Pax Vampira

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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Yeah, we're waiting specifically for those people who have posted character sheets in this thread.

internet's being silly again. Might take sometime. *Throws a hissy fit*
I didn't even realize that the posting had opened.... *kicks alerts* I will watch the new thread and figure out how I am going to my character gets involved.
Yeah, I was in the same boat, my alerts weren't being very alerting
The XenForo system only alerts you to new posts once; if you don't click a thread when it tells you there's new posts in it, the system won't alert you to any further posts until you've checked it again.

I think, at least. Might wanna check with Diana about that.
Here is the thing though. I have been watching this thread and I would read the posts when it alerts me for those posts. The problem seems to be that if I don't reply after so many of them. I stop getting alerts though it seems to have changed recently.
This is why I turn my alerts off and move my cursor over the "Global Signups" link before depressing the left segment.

Yeah, it exhausts me and is really inconvenient and takes lots of time away from masturbation and reality TV. But such is the price one pays to roleplay.
It's more about ignorance over how to navigate Iwaku still for me, but I'm managing thanks to helpful folks.
Unanun, I do NOT want to speak with that smelly old man.
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Is Atos needed? If not I might put him in stasis .. not sure if I can two-time correctly.
I'd really like for you to try because I love the character, but it's important to me that you enjoy the game rather than it stress you out. Cleopatra has several uses for a spymaster general and Atos is who she's going to rely on heavily for a couple of things I had in mind. Up to you, though, I can always adjust :)
You're speaking with the smelly old man, motherfucker.

A horde of crazy barbarians on your borders demand it.
I can try.

So who should receive the Roman messenger? Anubis or Atos? Or ..
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Ok I edited Ploth's story and appearance on page 6. I'm waiting for the egyptian messenger to make an appearance before I post in the IC.
I was going to recieve him at the entrance to the summer home, but first I wanted to ask what language the guards were using.
Anubis can receive him first, but then I'm going to steal his slave and let Atos use her. I do wish for Atos to be present during the audience, is that cool?
And you're mine and thus the transitive property declares.....? *sweet smile*
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