Nomura Public High School (Sign Ups)

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Original poster
So, I've decided to start a drama/comedy/slice of life RP involving a group of students at a high school. The form is necessary, even if your character has a bio. 4 minimum users, 8 maximum.


  • Name:
  • Sex:
  • Desired Pronoun:
  • Sexuality:
  • Birthday:
  • Available for romance?:
  • Bio (if they have one):
Mitsuo Koizumi
  • Name: Nao Hisakawa
  • Sex: Male
  • Desired Pronoun: he/him
  • Sexuality: Homo
  • Birthday: 5/14
  • Available for romance?: HECK YAH
  • Bio (if they have one): (I don't have a separate character bio page but I'll just create one and post it below)
Character Name - Nao Hisakawa
Gender - Male
Age - 16
Occupation - Student
Strengths - Athletics, is really energetic, isn't easily offended, the crafting of trouble.
Weaknesses - Schoolwork, teachers, teacher's pets, listening to anything school-related.
General Appearance - A boy of average height with brown hair and brown eyes. Is usually seen with a jacket and headphones.
Talents - Athletics, troublemaking, guitar playing.
Inabilities - Standing still whenever someone messes with another person (particularly his friends), doing schoolwork, listening to anything school-related.
Fears - Not being noticed or accepted by people.
General Personality - Obnoxious.
History - His parents don't really mind him. They don't care really care what he does. Not even the trouble he makes at school. Aside from that, he's an only sibling.
Character Biography - An obnoxious troublemaker who loves causing chaos at school. His other hobby is playing guitar, but he can't sing. If he knew anyone else who sang he would love to accompany them with his music. He doesn't really care if people find out about his sexuality, as long as they don't ignore him.
  • Name: Nao Hisakawa
  • Sex: Male
  • Desired Pronoun: he/him
  • Sexuality: Homo
  • Birthday: 5/14
  • Available for romance?: HECK YAH
  • Bio (if they have one): (I don't have a separate character bio page but I'll just create one and post it below)
Character Name - Nao Hisakawa
Gender - Male
Age - 16
Occupation - Student
Strengths - Athletics, is really energetic, isn't easily offended, the crafting of trouble.
Weaknesses - Schoolwork, teachers, teacher's pets, listening to anything school-related.
General Appearance - A boy of average height with brown hair and brown eyes. Is usually seen with a jacket and headphones.
Talents - Athletics, troublemaking, guitar playing.
Inabilities - Standing still whenever someone messes with another person (particularly his friends), doing schoolwork, listening to anything school-related.
Fears - Not being noticed or accepted by people.
General Personality - Obnoxious.
History - His parents don't really mind him. They don't care really care what he does. Not even the trouble he makes at school. Aside from that, he's an only sibling.
Character Biography - An obnoxious troublemaker who loves causing chaos at school. His other hobby is playing guitar, but he can't sing. If he knew anyone else who sang he would love to accompany them with his music. He doesn't really care if people find out about his sexuality, as long as they don't ignore him.
sry for the big pic XD
Holy everything that's unholy, first character signed up and we already have the anti-Mitsuo. That's going to be a hilarious rivalry, and possible romance.
Holy everything that's unholy, first character signed up and we already have the anti-Mitsuo. That's going to be a hilarious rivalry, and possible romance.
XD yep
Especially if I end up putting Mitsuo on the disciplinary committee XD
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