Obliging Expectations

Mmkay! I know Elyd hasn't put up her personality yet, but that can be accomplished even after the OOC has been put up... I believe, but I still want to know if the other two are interesting. I know Jovi has started working so I dunno if she will have time? What about you Coti?
I'm a bit busy this week, but I'll find time to post!
I shall not fail you, my love!

I may be working, but at least this I can do sprawled out on the floor while moaning and groaning. Gimme a little bit to find my "OMG! That's him!" photo thing, and the I'll have a character for you.
Celest we should make a list of Iwaku-things that we should talk about tomorrow or Thursday... Lorraine's personality being one of them!
Because of things that have come up in real life I can't really continue on with this roleplay. I'm sorry you guys..
No worries, Twin, we were doing it for yooou and if you don't think it will be stress relief then DON'T DO IT :)
Totes okay. You take care of you, we'll be here for the future possible next time. :)