amet porta pulvinar luctus commodo. Fermentum tempus velit ut vestibulum, gravida nunc in, sem accumsan eget vitae mus justo. Ut pretium neque ut ac risus vestibulum, dui fusce cursus eu fermentum, quam eu ut. Etiam dui, habitasse augue, at torquent ultricies ut in felis eleifend. Et convallis faucibus nisl nascetur convallis maecenas, maecenas libero massa inceptos consequat id, penatibus phasellus eget sociis blandit vulputate orci. Duis mauris sodales, vehicula dolor faucibus etiam in, vehicula fermentum porttitor placerat dui cras, dui habitasse porta nec integer magna.

Fringilla feugiat tellus mi amet ornare, sit ante, lobortis cupidatat consectetuer urna, mollis a tempus sed ut metus integer, vel felis nulla suspendisse massa eleifend. Eget dolor rutrum fringilla pede. Sollicitudin quam lacus augue. Egestas ipsum est ac volutpat consectetuer, convallis dui, mi eu pellentesque bibendum facilisi vel, tincidunt quisque. Facilisis cras, lectus egestas a diam, congue vehicula pretium, non mauris nulla et. Ullamcorper est quisque, blandit cras facilisis elit sed, sed elit.

Non vitae nibh. In justo libero. Wisi ac, nec vitae non felis, odio mauris nonummy tempus consectetuer tempus fermentum, magnam scelerisque eu et tellus, sit urna aenean a nam mauris. Varius viverra, tempus laoreet. Ullamcorper sagittis dis massa dolor. Pellentesque at cursus, in lectus tortor lectus magna ut, proin libero, donec taciti cum nunc suscipit posuere risus, nullam orci euismod a egestas sit. Neque sit. Dis a sed, sapien lobortis condimentum sapien quam mi tortor, vehicula imperdiet porttitor arcu elit quis, tortor amet potenti suspendisse, ut placerat. Sed odio pellentesque donec vehicula nec viverra, dapibus nec.

Vel sed ante habitasse id est dapibus, euismod feugiat volutpat. Cras lacus volutpat pharetra mollis, ut fusce vitae per nunc, pede tempor adipiscing, purus amet, purus elit in. Sed velit non, velit nisl, dolor at nascetur ut rutrum sed mi. Duis nunc vulputate tincidunt mauris dictum arcu. Nascetur eius metus mattis, nec integer donec vehicula arcu pellentesque, purus dictum et parturient, maecenas erat vel amet. Risus duis in. Dolor fames quis tortor a, odio cras vitae, aliquam ea pede amet sed, sed curabitur. Erat adipiscing eget nunc turpis sit, sed euismod, vestibulum vitae torquent urna elementum ut suspendisse, wisi viverra habitant quisque mauris ut in. Eget quam eu rhoncus, eget tortor orci, pede dolor urna.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, quis vel fusce vel molestie morbi. Elit eget lacinia, dolor velit porta in pulvinar a dolor, mi mauris ante non minim, duis mauris felis leo ultricies molestie, bibendum phasellus velit mi viverra at sit. Porttitor omnis sapien vel nullam accumsan luctus, ac dapibus, et sed donec et magna lorem odio, quisque nonummy. Molestie wisi, commodo metus in tincidunt. Lobortis nonummy suscipit pede laoreet eget in, ut non malesuada aliquet morbi ut, dolor nonummy vitae tincidunt pharetra hendrerit ultrices, est ante tortor quis ut ligula congue. Arcu quam aliquam et, in lorem. Dignissim interdum non lacus amet in et, id risus lectus. Ut pellentesque integer lacus vitae nunc curabitur, quis et tincidunt ac tortor, praesent lacinia auctor, mattis vitae aliquam cum sem semper.

Vestibulum volutpat nunc velit eget, placerat libero mauris, auctor diam ut. Nullam sollicitudin nec et ad purus, augue sit sagittis ut. Sollicitudin elementum ut morbi veritatis vestibulum, vitae a purus felis eleifend. Faucibus hendrerit sit ipsum penatibus sit sodales, molestie nec hac cras morbi, scelerisque sit lacus in, ut nonummy sed suspendisse euismod qui. Lacus pellentesque nec ipsum nullam. Arcu est justo duis nec odio, nam felis porta, varius eget luctus, in pellentesque sapien ac varius.

Lorem accumsan libero sed quam sed aliquam, turpis tellus sed in lectus. Ac ut semper praesent quam ac varius, in et nulla amet voluptate nonummy est, velit duis id libero sodales massa libero, lorem varius justo, nulla per aptent. Dui parturient eros justo. A platea quis. Condimentum non pellentesque justo, suspendisse velit maecenas proin metus consectetuer cum, lectus placerat. Sed scelerisque iaculis. Lorem proin amet tortor non aliquam amet, eget donec dolor suspendisse. Suscipit duis augue vestibulum duis, et non in lacinia suspendisse sodales, pede morbi ultricies, erat platea ut ac fringilla non orci. Suscipit diam in felis eos adipiscing tellus. Pellentesque feugiat curabitur sit, leo dictum voluptas, est rutrum mauris, turpis lorem sed, nibh felis non vitae sed in sit. Ut tellus vivamus in justo mauris. Libero eiusmod platea massa, a nunc maecenas viverra quisque vitae, aliquam eget nulla cum tellus sapien elit, commodo in tincidunt ac.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, quis vel fusce vel molestie morbi. Elit eget lacinia, dolor velit porta in pulvinar a dolor, mi mauris ante non minim, duis mauris felis leo ultricies molestie, bibendum phasellus velit mi viverra at sit. Porttitor omnis sapien vel nullam accumsan luctus, ac dapibus, et sed donec et magna lorem odio, quisque nonummy. Molestie wisi, commodo metus in tincidunt. Lobortis nonummy suscipit pede laoreet eget in, ut non malesuada aliquet morbi ut, dolor nonummy vitae tincidunt pharetra hendrerit ultrices, est ante tortor quis ut ligula congue. Arcu quam aliquam et, in lorem. Dignissim interdum non lacus amet in et, id risus lectus. Ut pellentesque integer lacus vitae nunc curabitur, quis et tincidunt ac tortor, praesent lacinia auctor, mattis vitae aliquam cum sem semper.

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[div=font-family: garamond; font-size: 45px; text-align: center;]CHARACTER NAME[/div]
[div=width: 88%; margin: auto;][hr][/hr][/div]
[CENTER][SIZE=3][B]Age:[/B] Number| [B]Place of Birth:[/B] Location | [B]Inspiration:[/B] Fairytale | [B]Eye Color:[/B] Blue | [B]Hair Color:[/B] Brown| [B]Height:[/B] 5'6" | [B]Weight:[/B] 110 lbs[/SIZE][/CENTER]
[div=width: 88%; margin: auto;][hr][/hr][/div]

[div=display: flex;][div=float: right; right: -482px; background-color: #000000; z-index: 2; height: 251px; width: 15px;][/div][div=background-color: #FBF9FA; height: 250px; width: 55%; border: 1px solid #000000; float: left; left: 17px; overflow-y: scroll;][div=padding: 10px;]
[FONT=Garamond][SIZE=7][COLOR=#471374]APPEARANCE[/COLOR][/SIZE][hr="border: 2px solid #000000;"][/hr]
[SIZE=3]Purus aptent, odio ligula orci. Aliquam porttitor erat. Lacus tempus neque, metus varius a quam purus fermentum, a voluptatibus dolor turpis turpis, sed malesuada varius nunc lobortis ligula vel. Pulvinar ut libero ut nonummy quisque ultrices, sodales tellus porta felis ac, non sapien feugiat, vel eget eleifend tortor condimentum, mollis accumsan id porttitor odio.

Eget nulla mi sem ullamcorper mollis eu, commodo odio nec, convallis tortor, vestibulum volutpat arcu fringilla pretium elementum sed. Eros suscipit rutrum vitae suspendisse pede duis, quam blandit donec, leo suspendisse massa sed integer, lectus sed, odio quis per nunc leo est. Donec magna fames nisl mus, dolor urna turpis donec arcu sagittis, fermentum metus platea sociosqu, mollis mollis enim.

Ornare ligula dui ac purus commodo, in parturient nec pede auctor vehicula arcu, sit erat, malesuada bibendum ultrices libero eget id netus, malesuada magna orci molestie.[/SIZE][/FONT][/div][/div][div=float: right; right: -35px; background-color: transparent; width: 40%; height: 250px;][div=background-color: transparent; background-image: url(https://placeholdit.imgix.net/~text?txtsize=33&txt=300%C3%97300&w=300&h=300); border-radius: 50%; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: contain; height: 250px; width: 250px; opacity: 0.9;][COLOR=transparent].[/COLOR][/div]
[bimg=fleft | 400 | no-lightbox]https://placeholdit.imgix.net/~text?txtsize=33&txt=400%C3%97400&w=400&h=400[/bimg] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, sed aliquet vel ac lacus diam eros, pede qui eget cras metus accumsan, per aliquam vestibulum convallis quis ullamcorper. Pellentesque non, class elit sagittis hendrerit enim in, pellentesque suscipit, arcu leo, dapibus urna. Volutpat elit parturient et integer, est sed repellendus ante integer a, habitasse sodales, donec non enim. Morbi cras nec potenti erat, tempor cras curabitur praesent nullam, tellus ultricies felis ut amet. Lorem vestibulum, amet sit sem nibh eleifend, orci egestas, morbi laoreet nulla, potenti et praesent suspendisse tincidunt orci aliquet.

Occaecati at nam, torquent elit purus, amet amet porta pulvinar luctus commodo. Fermentum tempus velit ut vestibulum, gravida nunc in, sem accumsan eget vitae mus justo. Ut pretium neque ut ac risus vestibulum, dui fusce cursus eu fermentum, quam eu ut. Etiam dui, habitasse augue, at torquent ultricies ut in felis eleifend. Et convallis faucibus nisl nascetur convallis maecenas, maecenas libero massa inceptos consequat id, penatibus phasellus eget sociis blandit vulputate orci. Duis mauris sodales, vehicula dolor faucibus etiam in, vehicula fermentum porttitor placerat dui cras, dui habitasse porta nec integer magna.

Fringilla feugiat tellus mi amet ornare, sit ante, lobortis cupidatat consectetuer urna, mollis a tempus sed ut metus integer, vel felis nulla suspendisse massa eleifend. Eget dolor rutrum fringilla pede. Sollicitudin quam lacus augue. Egestas ipsum est ac volutpat consectetuer, convallis dui, mi eu pellentesque bibendum facilisi vel, tincidunt quisque. Facilisis cras, lectus egestas a diam, congue vehicula pretium, non mauris nulla et. Ullamcorper est quisque, blandit cras facilisis elit sed, sed elit.

Non vitae nibh. In justo libero. Wisi ac, nec vitae non felis, odio mauris nonummy tempus consectetuer tempus fermentum, magnam scelerisque eu et tellus, sit urna aenean a nam mauris. Varius viverra, tempus laoreet. Ullamcorper sagittis dis massa dolor. Pellentesque at cursus, in lectus tortor lectus magna ut, proin libero, donec taciti cum nunc suscipit posuere risus, nullam orci euismod a egestas sit. Neque sit. Dis a sed, sapien lobortis condimentum sapien quam mi tortor, vehicula imperdiet porttitor arcu elit quis, tortor amet potenti suspendisse, ut placerat. Sed odio pellentesque donec vehicula nec viverra, dapibus nec.

Vel sed ante habitasse id est dapibus, euismod feugiat volutpat. Cras lacus volutpat pharetra mollis, ut fusce vitae per nunc, pede tempor adipiscing, purus amet, purus elit in. Sed velit non, velit nisl, dolor at nascetur ut rutrum sed mi. Duis nunc vulputate tincidunt mauris dictum arcu. Nascetur eius metus mattis, nec integer donec vehicula arcu pellentesque, purus dictum et parturient, maecenas erat vel amet. Risus duis in. Dolor fames quis tortor a, odio cras vitae, aliquam ea pede amet sed, sed curabitur. Erat adipiscing eget nunc turpis sit, sed euismod, vestibulum vitae torquent urna elementum ut suspendisse, wisi viverra habitant quisque mauris ut in. Eget quam eu rhoncus, eget tortor orci, pede dolor urna.[/I][/FONT][/SIZE]

[div=float: right; right: 15px; background-color: #000000; z-index: 2; height: 277px; width: 14px;][/div][div=background-color: #FBF9FA; border: 1px solid #000000; padding: 10px; overflow-y: scroll; height: 255px;][FONT=Garamond][SIZE=7][COLOR=#471374]HISTORY[/COLOR][/SIZE][hr="border: 2px solid #000000;"][/hr][SIZE=3] [bimg=fright | 300 | no-lightbox]https://placeholdit.imgix.net/~text?txtsize=33&txt=300%C3%97450&w=300&h=450[/bimg]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, quis vel fusce vel molestie morbi. Elit eget lacinia, dolor velit porta in pulvinar a dolor, mi mauris ante non minim, duis mauris felis leo ultricies molestie, bibendum phasellus velit mi viverra at sit. Porttitor omnis sapien vel nullam accumsan luctus, ac dapibus, et sed donec et magna lorem odio, quisque nonummy. Molestie wisi, commodo metus in tincidunt. Lobortis nonummy suscipit pede laoreet eget in, ut non malesuada aliquet morbi ut, dolor nonummy vitae tincidunt pharetra hendrerit ultrices, est ante tortor quis ut ligula congue. Arcu quam aliquam et, in lorem. Dignissim interdum non lacus amet in et, id risus lectus. Ut pellentesque integer lacus vitae nunc curabitur, quis et tincidunt ac tortor, praesent lacinia auctor, mattis vitae aliquam cum sem semper.

Vestibulum volutpat nunc velit eget, placerat libero mauris, auctor diam ut. Nullam sollicitudin nec et ad purus, augue sit sagittis ut. Sollicitudin elementum ut morbi veritatis vestibulum, vitae a purus felis eleifend. Faucibus hendrerit sit ipsum penatibus sit sodales, molestie nec hac cras morbi, scelerisque sit lacus in, ut nonummy sed suspendisse euismod qui. Lacus pellentesque nec ipsum nullam. Arcu est justo duis nec odio, nam felis porta, varius eget luctus, in pellentesque sapien ac varius.

Lorem accumsan libero sed quam sed aliquam, turpis tellus sed in lectus. Ac ut semper praesent quam ac varius, in et nulla amet voluptate nonummy est, velit duis id libero sodales massa libero, lorem varius justo, nulla per aptent. Dui parturient eros justo. A platea quis. Condimentum non pellentesque justo, suspendisse velit maecenas proin metus consectetuer cum, lectus placerat. Sed scelerisque iaculis. Lorem proin amet tortor non aliquam amet, eget donec dolor suspendisse. Suscipit duis augue vestibulum duis, et non in lacinia suspendisse sodales, pede morbi ultricies, erat platea ut ac fringilla non orci. Suscipit diam in felis eos adipiscing tellus. Pellentesque feugiat curabitur sit, leo dictum voluptas, est rutrum mauris, turpis lorem sed, nibh felis non vitae sed in sit. Ut tellus vivamus in justo mauris. Libero eiusmod platea massa, a nunc maecenas viverra quisque vitae, aliquam eget nulla cum tellus sapien elit, commodo in tincidunt ac.[/SIZE][/FONT]

[FONT=Garamond][SIZE=7][COLOR=#471374]PERSONALITY[/COLOR][/SIZE][hr="border: 2px solid #000000;"][/hr][SIZE=3]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, quis vel fusce vel molestie morbi. Elit eget lacinia, dolor velit porta in pulvinar a dolor, mi mauris ante non minim, duis mauris felis leo ultricies molestie, bibendum phasellus velit mi viverra at sit. Porttitor omnis sapien vel nullam accumsan luctus, ac dapibus, et sed donec et magna lorem odio, quisque nonummy. Molestie wisi, commodo metus in tincidunt. Lobortis nonummy suscipit pede laoreet eget in, ut non malesuada aliquet morbi ut, dolor nonummy vitae tincidunt pharetra hendrerit ultrices, est ante tortor quis ut ligula congue. Arcu quam aliquam et, in lorem. Dignissim interdum non lacus amet in et, id risus lectus. Ut pellentesque integer lacus vitae nunc curabitur, quis et tincidunt ac tortor, praesent lacinia auctor, mattis vitae aliquam cum sem semper. [/SIZE][/FONT][/div][/div]
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Lilianna Gentry
AGE || Twenty-four
LOCATION || Mulgrave
ROLE || Goldilocks

BIO ||Born in the Severed District of Mulgrave, where poverty was the only way of life, Lilianna grew accustomed to the daily struggles of survival and learned all too young that sometimes, to endure, one has to break a few rules. Rising above the status quo was simply not an option, but determined to make a better name for herself than most who came out of the Severed District, Lilianna practiced at being a thief worth her weight in gold. Where she could, she gave, supplying those in need with food and clothes. The trouble, of course, with making a name for yourself is... fame tends to get you noticed, and being noticed by the wrong people can proof detrimental.

During a raid in the Severed District, the Mulgrave Guard discovered Lilianna's whereabouts and following her arrest, the young thief was made an example of. Three days in the stocks, stripped down and beaten, her hair chopped to the roots, followed by several weeks in a cold damp prison proved to be an effective punishment. She diminished, fading into the crowds.

It was only when King Lucien claimed the throne and began to revolutionize the treatment of the impoverished that Lilianna came into the light again, though taking great care this time to remain discreet.

Merek Loren
AGE || Thirty-two
LOCATION || Elderidge
ROLE || None

BIO ||The eldest of three brothers in a house of lumber-workers, Merek Loren was very rarely left without purpose. From the moment he could walk, he worked, and he worked hard, finding little time for anything else. His brothers, Travis and Tom looked up to Merek in every way, but Tom, at least, was far too passionate a soul for the simple minded world of a lumberjack. Merek was disheartened, but not entirely surprised, when he brother left home to pursue life as a bard.

Fiora Remel
AGE || Twenty
LOCATION || Falmar Plains, Ethelemar
ROLE || The Six Swans

BIO ||Fiora is the youngest child, with six siblings - all boys - well loved by all her brothers. When her father remarried shortly after their mother passed away it was with much confusion the children accepted their new stepmother.

The woman, while a dutiful wife possessed no maternal instinct or skill, and in fact, was quite hateful to her seven new stepchildren. Over time, her distaste for them grew into a horrible rage and she schemed to be rid of them.

One evening, while he husband was working late in his market stall, their stepmother brewed a potion, feeding it to Fiora and her six brothers. One by one, the boys fell ill and then, with cries of pain and anguish, their transformations began. In mere moments, Fiora watched in horror as her brothers became, all of them, six white swans.

Her stepmother's victory was short-lived, as she realized the potion had not worked on Fiora. Confused, but determined not to be found out, she knocked Fiora over the head and dragged her deep into the wilderness.

Fiora woke to six perfect swan faces, gazing down at her in a circle. Rising to meet her transformed brothers, she swore to each of them that she would find a way to rescue them and restore them to their true forms. In turn, the swans... in their own way, swore to protect and watch over Fiora as she managed her suddenly quite complicated task.

For many days, Fiora traveled in search of a means of restoring her brother until she came upon a cottage, said to be the home of an ancient witch. She begged the woman for help and, taking pity on the girl, the witch explained to Fiora that should she manage to sew six shirts made from stining nettles and shirt the swans, they would be returned to their proper bodies... but, all of this was only under the condition that Fiora could not speak... not a word, until each boy had been restored.

Fiora agreed, without thought. Now nightly, without pause or question, nearly oblivious to the pain it causes her, Fiora finds her way to the nettle fields to pluck the stinging plant in the hopes that some day she might fulfill her oath to her brothers.

Remis Halifax
AGE || Twenty-eight
LOCATION || Remoria
ROLE || _

BIO ||

Elsabet Warwick
AGE || Thirty
LOCATION || Bright Hedge, Ethelemar
ROLE || Cinderella

BIO || When Ella was younger, she dreamed often of a better life. She was not an ungrateful child and knew her father was happy with his new bride, but she missed her mother terribly and could find no common ground with her stepmother. Until the night of the ball, she had never heard of a Fairy Godmother. but then, magic had always been that mysterious, untouchable question on the backs of everyone's mind. So few every really experienced it, most thought of it as a myth.

Curled by the fire, trying desperately to ignore her stepmother's chiding, as she and Ella's father left for the evening, Ella stared long and hard at the invitation, scrawled in beautiful calligraphy across thick, ivory parchment. The woman had appeared out of thin air with little more than a pop.

She gave no name... in fact, she said very little at all. Her quest seemed simple enough. She was there to give Ella one wish, fulfilled.

Ella's chance had come and she knew it. Without a thought, she asked for the one thing she could think of that would bring her the most joy. She wanted one night... one ball. The woman warned her that wishes came with a cost, and that not all magic worked entirely the way one might expect, but Ella was quick to agree and in moments, the wish was cast... the magic done.

There had been, of course, no way she ever could have predicted what might happen at that ball. That a prince, love sick and seeking a bride, would fall so hopelessly in love with her facade. That when the night ended and the spell began to wane, he would chase her throughout the kingdom, desperate to find her. And most certainly, she could not have predicted that her shoe… that special, perfect glass slipper that should only have ever fit her, would fit so effortlessly on the foot of another maiden.

But then... the fairy had warned her, and she had not listened. Her wish had been for one night... and that was, indeed, what she received.

Brokenhearted, Ella watched as the prince married another, leaving her nothing but a memory and one left slipper, kept in a box in the bottom of a chest, containing her dearest belongings.

Six months later, Ella's father died and Ella was left without a home by her stepmother, who could see no reason to keep her around.

With very little options, she returned to the palace to look for work. There, for years, Ella lived under the nose of the man, now a king, who once loved her, at first as a maid and then a nurse for Rosie, the young daughter of the king and queen.

Declan Martel
AGE || Thirty
LOCATION || Mulgrave

BIO || Declan is a captain in the Royal Echelon of Mulgrave, a position he will tell any who listen he hardly deserves. A mistake in his younger years, allowing someone to take the blame for something he did, has haunted him greatly - a mistake he has yet to atone for. Declan is kind, but severely focused, determined in every way to avoid association with his youthful indiscretions.

AGE || 33
LOCATION || Mulgrave

BIO || Born to a beloved handmaiden and a Royal Guard of Mulgrave, Alfeus Swan was a man destined to go far. On his seventh nameday his rigorous training began and Alfie, a headstrong but obedient child, took to it like glue. Daggers, swords, lances, and bows; Alfeus Swan learned it all and surprisingly, excelled in anything he put his hands on. Quick of wit, sharp of tongue, and fast of feet, Alfie grew up in the shade of the royal family, knowing that when he grew up, protecting them with his life was all he was meant to do.

On his seventeenth nameday, Alfeus was knighted by the king himself. It felt like all his good deeds and years of training had finally been rewarded with something tangible. For the next few years Alfie grew not only as a man, but of a knight and all the responsibilities that entailed. Due in part to influential contacts, Alfeus raised through the ranks quickly, and after six short years he was guarding members of the royal family. Once again back in the castle where he was born, if only to a handmaiden, Alfeus Swan thought nothing more he could do with his life- save sacrifice it for one of his Graces.

Fate, however, held something else in mind for the young knight and sacrifice came, but not for nobility... It was for a friend that Alfeus would give up everything he had worked for, and in the end his hard earned position was forfeit, Alfeus demoted to a patrol guard on the outskirts of Mulgrave, along the perilous Grave Road.

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Name | Nickname | Titles(If applicable, delete if not) | Species | Race (If applicable, delete if not) | Date of Birth (Insert season) | Age |Place of Birth |

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis nisl libero, efficitur ac justo sed, tempor bibendum neque. Donec fermentum, nisi eu ultricies semper, ipsum velit cursus mauris, fermentum viverra augue mauris ac mauris. Donec sit amet suscipit metus, quis luctus dui. Nullam eget sapien dolor. Nunc id sollicitudin tellus. Integer lacinia tempor interdum. Nulla facilisi. Maecenas nisi purus, faucibus in vestibulum id, maximus et nisi. Nullam aliquam libero dolor. Integer vel lectus quis augue accumsan laoreet. Donec congue pharetra dapibus. Phasellus porta sapien non orci convallis, quis mattis nulla efficitur. Vestibulum consectetur efficitur nulla, vitae suscipit tellus porta at.

Nam sit amet eleifend leo. Aenean tempor sit amet sapien nec bibendum. Mauris metus ligula, ultricies at lorem sed, accumsan blandit dui. Donec faucibus, libero a placerat euismod, turpis tellus suscipit ex, at porta lacus augue ut orci. Duis vitae dolor cursus, interdum lorem iaculis, mollis orci. Maecenas sed felis semper, feugiat erat ut, pulvinar tellus. Nam sem turpis, luctus vitae hendrerit et, vulputate eu orci. Etiam et felis non justo vestibulum fermentum quis a lorem.

Proin vehicula sem ac diam auctor posuere. Nullam viverra purus in ipsum ultrices bibendum. Sed egestas porttitor mi, ut vulputate eros facilisis at. Pellentesque suscipit ipsum sed orci tristique mollis. Aenean varius luctus neque a ornare. Cras aliquam ac quam non malesuada. Phasellus pharetra aliquet metus eget tincidunt. Aenean a lobortis elit. Pellentesque vulputate ultrices orci, non hendrerit dolor auctor vitae. Aenean volutpat a elit quis cursus. Quisque et sodales augue, nec fringilla purus. Curabitur id velit quis magna gravida feugiat sed et turpis. In porttitor nulla massa, sed egestas dui iaculis eget. Sed vel mauris ut metus accumsan blandit ut sed dolor. Quisque non massa diam.

Quisque ut euismod diam, ut venenatis augue. Maecenas sit amet mauris nisl. Nulla cursus rhoncus nisl at euismod. Fusce eget tincidunt ligula. Sed ac ultricies est, eget facilisis urna. In eleifend mi nec leo pulvinar finibus. Aliquam et rhoncus ligula. Integer lorem massa, congue vel porta in, tempus et lectus.

Morbi sit amet tristique mauris, vitae sodales neque. Maecenas ac lacus vel nunc egestas pellentesque. Donec vitae eros lectus. Maecenas feugiat convallis mattis. Pellentesque nec justo eu leo auctor condimentum. Nullam tempus sed augue quis lobortis. Proin efficitur, velit vitae sodales scelerisque, massa ligula viverra metus, ut commodo velit erat at orci. Fusce et neque id leo lacinia euismod. Sed non nisl quam.


"Neque porro quisquam est qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit..."


Princess of Gabranth.
"I want very much to see the world through open eyes... Unafraid and with conviction."


Name || Alora Elianna Fortune
Pronunciation || Ah-LOR-a EL-e-ah-nah For-TUNE
Nickname || Lor; Water Lily
Titles || Princess
Species || Human
Date of Birth || Summer
Age || Nineteen
Place of Birth || Gabranth

"We are given one chance in this life
to make something of ourselves.
One chance to build our legacies.
It is too easy, too tempting
to neglect this opportunity to
change who we are to better
reflect the person we long to
be seen as."


Eye Color || Blue
Hair Color || Dark blonde
Hair Style/Length || Mid-back, wavy
Height || 5'5"
Weight || 130lbs.
Body Type || Narrow waist, full bust and hips.
Body Modifications/Accessories || Pierced ears

Written Appearance || Where the men are dark, the Fortune women all favor lighter coloring; Fair skin, soft blue eyes and hair of blonde. Smaller than her mother, Alora nevertheless is a younger picture of the woman, lithe and lovely, possessing an hourglass figure, delicate hands and feet and the twist of a permanent smile at the corner of her full lips.

While undeniably beautiful, Alora can be, at times quite vain about her how she looks, and is rarely if not ever seen without the uttermost care given towards her appearance. Oddly enough, despite her vanity, she is most attractive with very little ornamentation at all.

Ornamentation, however, is Alora's most favored attribute and it is not unusual for guests and well informed suitors to present the princess with extravagant jewelry or intricate hair combs.


Personality Traits ||

✥ Gentle | Alora loathes violence of any nature.
✥ Curious | She has a strong sense of wonder, particularly about those things which are otherwise off limits or forbidden.
✥ Compassionate | Her heart is almost always towards those in need, even if she doesn't always understand what those particular needs are.
✥ Idealistic | She had an often times unrealistic view of the way the world works, and expects the same from others that she herself gives willingly.

Strengths ||
A strong sense of empathy.
An optimistic outlook in most matters.
An indefatigable spirit of goodness.

Weaknesses ||
A naive view of the world.
A strained relationship with her siblings.
An untamed curiosity for 'locked doors'.

Quirks ||
Despite it being somewhat frowned upon, most especially by her mother, Alora thoroughly enjoys reading and is almost never seen without a book.

Alignment || Lawful Neutral

Alora was born beneath a brilliant sun on an exceptionally hot summer afternoon, in a room of stark white. The second child to the King and Queen of Gabranth, her birth was nevertheless celebrated throughout the land. A daughter, after all, was an impressive commodity to have and at the start, she proved quite lovely.

By her ___ birthday, it came time for Alora to bond with her fairy.

Donec ligula turpis, blandit sed velit ac, convallis facilisis erat. Suspendisse vel ligula id ipsum faucibus aliquam. Morbi at lectus magna. Quisque porta augue at ullamcorper semper. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Integer ultricies mauris orci, sit amet finibus leo eleifend sed. In at ipsum scelerisque tellus sollicitudin porta eget non velit. Donec molestie massa vitae dui tincidunt ullamcorper. Sed rutrum euismod leo.


Inventory ||

On her person, Alora will almost always carry...

✥ A white lace handkerchief
✥ A blue sapphire ring bearing
the family crest
✥ A book
Occupation || Princess
Bonded || Fairy

Family Crest ||



Betrothed | Lord Bishop Gaventry III


Father | King Rothgard Fortune
Mother | Queen Avennia Fortune
Brother | Prince Tennison Fortune
Sister | Princess Mallory Fortune

Uncle | Lord Reginald Fortune
Aunt | Lady Maureen Fortune
Cousin | Holden Fortune
Cousin | Avarice Fortune


Magic Tier || Lower
Attuned Element || Water
Fleuntia ||
Main Weapon || While she abhors the idea of any sort of violence, Alora is trained in the art of archery, and is, in fact quite the decent shot.

Her bow is yew, smooth and finely curved, with intricate carvings along the shaft, etched in silver. Each arrow is crafted in with silver tipped heads, the feathers a deep blue and burgundy.

Secondary Weapon || On public excursions outside the safety of the palace, Alora is required to carry on her person a small stiletto blade. The handle is ivory, ornamental with gold filigree, the sheath gold, with the etched image of a peacock across it's face.


Bless Jihae for the starting base behind this code​
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  • Lifespan: Upwards of sixty years
  • Common eye colors: brown, blue, green, grey
  • Common hair colors: brown, black, blonde, red
  • Common height: 5'5"-6'2"
  • No human has been known to be attuned to more than four Elements.
  • The most common human magic users are: Mages, Spellweavers, and Spellslingers
  • The rarest human magic users are Doorways and Sorcer/ess
The human population greatly outnumbers their elven counterparts. Spread across the three continents, humans are a species of great passion and strength. Distinct from the elvenfolk and Sylphaerans is the human capacity for violence. There have been wars among the elves but never to the scale, nor frequency of the humans. Yet, innovation and technological advances have sprung from their wartime frivolities.

Coming of age ceremonies are unique to each homeland, but it's known for each civilization, no matter how far apart, to have one - wedding ceremonies as well. The human population has split themselves into kingdoms, nations, and theocracies across the Three Lands of RoNaan.

Interestingly enough, humans or by extension, half-elves, have made the most contributions to technology. In the past fifty years alone, three humans and two half elves have created or improved upon five innovations that has nearly changed the world thrice over: sky-barges, windsails, fireseed guns, and "loadable" RoNaan Stones.

  • Humans are attuned to two tiers of the Tetrad, the Low Elements and the Doorways.
  • Humans are the only beings to form bonds with beasts. Half-elf bonds have been created due to their human half.
  • The human population is spread throughout the world and there are only two known places that are devoid of humans: Arannova of the Eastern Mountains and the floating Sylphaeran Isles.
  • The son of a half-elf and a human created the now popular sky-barges.
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  • Like
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"Profound... how being ordinary is what makes us extraordinary."


Name || Clara Elergy
Pronunciation || Cl-ar-AH EL-er-Gee
Nickname || NA
Titles || Unattuned Priestess
Species || Human
Date of Birth || Autumn
Zodiac || The Gryphon
Age || Twenty-two
Place of Birth ||

"We don't ask to be born any
certain way. We can only make do
with what we are given..."


Eye Color || Blue
Hair Color || Red
Hair Style/Length || Mid-back, wavy
Height || 5'4"
Weight || 120lbs.
Body Type || Hourglass waist, full bust and hips.
Body Modifications/Accessories || None

Written Appearance || Clara is a complex blend of vibrancy and softness. Pale skin is an extreme contrast to bright red hair, round blue eyes set beneath dark lashes and auburn brows. Of smaller stature, with willowy limbs and long fingers, she holds herself with a confident posture, soft curves apparent in her hips and bust.

The confidence she carries herself with comes from a natural grace and effervescence, as Clara puts very little effort into her appearance. She wears relatively plain clothing, and favors comfort over fashion, though she has a penchant towards floral patterns and more delicate hues.


Personality Traits ||

✥ Clear-headed| Clara has a knack for seeing the light through the storm - regardless of how dire a situation may seem.
✥ Good-natured | She makes a discernible habit of doing the right thing, even when it isn't always the easy choice.
✥ Modest | Despite what she is, Clara never makes a point of touting her own worth or importance.
✥ Prudent| Clara sees things for what they are and has a reasonably realistic outlook on the future.

Strengths ||
A level-head and focused mentality.
A kind and generous heart.
A firm sense of reality and rational thinking.
A natural curiosity for the world around her.

Weaknesses ||
A strong willed stubbornness.
An occasionally confrontational sense of justice.
A lack of imagination.
A slightly sheltered perspective.

Quirks ||
Clara hates swearing, and has a penchant for replacing expletives with more creative variations. She is an avid artist and enjoys sketching.

Alignment || Neutral Good



Inventory ||

On her person, Clara will almost always carry...

✥ A small red sketch book and charcoal
✥ A short stone hilt knife
✥ Spare coins for those in need
Occupation ||
Eudcation ||

Plots/Arcs ||





Father |
Mother |

Guardian |


Magic Tier || --
Attuned Element || Unattuned
Fleuntia || --
Main Weapon || Clara is not a fighter, and thus her main weapon of choice is conversation. She will and usually can talk her way out of any situation, no matter how tempestuous it might be.

Secondary Weapon || Though she would undoubtedly never use it, Clara does carry a small knife on her person, with a stone hilt handle and a leather scabbard - this she wears at her belt, along side her change purse.


Bless Jihae for the starting base behind this code​
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  • Lifespan: Upwards of sixty years
  • Common eye colors: brown, blue, green, grey
  • Common hair colors: brown, black, blonde, red
  • Common height: 5'5"-6'2"
  • No human has been known to be attuned to more than four Elements.
  • The most common human magic users are: Mages, Spellweavers, and Spellslingers
  • The rarest human magic users are Doorways and Sorcer/ess


The human population greatly outnumbers their elven counterparts. Spread across the three continents, humans are a species of great passion and strength. Distinct from the elvenfolk and Sylphaerans is the human capacity for violence. There have been wars among the elves but never to the scale, nor frequency of the humans. Yet, innovation and technological advances have sprung from their wartime frivolities.

Coming of age ceremonies are unique to each homeland, but it's known for each civilization, no matter how far apart, to have one - wedding ceremonies as well. The human population has split themselves into kingdoms, nations, and theocracies across the Three Lands of RoNaan.

Interestingly enough, humans or by extension, half-elves, have made the most contributions to technology. In the past fifty years alone, three humans and two half elves have created or improved upon five innovations that has nearly changed the world thrice over: sky-barges, windsails, fireseed guns, and "loadable" RoNaan Stones.


  • Humans are attuned to two tiers of the Tetrad, the Low Elements and the Doorways.
  • Humans are the only beings to form bonds with beasts. Half-elf bonds have been created due to their human half.
  • The human population is spread throughout the world and there are only two known places that are devoid of humans: Arannova of the Eastern Mountains and the floating Sylphaeran Isles.
  • The son of a half-elf and a human created the now popular sky-barges.

  • Love
Reactions: junebug


These characters are NPCs, but they are available for 'adoption'. If you would like to apply for a particular character on this list, please PM me about it, so we can discuss the details. Please note, they will have specific roles to fulfill throughout the storyline, so if you'd prefer more autonomy, it's best to create an OC.

TITLE || King
ROLE || Prince Charming (Cinderella)
AGE || Thirty-Five

BIO || Christoffer was born the only son of a wealthy Lord beyond the glass sea. As a child, his family took up land and residence within the region of Ethelemar. Before his eighteenth birthday, Christof's parents arranged for him to marry, but determined that his future should not be left up to an arrangement of fortune or convenience, the young Lord was able to convince his father to allow him the opportunity to find a bride of his own choosing. An extravagant ball was thrown and it was there that Cristof came across a fair creature who almost immediately won his heart. Unfortunately and mysteriously, the girl fled the ball before Cristof could learn her name, leaving behind only a solid glass shoe on the steps of the palace. Set on finding her, Cristof began a hunt throughout the kingdoms for the maiden, and after an exhaustive search he found a princess whose foot fit the majestic slipper... The pair were married, their land combined, Ethelemar growing vastly in size.

TITLE || Queen
ROLE || Snow White
AGE || Thirty-Three

HISTORY || Not much is known about the young queen of Bright Hedge, whose foot fit the mysterious slipper of glass. The step daughter of the once feared queen, Eirlys is a cold woman, fashioned with very little in terms of a bright disposition, somewhat the product of her environment in which she was raised. In truth, a wicked core rests beneath the frigid exterior, carefully composed, but ever present… directly hinged on a lie. She is not, nor has she ever been the girl from the ball.

TITLE || Princess
AGE || Thirteen

HISTORY || Roslyn is every bit the warmth her mother lacks. A beacon of boundless joy, she finds her strength in the happiness and well being of others, but none more than her father, whom is her heart's joy.


TITLE || King
ROLE || Robin Hood
AGE || Fourty

HISTORY ||Mystery surrounds the king of Mulgrave, most prevalent in the abundant rumors regarding his origin within the infamous thieves guild. Rumors that his majesty has never disputed, despite the importance of his position as king.

TITLE || Queen
AGE || Twenty-four

HISTORY || The queen of Mulgrave is considerably less complex than her husband, a delicate creature, soft spoken and reserved. While the king remains the main source of suspicion among their subjects, rumors do persist that her highness is, in fact, unable to bear children… substantiated thus far by lack of an heir.


TITLE || King
ROLE || Prince (The Little Mermaid)
AGE || Forty-Six

HISTORY ||King Eliah is a terribly sad man. He hasn't always been so, but some unspoken tragedy within the folds of his past has shrouded him in great sorrow. Nevertheless, he remains a good, honest king.. loyal and just, a kind husband and diligent father. While never confirmed, stories exist that in his youth Eliah loved a mercreature and it was this forbidden relationship which attributes to his anguish.

TITLE || Queen
AGE || Forty-Two

HISTORY ||Rachel is an immeasurably kind, patient woman, who loves her husband to a fault. The sadness which follows him has taken its toll on the young queen, but has also fortified her to a greater degree, affording her the strength necessary to stand firmly beside Eliah.

TITLE || Prince
AGE || Twenty-Six

HISTORY ||The eldest child of Renloth's king and queen, August holds a great deal of responsibility. For this reason, he has always been considerably cool and calculating, measuring every action with enormous consideration. He isn't, however, devoid of a sense of adventure, and takes rather spectacularly to traveling the realms.

TITLE ||Princess
AGE || Twenty-two

HISTORY ||Isadore is what her elder brother lacks. All adventure and vision, she loathes to sit still, a disposition made difficult by her father's innately overprotective nature. She holds a particular fascination with the sea, though she has never ventured closer to it than the palace walls.

TITLE || Princess
AGE || Eighteen

HISTORY ||Midge is all innocence and grace, a simple blend of both of her sibling. Her close relationship with her father has made her exceptionally intuitive to his spirit, and for this she has become something of a mediator between her stoic brother and lofty sister.


TITLE || Queen
AGE || Forty-Two

HISTORY ||The Queen Matriarch of Bravgara is a fearsome woman,intensely driven by her position of power, and less than subtle need to prove her worth. For this, she can be harsh and biting, awarding very little courtesy, even to her own family.

TITLE || King
AGE || Forty-Six

HISTORY ||Queen Ariya's husband is a rogue, all to accustomed to the harsh life beneath Bravgara's brutal sun. While not entirely barbaric himself, rumor exists that Mosseph grew up under rather savage circumstances, attributing to his often volatile nature.

TITLE || Prince
AGE || Twenty-Four

BIOGRAPHY || Ariya and Mosseph's eldest. Mosseph II is something of a rake, possessing little of his mother's stern qualities or his father's ruthlessness. With little prospect in a matriarch society, he has little qualms in utilizing his position of power to manipulate his circumstances, particularly where the fairer sex is concerned.

TITLE || Princess-Apparent
AGE || Twenty-Two

BIOGRAPHY ||Aryanne, the heir apparent, takes her role unmitigatingly serious. So transfixed is the princess with her future role that she often needs reminding that she isn't yet queen. Despite these constant reminders, Aryanne continues to behave with an air of superiority and can be quite conniving, particularly where her siblings are concerned, from whom she constantly fears opposition.

TITLE || Prince
AGE || Twenty

BIOGRAPHY ||Romand is as serious as his sister, as structured as his mother, with an edge of severity to match his father. Intent on making the private guard, he studies swordsmanship daily, practicing whenever he has a free moment.

TITLE || Prince
AGE || Eighteen

BIOGRAPHY ||Garlet reflects near polar opposition to his elder siblings, and is in fact so different that it has prompted rumors of his paternity, something his mother has, in fact, never actually corrected. He has little concern however, for the speculations, as his attachment to his family is less than stalwart.

TITLE || Princess
AGE || Sixteen

BIOGRAPHY || Despite being the youngest of her siblings, Reya possesses a remarkable air of maturity and self-awareness. She detests the brutal nature of her homeland, and desperately hopes to someday gentrify the city, allowing for more diplomatic relations with the neighboring kingdoms.


TITLE || King
AGE || Twenty-Six

BIOGRAPHY ||Edwin is a man few can tame, even his own people. The son of a proclaimed mad man, Edwin fights a stigma, daily with determination to rise above the gossip surrounding his family name. A little to his credit is his love for his wife, of whom none approved, but Edwin married anyhow.

TITLE || Queen
AGE || Twenty-three

BIOGRAPHY ||Leia is a young, fragile woman, adamantly different in manner than her family. It is for this reason, largely, that she so intently caught the eye of young Edwin. When the two were wed, Leia became the first queen of Remoria to come from an opposing clan, the first queen to possess a spirit of kindness and grace.


TITLE || King
ROLE || Kay (The Ice Queen)
AGE || Fifty-Two

BIOGRAPHY ||Trinton has been described all too often and all too accurately as an empty, shallow man, devoid of any characteristics becoming a king. Stories exist, though none have been fully proven, that somewhere down the line, Trinton made a deal with the Winter Queen, trading his soul for the power to rebuild Wasslorien after financial collapse.

TITLE || Queen
AGE || Thirty-Three

BIOGRAPHY ||Hanna is a wisp of a woman, a fragile, willowy thing with very little substance inside and out. Her marriage to Trinton was largely political, almost entirely without emotion, which she doesn't bother to mask.

⎈ VAST ⎈

TITLE || Lord
AGE || Sixty

BIOGRAPHY || Gregor is a powerful, imposing man, every bit the commanding force his father before him was, though considerably less volatile and quick to action, a trait no doubt instilled in him having watched his father's impulsive mistakes. While hardly apparent on the surface, the Lord of Vast does possess a soft spot, most particularly for his wife.

TITLE || Lady
AGE || Fifty-Two

BIOGRAPHY ||The famed Lady of Vast, Morenna is all too well known for her gutsy, emboldened disposition and her unfailing loyalty to her husband.


TITLE || King
ROLE || Beauty and the Beast
AGE || Thirty-Two

BIOGRAPHY ||Alexander began his reign over Elderidge beneath the shadow of intrigue. News of beasts, hunting within the Elderidge forest heralded his coronation, and those stories grew more and more abundant as time passed, but Alexander remained quiet on the issue, giving little thought of action towards eliminating the perceived threat, or even investigating.

TITLE || Queen
ROLE || Beauty and the Beast
AGE || Twenty-eight

BIOGRAPHY ||Cathan is an intensely patient young woman, the youngest daughter of a shipping merchant from Ridge Point. Her marriage to Alexander came as something of a shock, given her lack of status, but it became abundantly clear following the wedding that Cathan brought to Elderidge a much needed sense of grace and compassion, tempering the often irritable king in a way none could have anticipated.


TITLE || King
AGE || Fifty-Nine

BIOGRAPHY ||Born second after his older brother, Avenius grew up shirking his princely duties as he never thought he would rule. He preferred ale, hunting trips, women, and combat training over academic and political lessons. That all changed when his older brother, the crown prince, died suddenly and tragically while visiting a prolific silver mine. The kingdom and the royal family mourned, and Avenius - devastated at the loss of his older brother - shouldered the weight of his responsibilities like a true king.

TITLE || Queen
AGE || Forty-Five

BIOGRAPHY ||Clariscia was born as a noble lady of Silvern and was betrothed to Prince Avenius before birth. He was not the heir being second born, and for that Claris was thankful. She had no wish to be Queen, only a romanticised dream of life, love, and children. Life had it's own plans however, and she ended up Queen of Silvern as her betrothed became King. Though they weren't in love at the time of their marriage, Clariscia has come to truly love her husband. It took a long time, not until their second child for her to realize.

TITLE || Prince
AGE || Twenty-Eight

BIOGRAPHY ||Being the crown prince and his father's son, Rannulf has regarded his responsibilities dutifully despite being quite the ladies man. Since his conception, he has been betrothed to Princess Audra of Cain'Loren. Training started early in life and continues till this day. He enjoys all manners of his training and has rarely complained. His mind is like a sponge and he enjoys the pursuit of knowledge. He has a close relationship with his younger siblings, even Joscelin, and it was he who convinced Beyla to become Druen.

TITLE || Princess
AGE || Nineteen

BIOGRAPHY ||Lucianna is the second born child of King Avenius and Queen Clariscia and the firstborn daughter. She's known, since shortly after birth, that there's always a way to get what you want. Luce walks a fine line between use and misuse of this knowledge. Thankfully, she's the apple of her father's eye and she's rarely had to tread the wrong side of the line.

With that being said, Luce is not uncompassionate or unempathetic and it shows in her frequent visits to towns and villages outside the heart of the kingdom. She was a little younger then Beyla is now when she first ventured outside Silvernest's protective walls. Luce still remembers the hungry faces and the sadden looks she received. Perhaps that's why the Druen way of life appeals to her so much - she'd actually be able to help people without feeling ashamed by sneaking out with Cloudrunner to bring provisions to impoverished families.

When her half sister Joscelin arrived, she was barely old enough to remember the stir it caused within the castle. All she does remember, is a lot of yelling between her mother and father, and a baby that made a lot of noise. Being the inquisitive child she was, it didn't take her long to figure out that the blonde haired baby was like - and unlike - her. When she was old enough to be told the truth (which was shortly after Beyla's second or third name day) she was disappointed in her father but gained a new sense of respect for her mother who found the courage to take in a child she didn't sire.

Luce has always been interested in becoming a Druen and it's the only reason her father has yet to finalize her betrothal to (A NAME) from (A KINGDOM). Under Silvern laws, if she takes Druen Oaths, she doesn't have to marry. Her time however, is almost up - and if she doesn't make up her mind soon, she'll be forced to marry (A NAME) whether she wants to be Druen or not.

TITLE || Princess
AGE || Fifteen

BIOGRAPHY ||Despite being born outside of her father's marriage with Queen Clariscia, Joscelin was raised with love. Her mother, a noble lady within the kingdom, died giving birth to her, and the King hesitantly took her in. Surprisingly, the Queen took pity on the child, and tried to raise her as if she were her own. Though she was bitter, she was bitter towards her husband, not the child. Unbeknownst to her, the Queen had suffered through a miscarriage just months prior and felt somewhat joyful at the news of a child she could raise. King Avenius is speaking with (A KINGDOM) to betroth Joscelin to prince (A NAME).

TITLE || Princess

BIOGRAPHY ||For as long as she can remember, Beyla has wanted to become the next Prui`Druen. Everything in her life seems to have brought her to this revelation, and in a few months time - after her next name day - she will take her Oaths to become Druen. It seems she talked her sister into becoming Druen as well, even though neither have officially taken their Oaths. As the youngest Gringoire there is some obvious favoritism, especially from her mother and Luce.


TITLE || King
AGE || Sixty-two

BIOGRAPHY ||Rising to the throne at a young age, following the assassination of his brother, and the death of his father from illness, Ordin learned well before his thirteenth birthday what it meant to rule. He married late, an arrangement with a neighboring kingdom. While gracious, it was also a loveless union, though not for lack of trying on Ordin's part. Despite his best efforts to woo his queen, Ordin was seen all too often in the company of a young village woman, promoting envy in his young bride that eventually turned to a frigid disposition. Regardless, the pair have quite a few children, though the maternity of at least one of his daughters has been frequently questioned, as Ordin has been known to stray, given to grief and arrogance over the coldness of his wife.

TITLE || Queen
AGE || Forty-Nine

BIOGRAPHY ||The eldest daughter of an ailing king, Aimera faced the difficulty of an arranged marriage to a much older man at the tender age of fourteen. When the man was killed, however, Aimera was certain that she had escaped her fate, but only for another two years. By sixteen, she was married off to King Ordin and found herself in an empty, loveless relationship with a man already fixated on a common woman. Bitterly jealous and determined to rise above her circumstances, Aimera became a fiercely motivated queen, pouring her passions into building a better Cain'loren.

TITLE || Crown Prince
AGE || Twenty-Six

BIOGRAPHY ||Born the first child, Crispin's lot in life was determined early. As soon as he was able, he began training, preparing for his place on the throne. He was often seen as a stoic, quiet child and as he grew found something of a passive disposition. He takes his future role extremely seriously and in light of this, is something of a stickler for authority. The polar opposite of his brother, Crispin tends to be neat and orderly, and is often taken to fits of bashful awkwardness, particularly in the presence of the fairer sex.

TITLE || Prince
AGE || Twenty-Four

BIOGRAPHY ||Never one to stand in the shadows, Dansin took well enough to his role as the second (and thereby irrelevant) son of the king. With no desire to rule, but nevertheless thoroughly enjoying the perks of his royal status, Dansin's life became a constant thread of decadent indulgence - an evergrowing source of frustration for his father.

TITLE || Princess
AGE || Twenty-Eight

BIOGRAPHY ||Born to parents with very little affection for one another, Raenna knew little of love until her sixteenth birthday, when she met a young knight named Devon. In spite of knowing she was fated to marry another, Raenna and Devon devised to elope, but only a few days before their proposed plan was carried out, Devon was sent to the front line of a small skirmish with (ANOTHER KINGDOM), never to return. Raenna, unknowningly pregnant at the time of Devon's death miscarried a son and though she married again, she never recovered from the loss and unable to produce an heir was discarded by her husband.

TITLE || Princess
AGE || Twenty-two

BIOGRAPHY ||Easily the most mildly tempered of her siblings, Audra has a tendency to blend into the background, getting lost in the fray of her family's dramatics. Currently Audra is betrothed to a prince from Slvern.

TITLE || Princess
AGE || Twenty

BIOGRAPHY ||The spare child. That's what they called her. Often in her life, Abrigel heard this particular moniker from many of her siblings, though the brunt of the animosity towards her came distinctly from the woman she called mother. Queen Amiera's outrage towards her second youngest was not difficult to figure out. The consequence of a father's love, misplaced in the arms of a common woman. Ordin took Abrigel in, but there was little question, at least for the Queen and her children that the red-headed young creature did not belong and it was a fact they have since made quite clear.

Beyond the occasional eye of her father, Abrigel was raised primarily by a young nursemaid named Gretchen, a woman with a considerable conscience, and a heart for the young princess, grossly neglected by her family. Of her siblings, the most unfortunate treatment comes primarily from her brother Dansin and sister Audra - though Raenna and Rosleigh have partaken in the isolating indifference, Crispin being the odd exception - gracing Abrigel with a kindness befitting a future king.

When Abrigel came of age, it was decided by her father (though greatly encouraged by the queen herself) that Abrigel would be suited to Wren Pavone, of Corvago, a match less than ideal for the timid, reserved young woman. Desperate to please her family, she made little protest, but as time began to run down, closer to the day of her wedding, Abrigel's anxiety increased exponentially, resulting in fitful dream and a heavy weight on her shoulders. While King Ordin has been careful to keep the information to himself, sworn to take it with him to his grave, there is more to Abrigel's past than even she's aware of.

TITLE || Princess
AGE || Sixteen

BIOGRAPHY ||A difficult birth, Rosleigh is a frail, fragile creature, kept highly sheltered by her mother. Often ill, she's seen little of the world beyond the palace, but often dreams of it, growing increasingly more anxious for freedom as the years go on.


TITLE || Queen
AGE ||Twenty-Eight

BIOGRAPHY ||Imeen was the first and only daughter of Queen Salvette Lorani, arguably Bastillos's most favored queen since Queen Rosel; the one that spearheaded the revolution that changed Bastillos for the better. Imeen has felt the pressure from her people to live up to the standards her mother and great grandmother presented to the society, and due to this has been living under a grand shadow. Her mother reigned over Bastillos for decades until she died at age 54 leaving 17-year-old Imeen as the rightful heir. Her father serves as a general in the army. She has three brothers, all of which no longer preside within Lumin. Her marriage was soon after her crowning per her father's advisement. It was not only to unite two kingdoms, but to provide another future queen so that Bastillos could carry on in their current state. The prince's death was met with many rumors, one of which was that Imeen herself hired the assassin to entice a war.

TITLE || Ward
AGE || Seventeen

BIOGRAPHY ||Riven came under the care of Queen Imeen just after the untimely death of her father; the former Captain of the Queen's Guard. Imeen felt directly responsible for his death, as it was the assassination attempt that killed her late husband. She was close to her father, and thus chose to bring her in rather than to leave her with nothing. Riven was the only child of Caspen and Liana Lore. Liana died during childbirth with their second child. The two were of the common folk, but worked hard to give Riven a happy life. Despite this, she had a tendency to rebel, often going out for days at a time to explore as she wishes to reject her future. This led to guilt in knowing she took her parents for granted.


TITLE || King
AGE || AGe


TITLE || Queen
AGE || AGe


TITLE || Prince
AGE || AGe


TITLE || Prince
AGE || AGe


TITLE || Prince
AGE || AGe



TITLE || King
AGE || AGe


TITLE || Queen
AGE || AGe



TITLE || King
AGE || AGe


TITLE || Queen
AGE || AGe


TITLE || Princess
AGE || AGe



TITLE || King
AGE || AGe



TITLE || Queen
AGE || AGe




⎈ The Forest Kingdom ⎈

CASTLE | Bright Hedge
RULER(s) | Christoff and Erilys Vance
LOCATION | Eastern Fable

CREST | Ethelemar's crest is a large ivory tree with golden leaves on a dark brown background.

DESCRIPTION | Ethelemar is located within the Eastern region of Fable on the border of the forest and the Wasslorien River, home to a large, mingled population.

The city is not walled, but the growth of trees surrounded Ethelemar are difficult to pass through with large garrisons of troops, horses or barrage weaponry. Within the city is a large shopping district, a massive library, a garden sanctuary containing numerous rare and exotic plant life, an observatory, and an abandoned Mage University.

The architecture relies heavily on wood and mud, and thatched roof cottages are widely among the chief building structure. In the center of Ethelemar, a large stone meeting hall was constructed, which can hold the vast majority of townspeople in the event of an attack.

CULTURE | Ethelemar gets the majority of it's crops and livestock from the Falmar Plains, with a diet consisting mainly of grains, fruits and vegetables, chickens, cows or sheep. Though there are restrictions on how many may be hunted per family, deer are also eaten.. During the warmest months, fish are a prevalent source of food, coming both from the Wasslorien River and Falmar Falls.

The city popular is a largely comprised of foresters and hunters, though other trade workers, such as blacksmiths and millers are common as well. They are a hard working culture, but not without a sense of frivolity. Festivals often take place within the city square or the palace courtyard, for both nobility and non-nobility, rife with food, music and sport. An annual ball is thrown within the palace, celebrating the union of King and Queen, the entire city invited to join, regardless of class or status.

Neither fashion nor art play a large part in Ethelemar's cultural make-up, but they pride themselves on their library and a garden rumored to be the largest within Fable. Medicine within Ethelemar is also more advanced than in most regions of Fable, and those who can afford them often employ personal physicians within their households.

Social hierarchy is less apparent within the city, with nobility blending in well with the common-folk. It is thought to have something to do with the sociable nature of the king and princess, who make it a point to visit even the more impoverished districts of the city as often as possible.

Weddings within Ethelemar are simple, while the celebrations there-after are anything but. The ceremony consists of a traditional hand-fasting, beneath a veil of golden fabric, with a priest offering vows for the couple to repeat, before they are pronounced married. The entire affair typically lasts less than a few minutes. The celebration, however, has been known to stretch on for days - the longest in Ethelemar's history lasting almost three and a half weeks, ending only when the bride twisted her ankle during a dance and needed medical attention for the injury.

DEMOGRAPHIC | Ethelemar's population is largely mixed, with no particular ethnic or cultural supremacy. Those within the Falmar Plains tend to show a darker skin tone, spending more time in open sunlight than those within the city. The people themselves are referred to as Ethelites.

CLIMATE | This region's climate is largely temperate, with warmer summers and cooler winters. Ethelemar also experiences year round rain, though most particularly in the time leading up to summer.

RELIGIOUS STRUCTURE | The religion within Ethelemar, like most of Fable, is monotheistic, mostly occurring within one's household environment, with Church largely reserved for weddings and funerals.

GEOGRAPHY | Ethelemar is located within the Falmar Forest, with Bright Hedge sitting between the treeline and the Wasslorien River. The city itself is surrounded by towering trees, known for their golden foliage in the autumn months, while the palace rests on the cliff of the river, often shrouded in a thin mist, drifting off the surface of the water. The Falmar Plains, named after the famous king, lie to the south of Ethelemar and to the west are the Falmar Falls - a towering waterfall, cascading into a deep, still lake.


Many years prior, Ethelemar was run by a wicked queen, Aladria. Her reign was challenged by her stepdaughter, who quickly won over the city populace, inciting them to wage war on the queen. With Aladria's defeat and subsequent banishment, magic was outlawed within the city limits. This opened the doors for talks between the other realms, and resulted in a blanket ban on magic throughout the land of Fable - though some kingdoms (particularly those to the East) were less inclined to participate, which has resulted in some strain on relations.

Before Aladria's reign, when Fable's political structure was much smaller, Lord Ivan Falmar was one of the four Chief Monarchs. So peaceful and just was his reign that he was memorialized not only within Ethelemar's boundaries, but further to the northwest, in the frozen realm of Falmar.

ARMY | Ethelemar possesses both foot soldiers and calvary, men of valor, trained early in childhood until their knighting ceremony upon the coming of age. Besides the army, there is also a private guard for each member of the royal household and a palace patrol comprised of the best of the knights.

CONFLICT | While the more well known version has been largely accepted as historical fact, there have been allegations that the circumstances behind the coup against Aladria were, in fact, manipulated by her step daughter. A rumor also exists, though had never been substantiated, that Eirlys is not, as she has suggested, the girl from the ball with the glass slipper.

Ethelemar is ruled over by King Christoffer (affectionately referred to as Charming) and his queen, Eirlys. Christoffer was born the only son of a wealthy Lord beyond the glass sea. As a child, his family took up land and residence within the region of Ethelemar. Before his eighteenth birthday, Christof's parents arranged for him to marry, but determined that his future should not be left up to an arrangement of fortune or convenience, the young Lord was able to convince his father to allow him the opportunity to find a bride of his own choosing. An extravagant ball was thrown and it was there that Cristof came across a fair creature who almost immediately won his heart. Unfortunately and mysteriously, the girl fled the ball before Cristof could learn her name, leaving behind only a solid glass shoe on the steps of the palace. Set on finding her, Cristof began a hunt throughout the kingdoms for the maiden, and after an exhaustive search he found a princess whose foot fit the majestic slipper... The pair were married, their land combined, Ethelemar growing vastly in size.

The royal family, including their daughter, Princess Roslyn reside in Bright Hedge - a sprawling palace sheltered in the shadow of the mountains of Wasslorien. Beneath the palace foundation are a series of tunnels and caverns, leading up into the mountains - currently, these are kept under guard, or locked gates.


South of Ethelemar lie the fertile grounds of the Falmar Plains - home to the vast majority of Ethelemar's livestock and farmland. Here, most of Ethelemar's crops are sown, the majority of which consist of hearty root vegetables and wheat. Twice yearly they are harvested in what is known as the Gathering, a festival that culminates in a massive feast within Ethelemar's town center.

Destroyed in a fire many years ago, the land in southwestern corner of the plains (located near Falmar Falls) is largely unusable, comprised mainly of thorny bushes and thistle weed.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, quam vestibulum risus nec donec non cursus, volutpat posuere turpis aliquam nibh. Turpis mauris a eros libero. Auctor senectus. Curabitur ut tristique non ut non mauris, nascetur sapien, pretium augue mauris lobortis egestas risus aliquam, elit mattis maecenas integer veritatis sit. Viverra elementum est in quam nemo placerat, sed lectus mi at tristique massa, urna eros lacinia. Quam malesuada eros ornare malesuada ut nisl, et lorem feugiat qui, nibh pulvinar. Wisi vehicula a sed, non vestibulum lacus in, consectetuer erat, lectus lectus arcu mi interdum, rhoncus varius senectus ornare mollis mi.

Feugiat nunc tortor, volutpat id mauris, interdum eget nam. Erat sit ante mus eu purus, elit vehicula eleifend quam nascetur dui, mi ac sed. Lacinia ut proin pulvinar, sem pede, hendrerit elementum. Porta lacus, leo et tellus eu massa maecenas. Vehicula vel a velit rutrum cras, cursus ligula elit consequat scelerisque. Amet non habitant tincidunt, sit praesent enim sociis, nec tortor sit arcu massa, cum id, vestibulum est. Eget sit amet faucibus interdum aliquam, auctor lobortis proin orci phasellus lacus odio.

Nonummy mi, vivamus semper consectetuer ante tortor, mi bibendum orci cupidatat, dignissim est dictum condimentum. Nulla egestas sit bibendum nisl, et pede vehicula non, vitae in ac dictum vel integer integer, sapien bibendum torquent consequat hendrerit, elit hymenaeos adipiscing in ut ut. Condimentum tellus, ut porttitor enim, viverra nec sodales in aliquet, dui laoreet quam eget. Ut euismod nisl elit, vulputate vivamus pellentesque, aliquam sem aut turpis massa. Ut laoreet amet et eu, dolor risus consequat nulla vitae mattis vel, praesent quis nunc duis nunc urna odio, nascetur euismod lorem tellus wisi, mauris a sodales. Id nam vitae ultricies, et mauris mollis ullamcorper volutpat urna, libero a sociis, nihil lacus ornare lobortis beatae varius. Pede quam suspendisse cursus, quo elit placerat ut nec suspendisse. Nunc vestibulum, tellus ut dictum neque felis luctus, dui diam nisl fringilla elit, et curabitur augue, mi felis pede. Ante quis. Praesent quam in, augue porta donec phasellus, interdum congue facilisis quam vulputate nec, lacus quam wisi dolor velit. Volutpat phasellus mauris interdum, dapibus sed at, justo sit quam vitae, porttitor per.


Name ||
Nickname ||
Age ||
Species ||
Occupation ||



Eye Color ||
Hair Color ||
Height ||
Weight ||

Written Appearance || Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, quam vestibulum risus nec donec non cursus, volutpat posuere turpis aliquam nibh. Turpis mauris a eros libero. Auctor senectus.

Curabitur ut tristique non ut non mauris, nascetur sapien, pretium augue mauris lobortis egestas risus aliquam, elit mattis maecenas integer veritatis sit. Viverra elementum est in quam nemo placerat, sed lectus mi at tristique massa, urna eros lacinia.

Quam malesuada eros ornare malesuada ut nisl, et lorem feugiat qui, nibh pulvinar. Wisi vehicula a sed, non vestibulum lacus in, consectetuer erat, lectus lectus arcu mi interdum, rhoncus varius senectus ornare mollis mi.

Personality Traits ||

Strengths ||

Weaknesses ||

Quirks ||

Writing sample goes here. Please use 3rd person, present tense, from THIS specific character.

Bless Jihae for the starting base behind this code​

AGE || Number
PROFESSION || Location

HISTORY || Purus aptent, odio ligula orci. Aliquam porttitor erat. Lacus tempus neque, metus varius a quam purus fermentum, a voluptatibus dolor turpis turpis, sed malesuada varius nunc lobortis ligula vel. Pulvinar ut libero ut nonummy quisque ultrices, sodales tellus porta felis ac, non sapien feugiat, vel eget eleifend tortor condimentum, mollis accumsan id porttitor odio.

Eget nulla mi sem ullamcorper mollis eu, commodo odio nec, convallis tortor, vestibulum volutpat arcu fringilla pretium elementum sed. Eros suscipit rutrum vitae suspendisse pede duis, quam blandit donec, leo suspendisse massa sed integer, lectus sed, odio quis per nunc leo est. Donec magna fames nisl mus, dolor urna turpis donec arcu sagittis, fermentum metus platea sociosqu, mollis mollis enim.


Words words words
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AGE || Twenty

HISTORY || Arabella Dane was born the only child of Merry Dane - a village blacksmith, taken by the lusts of youth and a whore gone by the name of Eliana. Their romance was brief and ended in a child, left to Merry in a basket. Despite this hardship, never did a father love his child more than Merry loved Arabella. Her childhood was a happy one, and though they never had much, her life was full.

While work was good, their fortune was not, and in time, Arabella was forced to take up employment as a servant, earning a meager but sufficient keep. Three months before her eighteenth birthday, while assisting her father in his shop, Arabella was propositioned by a nobleman. Outraged, Merry sent the nobleman away, but the man returned shortly thereafter and murdered the blacksmith in his sleep, a fate Arabella escaped only after due to the interference of a stranger.

Despondent, Arabella blamed herself, sinking deep down into herself, her focus fixed with near obsessive control on her work. Now, three years later, Arabella continues to struggle with the guilt of her father's death and surviving on her own. Eventually, through hard work and dedication, she came upon employment within the royal household - a servants position, a pittance... but better than her previous jobs.

Then the letter arrived...


Thank you Very Much, oh Mr. Roboto...
Cin'sell a kidney for them pretty, pretty fonts.
BarriOH so fiiiine
Oswaldarn good font
Raleway to go, Iwaku!
These ARE the droids you're looking for
No Caveat here...
There can only be Fjalla One
Dosis an awesome font
No Inconsolata for lack of Google fonts

I ran out of clever puns.
But here..,
Have some more delicious fonts.

Now does it work in Div?


This is a Beautiful Test

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, nascetur arcu quam pellentesque mauris sed faucibus, platea vivamus ultricies eu nec nec dolorum. Sed donec semper faucibus debitis, mi sit turpis convallis integer mi, pede libero imperdiet duis integer. Tempus fusce curabitur morbi conubia, consectetuer wisi libero turpis, ante orci. Dolor sed aliquet natoque, nam nec massa. Justo eget lacus enim, purus accumsan id quis eget lorem in, commodo consequat sem id ac bibendum phasellus, consectetuer semper, aenean ipsum. Vestibulum commodo integer auctor sit facilisis, cum molestie, lacus non cras eget, interdum nunc tempus. At ante nunc, ante imperdiet.

Enim curabitur platea, enim donec etiam. Curabitur adipiscing, sem pretium nisl. At lectus morbi ut, tristique vitae arcu amet tortor quis, ipsum quisque elementum orci, vitae in suspendisse faucibus hendrerit gravida, sed vestibulum suspendisse vitae nullam id amet. Vitae nam ultricies unde orci.

Last edited:
The Storylines:
These are the storylines I'm looking to introduce. Nothing is set in stone, and I will be adding more as time goes on and storylines are completed, so if nothing jumps out at you, be sure to come back later and check out the list. The character -I'm- looking to play will be the character in bold. All my pairings will be FxM. If you have questions, please feel free to ask here, or PM me. The rating system indicates which storylines hold the most interest for me. This does not mean that storylines with a lower rating will receive any less attention or dedication, some just have a special place in my heart. I am also open to suggestions on storylines, though I would prefer that those are PM'd to me. Below this list is a selection of character types I will absolutely not play with. [row][column=span4][border=2px solid #66bbbb][bg=#66bbbb][h]The Candidate[/h][/bg]
Politician's Daughter x Private Investigator​
Genre: Suspense
The daughter of a Presidential Candidate hires a private investigator to look in to the unexpected death of her father, after she begins to suspect the fatal car crash that claimed his life was not accidental.
[/border][/column] [column=span4][border=2px solid #66bbbb][bg=#66bbbb][h]Warped[/h][/bg]
Wife x Husband​
Genre: Suspense/Mystery
A woman returns home to her husband after suffering a head injury on a business trip. A few days later, she begins to experience a strange phenomenon where upon waking, her mind is overtaken by the memories of a stranger.
[/border][/column][/row] [row][column=span4][border=2px solid #66bbbb][bg=#66bbbb][h]Patriot Games[/h][/bg]
Widow x Family Friend​
Genre: Suspense/Drama
When the widow of a soldier begins to care for his best friend and comrade, the pair reforms a bond once forged in their youth. That bond is tested when her husband suddenly returns, very much alive, but drastically different.
[/border][/column] [column=span4][border=2px solid #66bbbb][bg=#66bbbb][h]What Shapes Us[/h][/bg]
Preacher's Daughter x Delinquent​
Genre: Slice of Life/Drama
When a young boy is sentenced to community service, rebuilding a church he accidentally burnt down, he runs up against the feisty daughter of a Preacher, who seems determined at all costs to make him see the fault in his wayward behavior.
[/border][/column][/row] [row][column=span4][border=2px solid #66bbbb][bg=#66bbbb][h]Cat and Mouse[/h][/bg]
Thief x FBI Agent​
Genre: Suspense/Action
An Agent's hunt for an elusive thief has nearly become an obsession, but when she turns herself in and makes a deal to become a Criminal Information, he suspects her motives may be less than genuine.
[/border][/column] [column=span4][border=2px solid #66bbbb][bg=#66bbbb][h]What's Left of Me[/h][/bg]
Sailor x Young Woman​
Genre: Suspense/Mystery
After a shipwreck leaves him with no recollection of who he is, a young man begins a cross country hunt for the one memory he has left, a girl in a faded photograph. Along the way, he is aided by a young woman who rescued him.
[/border][/column][/row] [row][column=span4][border=2px solid #66bbbb][bg=#66bbbb][h]Dangerous Reflections[/h][/bg]
Officer x District Attorney​
Genre: Suspense/Action
A young officer begins to suspect she is suffering from delusions when she experiences episodes of fugues. After her partner is killed and she was the last one to be seen with him, she seeks help from her ex-boyfriend, a district attorney with a cold disposition towards her.
[/border][/column] [column=span4][border=2px solid #66bbbb][bg=#66bbbb][h]Cypher[/h][/bg]
Young woman x Young man​
Genre: Suspense/Mystery
A young girl's father dies, but not before leaving her with the knowledge of a secret treasure and the cypher key which will give her access to it. She is forced to go on the run, however, when this information falls into the wrong hands - her only ally found in the most unlikely person... a perfect stranger.
[/border][/column][/row] [row][column=span4][border=2px solid #66bbbb][bg=#66bbbb][h]The Horizon Beckons[/h][/bg]
Woman x Man​
Genre: Suspense/Action
It was a free cruise. All inclusive, six days, seven nights along the Caribbean coast... the trip of lifetime. Unfortunately, not all good things stay that way. When the ship is hijacked by heavily armed pirates, the passengers find themselves in an impossible situation - held hostage in the middle of the ocean, with no help on the horizon.
[/border][/column] [column=span4][border=2px solid #66bbbb][bg=#66bbbb][h]Cruise Control[/h][/bg]
Young woman x Young man​
Genre: Suspense/Mystery
A young man takes a routine pit stop at a gas station on a long road trip to see his family. Filling up on gas and snacks, he never anticipated trouble, but when he returns to his car, he finds he's no longer driving solo - and his uninvited passenger is desperate... and armed.
[/border][/column][/row] [row][column=span4][border=2px solid #66bbbb][bg=#66bbbb][h]Derailed[/h][/bg]
Woman x Man​
Genre: Suspense/Mystery
A train through the European countryside turns ugly when a body shows up - No one seems to remember the victim, and his name doesn't show up on the travelers manifest, but one thing apparent, someone wanted him dead... and the murderer is still on board.
[/border][/column] [column=span4][border=2px solid #66bbbb][bg=#66bbbb][h]Under the Willow[/h][/bg]
Young woman x Officer​
Genre: Suspense/Mystery
After several years away, a young woman returns to her small hometown after the death of her father. What she finds when she gets there is a world she hardly recognizes - and things go from bad to worse when she discovers her father's death might not have been an accident. Desperate to find answers, she turns to the one person who can help - a rookie cop... who happens to be her ex-husband.
[/border][/column][/row] [row][column=span4][border=2px solid #66bbbb][bg=#66bbbb][h]Distant Shores[/h][/bg]
Princess x Sailor​
Genre: Fantasy/Adventure
Raised on an island, virtually alone, the daughter of a ruthless king has spent her entire existence believing men are monsters who live only to rob women of their virtue and their lives. When one washes up on shore after a shipwreck, however, the lies begin to unravel and steadily she begins to see the true monster is the man who trapped her on that island.
[/border][/column] [column=span4][border=2px solid #66bbbb][bg=#66bbbb][h]Blackout[/h][/bg]
Young woman x Young man​
Genre: Suspense/Action
For six months now, the city of Dell has been without electricity. Things have gone from bad to worse, with crime escalating to a point where the police have all but given up. The best hope for survival is escaping the city - but the man in charge doesn't want that happening and he'll do anything to prevent it... including murder. When a young man's mother falls violently ill and the only cure is miles outside of Dell, he teams up with a young runaway with one too many secrets, to try and defy the odds.
[/border][/column][/row] [row][column=span4][border=2px solid #66bbbb][bg=#66bbbb][h]Spy Versus...[/h][/bg]
Spy x Young Man​
Genre: Action/Espionage
When a young man accidentally stumbles upon a secret, he becomes a target for the government. Tasked with eliminating this man, a CIA agent finds herself in a predicament... a battle of ethics, upon discovering he's just an ordinary, average Joe, with no idea the trouble he's put himself in.
[/border][/column] [column=span4][border=2px solid #66bbbb][bg=#66bbbb][h]Under the Spotlight[/h][/bg]
Actress x Security Guard​
Genre: Suspense/Action
A young up and coming actress runs into trouble when she realizes she's being stalked by an overzealous fan. Things go from bad to worse when, after hiring a security guard protect her, people around her begin dropping dead.
[/border][/column][/row] [row][column=span4][border=2px solid #66bbbb][bg=#66bbbb][h]Mister Roboto...[/h][/bg]
Young Man x Young Woman​
Genre: Action/Sci-fi
A man wakes up in a laboratory with no memory of who he is or how he got there. Escaping the facility, he goes on the run, but before he can get far, he's hit by a car. Before the owner of the vehicle can call for help, a van of government agents arrives, and the man comes to. The man cooperates, but when he overhears the agents discussing the need to eliminate the woman, he realizes fleeing is their only option.
[/border][/column] [column=span4][border=2px solid #66bbbb][bg=#66bbbb][h]Beneath the Golden Sands[/h][/bg]
Archaeologist x Treasure Hunter​
Genre: Suspense/Action
[/border][/column][/row] [row][column=span4][border=2px solid #66bbbb][bg=#66bbbb][h]Cry Wolf[/h][/bg]
Young Woman x Young Man​
Genre: Mystery/Suspense
She went on vacation to relax... to forget about the nightmare year she'd had. When a young boy at her hotel approached her, claiming he needed her help, she hardly put much thought to what seemed to be a cry for attention. But when boy's nanny shows up dead and the boy missing, she realizes he was telling the truth and it's only a matter of time before it's too late to save him. Matters become more disconcerting when no one at the hotel can remember the boy... Her only ally in finding him is a hotel bellhop with something to prove, a man with a troubled past and a penchant for exaggerating the truth.
[/border][/column] [column=span4][border=2px solid #66bbbb][bg=#66bbbb][h]Barren Earth[/h][/bg]
Young Woman x Young Man​
Genre: Futuristic/Suspense
It started because of overpopulation. First the lottery went out to determine which lucky citizens would be harvested for breeding. Then, with these select men and women kept in a secure bunker beneath the earth, the rest of the world was sterilized - and procreation outlawed, a crime worthy of death. It shouldn't have been an issue, except when it was discovered the sterilizing didn't work on everyone.
[/border][/column][/row] [row][column=span4][border=2px solid #66bbbb][bg=#66bbbb][h]Human Nature[/h][/bg]
Detective x Young Man​
Genre: Mystery/Suspense
When she was fourteen, she was rescued from certain death by a mysterious creature... a man with beastlike deformities, a fact no one believed and over time, she grew to think she had imagined, herself. Several years later, however, now a detective, she begins to hear rumors that this creature had been seen by others... in the city she now calls home. What seems a coincidence turns out to be so much more when it becomes apparent this creature, this man has been intentionally keeping tabs on her.
[/border][/column] [column=span4][border=2px solid #66bbbb][bg=#66bbbb][h]Two Graves[/h][/bg]
Young Woman x Young Man​
Genre: Futuristic/Suspense
When her father was wrongfully imprisoned and killed behind bars, his daughter swore that she would do everything in her power to find a way to restore his good name and reek vengeance on those responsible. Her quest takes her to Southern California where she's set her sights on a young man... the son of the man and woman largely responsible for her father's false conviction.

|| Name || Erzsabet 'Betty' Saint James || Role || Watcher || Age || Twenty-Eight
|| Gender || Female || Sexuality || Hetero || Race || Human/Hungarian-American

Written Description ||

Betty is undeniably beautiful - flawless pale skin, unblemished but for a beauty mark at the base of her throat, where neck and collar bone meet. Her hair hangs to just below her shoulders, a glossy black usually pinned into an updo, her eyes gaslight blue and rimmed by dark lashes and thick brows. Her form is slender, a well proportioned hour-glass figure, with a full bust and hips and a narrow waist and long, willow arms and legs. She stands at roughly 5'4", but carries herself with the confidence of someone much taller. Her wardrobe generally shifts with her mood, ranging from sophisticated to almost costume like, and Betty is rarely ever seen without her make up and hair done.

While she bears a formidable confidence, Betty is not without both eccentricity and vain self-consciousness. She hates her elbows - finds them too sharply pointed and she swears up and down that one of her eyes is far larger than the other. She also almost never wears flat shoes, even when heels would seem impractical, because she abhors feeling like the shortest person in the room.

Personality ||

Betty is every bit the actress, her personality never quite the same one moment from the next. She is everything and nothing expected - bubbly and bright, but also cool and clever... as interchangeable as a mask. Because of this, she's a remarkably easy person to like, on the surface, but extremely difficult to get to know on a deeper level. She's built up walls over the years, to avoid the damaging fallout from her troublesome relationships and is all too conscious of self-preservation.

Despite those walls, Betty yearns for the comforts of life and enjoys the company of others. She's friendly, when it suits her and, in the rare event she is able to connect with someone, is intensely loyal and compassionate towards her friends. Her love for the finer things, however, can give the impression of spoiled condescension. Never limiting her luxury, Betty gravitates towards the gaudy and extravagant, from her costumes, to her every day gowns and pant-suits down to her sleepwear.

Always prepared for trouble (or keen to impress), she keeps on her person a small collection of slight-of-hand materials, as well as a lock-pick set. She is almost never seen with her hands empty and is typically fidgeting with something. Betty is an avid smoker, but rarely in public. She does not drink.

Her troubling past keeps her on edge and because of this she is extremely closed off. As well, she sleeps poorly and often has nightmares. Because of her fame and her abilities, she can be cocky and is not without her "Prima Donna" moments, though considerably less so now that she's returned to small time work. She is intensely afraid of water, following a drowning accident that nearly ended her life. She fears dangerous men, the exposure of her secrets, and any and all limitations.

Privately, she hopes to escape her past and the memories that haunt her, and dreams of a life filled with notoriety, passion and a large manor on a quiet hill. Her abilities are without question, though not to say supernatural - Simply put, she has a gift for manipulation and is a remarkably talented grifter, able to change her personality at the drop of dime, as seamlessly as slipping on a new pair of shoes.