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Melancholia Personified
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Speed of Light
  2. Multiple posts per day
  3. 1-3 posts per day
  4. One post per day
  5. Multiple posts per week
  6. 1-3 posts per week
  7. One post per week
  8. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
Whenever my boss decides to let me go home. (Usually between 5-11 EST)
Writing Levels
  1. Advanced
  2. Prestige
  3. Douche
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Primarily Prefer Female
Modern, Futuristic, Paranormal, Fantasy, Medieval, Romance, Horror, pretty much everything.


Katryne Rainecourte

Katryne was meant to be a twin. On the night of her birth her mother, Queen Lysella Rainecourt managed to deliver Katryne without any complications. However, when it came time to deliver Katryne's twin brother the difficulties started. The infant boy was breach, and the midwife could not reposition him. Rather than force the woman to attempt to deliver the prince, the midwife tried to cut him out. In the process, both the queen and her son died, leaving Katryne to be raised alone by her father. Despite her tragic beginnings, Katryne's father, King Ramil Rainecourt doted on his daughter, whether it was to make up for the loss of her mother or simply because he adored her no one could tell. Although grief stricken by the loss of his wife, the king held himself together, but refused to remarry even years after his wife's death.

Much like any princess, Katryne was taught how to read and write, the languages of Astrar's allies, along with how to behave like a lady. When she was finished with her studies, she would sit beside her father in the throne room and watch as he dealt with his court. Through the years she learned how to run the country, but did not always agree with the way of her father. Katryne had a more open minded approach to things, one that went against her father's more conservative views. While she never directly contradicted him in court, in private she would express her concerns and suggest other options that she felt were for the greater good of their people.

As Katryne reached adulthood, suitors began to flock to Astrar, hoping to catch the princess' eye and gain her father's favor. However, Katryne had little interest at all in marrying, and as long as her attitude remained, her father sided with her. He refused to marry her off until she claimed she was ready, but before she even had a chance to change her mind, tragedy struck the kingdom. Shortly before her seventeenth birthday the kingdom was hit with several disasters. First was an earthquake which resulted in the collapse of mines and the death of dozens of miners. Months later when the winter finally arrived, the kingdom was struck by severe blizzards, and months of heavy snows that killed off livestock and depleted the stored supply of grain. Then came summer with a draught that lasted well into the fall, killing off whatever crops were planted in the spring and leaving the king with no way to provide food for his people.

Calling upon allies was to no avail for they too had suffered the same stroke of misfortune in some form or another. Only the country to the south, a country that Astrar had little contact with had avoided the flucating weather and had enough food to assist. The arrangement with Clourus was made hastily, the conditions lax enough not to be a burden on Astrar during its recovery. Astrar would repay Clourus a small percentage each year until the country stabilized and could pay off the balance. Along with the repayment the arrangement included the marriage of Katryne to Clourus' prince.

For the next two year, Astrar made their payments, focusing on restoring the farms and the mines and recovering what was lost. It was during the third year that tragedy struck again, just as the country was finally starting to return to normal. The king was struck ill, collapsing in the throne room during court and remaining unconscious for several days. During those days, Katryne took over court, doing the duty that her father usually did then staying at his beside well into the night. For a week he withered away, never waking up even for a moment. It was on the last day of the week as Katryne settled down to watch over him for the night that her father finally opened his eyes. He stared at her blindly for a single moment, just before gasping out her mother's name with his last breath, leaving Katryne alone in the world and now the Queen of Astrar.
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Sarah Michaels

Distant at times

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The Drawing of Victoria Dean

Character: Victoria Dean

Starting Location: New York City, New York, 2017

Counterpart: Grandson of Roland Deschain (Age Range 25-35)

Foe: Randall Flagg (Man in Black)

Setting: Post-Cannon
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Cannon ending scenario- This roleplay will be based loosely on the events of the books as they played out. Susannah, Eddie, and Jake return to the Keystone world as they did in The Dark Tower, while Roland enters the tower and begins his journey anew. However, during his new journey with his Ka-tet Eddie, Susannah, and Jake make it to the tower along with Roland. Believing that their task has been completed, and their mission to save the tower and the remaining beams is a success, the trio return to our world to live out the remainder of their lives. Similar to the story, Eddie and Susannah marry and have a family with Jake becoming their 'brother' to the rest of the world. Their story is buried away, and as they continue their lives on Earth, their memories of their travels in Mid-World begin to fade away until all that remains are vivid dreams of a man with jaded blue eyes and the echoes of gunfire.

The family grows with Eddie and Susannah adopting children, and Jake Dean marrying and having children of his own, and his children growing, marrying, and having children of their own. Mid-World has become a figment of the elder Deans imaginations, tales that they tell their grandchildren at bedtime to help them drift off to sleep with visions of gunslingers and fair maidens as fodder for dreams. The Dean children grow to scoff at the yarns spun by the elders of their family, all but Victoria Dean, Jake's granddaughter. From the day the girl could remember her dreams, the tales of Mid-World and the forlorn figure of Roldan Deschain became solid, untouchable forms of a reality she was certain existed. For her, the stories weren't part of her family's imagination, but a part of her family's legacy. The rest of the family, the elder Deans included, laughed off the idea that Mid-World existed, and that Roland Deschain was anything more than a larger-than-life idol they'd concocted to guide them through their lives, but Victoria could not be swayed. She claimed to hear the todash chimes, a sound so beautiful they burrowed into her brain until she felt as if her head would implode. She swore she could find doors standing at random places; in allies, in the middle of the hallways of her school, standing without a frame to hold them in place and beckoning her to open them. She even proclaimed that a man with jaded blue eyes and sandalwood handled guns strapped to his hips haunted her dreams.

Fearing that the girl had become too infatuated with their stories, and worried that it would lead to a mental breakdown if they continued to contradict her beliefs, they sought out the help of doctors who diagnosed her with schizophrenia. After a while, and under the effects of heavy medication, Victoria began to believe she was insane, that she'd allowed herself to be caught up in the stories of her family and twisted her own reality around to turn them into reality. The doors and chimes all stopped, no longer taunting her. Even the blue-eyed man had gone from her dreams, confirming for her that her family was right and she was suffering from a serious mental illness rather than being part of a grand story of adventure.

And then one day it happened again, only this time there was no mistaking her visions for the insane wanderings of a sick mind. On her way to class one morning, the world rippled around her, putting the young woman in a state of panic. Closing her eyes tightly she tried to convince herself that it was all in her head, but as her eyes opened before her stood a door. Standing on the other side of the door when it finally opened was a man with pale blue eyes and a pair of sandalwood revolvers strapped to his hips.


On the other side of reality in Roland's world, Roland returned to the world that was no longer dying. Like the rest of his Kat-tet, he believed that the battle for the Dark Tower was over and that the Crimson King had been banished away to never be heard of again. He never truly found peace, but he settled down the best that he could. He took up with whatever woman would have him, siring countless bastards that would never claim the Deschain name; with the exception of one. The son that Roland claimed was nothing at all like his father, but there was no denying that the blood of Eld ran through his veins. Together the two began to seek out more gunslingers and slowly work on restoring Gilead. Unfortunately, Roland did not live to see his dream of Gilead returned to its former glory come to life, leaving the task to his son and grandson to fulfill.

Roland's son took up his father's mantle, becoming Dinh to the gunslingers and undertaking the momentous task of rebuilding Gilead and the rest of Mid-World. However, much like Victoria in the Keystone world, Roland's grandson began to suffer the same malady. He dreamed of a girl with blond hair and blue eyes calling out to him, saw doors that summoned him at every turn. Unlike the Deans, his father understood that there was a reason for his son's visions and rather than confine him to Gilead to help with the work of rebuilding, he sent him out to discover who the mysterious girl was and what importance she had.


The major focus of the plot will be on Victoria, Roland's grandson, her training to become a gunslinger, and retracing the original ka-tet's steps. I have plenty of ideas for the plot, but I'd like to work out a fleshed out plot with a partner.
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Character: Gabriella Susan Dechain (Roland's daughter)

Counterpart: Eddie Dead or Jake Chambers grandson

Starting Point: New York 2017

Ending Scenario: What happens when the forces of Ka make a mistake? What happens when the Ka-tet of Nineteen is split up when they were meant to remain together but they're sent back to their own whens? That is exactly what happens after the Ka-tet reaches the tower and banish the Crimson King. Eddie, Susannah, and Jake are returned to their own times, separated for decades. Susannah becomes Jake Chamber's guardian from a distance until the day he is drawn into Mid-World, when he returns, she rejoins with him to wait for Eddie to be drawn and his return. With the trio reunited they turn their focus to the Tet Corporation and the protection of the rose.

Time passes, the rose remains untouched for decades, that is until 2017 when Eddie's granddaughter (Adopted) notices that the edge of the rose is starting to turn black. Unsure what this means for the rose and the tower itself, they begin to search for the cause of it only to realize that there is one factor missing from their mission; Roland Deschain. Without Roland to complete the Ka-tet, they are helpless to do anything to protect the tower.

In Mid-World, Roland has been busy with his own task. Upon returning to Gilead to begin the process of piecing his life back together, and rebuilding the once great city, he is ambushed by a woman, claiming to have been raped by the demon carrying his seed, in her arms is an infant girl. Without question, Roland takes responsibility for the child who he quickly discovers carries traits of not only himself but of his ka-tet. She has Jake's touch, Susannah's determination, and Eddie's twisted sense of humor. Much like her father, Gabriella is as tough as they come but lacks his in his failures.

Shortly after her nineteenth birthday, and three years to the day she passed her own trials and earned her guns, Gabriella is stricken with a sudden pull to the Cyclopean Mountains. Try as she might to fight the urge to head, it grows stronger and strong with each that passes. Finally confessing to her father that she is being summoned by unknown forces, Roland sends his daughter west to discover what is calling her and why.

Plot: This is another story that I would like to work out with potential partners. This story will begin with Gabriella being drawn into the modern world by the grandson of Eddie and Jake and continuing their journey in the same manner as the journey in Wizard and Glass. They will not be traveling through various whens through doorways, but by following the beam.


Character: Annasea Chambers
Setting: Post-Canon Mid-World
Counterpart: Roland's Great-grandson
Foe: Crimson King

Canon Ending Scenario: Roland reawakens back in time to continue his journey once again, this time fully aware of his previous journeys and the mistakes he made in the past. He continues on following the man in black through the desert, but this time rather than letting Jake fall, he saves him. (After all, he already knows what the man's going to say anyway.) This chain of events sets the ka-tet on a new, yet familiar path. The lives lost along the way are spared, Susannah never becomes pregnant with Mordred, and the ka-tet reaches the tower as a whole. This time, however, they manage to banish the Crimson King from the tower and upon reaching the door sent back to Gilead together to rebuild the city as it had been before its fall.

The ka-tet manage to restore Gilead to part of its former glory with a new line of gunslingers pulled from all corners of Mid-World. Eddie, Susannah, and Jake all start their own families which remain close-knit throughout the years. Each generation brings a new set of aspiring gunslingers who demonstrate the same talents and skills of their kin.

Plot: It takes the Ka-tet several decades to begin recruiting more gunslingers, as well as rebuilding Gilead to its former glory. Eddie and Susannah have several children during their time there, and eventually Jake finds himself married to female gunslinger to begin raising his own family. Roland never truly got over the loss of his first love, but eventually has a child with a gilly, whom he raises as a Deschain rather than a bastard. The children of the ka-tet have children of their own and so on and so on, each generation producing a new line of gunslingers. The Dechain children, much like Roland himself, are proven adept with the gun and take over the task of training the future gunslingers with a few changes in the rules. Those who fail the 'trial of manhood' are not sent West, but are allowed to remain in Gilead, although they can never attempt to become gunslingers again.

Mid-World slowly begins to grow and expand, cities blossoming now that time is once again restored to the universe. Gunslingers begin to travel the roads again, doing as gunslingers do, and it is almost as if the stories of the ka-tet of nineteen are simply myths. The Crimson King is forgotten about, and everyone goes on about their lives.

The plot begins with the great-grandchildren of the original ka-tet. Roland's great-grandson is now in charge of training the future gunslingers. Like his great-grandfather, he has passed the trial of manhood at a young age, with a natural talent for the gun and a sharp intellect that makes him a natural gunslinger. Among the group of future gunslingers is a lone female, the great-granddaughter of Jake Chambers, who shows the same amount of potential as her great-grandfather. From the beginning, there is an attraction between the two, but because of their roles, they ignore it as much as possible, steering clear of each other in order to follow their chosen paths.

But ka has a mysterious way of working, and the citizens of Mid-World have forgotten all about a dangerous enemy who is still fuming over his ousting from the Tower. The Crimson King has been weakened, but he has not been defeated. With the assistance of a sorcerer, he has placed an enchantment on Mid-World, freezing it in time until he can discover a way to remove the banishment placed on him. Somehow only the original ka-tet's kin is untouched by the enchantment. (Mostly due to Roland's relationship to the Crimson King, and the ka-tet's exposure to Maerlyn's Rainbow.)

The citizens may be frozen, but minions of the Crimson King are not. Soon they're infesting Mid-World and various whens like a plague, using doorways to jump between worlds in order to cause chaos. With only one gunslinger and one soon-to-be, it is up to them to travel the path of their legendary relatives in order to find a way to restore time and put a stop to the Crimson King for good.[/fieldbox]

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Simon Tanner

Age: 523
Height: 6'3
Weight: 196lbs
Profession: Doctor

Nature: Chaotic Good

Telekinetic Ability: Umbrakensis
Element: Earth
Physical Abiities: Enhanced Hearing

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Annasea was born the youngest of Roger and Alice Chambers, the only female born into the Chambers family, and the youngest grandchild of Jake Chambers. There was nothing unusual about her when she was born, nothing at all that made her stand out above all the other Chamber children, but it was obvious from the start that she was Jake Chamber's favorite great-grandchild. She had a fairly normal childhood with an affinity for billybumblers, and a habit of spending hours in silence, while her ka-mate Edgar Dean chatted away beside her. At first her parents thought that she could not speak at all, but as she grew older, she began to talk a bit more, never as much as other children her age, but enough to put their fears to rest.

No one could have predicted that Annasea would be the only of the Chamber children to inherit the blood of Arthur Eld, not until the girl picked up her father's gun to shoot a snake that was trying to attack her billybumbler when she was five. Everyone expected that it would be Patrick, the oldest of the siblings who would be sent off to the castle to train with the other aspiring gunslingers, but within a week of the incident, Annasea was packed off and sent to begin her training.

Her first year was difficult for her. Being the only female in her ka-tel, she had to work twice as hard to prove that she belonged. The first year was spent fighting off the boys of her ka-tel, throwing punches whenever she believed they were trying to insult her, and being an all-out terror to her instructors. If it wasn't for her natural abilities with a gun, and her quick thinking in stressful situations, she might have been tossed out before she could even begin her trial.

Early Adolescence:

The next few years of her training went a bit smoother, at least until Annasea reached adolescence and the differences between herself and her ka-tl became more obvious. She hated her developing body, but hated the attention it brought her even more. The senseless fights of her childhood started anew, only this time it was Annasea's way of putting the boys in her class in their place and asserting herself as just another part of the ka-tel. As the ka-tel settled and adjusted to the changes that came with their age, Annasea settled down along with them, but began to retreat more and more into herself. It wasn't uncommon not to hear a word out of her for days at a time, and the only person she willing spoke to at any lengths were Edgar and her great-grandfather.

During this time in Annasea's life she was dealing with changes on all fronts. With the passing of her grandmother and great-grandmother, she lost two of the most prominent female role models she had. What little influence the two women had over Annasea quickly faded away, and the girl who was just beginning to show the smallest traces of femininity reverted back to her tomboyish ways.

While her parents weren't particularly pleased with the turn of events, her teachers were thrilled with the development. Not only did Annasea throw herself into her training, but she was determined to outperform everyone in ka-tel. She immersed herself in her lessons, and would often get into trouble for sneaking away to get in extra practice with her guns long after the day's lessons were over.

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Kara Evans

She was sweet, shy, and completely innocent. He's dark, brooding, with an inability to stay loyal to any girl he dates; he's also her older brother's best friend. Since the first day her brother Braeden brought him home, Kara has had a crush on him, always sneaking little glances when she thinks he's not looking and using her artistic talents to draw sketches of him in a book she keeps hidden between her mattress. She knows that he'll never notice her, not just because all she can manage to do whenever he looks her way is blush and flee the room, but because of Braeden.

All of her life, Braeden has been her protector, but in more recent times he has become a bit more overbearing that usual. He lords over her, watching over her every move, monitoring her friends and trying to keep her safe from everyone he believes will be a bad influence. Kara knows that he means well, never saying a thing to dissuade him from continuing looking after her, but deep down she's growing tired of it. A part of her longs to be able to explore life without the shadow of her brother looming over her shoulder, to experience everything that girls her age do without someone to stand in the way. In her heart of hearts, Kara knows that she truly wishes to experience all those things with her brother's best friend, but the odds are stacked against her.

What she doesn't know is that Braeden's best friend has been harboring his own obsession with her, one far darker than she could ever imagine. He longs to possess her, to corrupt her in ways that only he can and make her his entirely; he also knows that he can. He hasn't missed the longing stares or the way Kara's face brightens whenever he catches her eye. For him, Kara is ripe for the taking. All he needs to do is get Braeden out of the picture long enough to make his move.

He gets his chance when he and Braeden are invited to a party, and Braeden decides to drag a reluctant Kara along with him to keep an eye on her. While Braeden is off drinking and flirting, his best friend decides to make his move to lure the innocent teenager alone.

McKenzie Donaldson

She lived next door to them since she was ten years old, just a normal kid running around in the backyard with her older brother playing with their dog. He never really paid too much attention to her until she turned sixteen and started to babysit for him and his wife on their Friday date nights. The first few times he was oblivious to her, always handing her a twenty dollar bill before seeing her safely to her house next door, but gradually that began to change. A few months into their new Friday night routine, he woke up from a fantasy, one staring the teenage girl next door and from there he couldn't get it out of his head. He found himself trying to find ways to get her alone, offering to drive her to school in the mornings when he saw her walking, and making up reasons to have her watch his kids even though he never had to go anywhere. He figured it was a phase that would work its way out of his system, but as time went on his fantasies about her only grew wilder.

After her eighteenth birthday, he began to test the waters a bit, seeing how receptive she was to any advances he might make. He'd flirt innocently with her whenever he was out of earshot of his wife, throw in a few touches that could be taken however she wanted to. She never really gave him enough to make heads or tails out of, but she never pushed him away either. He decided to take a chance one night while his wife was out of town for the weekend. Insisting that he couldn't handle his kids alone the entire time, he asked her to stay over to help out to which she willingly agreed. The first night he spent trying to work up his nerve to make a move, reading every little response to see how far he could push his luck. He was surprised to find that while she was reluctant, she never turned him down. The next night he finally gave her a proposition; one time only and they could both act as if nothing happened afterwards. Surprisingly she agreed, although exactly why he never asked.

They both moved on from that night, pretending as if it never happened, at least until his wife was diagnosed with cancer. With his wife sick and the girl next door in his house nearly every single day to help with the kids, the fantasies are back with a vengeance. Try as he might to continue with the façade, each day it becomes harder and harder to ignore his attraction. He's left with two choices; tell his wife the truth and get the teenager out of his life for good, or do what he can to rekindle the spark between them.


Gwedolyn La'Flaur

Age: 25
Profession: Lady in Waiting
Height: 5'3
Weight: 102lbs


Katriel D'Lurauex

Katriel was bored. Of all the assignments in the world, the one she hated the most was and always would be monitoring the embassy, a place that always reminded her of exactly how out of place she truly was in the world. She watched the humans and elves interact and found herself, not for the first time, appalled by her fascination. The elves were aloof, looking down their noses at their human counterparts as if scrutinizing every little flaw; and they probably were. The humans, for their part, did not even seem to notice, simply taking the elves' standoffishness in stride with warm smiles and equally warm enthusiasm. Were they always so accepting of everything? In spite of the human blood that tainted her veins, Katriel knew very little about them, and always found herself regretting any exposure she had to the race. For her, humans brought up far too many questions about herself, about the woman who had given birth to her and dropped her off at the embassy gates to be raised by the elf who sired her. Katriel didn't like it, but there was little she could do to prevent the onslaught of questions that plagued her mind whenever she worked security at the embassy.

This was the only place where elves and humans were free to interact, and even then it was usually only under necessity than any real desire to do so. For centuries the elves had believed themselves superior to humans; smarter and stronger in every possible way. And for a time that was the way the world worked. Humans and elves were separate entities, one never addressing the other unless it was a matter of great importance. The elves had their affairs and the humans were not involved, that was how many believed it would be that way for all time. Humans were smarter than most elves gave them credit, devising their own ways and technologies that elves would have never even considered. They all understood it was the humans' lack of magic that gave birth to the technological era, a way to shift the balance between the elves and their own kind and put the two races on equal footing. At first, the elven governments had wanted no part of it, deciding that they could continue on without the developments the humans' were working on. In the end, though technology won out, and the elves conceded that perhaps there was some use to all the inventions the other race had created.

The relationship between the two races was still relatively young. The embassy itself was only fifty years old and marked the beginning of human-elven affairs. It was here that all business transactions were carried out, where all trade deals were made and products from the human world were delivered. The embassy itself was large, built on the very border between the elven capital of Lilsneas and the human country. Katriel didn't know much about the human world other than the fact that their rules were nothing at all like those of the elven. They mingled freely amongst each other; rich and poor, citizen and politician. There was no segregation at all, which to her sounded both pleasant and absolutely terrifying. The only thing that the elves and humans shared was the one opinion that made it difficult for Katriel to fit in either world; humans and elves were not meant to be together.

Yes, even the humans who were open-minded to just about everything according to rumor did not support intermingling between the two races. One would have thought that it was because they feared that halflings may attempt to take control in some way, using their human blood to gain entry into their world and slowly increasing their numbers. The real reason had nothing at all to do with that possibility, and more to do with the notion of keeping bloodlines where they belonged. Humans were meant to procreate with humans and elves with elves. A halfling like her was considered tainted, not human, not elven; an abomination that was never meant to even be conceived.

But she was conceived, the result of an extremely brief affair between her father and the woman who had given birth to her. Katriel couldn't call the woman her mother. In fact, she couldn't have pointed the woman out if she'd walked straight up to her. The halfling had no idea who she was, and most likely never would. For all she knew, her mother could be one of the human females walking around the embassy that very day. Not that Katriel would have really cared. The last thing she needed was to be seen associating with a human; she was already struggling to gain respect now. Which was what made it so difficult to be stuck on her current assignment.

Katriel knew she couldn't complain. The very fact that she had an assignment, that she was dressed in the formal uniform of a tracker said more about her than the mixed blood that ran through her veins. It hadn't been easy to get where she was, and there were many who thought it was her father's name and position that had gotten her to that point. No one but those who knew her would have thought that Katriel had earned her position through blood, sweat, and a great many tears. No one would have bothered to look into exactly how Katriel became a tracker, or that her record was full of accommodations and words of praise. At first sight, they always assumed she was lazy, foolish, and prone to emotional outbursts, and on that, they would have been wrong. However, Katriel didn't have time to care what people thought of her, at least most people. She had goals that she had yet to reach, and standing inside the embassy, watching the strange interactions between human and elf was one step on her way to achieve those goals.

The halfling was determined to become a guard, the equivalent to the military elite. It wasn't the posh job of protecting nobles that the young female was after, or the respect that came from the title; she wanted respect but not in that way. What she wanted was to prove to herself and to the rest of the elven world that she was just as capable as the rest of them, that the human blood she'd inherited from her mother meant nothing at all. But, before she could do any of that, she needed to e recognized, and try as she might with her accomplishments, she had yet to find the way to make the General Reagent take notice of her work, or care to anyway.

And work she did! There wasn't a day that went by that Katriel didn't go out of her way to go above and beyond her duties. Her record was flawless, not a single reprimand, not even one little red mark. She caught every criminal she was ordered to track, whether it took her a few hours or days, she did not stop until her target was apprehended. She was relentless in maintaining order, which wasn't difficult at all up until recently. With the uprise in anti-human groups within the elven kingdoms, being a tracker was not nearly as easy as it had been five years ago when she first started. Of all the kingdoms, Lilsneas was the one on the highest alert, its proximity to the human world making it the focus of all attacks, and the embassy itself the main target. The trouble had begun only six months ago, with the announcement of a possible human embassy being built within the confines of the elven city of Tarwamau, the one city where all three elven kingdoms were joined. There was fear that the humans would begin to spy on the kingdoms, learn all of the weaknesses and defenses in order to plan an invasion. It was a ridiculous idea given the limited amount of access those within the embassy would have outside of Tarwamau, but fear made people do foolish things.

The foolishness started those six months ago, with an attempted magical attack on the embassy which resulted in the death of two human businessmen, and over a dozen elves and humans injured. Katriel had not been there on that day, but she'd heard a second-hand account of the event from another tracker in her squad. The attackers had been apprehended, and still sat inside the dungeons within the palace, all refusing to speak other than to claim they were protecting the kingdoms and all elves, and to give warning that more attacks were imminent. That part proved true a few weeks later when a prominent elf, who was the main supporter of the Tarwamau embassy was assaulted. The attacks were random, and the members of the group organizing them were ghosts. As of yet, there had yet to be any lead at all as to who was leading the rebels and even less about their plans. It wasn't until they decided to attack that anyone even learned about it.

That was why security around the embassy had been increased, from twenty trackers to nearly a hundred. No one got in or out without being authorized, and anyone who even stepped within a yard of the building was checked thoroughly for any possible weapons; not that they were needed. There were anti-magic barriers put into place around the vicinity to prevent further attacks, but everyone was still tense, waiting for the moment one person managed to slip through the cracks. Ever since the attack, there had not been another launched at the embassy itself, but everyone thought it was just a matter of time before another attempt was made.

Even with all the possibilities, playing security at the embassy was still Katriel's least favorite assignment, and when she spotted her relief walking toward her, the halfling could not help but let out an inaudible sigh of relief. The tracker replacing her was from her squadron, and the closest Katriel could call a friend as anyone could be. Deldarech Craren was not a native of Lilsneas. The male was born and raised in Tarwamau until the age of twelve when his merchant father moved into the capital to be closer to the embassy. At the age of fourteen, Deldarech was accepted into the tracker Academy and graduated just a year before Katriel herself had. The two had not associated during their time at the academy but had grown close since being assigned under the same captain. Deldarech, on this day, looked a bit out of breath, and his usually professional appearance was tarnished by hair that was slightly unkempt and a wrinkled uniform. Katriel might have questioned him about the unusual change, but remembered quickly that just who she was dealing with. As friendly as she was with the male, he was still a known ladies' man and judging by the way he rushed toward her in a job, she could only assume the reason for his abnormal arrival.

By the time he reached her, Deldarech was out of breath, panting softly as he came to an abrupt halt in front of her. She stared at him critically, lifting a brow in silent judgment. She could already smell the traces of perfume wafting from him and knew that her assumption for his lateness was spot on. Rolling her eyes, the halfling clicked her tongue in a gentle admonishment but stepped away to allow him to take her position. "Have trouble prying her off this morning? Really, Del, you should be a bit more selective about the women you go home with. My ears are still ringing from the last one that came here to give you a piece of her mind."

The male smirked, his broad shoulders jerking in a dismissive shrug as he straightened himself up and took over Katriel's post. "Don't worry. She won't be able to get through the doors this time." The smirk morphed into a grin, Deldarech's blonde head nodding toward the door where four trackers were changing places. "You might want to stop back at headquarters to get your assignment for tomorrow. I heard they're going to start dropping the numbers here and start putting more trackers on hunting down leads." His grin widened, this time looking boastful rather than mischievous. "No doubt they'll have you and those damn eyes of yours on the job. Everyone knows if you want something found they send in the hawk."

It was Katriel's turn to roll her eyes at the nickname that her squadron had given her. It was meant to be a compliment, and she knew that, but it still bothered her. Her track record for hunting down the wanted, both suspects, criminals, and reluctant witnesses, spoke for itself, but Katriel had to wonder if she would be given a reprieve from the boredom of security to put her skills to some use. She hoped so, but she didn't hold out much hope in it. However, the suggestion gave Katriel a valid reason to go see her captain, and that wasn't something she wanted to pass up; not that anyone else knew that. "I'll probably be back here tomorrow, but I guess I'd better make sure before I head home."

She waved to Deldarech and took her leave, grateful that at least for the next twelve hours she wouldn't have to deal with the embassy or the reminder that her mother could possibly be one of the humans scurrying about the building.

The path to the tracker's headquarters was shorter than the route to her little cottage, but still a good five mile walk, one that the halfling used to ponder whether or not her assignment would be changed. She had given a great deal of thought of those who were responsible for the attacks, but never truly considered that she could be tasked with hunting them down. To them, being discovered by a half-elf would be the greatest insult, perhaps even more than being found by a human.

Those thoughts only lingered on the halfling's mind until she reached her destination. A switch had flipped from thoughts of her job to those more personal in nature. Before she could even step through the door, Katriel began to smooth out her uniform and fuss with her hair, silently cursing herself for not going home to shower and change before going to see her captain. She didn't need anyone to tell her that it was pointless to harbor the attraction she felt toward the male, that her chances of anything coming out of the feelings she kept hidden were virtually non-existent. On this matter, she didn't need anyone's opinion; she was her own biggest critic. Not only was it against the regulations for any romantic entanglements between a tracker and one of their superiors, but given who and what she was, she didn't need anyone to tell her that it simply wasn't going to happen. Still, the heart wanted what the heart wanted, and the more Katriel tried to fight her own feelings, the harder it was to rid herself of her emotions.

With a dismayed sigh, Katriel quickly lectured herself for her foolishness and entered the building, heading up to the fourth floor that was assigned to the captains, just below the fifth and final floor where the General Regent himself did his work. She ventured through the maze of offices and cubicles, paying little attention to the others who were wandering through along with her. She didn't stop until she was outside the office of her captain of the last five years. Katriel hesitated outside his office, tempted to run her fingers through her hair to straighten it out but refusing to cave into the thought. Instead, she knocked lightly, waiting to be granted entry, and hoping that she could get out of the office without making a fool of herself in the process.

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  • About me
    -I am a stay at home mom of four kids who are currently on summer vacation. There will be times where it takes me a while to reply, and other times when I can reply at the speed of light. I am looking for a partner who has some patience. I can promise at least one post a week. Sometimes more, but at least one a week.

    -I will only play a female main character in a romantic pairing. I will not double with new partners. Sorry, but I will only play a male character in a romantic pairing when and if I am completely comfortable with my partner.

    -I am trying to challenge myself and improve my writing in the process. I consider myself an advanced writer and am looking for an advanced partner. I write a minimum of four paragraphs per post, more if I'm motivated and would like a partner who can do the same.

    -I am aggressive, but I also enjoy plotting out the story with my partner. I'm always open to ideas and changes.

    -I don't chase after people about posting, but I won't snap at anyone if they give me a nudge about posting either. I usually make an effort to keep people updated my status or blog when I'm having trouble writing or real life is kicking my butt. If you don't hear anything from me, just give me a poke.

    -RPs are always more plot than smut. I will fade to black or play things out depending on my partner's comfort level. I simply cannot do a roleplay that is majority smut though. I lose interest fast if there's no story. The most a rp will be is 60/40 Plot/Smut, but usually, somewhere around 80/20, 60/40 at most depending on the plot.

    -I prefer playing multiple characters. My main character will always be female though.

  • What I'm looking for

    -Romance! This is the only one that is an absolute must!
    -Drawn out tension
    -Innocence corrupted
    -Forbidden love
    -Tension (I can't add this one enough!)
    -Age gaps (Nothing under 17 and no more than 20 years age difference)
    -Unhealthy relationships
    -List of things I'm open to and what I am not.

  • What I'm looking for

    -Someone who can post at least once every other day to at least once a week. More is welcome, although I cannot always guarantee I can match posting speed. I will try though.

    -Quality & quantity. I've been getting a bit lazy with my writing and I would like someone who can help me push myself and expand a bit on my skills.

    -Someone with patience! As stated before, I have four kids. I also have a husband and a small zoo in my house. Real life isn't always kind to me when it comes to free time. There will be days when I can post as soon as I get a reply, and others when I can't even afford a minute to look at my computer.

    -OOC chat is optional, but I do like hearing from partners.

    -Someone who will help move the story! I'm aggressive, but I don't want to make anyone feel like they can't add their own twists in the story.

    -Someone not afraid of lengthy posts.

  • Pairings and Plots

    Little Sister x Brother's best friend
    [spoili]Abigail's life has never been all sunshine and roses. For the first few years, things were normal. Her parents worked hard, adored each other, and loved both her and her brother, but when her father got into an accident that nearly cripples him, things begin to change. Her father's addiction began because of the pain he suffered, but their mother's addiction was to escape the reality of her failing marriage and abusive husband. Their house became a haven to the scum of society. Their mother would bring in any man that was willing to give her attention, while their father was always strung out on the couch with an assortment of needles and pills littered around him. If it hadn't been for her brother, Abby might not have survived.

    An already miserable life became worse when their mother left their father without a word, not only raising the man's ire at women in general but turning his full out wrath on Abby. The situation grew dire when physical abuse was no longer enough to satisfy his anger. Abby could not be left alone in the house for a second, not when their father was awake, and with her brother Alex the only one working to provide what he could for Abby, the situation became too dangerous for her older brother to ignore.

    After years of keeping their parents' secrets, Alex finally went to the only person that he could trust; their aunt Clara. She moved quickly to take both children away, blackmailing their father with threats of turning him into the police to avoid the court system. For years the three of them lived peacefully, and Abby began to adjust to having a normal life, but just when she thought the end of her nightmare was close, their aunt is killed in a car accident, shattering the normalcy she was just beginning to get used to.

    But now seventeen years old, and close enough to adulthood that the threat of being returned to her father's care could be avoided, she and Alex remained where they were. Alex worked full time to avoid using the money their aunt had left them, but without a proper education, he was stuck in dead-end jobs that would not help Abby get her own education when it came time for her to finish up high school. He decides to join the military, which would not only help him support his sister but provide him with his own education as well. The problem was, he would have to leave Abby alone. Sending her to live with their father again wasn't an option, so he enlists the help of his best friend instead.

    The arrangement at first was that his friend simply stop in to check on Abby and make sure she was alright and had everything that she needed, but when their father makes an appearance, the plan changes. Alex begs his best friend to move into the house with Abby to help keep their father at bay and to keep up the appearance that Alex is still very much in the picture.[/spoili]

    Plot 2
    [spoili]The idea I have for a plot is similar to Drive me Crazy. My character is socially awkward and struggling to fit in at college, but is unsuccessful. Her brother decides to help her out without her knowledge by enlisting the help of his best friend. Not fully fleshed out, but would like to find a partner that's willing to work on it with me. :)[/spoili]

    Best Friends
    [spoili]Best friends since kindergarten, they did pretty much everything together. At the age of sixteen, while all of their other friends were hooking up, the two had yet to lose their virginity. They made a pact that if they hadn't lost it by the time they were eighteen, they would lose it to the other. What neither of them knew was that they both had been harboring a crush for one another, and they both decided to save themselves till their eighteenth birthday. The time finally comes, and it all comes down to making a choice. Will they go through with their pact? And if they do, what happens afterward?[/spoili]

    [spoili]She was engaged to a man who she thought loved her as much as she loved him, at least until she walked into their shared home to discover that she wasn't the only one willing to share his bed. Heartbroken and in need of a place to stay, she turns to the only person she knows will keep her cheating ex away; his older brother. Little does she know that for years he has harbored feelings for her, feelings that he kept hidden because of her infatuation with his sibling. Now that her eyes have been open, he is anxious to seize his opportunity to have the woman of his dreams and hurt his younger brother.[/spoili]

    Married Ex's
    [spoili]They were high school sweethearts, madly in love and convinced that they would be together forever. But when he joins the military without saying a word and abandons her when they turn 18, she is devastated and left to pick up the pieces of the life she dreamed they would have to make one for herself. She never thought that she would find someone else. The truth was, she didn't want to. However, life has a funny way of working, and shortly before graduating from college, she finds herself married to a man she's convinced herself to love and preparing to start a family with him in her home town. That is until her ex comes back into the picture.

    Seeing him for the first time brings back all of the heartache she felt the moment he left her, and when she sees his wife by his side, she can't help but feel envious. What she doesn't know is that he feels the exact same way, and the only thing on his mind after seeing her again is how he can get back into her life. [/spoili]

    Best Friend x Best Friend's Brother
    [spoili]Miranda is all work and no play, and her best friend Alexis is sick of it. Try as she might to get her best friend to go out and have some fun, Miranda always claims to be too busy for anything. When Miranda is set to win an award for one of her poems, she is intent on going it alone, much to Alexis' chagrin. Refusing to let her friend go solo to the event, she enlists her older brother to help her. Knowing that Miranda won't feel intimidated by the thought of going with her brother who is already in a relationship, Alexis sets the two up, all parties assuming that nothing will happen. However, things take a turn when the two not only hit it off, but things get serious between them quickly.

    Convinced that he would be happier with Miranda than he is in his current relationship, he's all set to end things with his girlfriend. However, when Miranda acts as if nothing has changed between them, he begins to question if he'd imagined it all. For weeks he pursues her, stopping by her house to help her out all the while trying to figure out if she was feigning her feelings for him or not. She comes clean with him, admitting her feelings but still refusing to continue any sort of relationship that might end up putting Alexis in a tense situation. He eventually convinces her to continue seeing him, promising to keep up the appearance that there is nothing going on between them. He'll stay with his girlfriend and keep their relationship hidden from Alexis until she feels comfortable revealing the truth.[/spoili]

    Stepdaughter x Stepfather
    [spoili]He had been married to her mother since she was ten years old. At first, the marriage went well with her mother being the loving, doting wife he'd been searching for. But things remain that way for long. Within three years her mother was off taking advantage of her stepfather, leaving Braelyn to pick up the slack for her mother. Of course, the teenager could have predicted what would happen. She knew her mother better than anyone and saw the writing on the wall long before her mother and stepfather married. She wasn't looking for a man to replace Braelyn's father and the love of her life, but a man who she could saddle her child with, who was willing to be taken advantage of without any complaint, and who would fund the lifestyle she wanted.

    Braelyn felt sorry for her stepfather and tried to do all that she could to make up for her mother's neglect. She went out of her way to make sure dinner was on the table for him when he got home from work, the house was clean, and the laundry was done. She'd spend her free time hanging around the house, trying to engage her stepfather in conversation and doing what she could to keep his mind off his wayward wife. For a while, she was content to play the role of a substitute wife, without all of the duties that came along with the role.

    However, when she turned 18 she realized that something was different between herself and her stepfather. It became common for him to come into her room at night, even when her mother was home. He'd sit on the edge of her bed, watching her every move with an expression on his face that Braelyn could not read. She noticed that his hugs lasted a lot longer than they should have, and his hands slipped a little too low to be considered innocent. Of course, Braelyn assumed she was imagining things, but when her mother goes off for a week without a word, her stepfather is finally free to make his move without anything standing in his way.

    ***Note*** This rp will start off with dub-con and blackmail, and eventually turn into romance. This could be turned into Daughter x Father[/spoili]

    Victim x Cop
    [spoili]Kidnapped at the age of sixteen and held captive for five years, Lisa Gibson was not meant to make to survive to see her twenty-first birthday after the man who kept her captive grows tired of her. She manages to escape, but not unscathed. Finally free from her kidnapper, she must not only learn how to live life outside of her prison but help the police capture the man who held her hostage.[/spoili]

    (Pairings with vague ideas for plots)

    Sister x Brother
    Employee x Boss
    Victim x Stalker
    Psychologist x Patient
    Regular Woman x Celebrity
    Nurse x Soldier (Civil War or WW2 era)
    Teacher x Student
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Rise of the Vampire Queen


-Queen: The queen is the ruler of all vampires. She is the only vampire that can give birth and the only one that can control all vampires. Queens are born, not turned, and they will only give birth to females. If the queen is killed without a princess to take her place, every vampire will die along with her.

*King: The king is the mate of the queen. Only when the queen takes him as her mate can he impregnate her. His position of power is a symbolic one and it is only the respect of the populace that gives him any control. If the queen dies before the princess is old enough to take power, the king maintains power. However, once the princess becomes old enough to rule, he is stripped of all his power.

*Princess: The princess is the heir to Queen, and only receives the powers of a queen when her mother dies and once she is frozen into her immortality after a full century of life.




*Superhuman strength and speed (The older they are, the stronger and faster they become)
*Mind Control (Only humans)
*Immune to disease
*Superior hearing and sense of smell (Not as strong as a Lycan's)
*Advanced Healing


* King: The king is usually the most powerful of the clans. The king can be challenged at any time by any opponent who believes he is stronger than the current king. The challenge is to the death. If the challenger wins, he becomes king, and more often than not, eliminates the former king's family once he takes power.

* Queen: The queen is simply there to produce heirs. She has no authority and no control.

* Generals: The generals are the strongest lycan of each clan and usually the pack leader, unless they decide otherwise. They control their pacts, and enforce the laws of the king within their clan.


* Silver
* Fire
*Lunar Eclipse


*Advanced Healing
*Superior hearing and smell
*Superhuman strength and speed (Stronger than vampires, but not faster)

No one knows how the war began. For centuries the two races had lived together in relative peace, both avoiding humans as much as possible and trying to survive without being discovered. Somewhere along the line animosities began to grow between the vampires and lycan, some believed it was the vampires and their ever increasing numbers to blame, while others point the finger at the lycan and their disgust for how the vampires lived as the cause of the strife between the two. Whatever the cause, the result was an all-out gruesome war, one that lasted for over a century with high casualties among both races.

The war ended with a strategic move by the lycan king. During the daytime hours, the lycan general along with his most trusted men crept into the castle of the vampire's royal family and staked the king and queen, leaving the vampires completely unorganized and scattering to pick up the pieces left behind. Before the lycans could retreat, the general came upon the last remaining member of the royal family, the infant princess. Unable to kill a child, the general came up with an idea. He would take the infant along with him, raise her among the lycan, and teach her to feed without killing. The lycan king was against it, but when the general threatened to leave, he reluctantly agreed.

True to his word, the general raised the princess, feeding the blood his kills each day and showing her that vampires and lycan could live in peace. At a century old and frozen into her immortality, the general was supposed to explain her importance, and prepare to return her back to her people, but a problem arose; his beast has chosen her as his one true mate. Twelve years have passed now, and the lycan king is getting anxious to return the princess back to the vampires, who are beginning to grow restless without a king or queen to lead them. Can he let her go? Or will he crack under the pressure of his beast and take her as his mate without telling her the truth of her identity?

* Please be an advanced writer.
*Please be able to post at least once every other day.
*Quality over quantity, but both are appreciated.
*Be willing to play multiple characters.
*Help move the story along.
Plot Candies

*Natural progression romance
*Sexual tension
*Fight for dominance
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  • Love
Reactions: junebug

Name: Beverly Elise Dixon
Age: 27
Birthday: January 25th
Profession: Press Representative

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Arabelle Savoy

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Royal Family

King: Jushof Roesler
Queen: Erna Roesler
Princess: Ailiana Roesler

Continent: Asendadon
Position: North East Coast
Country Age: 527
Size: 70,800 Square Miles
Population: 7 milion
Capital City: Reka
Farm land: 55%
Wilderness: 31%
Bodies of water: 35 Lakes,47 Rivers
Climate: Humid Continental
Crops: Corn, Wheat, Potatoes
Mines: Gold, Iron
Exports: Wool, leather, salmon, ore

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Law of Survival

Some of the stranded awoke to the sounds of the ocean washing ashore, drenching their bare feet while the tiny granuals of sand acting like mirrors. Mirrors which the sun gleaned off of and warmed their bodies. Others were in the dense, humid jungles; prespiring precious water away. The sounds of their stomachs growling from hunger stirring the wildlife. The third group were left trembling and cold in frigid, howling artic winds. Fortunately whoever placed them there, had chosen a cave with a low ceiling. They were on the edges of the northern part of the island so it was not as cold as it could be.

Katryne Rainecourte

Testing, testing, testing, testing.

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