"No Friends" Club.

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
Shou opened one of his eyes and looked at Damien, smiling slightly, still lying on the table. "Go ahead," he replied, his voice so soft until it seemed like he was mouthing it.
Damien was overcome with nerves again, but he wasn't gonna back down this time... "I... uh..." Dammit, why am I so scared? Of course, he knew why. He'd never actually asked anyone out. He'd flirted plenty, of course. But it was always in a joking manner, never serious. Finally, he decided to just get out with it. "Willyougooutwithme?" He asked, all at once. After he asked, he tensed up, holding his breath while he waited for Shou's answer.
Ava heard Damien's question from across the room. She had to turn her head to see if Shou would or not. She could have listened, but the facial reactions are far more entertaining than verbal ones. She stopped, mid-turn, thinking. She decided to get some tea. Ava was always an impulseful person. There were times she would just drop everything she was doing togo do something else. She walked over and fixed a cup of tea, and thought she might as well go be... social. The thought frightened her, but she had to make friends, or her mom would make her go to therapy. Again. So, she walked over to Penelope. "H- hey, P- penelope. How are y- you?" She tried to start a conversation.

Shou looked at Damien, mildly surprised. At first he looked calm and collected, if not a little startled. Then he started blushing madly. "I u-uh..." He stuttered softly, his purple eyes avoiding Damien's.

Shou pulled Damien into a hug, then a kiss just beside his mouth. He smiled, blushing. "I'll be...sleeping...." He whispered.

As he was lying down, he berated himself. This is not how you usually act, what's happening, he thought to himself. Then he started thinking about Damien's confession. He turned the opposite way so nobody could see him blushing harder.
Damien was in a daze. Part of it might have been from lack of oxygen, but most of it was Shou's reaction. He'd never in a million years guess he'd get a kiss out of him. He sat back in his chair, hand over where Shou's lips had made contact. He was suddenly aware of the people watching, and his face went redder than the tea he'd spilt earlier. But his mind immediately returned to Shou, who was sleeping (or at least pretending) again. "Sweet dreams..."
Adrian had been listening to the whole thing and couldn't help but smile silently to himself. It was such a sweet moment; he'd never seen anything like it. Though he didn't really do well at reading people, so he wasn't sure if it'd work out... what a shame. He ran a hand through his half-long hair and let out a breath he didn't know he'd been holding. He walked back to sit on the windowsill and looked out the window before looking around the people. He didn't really know if he should maybe try talking to Ava, or even Penelope, who seemed to be the ones he'd rather talk to. Either way, he just didn't want to be alone, and he didn't want to talk to anyone either. He didn't really know which to go after. With a sigh he let his head drop onto his knees, observing with his crimson eyes the sceneries unfolding in front of him. After a little while of this, his phone buzzed in his pocket, and he pulled it up. The display showed a message from Miu. He blushed softly, wondering what to reply as he tapped the screen to see the message. It simply said "hey" with a... smiley? He smiled a bit and pressed the reply button and began tapping a message. "Hey. Did you get home safely?" he considered adding a smiley but just the thought of him using them gave him the creeps, so he decided to just press send before he could manage to change his mind, and then he closed the phone and put it on the windowsill, NOT waiting eagerly for a reply. Definitely not.
((Don't want it to die, and it's been a week, so... I'll skip ahead to another day, if you don't mind. >.>;; ))
Damien sauntered into the clubroom, a little more cheerful than usual. He threw open the classroom doors and announced his presence as usual. "Good afternoon, my sweeties!"
Ava was already there, looking a bit more comfortable being around people than yesterday, but not much. She spoke quietly, as if by being quiet she could save the shattered silence brought on by Damien's sudden entry, "Hello, D- damien. How are y- you?"
Shou sneaked into the room quietly, and crept behind Ava. "Hello there," he whispered into her ear, before going to Damien from the back and giving him a hug. He then strolled to his corner, and sat on top of a desk.
Adrian walked into the clubroom and skimmed with his eyes. Miu was nowhere to be seen. He'd been texting with her until late at night yesterday and to say the least, he was a bit sleepy. With a sigh he went to make a cup of tea to calm down on, looking around the room to see who else was there. Shou and Damien, and Ava, had arrived, but so far no one else. Maybe he'd been a bit early after all. He'd thought that most would show up before him but that proved to be wrong.
Damien returned Shou's hug with a grin. "Hiya Shou! And Miss Ava, of course." Shou'd gone off to his corner, so Damien decided to meet another one of the members. Adrien looked tired and a little alone, so Damien joined him with a cup of Earl Grey (that wouldn't end up on the floor today.) "Hiya Mr. Adrien. How are you doing this fine afternoon?"
Adrian turned around with a slight surprised look on his face, barely managing to keep the tea safe between his hands. Luckily he didn't drop the mug or spill anything on himself, and managed to get out of the matters with no harm done. He looked at the boy, Damien, for a few seconds, just wondering what to do. He felt like he had a stone stuck in his throat. "U-uh.... h-h-hello... I.... I'm... fine.... h-how are you ?" Most of all he wanted to jump out the window and hide behind a tree but that would make him seem more silly than he already was. He looked down at his shoes and stood in place, hoping that Damien could at least deal with his poor attempt of conversing.
Damien laughed, and put his arm around the stuttering boy next to him. "No need to be afraid. I don't bite... hard." He winked and laughed to himself again. "So... what do you like? Whatcha interested in?" He took a sip of his tea, then suddenly coughed and sputtered. "Ack! That's... hot." Now it was his turn for nervous laughter. He'd made himself look stupid... again.
At the comment, Adrian just blushed in a confused matter. He wasn't sure what to do at all and honestly, he would've been afraid if it wasn't for the fact that he'd accidentally taken a sip of way too hot tea. He took a sip of his own and closed his pretty, red eyes. "Interested in... I love singing, and I play the violin and piano... I draw as a hobby and write stories and poems... I'm not much or an outside person." He looked down shyly and held the cup between his small, gentle hands. He felt a bit anxious and most of all wanted Miu to show up already. He kinda needed her comapny.
Marko opened the clubroom door his shimmering purple eye's scanning the room, He looks like he has been crying. He makes his way past holding his violin in his hand and his shoes over his shoulder, he puts his face into the couch and lets a sigh go. He let the couch take him away to a new land away from the world he was in, His black hair being moved a bit by the open window next to him. His uniform a bit untidy and baggy on him, his breathing was shallow and dull.
Ava was back to looking out the window when Marko walked in. She didn't like for others to cry, so she would always talk to people that were, taking on their problems. She would act like a sponge absorbing the tears and sadnesses of others, always seeming to stay strong. No one knew she herself was constantly crying, on the inside around people, and on the outside when she was alone. Sigh, she thought, time to go do my thing. She walked up to Marko. "Hey, M- marko. What's wr- wrong?"
Damien noticed that Adrien was starting to get uncomfortable, so he excused himself and made his way over to Shou's corner. "Hi Shou..." he started blushing like he had the day before. "Uhh... yeah. Hi." He hoped Shou wouldn't mind if he didn't talk. Damien just sat down and rested his head on Shou's shoulder.
Shou glanced at Damien as he was approaching him, and gave a slight smile and allowed him to rest his head on his shoulder. He's so cute when he blushes, he thought to himself, as he was looking around the club.
Damien wrapped his arms around Shou and whispered in his ear, "You never said yes yesterday..." He gave a look that made it clear he was joking, then lightly kissed Shou's cheek. "If your answer is yes, do something to show it, and if it's no, throw me out that window over there." He chuckled to himself while he waited for Shou's reply.
Shou looked at Damien thoughtfully, his purple eyes glinting in amusement. He rummaged his rucksack and took out a origami heart, a little bit crumpled. "Got kind of smashed by the maths book, sorry," he whispered, the faintest tinge of red swept across his cheeks as he held out the origami to Damien. He looked away and waited for Damien's reaction.