Nobody ever told her its the wrong way(psychiatric hospital)

Turning back to the game, I make my next move. I move my D2 pawn forward two spaces, freeing my queen. Sort of. I look back up at Vi, who seems to be very calm with the music in her ears. "Pawn to D4." I announce, to make sure she recognized the move.
Vi nodded slightly, looking at the board. She wondered what move to make next. She moved her E2 pawn up one space. She wasn't sure what to do from there.
I moved my queen up one space, now allowing it to move anywhere but forward and to the back left or back right. A long game, chess. A long game indeed. Especially when it controls your entiRE EXISISTANCE!!!!

I could feel my face growing red and hot with the frustration at my predicament, and took note of the strained and twisted expression of anger on my face. I took a few deep breaths to clam myself. I don't like getting angry. It gave me a migraine, disabled my ability to think. And thinking is all I have left. I patted the air to signal that it was alright, it wasn't her fault. I then pointed at the board to tell her it was still her move, in case she had forgotten.
Vi watched him, a little worriedly. When he patted the air she nodded slightly, hesitantly looking down. She was starting to forget what the rules were again, but she moved her favorite piece. She moved the E2 pawn up a second place, looking completely confident. She figured maybe she could watch his moves enough to know what to do, because so far that worked really well for her.
I started at the caretaker and tilted my head wondering where to begin.
"You say that as if it's a threat." I started letting a wolfish grin cross mt face, "But the reality is I like my doctor. My doctor keeps me calm, and I think this whole ward knows what Eliot's like when Eliot's not calm. So how about this." I held my hands up to show I meant no harm, "You call my doctor andthe two of you can do what ever you need to to me, and the new girl here gets to go watch TV, or read, or play chess or something."