Never Have I Ever

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I have for like 5 minutes. But if we are talking about the Sims then fuck I play that a lot and date on there, hoe on there, mass murder people. I am god mwuahahaha

Never have I ever had a day without anxiety.

(It keeps changing lol but I thought I saw Bayonetta on it.)
Normal butterflies and stuff, yeah.

Never have I ever rode on a camel.
I have never rode a camel.

Never have I rode I horse.
I have, but it was technically a pony.

Never have I ever watched MLP.
I have never watched anything even remotely close to MLP.

Never have I ever stolen from my closest friend
I probably have when I was younger.

Never have I ever drank alcohol.
Some wine, sangrias and Jello shots but nothing more.

Never have I ever kissed a girl.
Cheeks only.

Never have I ever known a person with white hair that isn't an elderly person.
Never have. :(

Never have I had more than 1000 dollars of spare spending cash at any one time.

Never have I ever gone into debt.
Never been in debt. That will change effective about a week. Curse you student loaaaaaans!

Never have I ever......*thinks about it* broken any bones.
Fractured my wrist bone, but not completely broken.

Never have I ever kept my room clean for a month.

Never have I ever played with Barbies

Never have I ever roleplayed with the same person under a different username.
I have.

Never have I ever listened to K-Pop
I have.

Never have I ever willingly listened to Justin Beiber.

Never have I played Pokemon
You lie and pokemon is part of my childhood.

Never have I gone surfing.
I have.

Never have I ever been to Asia.
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