Of Magic and Mayhem

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Maulnar shrugged at the mention of his old gift. The name was made up on the go, not really something he'd stick with, or remember for that matter. "It's still working? Remarkable. But all in all, removing heat isn't that hard. Creating it is even easier, though it's an uncontrollable mass of energy that forms an explosion if it's big enough. Problems, problems." He said, more to himself than Carson, really. Anthros weren't quite as curious as he was.
"I've worn one for longer than most of your neighbours have lived, pup, and it's kept me safe from certain death. Would we have become the good friends we are today had I not disguised myself the way I did? Even with it, I had to resort to some... safe... methods to keep some folks away from me."
Carson chuckled and kept walking. "You have a good point, there. My family would have killed you and played with your corpse. Of course, my family didn't have my gift, so they were deceived. I knew what you were and are, but it didn't make me hate you, it made me curious. Curious as to why you would dare enter here. You were different from the others of your kind. Tell me, how is that friend of yours you talked about all those years ago? I believe Marlon was his name? Marlon the Solver? Or has he taken a new mantle?" he inquired of the old man following him.


On the other side of the tree line, the Marlon was slowly approaching the amassed human forces. "Oh, my. Looks like quite a pickle I'll be in should I get caught." he pulled his cloak hood over his head and willed himself not to be seen, and lo and behold, he disappeared from sight! "This should get me by." he snaked his way through and got to the forest I no time. "Lovely. Now, if memory serves correct, there's this necromantic pup who lives in the grave yard that Maulnar told me of once. Let's pay a visit." Still cloaked, he ambled his way toward the cottage of Carsonagan Haphaetus, Ghoul Caller of the Northern Village.
Bjomolf stared out onto the field from the edge of the forest, the batteground littered with the bodies of his allies and his enemies. His cold, calculating glare would keep anyone from disturbing him. The red mist still lingered, hiding the human army from view. The Elders had been too occupied to see him, but it did not bother the scarred war anthro. He merely contemplated what would happen next. He gripped the lowest branch of the oak tree next to him, his claws digging into the bark, ready to snap it in half. If he ever saw the face of that worthless black knight again, he'd rip him apart and use his bones to club the rest of his maggot-ridden humans to death.
Maulnar smiled from underneath his hood, it might've gone unnoticed completely. "I knew curiosity was a part of every living being, even our domestic animals show signs of such, so a conscious species must surely. Your kind is depicted as brutal and savage, with no hint of mercy, in human cities, but I figured a sentient species had to have communication much like ours, it had to have technology, it had to have similarities. So I went out to study your kind."
He paused and sighed, thinking back at the first time he left human civilization. His coat covered in something that replicated the scent of a stray cat he captured just the day before. Nervous, he made his way to the forest, preferring to have had the scent of an actual Anthro, not just a wild cat, but it was his best chance at the time. Either it was sufficient, or Maulnar was very lucky that day, but he survived it, and had his first interaction with Anthrokind. From there on out, everything became much easier.

Marlon the Solver, the pup said, a name that hadn't been spoken for a few years now, for the old man was renamed to Marlon the Inexplicable. He did what many deemed impossible, and many more could only dream of; a scientifically impossible thing. Turn lead and iron into gold, but at a heavy cost.
Now, his old friend and colleague is locked away in a dark cell, deemed insane by everyone but Maulnar. It was only because he reminded the king of Marlon's loyal service and great value, that the old man was imprisoned, rather than executed. Maulnar had to promise to find a cure for his insanity, but Maulnar believed it to vanish over time, for his friend showed clear signs of sanity from time to time.
Part of him also hoped that he transcended the human mind and tapped into the Realm of Magic, something he's been trying to do for years, without harming his brain.

"Ah, yes, Marlon. I wonder if he managed to fit the pieces of his mind together again. I didn't have the experience to aid him in the slightest, for his brain was altered by magic, but it was a good excuse to leave the city in pursuit of gathering knowledge about magic. If he survived, and still insane, I believe I can help him now, with the assistance of Wane." He said, then paused to think about his Telepathy magic again. The ability to tap into one's mind, alter it, or read it was simply fascinating. Maulnar had dissected many animals before, and all had a brain. A soft, squishy heap of flesh. How could it do the things it did? It had a mind, there had to be something more to it than just flesh.
"And I believe I can help you, too. Incomplete teleportation kills the thing being teleported, leaving behind life force somewhere else. You said you gave part of yours to reanimate the dead, correct? If I can catch this life force, perhaps I could infuse it into you." He nodded his head, smiling at the idea of returning Carson the life he gave away. "Oh, I'm sorry for rambling on. And sorry for being so slow on my feet." Maulnar said, his breathing became heavier from walking. He planned on resting in the village, but the war put a dent into his plans.
Carson nodded, listening to Maulnar go on. It was all very interesting, and made sense enough to where he could follow along. He didn't know too much about alchemy and even less about magic, he just knew it worked. He didn't know why, nor did he care to drive himself insane trying to figure it out. He had already done that contemplating the purpose of life and death. Not a pleasant experience. After a minute or two they came upon the small building Carson called home.

And the door was cracked open.


Marlon had the violet filling of some delicious desert dripping out from the corner of his mouth when through the door burst the most pissed off Wolf anthro he had ever seen. "Sorry," he said, gulped hard what was in his mouth, and looked down to the half-eaten mysterious desert in his hand, then back to the wolf.
"If it's any consolation, it's delicious."
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"That it is, old friend." Maulnar said calmly, then chuckled a little. He removed the hood from his head, to show his own face, but then turned to look at the door. "Wouldn't expect you to break in like that, but it's good to see you again." He said, then moved past Carson to sit next to Marlon the Solver, for now he seemed safe -or at least harmless- enough to speak to, so it was as good a time as any to have a chat., His sanity level might change drastically soon.
While he was surprised at first, Maulnar didn't look very surprised anymore. In time, he had learned not to expect his colleague to do things the way you'd think, and Maulnar thought he'd still be in his cell. Therefore, he isn't.

"I knew the war would be a good time to escape prison, what with most of the guards on the battlefield, but that you'd make it this far is remarkable. Please, old friend, tell me how you managed to flee." He asked, but remembered where exactly they were when Carson fell into sight again. Two humans in Anthros-territory, especially after the unsuccesful war, was extremely dangerous. Their smell might be masked by the graveyard they found themselves in, but it was troublesome nonetheless.
"Think we'll be safe from harm in here?" He asked, looking over at Carson.
Carson, calm after realizing just who it was that broke into his home and helped himself to his Necrophage cobbler, looked around in reply to Maulnar's question. "We should be. There are few who can pick up scents even as distinct as yours amongst so many of the dead, and none ever enter my home without invitation or a need of the utmost urgency. Help yourself to the cobbler in the frigid-ator, Maulnar, as Marlon already has." he replied, with just a hint of annoyance at the end of his statement. He sat down at the table nonetheless, eager to hear about the old kook's escape.


Marlon took another bite of the bizarre cobbler and began his tale. "Well, I heard the cry for war, and the guards left for the battle field. They never let me make too much noise, so I was enjoying my time, singing "She's up on the mountain", a little ditty I came up with to pass the time. Well, as I had finished singing, I realized something: Reality is just a perception of occurrences by the mind, a mind which can be influenced, so, logically, if one were to forcefully alter their perception of reality by tapping into the collective unconscious of every being in the universe, you could effectively alter reality. That, my friend is how magic works! The user taps into the collective unconscious energy that connects everything in the universe together and alters the universal perception of reality to shift the perception based upon what they wish to do! The necromancer there alters reality by raising the dead, pyromancers alter the perception to create fire out of nothing, Druids and Herbomancers alter the perception to make plants do as they wish! Oh, I'm off topic, but in a good way, I suppose. Anyhow, my escape. I realized this, looked to the lock on my door, and found it was hanging there like it had never been locked in the first place! Once I had reached the amassed human forces, I pulled my hood over my head and willed myself invisible! I snuck through the village, found the cottage, and, shamefully, helped myself to the food. I am terribly sorry, about that, by the way." he said and took another bite of the delicious desert. "So, who are you, again?" he asked waggling a gnarled old finger at the other human.
Maulnar's eyes lit up at the words of the old man speaking. He explained how it was, how simple it was, and that it really was. It made so much sense, it fit most of Maulnar's theories and observations. The answer was so simple, yet it took a genius to find, and at the same time prove it. "Yes, I'm certain Marlon is much easier to study with. I hope he's still got the scientific curiosity running through his veins, and that he's just as interested as I am. Maybe one day my childhood dream will become a reality after all." Maulnar thought to himself. "So, then, the universe is the collection of consciousness. It appears as we see it, together, and every little brain can influence it to its own will, to an extent. Fascinating. That means our minds are all connected, intertwined, in an alternate dimension, maybe? Marlon, you've answered one, but created many more questions. I've got fuel to last me several more decades now!" He said joyfully. There was still hope that he could fulfill his childhood dream and teach himself magic, but to create the willpower and break the mental barriers will require lots of meditation.

Not even the fact that Marlon didn't remember him could break the smile off his face, it kept on showing off his joy. "Maulnar Davion Evermead, old friend. I've been your pupil, assistant, and colleague for several years. In case you forgot, you've been in the royal family's service for three generations, the greatest known alchemist of the world. With the wide variety of ingredients at your disposal, you've created many seemingly impossible feats. And by turning iron to gold, you somehow took your sanity, I don't know the details." Maulnar licked his lips, then continued. "Not sure if you can still be considered the best alchemist now, but that's beside the matter. What's really an issue now, is the war at hand."

Then Maulnar leaned back in his seat and retrieved the book from his cloak, opening it on a new page and started writing down. The book served more than just research purposes, it was a diary by now.
"Marlon the Solver has done it. As I suspected, he tapped into the realm of magic, which apparently, is very much at our disposal as well; if we can ever break our perception of logic. According to Marlon, and I'm almost certain he is correct, the universe, and everything we perceive is made up by ourselves. Every living being, together we imagine the universe we're in. While humans try to study the universe, and try to understand it, we would never believe that the universe is what we want it to be.
I remember an ancient philosopher who came up with a theory quite like this. Astounding that he was correct, yet I would've never belived it if Marlon hadn't proved that ancient theory. Now all that rests me is to manage to manipulate the universe to my will, it'll be much easier to study. Will solitude ease the action of performing magic?"
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Carson, impatient and worried they would be found out went to tend to his garden, missing the conversation.

"Maulnar Davion Evermead..." the ancient alchemist let the name roll over his tongue with ease, the flavor of the words obviously had an effect on the old man. "Maulnar, yes, yes. It's all so clear now. I... I remember. I remember everything. I remember you, the wolf dragon, the service of the king, our quests, the iron and the gold, the myriad cacophony that had robbed me of my reason. Yes, it's all so clear. Marlon the Inexplicable, they call me now. The pup who just left, he's Carsonagan, a ghoul caller. The anthros, the humans, the war... The war? The War!" he repeated, each time with a different sentiment towards it, as if a vague memory had suddenly become real. "Yes, yes, yes, the war. Now... How are we to stop this war... My notes! Yes, Maulnar, old friend, I feel a fit of madness coming on, so write with haste. The old workshop, it is intact? My old workbench, the drawer. The bottom of it is false, remove that layer. Inside, you will find a notebook of green cloth, bound in leather. It is also held shut by a piece of silver ribbon. Bring the book to me. There's a schematic in there that will-" he stopped short, cut off as a look of confused shock overtook his face, as his facial muscles relaxed, he removed a small ink pen from inside his coat and rolled up his left sleeve, and began writing on his arm. His eyes glowed a bright blue as the insanity brought about by his higher understanding and fractured psyche over took him, along with the two circles of dots on his forehead. Marlon the Solver was lost once again to Marlon the Inexplicable.
In his own haste to remember the location of Marlon's notes, he had written it down between his own notes. At least he wouldn't forget now, and because noone dared enter Marlon's old workshop, out of fear of losing their minds like he had, the place had been left untouched ever since. Sometimes, the simplicity of the human mind was a gift, but more often it was just plain annoying.
And now Marlon has lost his mind once more; he began to write on his arm, but Maulnar had no time to inspect him or his writings. The momentary peace he created would only last so long, perhaps a day or two more. Not for long, that's for sure. Slamming his book shut, and stashing it away again, Maulnar got up and picked up his cauldron, fitting the straps around his shoulders again, then left the cottage.

"Carsonagan." Maulnar said firmly, this matter was serious, and they had to act now. "I have to go to the human city and get Marlon's notes, they may very well be our only hope right now. The old man has entered another fit of insanity and won't react much to outside sensations. While you shouldn't worry, it'd be best to keep an eye on him, I don't know what he might do while he's like this." He said quickly, then left immediately without a goodbye.
His pace was much faster than before, yet the old man was still very limited by his old legs. It would take a while before he reached the city.
(Sorry guys, been dealing with life stuff and this roleplay is very plot heavy, thanks for keeping it up though ^___^ <3!)

Anne watches from her room atop the tower, the troops have readied themselves for a next battle. Hastily they had gone over strategy and form, beating speeches into the heads of armies over and over again. Anne knew without a doubt that Adric would be working nonstop given his profession. She tore her gaze away from the windowsill, walking towards the door and cracking it open. If she were to descend down the stairs she would find herself in the heart of the castle, where two double doors loomed before her, two guards keeping watch. She crossed her arms, she wasn't allowed to leave her room and the guards said they would be keeping strict watch on her. Though in all actuality, the minds of the guards would be taken up much by the current war at hands. She strode through the dimly lit hallway away from the main stairwell. She wasn't sure what she was looking for, but perhaps more answers lied elsewhere rather than nowhere. She went through a mental checklist: She had to figure out how to contact Wane, or any other anthro's, regularly. She had to find out more information, more history, that would require a search of the libraries archives, though much deeper. She would have to gain more allies amongst man, she had contacted Adric and told him to help her amass people on the inside, against the war.


Wane had returned to his tree fort, which was likely one of the tallest, widest trees in the forest. The hollow was bigger than most other trees, though still not big enough to be more than just a room. Wane rifled through the contents, objects he'd found and acquired throughout his wanderings. Some were just simple rocks or gems, some were human objects. He took one object in particular. Holding the silver trinket up in the air to study it, the metal chain hanging off his fingers. The charm itself was a silver disk, with four black markings at each quarter of it. The center contained a sapphire embedded in it's surface and gleamed from the small ray of light that touched the surface. He gripped it in his hand and tossed the chain around his neck.

He balanced on the highest branch, looking below before leaping from one branch to another, making his descent in quick bounds and pouncing onto the forest floor with ease. He ran toward the direction of Carson's cabin. As he ran he peered down at the pendant that had buried itself in his ivory fur. He had this for as long as he could remember, given to him by someone, but he was too young to remember and hadn't been told who the original owner of this object was. He barely could remember his parents, and had been raised by the village as a whole. He halted to a quick stop when he appeared in front of the abode, spraying dirt as he stopped. He knew that the old man who was here might know something of the object he had. He stepped into the cabin, seeing another old human entirely, he blinked in confusion. Stepping inside and looking around "Hey Carson, what'd I miss?" He turned to the old creature before him. "And you are?"
Carson looked up from his work, and watched as Wane approached. "Maulnar left to find the notes of Marlon the Solver, who is now sitting inside, drawing on himself, lost to momentary madness." he turned and continued to rake his garden, the little patch of healthy, living green amongst the field of graves. My, how the dead fed the earth.


Marlon continued babbling incoherently and drawing odd markings upon himself. Every now and again he would spout something about war machines, doomsday, or the odd desert he had just consumed. Furiously the ink pen worked his markings on his arms.

Bjomolf had taken to devouring his dinner as the sun set. It was a mixture of different meats stacked high on a wooden platter. From the deer slabs to lamb legs, the chef was clearly a lover of his......work. True, the wolf anthro wasn't exactly unknown, but all of the glances he kept getting from the surrounding troops were starting to annoy him.
Wane blinked in confusion, "Well, this is dissapointing, I was hoping to get some answers from the old coot." He leaned against the table, arms crossed and sighed "What exactly are in these notes? Are they important" he gave a sidelong glance to the bearded man still babbling away. "This guy's a solver? You wouldn't know it, must be some madness".

(Hey Shadowheart, want to barge into human territory and kill of the king on his throne? :3)
From the thick wall of trees and bushes at the outer edge of the forest came a tall and slender figure. From afar, it looked much like a tree trunk with a black ball on its back going for a walk, but as it came closer to the outer walls, it became clear that this was a person wearing a tattered, dirty brown cloak. His pace was hasty, yet slow. Quite contradictory, but understandable, considering he's carrying a cauldron on his back.

"Humans. Cities. My city. Home." Maulnar mumbled to himself as he approached the familiar walls, the very same walls he waved goodbye on the first day of his journey into Anthroland. They have bested the ravages of time well, in his opinion, it has changed very little since he last saw it. Only a few discolouration, scorch marks and a hole that's been fixed.
Maulnar chuckled, he knew very well why those were there. It was every alchemist's basic exam; creating a mixture to increase the longevity of walls, furniture or metals. A small coating to prevent corrosion on the objects, a very simple task, but if you're not careful, things like that may happen. Although Maulnar was surprised someone messed it up hard enough to actually corrode the wall, rather than prevent that from happening.

"Halt! Who goes there!" A voice called out to him, interrupting Maulnar's memories and thoughts; it sounded rough, hateful and firm. Up on the wall stood a guard, looking down at the old man with distrust, for his face and body were hidden entirely. Yet he wasn't afraid, since the hooded figure was alone. Maulnar looked up at the guard, the last rays of today's sunlight reflected off his well-polished helm and towards Maulnar. From his position, Maulnar could see a young man in guard uniform, another man who cared little for education, most likely. "Youth." Maulnar thought, very annoyed.
"Maulnar Davion Evermead!" Maulnar yelled back in an old, raspy voice and took off the hood from his head, showing the guard his face. The strain from shouting hurt in his throat, he never shouted much, for that attracts too much attention. He coughed as he awaited an answer.

The young man had never heard the name before, as expected of course. If he didn't go to school, he probably never caught the names Marlon or Maulnar, and since both of them left civilization before his birth, he couldn't have actually seen them.
"Very well, old man, you may come in. Beware, for we are at war." He said, then allowed entrance to Maulnar. The gates opened a little, just enough for Maulnar to slip through.

There he stood, amidst his kind once more. Humans, furless bipedal creatures, were walking about, doing their duties. Most of them were wearing metal plates around their body, protecting them from harm. Neatly grouped together into divisions, shouted at by lone figures standing before them, wearing more decorative metal. Armies were ready to fight again, though would have to wait 'til dawn.
At forges, muscular men were banging their hammer on glowing-hot pieces of metal, both creating and repairing it. Their faces were red, their bodies were covered in sweat, and their arms were throbbing from the blood flowing through them. Those men could make great fighters, had they had the military training of the weaker men for whom they were creating armour.

Part of him welcomed the noise found in every human city, but part of him disliked it, for he had grown used to calm and serenity in Anthros villages. The structure of human civilization was also a little strange, looking back at it.
"Now, for that workshop." Maulnar said to himself and walked towards where he remembered the workshop to be.
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