
  • Thread starter MurderDeathKill
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It's impressive for a number of reasons. ...that usually come in pairs....
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So is anyone else having problems with the servers being laggy and disconnecting sometimes? It might be only at peak traffic hours, but I can't be sure. I'm on the North American server.

Oh, and my battlenet is Teamtr#1352.
Taking a brief break from the game, getting kinda burned out now that my only matches are enemy teams either way more skilled, or allies way less.
Definitely hoping competitive mode will have people who use their goddamn mics. Being the only one on my team with the ability to call out when we're about to be hit with an ult is frustrating.
I've only been playing Overwatch for about a day and I've managed to get sniped to oblivion exactly 14 times in one match.

Living the dream.
Some details on the new competitive mode, it already sounds a lot better than what was in the closed beta.
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Some details on the new competitive mode, it already sounds a lot better than what was in the closed beta.

Definitely excited about competitive play. I have a feeling they'll be capping hero loads, so no "4 junkrats on defense" or "5 torbjorns and 1 lucio" or something. Which, btw, makes my blood boil just thinking of. I also found it interesting that they didn't mention any hero skins as rewards for comp. play. I kind of think that's smart. Hero skins are the biggest buy for most people, and if there are some super good, super cool skins you can only get from hard play like that... It would make a lot of butts hurt.

Definitely excited about competitive play. I have a feeling they'll be capping hero loads, so no "4 junkrats on defense" or "5 torbjorns and 1 lucio" or something. Which, btw, makes my blood boil just thinking of. I also found it interesting that they didn't mention any hero skins as rewards for comp. play. I kind of think that's smart. Hero skins are the biggest buy for most people, and if there are some super good, super cool skins you can only get from hard play like that... It would make a lot of butts hurt.
I dunno, I think offering rewards for competitive play will encourage more people to give it a try. As it stands, I can barely convince myself to play Quick Play because I'm worried I'll be the weakest member of my team, but when I do I always have fun. Some people need a little push, and it'd be nice to have something to show for it when you make it up the competitive ladder.
They nerfed WM ;_;

There goes my 3 gold a game average.
Dude, WM is still SO good, even with her nerf! Only now she can't one-shot Zenyatta. :P McCree is still frustrating to deal with as well, only now he can't also one-shot tanks.
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Patch Notes: Zenyatta no longer deleted from the game.
Zenyatta is the one hero that frustrates me the most, I'll admit. I only ever play against good ones, and they wreck me no matter what I'm playing. I've been out-sniped by Zen's while playing Hanzo and it's frustrating as fuuuuck. Discord Orb + Left Click = Dead Everything.
They nerfed WM ;_;

There goes my 3 gold a game average.
Meanwhile, Zenyatta players everywhere are all
Zenyatta is the one hero that frustrates me the most, I'll admit. I only ever play against good ones, and they wreck me no matter what I'm playing. I've been out-sniped by Zen's while playing Hanzo and it's frustrating as fuuuuck. Discord Orb + Left Click = Dead Everything.
Oi I'd that ain't the truth I don't know what is. A good Zenyatta is potentially game changing and almost unstoppable. And there are SO MANY OF THEM it seems! I can go several games in a row where Zenyattas wreck my whole team or spend 89% of the game on fire. That discord Orb is truly something to deal with.
Nvm. Ol' soldierino is my new go to for wrecking people. Sniping unaware Hanzos and WM with One clcik Burst and helix is the funniest shit. People who play soldier really gotta learn that flank/corner sniping is how he is meant to be played.
So I sorta maybe did a custom match with a friend, turned off cooldowns, played McCree, and stun bombed him to death multiple times.

Sure beats the time where our custom game was no-cooldown all Reapers. Man, was that something.
I can't aim so I spam torb, junkrat and reinhardt whenever I can. =D
Omg I've sunk way too much time in this game haha! I regret nothing!
honestly i've only had the game for two days and i've been playing a rotation of about two characters; mei and widowmaker. i started out with wm, so i've developed a habit of sniping no matter which character i'm playing. spot me as mei sniping people with my icicle.
All this scrub talk.
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