Lycan Queen
Original poster
Hey again, Iwaku! For those of you who don't know me, I'm Lycan Queen. I was a moderator for a short while on Iwaku when we were still on Proboards, and I left shortly after the first move, and now I'm back for some casual fun. I live in Georgia with my boyfriend of 3+ years, who is also a veteran of Iwaku, Zeon Twilight. The proboards Iwaku was where we first met. Other than that I occasionally draw on my tablet (I'm not that good), and I play video games. I do love writing, but I've had a hard time getting myself motivated, and I hope that through my interactions here I'll be inspired again. That's not to say I won't post, because I plan to be at least moderately active, but I can't promise the same level of activity I had back in the day, when this place was my only solace against the dark years of high school.
Now I'm 23 years old, female, and I am pretty much a major fantasy roleplayer. I enjoy supernatural modern and even light sci-fi, but I just can't get into mundane modern or strictly historical settings. Steampunk and cyberpunk are both genres I've looked very briefly into, but there hasn't been a setting or story that has really grabbed me. I'm also well versed in many types of tabletop roleplay systems, including Dungeons and Dragons 3.5, old World of Darkness, (some) new World of Darkness, and GURPS.
..Well, that intro turned out to be longer than I expected. Glad to be here, can't wait to get intotrouble new and exciting roleplays!
Now I'm 23 years old, female, and I am pretty much a major fantasy roleplayer. I enjoy supernatural modern and even light sci-fi, but I just can't get into mundane modern or strictly historical settings. Steampunk and cyberpunk are both genres I've looked very briefly into, but there hasn't been a setting or story that has really grabbed me. I'm also well versed in many types of tabletop roleplay systems, including Dungeons and Dragons 3.5, old World of Darkness, (some) new World of Darkness, and GURPS.
..Well, that intro turned out to be longer than I expected. Glad to be here, can't wait to get into