Original poster
Its a Friday afternoon in Somerset California. You retreive your daily snail mail from the mailbox. Bills, bills, car insurance advertisment, oh whats this?
A colorful add catches the eye. On a sheet of thick paper is an Advertisment for Club Spectrum. One the front is an image of the NightClub.
In flowing blue letters it says. "You have been invited to Club Spectrum."
In smaller letters underneithe, "Open Sun-Thur 8pm - 2am, Fri, Sat - 8pm - 4am"
On the back there is a coupon with no bar code. "Get three of our new drink, Rainbow Teaser free with purchase of Entrance Ticket. Just present coupon to bartender." There was also a 1, 2 and 3 near bottom right corner which made it look like it will be recorded once the person uses it. On the left was a picture is a vial with liquid inside that had all the colors of the rainbow, starting at the bottom with purple, the top ending in red. Red had appeared to continue to flow in the long vial, spilling a few drops out that were also red. In small lettering at the bottom it said, "must be of legal age of 21 with legal I.D. present to enter."
- This is in the U.S. the legal drinking age is 21, so all characters must be at least 21
- Forum rules apply
- No god modding other characters, its just plain annoying.
- This is an explicit role play and will take place in the mature forum. Make sure you have access to the mature forum before you make a character.
- You may have any amount of characters you wish and know you are capable of handling.
- Bartender and owner of nightclub are off limits, but any other employee: waiters, waitresses, DJ, artist, bouncers, and electronic specialists are all up for grabs.
- Takes place in modern day
- Everyone must be a human, no special powers or anything, at least yet :o
Club Spectrum Features:
- The above image was taken from the second floor.
- All lighting while open is darker colored lights, the main being black lights, the image above was taken with regular lights on.
- This club revolves around the black light paint. There is an artist present every night, although not the same artist each night. S/he paints one body part for $10 each additional is $5 (one body part i.e left arm, right arm, chest, stomach, head(includes neck), left leg, right leg.example:
- Shoes are not allowed on the dance floor, there are little cubbies and places around teh outside of the dance floor shoes cane be put. Only socks or bare feet.
- During specific songs the dance floor becomes showered with the black light paint, though not enough to make the floor slippery.
- Featured Music is metal, rock, and techno.
- Club has two floors. The first floor includes the bar, a dance floor, a pit with the artist in it in the far corner, tables and chairs. Second floor is mostly a balcony with leather tan couches (designed to glow blue from black lights.) tables. There are a couple smaller rooms with a wrap around couch along the far wall and a table in the center. They are open unless they are reserved for private parties. The door on these rooms can be shut but not locked.
Character sheet:
Name: (first and last)
Age: (must be 21)
Describtion: (pics welcome)
Sexual orientation: (straight, bi, lesbian, or homosexual)
Occupation: (you cannot be an assasin lol)
Bio: (A breif bio of character's past...why character act the way s/he does etc)
A colorful add catches the eye. On a sheet of thick paper is an Advertisment for Club Spectrum. One the front is an image of the NightClub.
In flowing blue letters it says. "You have been invited to Club Spectrum."
In smaller letters underneithe, "Open Sun-Thur 8pm - 2am, Fri, Sat - 8pm - 4am"
On the back there is a coupon with no bar code. "Get three of our new drink, Rainbow Teaser free with purchase of Entrance Ticket. Just present coupon to bartender." There was also a 1, 2 and 3 near bottom right corner which made it look like it will be recorded once the person uses it. On the left was a picture is a vial with liquid inside that had all the colors of the rainbow, starting at the bottom with purple, the top ending in red. Red had appeared to continue to flow in the long vial, spilling a few drops out that were also red. In small lettering at the bottom it said, "must be of legal age of 21 with legal I.D. present to enter."
- This is in the U.S. the legal drinking age is 21, so all characters must be at least 21
- Forum rules apply
- No god modding other characters, its just plain annoying.
- This is an explicit role play and will take place in the mature forum. Make sure you have access to the mature forum before you make a character.
- You may have any amount of characters you wish and know you are capable of handling.
- Bartender and owner of nightclub are off limits, but any other employee: waiters, waitresses, DJ, artist, bouncers, and electronic specialists are all up for grabs.
- Takes place in modern day
- Everyone must be a human, no special powers or anything, at least yet :o
Club Spectrum Features:
- The above image was taken from the second floor.
- All lighting while open is darker colored lights, the main being black lights, the image above was taken with regular lights on.
- This club revolves around the black light paint. There is an artist present every night, although not the same artist each night. S/he paints one body part for $10 each additional is $5 (one body part i.e left arm, right arm, chest, stomach, head(includes neck), left leg, right leg.example:
- Shoes are not allowed on the dance floor, there are little cubbies and places around teh outside of the dance floor shoes cane be put. Only socks or bare feet.
- During specific songs the dance floor becomes showered with the black light paint, though not enough to make the floor slippery.
- Featured Music is metal, rock, and techno.
- Club has two floors. The first floor includes the bar, a dance floor, a pit with the artist in it in the far corner, tables and chairs. Second floor is mostly a balcony with leather tan couches (designed to glow blue from black lights.) tables. There are a couple smaller rooms with a wrap around couch along the far wall and a table in the center. They are open unless they are reserved for private parties. The door on these rooms can be shut but not locked.
Character sheet:
Name: (first and last)
Age: (must be 21)
Describtion: (pics welcome)
Sexual orientation: (straight, bi, lesbian, or homosexual)
Occupation: (you cannot be an assasin lol)
Bio: (A breif bio of character's past...why character act the way s/he does etc)