Offering to the gods sxm/mxm

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Original poster
heres the base plot:

My character is an ancient god worshipped by countless countries. The god has been angered ( will discuss with partner how) and so those who angered him have to make a payment. They round up the most beautiful maidens for the god to choose from But he chooses one who was not offered. A male slave, either a prisoner about to be executed or in otherwise dire peril. He'd be ill treated and not in the best condition.

It's gonna be a bit of a romance between these two starting as master and slave, god and human, but I'd like to develop plot and romance further with my partner!
If you're still looking, I'd be interested in doing this with you!
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I'd be up for something like this. Shoot me a pm if you want to talk details. If not, that's cool, too.
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