Neko Cult

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*fights her way out of the giant paper bag.. and looks around*
...Say what?

I don't speak "Japenese pretending to be a cat"...
Mikun.... no ;__;
I'm still sick.
Wasn't just a cold though o.o;;
Kitti, you don't have...THAT flu, do you???
Or is it that virus pretending to be the flu?!
Oh, nooooooooes.... V.V
crossbreed a man-made virus causing cat-allergies with the common cold, and release it on the'll be golden...Now excuse me while I go mix a personal anti-dote...

XD I love you.
XD I love you.

*Chuckles* And I'm, as always, in everlasting admiration of you ;)

Of course, I'm saving the best WDP's (World Domination Plans, for those of you who don't speak "evil overlord") for personal use....
Necro has declared war on all thing Neko-ish!!!! Our retaliation shall be swift and deadly...err....CUDDLY!

*Experiments in her laboratory to create a cuddle monster*
*wakes up feeling delerious*


*crawls over to the bathroom and locks self in*

Don't attempt to make contact with me. Otherwise, you may find yourself sick too. :(
**nuzzles Fluffers**
Did you see my new newbie?
We should try to recruit him! <3
*sits. not talking to anyone in particuar,* Hey look, locals. *waves back*
*scampers in, tail up* Heeello?

Are you the one my wifey recruited?
Well, either way... >> *Straps a bell collar on the Spartan neko and gives a lot of loves!*

We're all fun and games until world dominance comes into place. Mua..ahaha..HAHAHA!

...*Swims in her harem of nekos*
Who? Wha..? *now has a bell collar* -.- *is given loves* :D
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