Most of my photos turn out making me look like a drunken idiot, even though I am sober in most of them. So I took some after work. . . They look kinda myspacey, but at least my eyes are open. ._.
Hey, it's that asshat!
Myspace 101: Is the lighting bad in your photo? Fade color that shit!
Was hanging out with Chaske Spencer yesterday. We were having a Language Summit (TO TRY AND PRESERVE OUR DYING LANGUAGE HUR HUR) and he was one of the guest speakers. Chaske plays Sam Uley, the werewolf leader in twilight. He used to go to school here until his family moved.
Despite not being a twilight fan....I am a fan of hot guys. Hold me tighter, Chaske...
I made him laugh and get his hee-haw on. The rest of the girls looked like they wanted to knife me.
This was a Headphone Disco... or something like that. It was kinda cool until you took the headphones off, when you suddenly realised you were in a room full of singing, dancing morons.
I'm extremely tired. I have a lazy eye, yes. Don't make fun. I did absolutely nothing all day, but I'm tired. The one night I got to sleep in, I had to wake up early. FFS.