Pet Peeves

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o_o I honestly didn't hear anything about anyone saying bad things about David Bowie recently. All I ever saw was posts from people who loved and respected him. What happened?
David Bowie had sex with a 15 year old girl in the 1970s. Under the law - and to many people morally - that's rape. Note I am not looking to get into an argument about this, I am simply stating a fact in an effort to answer your question.
o_o I honestly didn't hear anything about anyone saying bad things about David Bowie recently. All I ever saw was posts from people who loved and respected him. What happened?
Angie Bowie had come out and stated that while she and David were together that he had abused her and nearly killed her at one point. I called bullshit on it for several reasons.

Some people were also calling David a rapist because he had sex with a 17 year old girl back in the 70s. This same girl was actually contacted not too long after David died and she still doesn't regret it to this day and apparently knew exactly what she was doing so I highly doubt that was rape. As for statutory rape, the law depends on the location and in most states, I'm pretty sure 17 is the legal age. Plus this was in the 70s so the laws were obviously different then.
David Bowie had sex with a 15 year old girl in the 1970s. Under the law - and to many people morally - that's rape. Note I am not looking to get into an argument about this, I am simply stating a fact in an effort to answer your question.
Angie Bowie had come out and stated that while she and David were together that he had abused her and nearly killed her at one point. I called bullshit on it for several reasons.

Some people were also calling David a rapist because he had sex with a 17 year old girl back in the 70s. This same girl was actually contacted not too long after David died and she still doesn't regret it to this day and apparently knew exactly what she was doing so I highly doubt that was rape.
Oh. I see.
I could make a list for days about this >> a lot of them doing just with work.

B)After cleaning someone says my place is a mess, because there are piles of stuff I've put in spots so I can find them again D<
C) People who come to drive thru and don't know what they want and hold up the line.
D) People who come to drive thru and don't speak English well. I CAN'T SEE YOU SO YOUR MUFFLED QUIET CONFUSED VOICE IS NOT MAKING THIS EASIER.
E) When I'm in my study mode and getting a lot of stuff done and someone wants me to stop what I'm doing.
F) When my cat tries to sleep on the bed. He always attacks my feet if they move and will not sleep on Rain's side of the bed D<
. . . I'll stop there for now >>

Also guys back on topic please.
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This! It's a man thing. My husband tells me all the time it's because he doesn't use as much toilet paper as me and the girls do.....
Oh he'll pull out another roll just put it beside the toilet -____- BUT I STILL LOVE YOU RAIN <3 Cause I know I do things that drive you crazy too XD
If you have something to say or something's bothering you, come out and say it! There is nothing more annoying then when a person tries to make you jump through hoops to figure out what's bothering them.
People trying to talk to me in public when I have headphones on and am reading or doing shit on my phone. The people who try to talk to me despite those barriers are almost never after anything important, they just want to randomly chat with a stranger about whatever. I hate it.
Handsy People - I have a few simple rules when someone is in my presence; don't touch me and don't touch my things. Its not a hard concept to understand.

Also repeating myself. I can understand that you haven't understood the first time - I can repeat once. Twice? Pushing your luck... THREE TIMES?? ARE YOU EVEN TRYING TO LISTEN??

People who don't push their chairs back. Did you roll a 4 in your Strength as a Barbarian and now you can't push back a fucking office chair that has wheels??? Are you a SAVAGE??

Since my job consists of typing all day and having above average grammar, syntax, and spelling -- whenever I see "their" instead of "there" or "than" instead of "then" or "your" instead of "you're" or "its" instead of "it's" OMG IT DRIVES ME NUTS and basically if you write constantly you know without any commas or periods for a really long time I mean don't you know what punctuation is it's like a punch between words that allow you to throw your opponent down so yes please use punctuation bitches because IT'S ANNOYING ASFUCK.

A few things really.

1. Text speak. I can barely tolerate it in actual texts. Anywhere else, and I just can't deal with it. I don't care if you actually said something intelligent, text speak makes you look(to me at least) like a teenage girl who couldn't pass their third grade english test.

2. Undocumented code. As a kind of new coder, it annoys me to no end to see code that has no documentation or comments. If you know what your code does, there is no reason you can't put a couple words next to it in a comment that explains what it does...

3. Kinda goes along with number one, but bad grammar and/or spelling. No, I'm not talking about grammar nazi levels. But if you are posting on a public forum for thousands of people to see(Not just Iwaku, but sites like reddit and even Facebook), the very least you could do is follow your browser's built in spell check.

4. Cursing in a argument/debate. Soon as the first f bomb is dropped, as far I'm concerned, you've lost.
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4. Cursing in a argument/debate. Soon as the first f bomb is dropped, as far I'm concerned, you've lost.
Aye, totally agree here. I don't mind people cursing, honestly, but not at serious times.

People glued to their phone as they are driving nearly causing an accident.
Seen this more than enough times. >.> Scares the heck out of me.
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Here's one about roleplaying (what a surprise!)

I really don't like it when my character thinks something and the other person's character somehow seems to be able to know what's going on in my char's mind. Just no. Please.
When people try to hug me and I ask them not to/explain that I don't enjoy hugs but they laugh and hug me anyways. Any invasions of my personal space, really.

Or when people get off on being antagonistic. I don't know what they're trying to accomplish exactly, it's just really tiring.
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Here. I'll dump a whole bunch of pet peeves. I have plenty, don't mean anybody else needs to be held to them, though.

  • Sometimes I like being alone. So leave me alone. Yes, it may mean I'm feeling sorrowful at that particular time. No, you barging into my life and going "BE HAPPY BE HAPPY" don't fix shit, you glue sniffing paint licking door fucker. Just leave me alone, I'll sort my own shit out, and be back in a while. If we were supposed to be happy all our lives, sadness would be a disorder instead of a fact of life.

  • "You should respect X group" from people who don't belong to that group. Depending on the crowd I'm in, I'll curtail my speech or humour (or at least attempt to) in order to placate to the personal comforts of said crowd, so long as the requests are respectable and reasonable. Somebody wants me to refer to them as Xer? A'ight. I don't get it, but I'll do it just to be tolerant and kind. Golden rule n' all that. I am not, however, going to respect someone's attempts at white knighting an entire collective group of people they aren't even a part of just to fulfill their daily self-righteousness quota. "You can't make jokes about 9/11" says the guy who was not at all involved with 9/11 in any measurable sense. Fuck you, I can joke about whatever the hell I want, if you don't like it, stop listening to it. Besides, I'm being far more respectful to that group than you are anyway, since I'm treating them like adults--equal to everyone else--capable of speaking for themselves to me, while you're infantalizing them all and not allowing them to ever get past their own issues with whatever I've just said. Let individual people who belong to those groups tell me about their individual preferences. I've had black people call me "my nigga" for fucks sake, it's obvious there's no universal social standards, stop trying to apply them on me. You dick.

  • "Everybody's a winner!" "We have to ensure that children grow up without any threat to their self-confidence!" "We need to protect children from bullies, instead of teaching them how to deal with bullying that they'll deal with all their lives!" "Children should be taught that nobody is wrong!" You're the cancer killing modern society. Gtfo.

  • "I'm offended/That's problematic." Not that these terms are inherently evil or bad by any stretch--if someone comes to me privately and says those terms I'm liable to shrug and talk with them, accept it at face value. However, seeing these buzzwords in, say, a news article, drives me up the fucking wall. Being offended or something being "problematic" (as vague as that word fucking is) is no justification for whatever dumbass shit you're about to say next, in spite of it being used as such. I'm offended by the word "problematic" I find it quite triggering, pretty sure that's not a legitimate reason to stop using the word. Whenever I have to use these words I typically double check the dictionary to ensure I can't use any other word instead.

  • Gonna have to agree with everyone about the whole personal space thing. I don't like being touched by people I don't know. Hell, I even have boundaries with people I do know. I'll tolerate it if that's your "thing" but I ain't gonna enjoy it bucko.

  • MTV. What the fuck happened to playing music? Why are you a political soapbox now? What the fuck. Just seeing your searing looks and judgmental faces is enough to piss me off.

  • "Video Games/Music/Movies/D&D/Bar Codes/Books cause [insert negative thing related to violence or sexual conduct here]." It never fucking ends, does it? This is the quickest way to make me stop respecting your capacity for thought, if you happen to possess any whilst spouting this crap. Please stop. Art reflects life, not the other way around, you morons. Also, I'm not joking about the bar codes thing. There were Christian cults back in the 70's/80's who thought that Bar Codes on products secretly hid the number "666" between each line, thus allowing Satan into your life somehow. No, really. This is about how rational people bitching about modern media sound to me, you're on part with the 666 bar code people. Now stop shouting it at me, and leave me alone, would you? Stop fucking with all the things I like just because it offends you.

  • "I'm going to post in your role play tomorrow." Tomorrow never comes, does it, motherfucker? Do you have a couple hours to spare? Good, fuckin' post then. Sheesh. Why is it like pulling teeth with some people? I'm the GM, I have a hell of a lot of shit to do, please don't make me babysit you because you can't be arsed to write a post once a week.
Role-play related:

People acting like their way of role-playing is the only/best way of role-playing. I was definitely guilty of this when I was younger and pretentious as hell; I figured if you weren't 'advanced,' then you shouldn't be role-playing at all. Christ, this is so douchey. Not even in the 'advanced or bust' sense; people who think romance role-plays are bad because they're too fluffy, and that they aren't 'real' role-plays because there's 'too much' focus on romance and sex. People who think chat RP is bad because it's not lengthy, immaculate prose. People who think traditional/medieval/group role-plays are dumb because they're 'too nerdy'. People who think folks who like to role-play smut are just perverts, and shouldn't be allowed to practice the craft or call themselves role-players.

The list goes on.

This attitude stinks. Stop it. Let people role-play how they fuckin' want to. Just because you role-play one way does not mean that everyone who role-plays a different way isn't doing it right. There is no 'right' way to role-play. It's a fucking hobby, one that takes many forms. We aren't writing novels here. If you don't like how someone role-plays, don't role-play with them.
Here's one about roleplaying (what a surprise!)

I really don't like it when my character thinks something and the other person's character somehow seems to be able to know what's going on in my char's mind. Just no. Please.
This so much! I luckily only ran into this case once.
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My Pet Peeves:

1) not enough Neil Breen/M.Night Movies.

2) Kurt Cobain. He really liked to shoot his mouth off.

3) Not making a documentary titled "Living in The Fast Lane" about Princess Diana.
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When my kid falls into gorilla enclosures

Slow drivers in the passing lane. Get your lethargic 10 under ass in the driving line you pond scum. You're backing up traffic.

People who slow down to gawk at accidents and back up traffic.

Giant RVs that dominate the roads in the summer. Buy a tent and enjoy the outdoors, you entitled rich asshole.

Music snobs and people who only think their preferred genre of music is legitimate.

Autotune. Nuff said.

Online discussion boards, the unholy hellscape where confirmation bias flurishes and objectivity goes to die.

Fandoms, the breeding grounds of entitled assholes who bitch and throw tantrums about the things they claim to love being ruined or producers/ developers/ artists sucking, selling out, whatever and harassing people over it. Get over yourselves.

Groups in public areas that walk side by side and take up most of the area so you can't get by.

Drivers who drive mach 12 and cut people off and weave in and out of traffic.

People who are texting and driving. Fuck you.

Small dogs who yap constantly in their shitty owners who don't train them.

Children screaming and crying. Shut up and climb up my chimney with a toothbrush, runt.

That moment when you realize a comedian you like recycles a lot of their jokes and suddenly can't even make you do more than lightly chuckle. Shit.

The fact I can't buy a new video game, come home from the door and immediately play it. I have to spend hours downloading several gigs of that shit.

When you're in public and you see that woman with the "I want to speak to your manager" haircut walk towards customer service. Rest in peace, noble soul.

People who argue with customer service people over trivial bullshit. God forbid your can of tomato soup cost ten cents more than the tag the harried, overworked and underpaid workers hadn't had a chance to change. Also, don't eat your entire meal before complaining about it.

People who wear so much purfume or cologne it makes me feel like I travelled through time and am reliving the battle of the Somme.

When you make plans and people bail on yiu last minute all the damn time.

Truck nuts.

Wine snobs.

When people use your lawn as a shortcut.

Hearing the same song 5 times in a work day on the radio.

Imma shut up now.
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People who slow down to gawk at accidents and back up traffic.
This >.< Ticks me off. Someone's misery becoming another's entertainment. Unless you're planning on helping, go away.
More and more.

Broken promises. Please, please if you have no intention of following through do not make promises at all.

Leaving hair on the soap, not a piece a lot.

Letting the garbage pile up until the bag is overflowing.


Family feeling the need to dictate how you should live your life.
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