Nightlife: Magic in the Air

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She watched him leave momentarily before turning back to Laura who was stepping out of the car, "hey!" She shouted and smiled at the sound of her car door shutting. She noticed Laura's eyes follow the figure leaving the home, but failed to see his tail or features in the evening lights.
"Who was the stud-muffin you just let out of our home?! Is there something you're not telling me Mai?" Laura said with a 'wink wink nudge nudge' motion.
"Oh stuff off, he's just a friend." Maiya said and stared off into an abys again. Laura paused and looked down at her room mates clothes.
"What the hell happened to you?" She said gesturing to the muddy smudges from falling over, and constantly being splashed by puddles.
"Drivers are arrogant..." She said with a laugh and then moved back when her friend unecessarily placed her hand on her arm and gestured to her where to move so she could get in.

"Good day at school?" Maiya said moving back and closing the door, quickly grabbing the card that Hiruma left and hiding it.
Ren arched a brow at the girl's antics, then gave a muted sigh and shrugged. At least he was correct about the courier part, and that she had lost her package. However, Ren had lived in Sundown City long enough to know when someone needed to be left alone. Even if it weren't for the fact she had completely ignored him, Ren figured that this girl would rather not have anyone interfere with her operations. "Well, if you need a place to rest, the Sunset Lounge is always open." he offered, at least. "Good luck finding your delivery." he looked back at the few curious people who were either awestruck at Ren's display of power, or confused as to what ailment the harpy girl was suffering, his gaze lingering on a curious-looking fellow with what appeared to be tattoos on his face. "Nothing to worry about, she'll find her way." he said, assuaging their fears as he took one last glance at the girl before returning to the club. "Everythin' taken care of?" Jack asked as Ren returned, who nodded. "Yeah, one of the couriers crashed into the trash heap in the alley. Had some nasty cuts, but they've been taken care of. She might need to see a physician, though." He added, picking up the drink Jack had prepared and taking a sip. "She still out there?" The bartender asked, giving Ren a stern eye. "Yeah, I offered the club for her to rest in but she didn't seem too keen on listening." He shrugged, and took another sip from his glass. "I did notice someone interesting, however." he added, remembering the odd being he had inspected not a few seconds earlier. "Didn't look very human, but that's not much to go by in a city like this. He seemed almost artificial, like someone built him." As he described the being, Jack raised a brow curiously. "What interested me the most, though, was that he seemed somewhat lost; as if he was just dropped here from the middle of nowhere." he mused.
The package is gone. Whatever that... that thing was... it clearly stole it.

Lifira drops to her knees. There went her pay!

The harpy let the reality of it all sink in... and then she finally realized something: how the hell did she get here?

Cursing her species's notoriously one-track mind, she rises and looks around. She sees what looks like a golem, only stranger, more ornate, and asks, "Hey, uh, what just happened? Apart from the whole 'mail' thing?"
Aghast, Neerin looked down, apparently the wind had picked up, blowing off his hat and scarf, revealing him.

"Uhm... I was down the street when I heard a noise... and then there was some music, i came to see if there was anything wrong, noticed you with the group from the club, and that's all I really know right now. Uh, my name's Neerin, by the way, are you hurt? Your... wings look pretty bad."
"Lifira." The harpy replies. Then she looks to her wings and notices their half-healed state, in one piece but in no shape to fly. "Oh."

She blinks. "Ow."

Then the pain finally, truly registers in her brain. "Owhahahaowwww!" She laments.
A huff of smoke came from Hiruma's mouth, as he walked at a bit of a gingerly pace, already late as it was to meet the Eclipse leader, and he was anything if not professional. Tch... She didn't even thank me for protecting the book... he thought to himself. He inhaled and puffed out a wall of smoke, some of it being his own personal heat mixed in, which only happened when he focused too hard on something. He tended to have a one track mind if something interested him enough. He shook his head and pulled out his MP3 player again, and flipped through songs, landing on this song, which made him smile. He played this as a trumpet at Akumajo soon after it opened, and it brought back good memories. He walked off, smoke trailing behind him, on his way to Moonshine Club, which wasn't too far from the blind girl's house...

Hiruma walked by where they bumped into one another, right near the front door of Moonshine. He walked in, the smell of booze, smoke and good jazz filling his body up. He felt at home in places like this. He walked to the barside, which was pretty full as is, and waited for the bartender to come down to him. He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw Hiruma's face. He chuckled nervously, as Hiruma smiled widely back at him. He was one of those people he had the ability to call on. "H-hey, Hiruma... What brings you 'round Moonshine?" he said, trying to play it cool.
"I need to see him." he said, looking at him dead in the eyes. "Of.. Of course! Come on around..." he told him, as Hiruma stepped down through the floor and then behind the bar, scaring the bejeezus out of the poor bartender, almost making him jump on the mixing counter. "Thanks." he said with a snicker, that trick never getting old. He walked through the back door of the bar side, and down some stairs, wondering what the leader of the Eclipse had in store for him this time around...

"Someone, call an ambulance!" Neerin screeched, looking around for anyone to assist. Once he was sure the call was made, he walked into the lounge.

"Uh, hey there... you told that girl this place was open for someone to stay. I was wondering if I might stay here a bit, it looks like it might rain and I don't have anywhere to keep my books dry."
"Hey, uh, ditto about that," Lifira says, gingerly following Neerin into the lounge, "I don't think I can fly anywhere in this state."
"The ambulance should get here any time now, I think it would be alright if she waited here." Neerin said with trepidation.

Turning to Renard, he asked, "I just came into town, do you know of any work someone like could get?"
Neerinstill wan't sure about Sundown's position on non-humans. Of the two he'd met, one worked in a bar and the other was a courier. They weren't exactly prosperous careers.
Nova felt his blood rushing through his body as he ran with the football in his arm, right past two attackers and now fleeing from many members of the other team. This was more than just troublesome, and it put some pressure on him too. If he wouldn't make a touchdown now, the game would end in a draw.
The last few meters were already in sight as he sprinted with everything he could put up without using his powers, and while panting so hard that his loung may came out, he made a jump, held the football in front of him with both hands and dropped to the ground as one of the players caught him by jumping at his back.
Dust was blown into the air from the little impact and it was not clearly seen where exactly the ball was. As a breeze blew it away, Nova still held it in his hands, and the ball was just behind the Goal Line. This little fact made the crowd cheer.

Nova got up and helped the player that almost caught him up on his feet by holding his hand to him. He smiled at him.
"You have quite the speed. Might to teach me a trick or two later?"
The other male smiled back and shook the hand that Nova held to him to help him up.
"Let's not. And just so you know. I'll get you next time."
They parted ways and returned to their teams.

After a quick shower at the team's room and changing his clothes, he went out of the stadium and looked at his map for what to do now. He may be a player for the SSR, but he was still new in town. Thanks to some of his teammates, a smooth jazz club caught his interest, and since he would now have some days free, just one or two drinks couldn't hurt right? With this thought in mind, he walked to the Arts district and made his way to the bar of the Sunset lounge and waited for the barkeeper to notice him. Last thing he wanted to do was to stress the man.
Laura mocked Maiya all evening for having the male over in their house. Chanting irritating little songs like the typical "K-I-S-S-I-N-G" rhyme, and other irritating little verses. In the end Maiya decided to lock herself in the bathroom and take a shower to get away from it, and clean down her body from the dirt and musk of the evening. Placing her clothes in the wash basket, she proceeded to step into the shower and lean against the cold tile walls of it. Sighing as the hot water hit her body and ran down her porcelain tone skin. Considering the thoughts she had in her mind from the man bringing her her book back. He did seem a little defensive didn't he? Why was he so curious as to why she was studying them? She wasn't a threat to anybody, especially to a race such as the demons.

However, her own questions for herself still rotated around her thoughts. She wanted to study each and every race to have a better understanding of their capabilities. Striving to one day become a professor herself, her knowledge needed to be wide spread over various different species. As well as this, perhaps one day her mass knowledge on these things could be put to greater and better use. Perhaps she could become a leader of sorts, a political figurehead, something of importance to protect others with gifts like hers. One thing was for sure, she had no idea what she wanted to be, but wanted to be prepared for any possibility. So knowledge was key. However, she would become something sought after if word got out she knew too much. She'd heard countless stories of assassinations of beings because they were aware of information they shouldn't have been. If people knew the kind of books and knowledge she had, surely she would be target number one?

She didn't realise she had paused for such a in depth thought until the knocking on the bathroom door came, it was Laura. "Are you almost done in there?!" She called out, holding a towel around herself and her toiletry bag in one hand.
"Yeah, I'll be out in a second!" Maiya called back and finished off getting washed by cleansing her body with papaya scented soap.

She hopped out of the shower and quickly dried her body down, leaving her hair dripping wet on the towel draped around herself. Unlocking the door and walking past what was a very impatient-looking Laura. Smiling and exhaling an exasperated laugh, Laura went into the bathroom and locked the door. Maiya rolled her eyes and went into her room to get ready for bed.
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The half-elf arched a brow at the two, flipping the sax reed in his mouth as he listened. "Yeah, the Lounge is always open. Anything in particular you two want to drink?" he asked, looking over his shoulder at the bartender for a second before returning his sight to them. Noticing that the girl's wings were still injured, Ren grimaced and gazed over at his sax case, wondering if he should try again. That is, until the odd-looking man told them that an ambulance would be on its way. "Ah, thanks for that. I did what I could but it's gonna take a professional to fix her up." he noted, sighing with relief. Then, the stony-looking man turned to him and asked him about employment. "Someone like you? Well, in all my days here I haven't really known anyone to discriminate by race. Could do whatever you wanted, my friend." He started, with a grin. "You said something about books, didn't you? Well, there's a library over in the Mystic's District, as well as all sorts of magical stuff." He took a drink from the glass he had and eyed the man up and down, his gaze lingering on the odd tattoos around his face, before adding "I can show you 'round there when I know the young lady here's been taken care of, if you'd like. I'm Renard, by the way, but call me Ren." he introduced himself with a smile and a hand outstretched to shake his guests'. While Ren was busy with the two, Jack took note of a few football players who entered the building, and split into a toothy grin. "Ey, Nova! Pretty fancy footwork out there, brother." he said, gesturing at the TV that was once displaying the Reapers game, but had since moved on to other newsworthy topics.
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As the bartender noticed him, Nova looked at him. He would have appreciated if he wouldn't have mentioned the game though. He did not like attention.
He smiled a bit shily at him while speaking.
"Thanks but that was not me alone. Uhm... Would you mind to not mention it for a while? Not that i don't like the sport, but i'd like to relax for now.
Got a drink for me? Not too much alcohol please."
Nova put his arms on the counter and began to relax again. He may not know what to do tomorrow, but for today all he wanted to do is to relax while having a drink and listening to music.
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"Uh, I'm called Neerin. I came here from Chagford, a few miles from the city, and I'd appreciate that tour." Taking Ren's hand in his own. "I hope you don't mind, I can control my body and mind, but I can't do a thing about how it feels." Chagrined, Neerin looked down. He took note of the modesty the sportsman used and internally commended him.
Gears started churning in Lifira's head. Her brain started working on overdrive, piecing together bits and pieces that had been thrown out, filling in the blanks as best as it could. You swear you could see thin trails of steam coming from her head, before the harpy merrily cries, "Aha!"

From her pack, she extracts a large binder with even larger tags sticking out of it. On the cover, "Important Shit." On the tags, from top to bottom, "Kinda," "Just," and "Really."

She takes out the pen, opens to "Kinda," and scribbles furiously for a minute or two.

When she's done, she puts the binder back into her pack and walks up to Ren.

"Thanks for helping me earlier. I'm sorry I didn't do this earlier but my brain can't process too many important things at once. And the mail is really important to me..."
Hiruma rose from the depths of the basement of Moonshine, with a scowl on his face, his cigarette having a live flame at the end of it. His body temperature rose higher and higher as his anger grew, as did most demons. and he was anything but calm at this moment. The cigarette burned quickly, and a white flame at that, hot enough to sear flesh and ashen bone, as he walked with his hands in his pockets, around the club. He paced as well, wondering what he'd do now with what happened. A huge cloud of smoke emanated from his mouth, almost like a steam train billowing smoke, making people around him cough and walk away, the smoke incredibly hot as well.

"Damn him... Waste of my damn time, and to have his lackey try to smartmouth me..." he fumed inside, the look from the bartender from earlier being one of great fear and apprehension, darting his gaze elsewhere when Hiruma stared him down in reply. He scoffed and walked out of the bar, holding his composure till he got outside. He looked around for witnesses, and there were none to be seen...

"Dammit!"he bellowed, bright blue flames blasting out in four directions from his feet, going out about 20 feet to his left, right, front and back. The flames remained long after, the sidewalk scorching steadily from the heat. The man inside the base under the bar had treated him a fool, asking why such a man was wandering around the base. He must've been new, yet there was no reason for them NOT to know who he was and what he did for the Eclipse. He told Hiruma the leader was out of the base, and that even their lowest member would know better than to come to meet in person. He did everything in his power not to leave a pile of ash where the man was standing, turning to him and telling him that the leader better contact him personally next time, and that if he opened his mouth to him again, he wouldn't even leave ashes for his family to bury. One thing he did not tolerate was being played for a fool when he knew damn well what the score was. He walked in any direction, not caring at the moment, just needing to walk somewhere and vent. His feet made small licks of flame as he walked, trying to exhume the flames in a safer way than blasting them out. His cigarette was at the nub, and he spat it out, the cherry still hot on the pavement. That was his last one, and he wasted it. "He better have a good reason for this..." he said, smoking trickling from his lips as he walked anywhere his blazing feet would take him...
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Ren raised a brow as the golem-like man spoke. "Chagford? Can't say I've heard of it." Eyeing the man once more, he simply shrugged before taking the golem's hand in his own. It was somewhat rough, as though hewn out of stone. An interesting being this man was, indeed. Though, Ren couldn't help but chuckle at Neerin's apology. "It's nothing, my friend. You're not the first non-human," he gestured at his own pointed ears, "and certainly won't be the last." Ren smiled as he withdrew his hand, and his attention was brought to the harpy girl he had helped earlier. Taking a drink from the glass on the counter beside him, he nodded at her. "I was happy to help, miss. Think nothing of it." he added somewhat modestly. As a performer, he had grown accustomed to praise and the like, but that didn't stop him from keeping his feet on the ground. However, whatever it was she lost did intrigue Ren. It would have to wait, however, as he had someone to show around. Finishing the rest of his drink, he slid the glass back to the barkeep, who nodded and continued his conversation with Nova. "I think we can all understand a bit of relaxation." he noted, filling up a clean glass with frothy root beer. Wasn't alcoholic, as the sportsman asked for, but it still had a nice kick when you wanted to let loose. "Here ya go; hope you don't mind root beer."

Ren got up and got his saxophone from its case, strapping it to his neck snugly and attaching the reed and mouthpiece to it. Some would wonder why he'd bring his sax to something as casual as a tour or escort, but in Sundown you could never be too careful. "Well, I'm ready if you are." he noted with a grin as he glanced back at Neerin. After his companion made to follow him, Ren made his way outside into the crisp night air. Taking in a breath, he turned right and exhaled, setting a pace that was casual, but not sluggish. Turning to Neerin, he decided to strike up a conversation. "Well, what brings you to Sundown City?" a simple question, for Ren. Learning one's origins and purpose for being here may have been out of place for most, but since the golem-like fellow was from out of town, he felt it would be appropriate.
The ambulance arrived soon enough. In a city of perpetual darkness, emergency services were always on overdrive. No matter how well-lit the streets were, there was always going to be dark corners and mysterious alleyways.

"Thanks!" Lifira says as the paramedics cart her away.

Her insurance would cover this, probably. What she was really worried about though, was losing today's pay and many, many more in the foreseeable future.
Seeing her plans crumble right before her eyes was strangely relaxing; now that she had nothing to do about it anymore, the harpy found she could relax and sleep.