Person Above Me

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<< I can be a heartless sob sometimes, although I try not to.

<< Has done many things he is ashamed of in the past.

VV Is tattooed
^ Yes I am

< Does not regret getting his tatoo even though t hurt like hell (anisthesia is for wimps_

V Will help me choose my next tatoo
^ Nope. I'm awfully laid back...
^ You have a tattoo?
< Is having a sore back from leaning over the laptop for too long...
V Would not survive without the internet.
^^ I wouldn't like to survive without it, But I'm sure I could.

<< Has trouble sleeping....

V V Can give me a good tip on falling asleep.
^ music...o.o
< Just got a radio again...-_-
V Likes lemon cookies!
^ Erm.... not really.
< Had a tough day at work
V had a tough day at school/work and wishes it were the weekend already?
^^ First day back to work after the holiday, Its always tough.

<< Wishes it was always the weekend ((Im so LAZY))

V V Loves their job
^ I wouldn't say love, but its been a hobby for the last 10 years before it becane a job
< Is doing his visa
V Will shelter me if I have to flee the country
^- Depends what I'd get out of it.
<-Is his first time posting on this game.
V- Is super awesome but not in the least modest.
^ Is totally correct. :D
< Has issues with passive people being ridiculously passive.
^ Damn right you good for nothing admin you, now about that sandwidge...

<Is hungy and just wishes this course would END.....

VWill join me for pizza later
Hell yeah! Oh I cant wait.. No wait, whos pay'n?

The persone below me will spot me a $20 to cover the pizza, just in case.
^^ Sure,as long as i can come too.

< < wants pizza.

VV Is hungry.
^ *Burp* not realy

< Has a pizza party developing

V Will join or die
^Can't make anyone die or join since it's been five days since the party.

< Likes the cold weather that has moved in.

V Likes warmer weather better?
^^ I Like the Coldness ((As long as I have a good jacket))

< < Is very much enjoying the cold nights, but the mornings.....not so much!

V V Has seen snow in the last year.
^ wrong, never seen snow.... >_>

< wants so see snow

V will go with me to somewhere cold.....
< Just heard a snow advisory on the radio
V Will kiss my boots
^Is boss!
< Feels really old for still using "boss" and better be getting paid for that boot fiasco or else.
V Has a tongue ring!
< hates tongue rings...
V Wants to know why they were put on Earth...
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