New Years: Resolutions, Regrets, Accomplishments and Goals

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We all knew this thread was coming. If you didn't, no cookie for you.

Anyways, I got around to thinking, what were some of everyone's accomplishments, failures, etc this year? do you feel accomplished? what do you hope for next year?

Key Points of 2013 for you:
Do you keep a resolution?:
What do you hope for next year?:
And last, what is the best memory of 2013?:
Song of 2014:


I regret losing a friend thanks to lack of attention. I should have seen the signs.

I also really regret giving into my temptation to smoke, so now I have to wait a full year for a surgery.

Also I regret giving my brother a third chance.


I feel like I have accomplished quite a bit this year. I moved into a studio apartment with my cat, and without baggage for once. I have cut out drama from my life as of 12/26/13, and I have led a full life thus far. I have found a gift in writing, and organizing (my apartment however yeesh man). I've also managed my budget to the point where I know where each and every cent goes.

Also I came out as openly gay for the first time and wasn't attacked with my family's issues.


Live life to the fullest, find someone possibly, finished my book by 2025, get my other cat home

Key Points of 2013 for you:

The negatives:

-Lost a brother
-Lost a great friend
-Had multiple mental breakdowns
-Trouble with the family
-Foster/street brother lost his kid
-Had to leave my other cat with my foster mother

The positives

-Got a new job that pays very well
-Moved into a new apartment (studio!)
-Have my kitty with me now
-Going to school
-I'm alive
-I've realized that I am not stupid
-I found Iwaku (seriously if my book is published donations will be made to this place!!!)

Do you keep a resolution?:

No, because you shouldn't have to set only one goal just to ignore/forget it later on

What do you hope for next year?:

That I survive passed the first day. Seriously.

And last, what is the best memory of 2013?:

Honestly so many good things happened to me this year that I don't know.

Song of 2014:

  • Love
Reactions: Levusti
Well then, lets see!

It's kind of regret and kind of not. I had family drama back in April and it was pretty bad. I banned someone from my house. I feel 100% like I made the right decision, but I still wish it hadn't come to that and that it was resolved. :( It's pretty much killed my love of planning family gatherings, cause there's no way for me to do it without it being uncool and awkward. But it's something I feel very strongly about and refuse to let go without an apology. At this point I don't know what to do about it anymore. T____T

HOLY CRAP, I CAN PAINT. I had no idea. O____O I have always liked art and I have painted once or twice before in the past, but omg. I can actually paint. I can paint GOOD. I am very pleased about that.


I want to smile and play every day. To be content with life. I have been there before, I can be there again!

Key Points of 2013 for you:


Do you keep a resolution?:
I don't make resolutions, cause I never keep them. t____t

What do you hope for next year?:
I really, really hope that those things that have been so shitty this year finally get resolved. I am ready for life to change and to start making it's climb back in to awesometown. I want to paint more. Enjoy holidays. Take a trip. I wanna run an epically badass forum roleplay!

And last, what is the best memory of 2013?:

Song of 2014:

*glances around.* >> ...... <<.....

-I didn't do many things wisely.
-I had a chance to give up cigarettes, and I was doing good for a while! But I gave into temptations.
-I didn't spend money wisely. I purchased things on impulse that could have DEFINITELY been used for better things.
-I haven't been exactly the nicest guy, lately. My personality's changed as my opinions and perceptions change--maybe not for the better.
-I've become distant with the majority of my friends. I really don't know who to call a close friend, honestly.
-I've completed my classroom sessions of my MLT program without a hitch! Now I just gotta do well in clinical practicum and I'm a full fledged lab tech!
-I've been able to broaden my knowledge on many things of the real world. I feel like I'm more empathetic now.
-I've truly come to terms with my sexuality and my love life! I'm understanding more about myself and not being afraid of it, either.
-I've learned how to do more things on my own as an adult now! I feel so independent!
-I've made new friends!

-Lose weight!
-Become knowledgeable!
-Understand others!
-Be wise in how I live my life!
-Be the truest me that I can be!

Key Points of 2013 for you:
-Made friends of a different culture and age, so I see things very differently!
-My best friend's having a family crisis, and it's affecting my family too...but we're all learning how make do.
-Though being around only women most of the time has been trying, they've helped me understand my emotions and help me learn to accept it.
-I understand what it is now to struggle financially. That's helped me grow stronger and wiser.
-Meeting people from all walks of life makes me realized how blessed I am to be in the circumstances I'm in--and how much I take it for granted each day.

Do you keep a resolution?:
Not all of my resolutions are upheld. However, some of them I keep! I made a mission for myself. I have to make someone smile each day. And that mission I feel has made me realize that I can change my own environment.

What do you hope for next year?:
To grow! Intellectually, emotionally, mentally, physically, socially, and spiritually!

And last, what is the best memory of 2013?:
-It's a simple one. It sticks in my mind though. A woman with low-income had to feed her three grandchildren left at her house. I remember how I gave her my table waiting tips for the night--it was a slow night, and I had only made $18. I can't begin to describe the gratitude and joy on her face when i gave her that money. That's not even half the money that would take me to a far off town. I sometimes spend that money in one day alone when I go do errands and meetings and business! But that little bit of money made her night. I can't forget that night.

Song of 2014:
UGH THIS IS THE HARDEST THING TO CHOOSE! I guess I'll just post a song that makes me happy that I've been listening to for a while!