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well, let me see.

The most common one used for me is "Ogre", 'cause it kinda fits my mannerism.
"Ogre" lead to "Ua Blacktoe" as my ogre name. Ua came from a bunch of colleges messing up my name, and blacktoe came from me bruising my toes when I started working and Kroger and running me feet over with shopping carts.

and of course, online it's TC.
Boo: My dad used to call me "Boo" when I was a little kid. I think he got it from that Yogi Bear cartoon, but I never really asked.

Steve: Obviously a shorter version of my real name, Steven.

Esteeb: A lot of the Spanish speaking ladies down in Houston used to say this when they tried saying my name. I'm rather fond of it actually.

Superman: My friends started calling me this when I was in High school because I played Hockey, Lacrosse, and Football back to back to back all four years, while being on Varsity for each team. I was on Varsity as a freshman through graduation.

Los Gringo: A paired name to my friend Johnny whom I call Los Mexican.

The Harvester Of The Infinites: A friend of mine once said that I looked like a guy who could harvest the infinite infinities of the world. I'll take it as a compliment?
Jew, Jewboy, Israeli, Zionist, Snake Eyes, Brad Pitt, Leo DiCaprio, Swedish Guy, That Guy * Insert Reenacting Impression here*, Hat Man....
I've had a lot of nicknames. These Mexican guys i used to work with would call me hueso or Bones. I liked that one more than some of the others I've had throughout my life.

Laugh at this one and I'll kill you

Moodle-Poodle-Dots: My dad calls me AND our dog that.
When I was little

Mom called me PAMA (totally random sound)
Dad called me MUTTO (affectionate nickname for a cute little girl)

In Elementary School

Favourite Cousin called me Sakura
Classmates called me Cherry
Favourite Teacher called me:
-Johnnita Appleseeds (for trying to save apple seeds to grow apple trees)
-Cookie Monstaaa (loved cookies)
-Rockstar (cuz we both did great imitations of guitars and rocking out with the sound effects)
-Princess StarWars (cuz I was pale and had dark hair like that girl in star wars)
-Catalyst (at the time, I didn't know what it meant xD)
*He liked to change nicknames every once in a while xD
Other teachers called me Bubbly

In HighSchool

When I was a baby people called me KitKat and Catibug. I'm not 100% sure where this started or why xD
(Most of) My family then progressed to "Cati" as I got older.
Iwas dubbed Kitticat and Kitten in middle school (by the guy I had a crush on, >_>)
Kitti kind of stuck and is now my nickname virtually everywhere... (except the part of my family that still refers back to my infant nicknames).
Negro, Gordo.

Your insults are our terms of endearment, instead of "Hey dude" we say "Sup fag."
Suu, Susanu, Shibu, Susie, Susie Q, Liz, Lizzie, Lizziebeth, Cowbrain, Pumpkin Head, Blondie, Kura, Kuu, Kuubear, Kuukins, Kurakins, KuuKuu, Kurai, Kurara, Suzi, Zuu, Zazu, Zuubat.
I'm called Reggie, by one guy in my section. He's under the impression I am a registered sex offender.
Russ (shortened version of my name)
Russy (Because well I'm not sure why that's girls for you)
Sunshine (Because I'm generally always happy)
Sunny (Shortened version of Sunshine by a couple friends)
Russellsauros ( Don't remember)
Russellina (Just a friend wanting it to be similar to Cinderella for some reason)
Russcelious (Because it sounds cool?)
Russell Crowe (Because Russell is similar, not because of anger problems :P)
Rusty (I went by this name for a few years just because)
Rustifer (Like Christopher but not)
Chanler (Apparently I act like Chanler from Friends with my humor or something haha)
Coconut ( I liked the Lion King song for a long while I think)
Russ the Bus (Because my name rhymes haha)
Russell the Love Muscle (Same as above I believe, I don't know)

Not as awesome as everyone else's! :D