Never Have I Ever

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I had a leg cast; does this count?

Never have I ever paid in a free to play game
Surprisingly no.

Never have I ever fallen off a tube during a water park ride

Never have I ever been to Disneyland
Uh... I've had 10 snake bites. Yay Australia

Never have I ever eaten an insect
I've eaten many bugs. Some voluntarily, others while I slept.

Never have I ever nearly choked eating a cheeseball
I have nearly choked on plenty of things, including a cheeseball.

Never have I ever learned another language to be acceptably fluent in it
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I have and got a second degree burn from my ankle hitting a really hot part.

Never have I ever gone cliff jumping
Oh hell no.

Never have I gone bungee jumping.
Not yet.

Never have I ever been tired enough to where I've seen jackalopes
Not I! I've semi-hallucinated other shit because of sleep deprivation/not eating/pain meds though

Never have I ever licked a metal object outdoors when the mercury was below freezing

Never have I gone skiing.
Never have I ever not gone skiing lol.

Never have I ever fallen for a usually simple trick (for example tapping your back on the opposite side).
Thus I have.

Never have I ever ate an entire pint of ice cream in one sitting.
Guilty. Depressing times can only be solved by loads of chocolate ice cream. Also works for pregnancy cravings. lol

Never have I ever had an inappropriate relationship with a superior.
By inappropriate you mean by making terrible jokes and jumping out and scaring the ever living shit out of them wearing a cow outfit then yes.

Never have I ever just dressed up in costume for the hell of it.

Never have I ever cosplayed.
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