Naruto: A Second Chance

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"Well obviously. Much as I'd like to taste your blood again Akihiko, taking her out now would give her a good chance to escape and we can't have that. The last thing you three need to go off chasing her again. Especially if you want to do another D-rank mission this afternoon."

As he spoke, he put his hands behind his head, fully relaxing. Seeing these three reminded him of his own days as a genin. Of course, by their age, he had had better mastery over his kekkai genkai from all the training that any bearer within the Nogitsune clan went through. Still, the three of them had a ways to go.

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Total: 149400 Chakra
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"Come one lets just go hand him in so we can do another D ranked mission. The sooner we get these D ranked ones done the sooner we can move on to an actual mission."

They soon reached the hokage tower. "Well we better revive him before we get inside." Neji looked over to their sensei as he was probably the only one who could do it.
Shodaim Hokage Shinzui Tsukikari
Shinzui was currently relaxing in his office, lounging on the sofa that was to the right of his desk, the paper work on it piling high. He heard a knock on his door and was instantly behind his desk, the paper work was also now on the floor next to his sides to that whoever came in could actually see him. He watched as Hibiki's team came in with Tora the cat stuffed inside of a coat. He was shocked a little, after all, his records said that they had recieved the mission only 30 minutes ago, which means they set a new record, though he also was surprised that Tora wasn't clawing out of the jacked. A few seconds after the team entered so did Madam Shinji, to which one of the genin handed her the now apparent knocked out cat and put his coat back on. " I see you've caught Tora, and in an impressive amount of time as well. I just need a spoken report from Hibiki, your mission scroll, and i'll pay you the amount that's owed." Shinzui said with a smile as he watched Tora wake up to Madam Shinji's agressive petting, to which the cat was not able to escape from.
Hibiki took the mission scroll and spun it lightly between his fingers.

"As you well know, Tora found a way out of Madame Shijimi's home and was wandering Konohagakure. Team IDGAF scattered out to perform reconnaissance. Uzumaki Akihiko located Tora who ranoff at the sight, managing to mildly injure Uchiha Neji in the process. We tracked her to the Leaf Village's forest and thanks to the combined talents of Neji and Uzumaki Kumiko, Tora was retrieved. Unfortunately, Tora chose a particularly good spot to hide in the forest and received a light bump to the head, rendering her sedate on the plus side. Using Akihiko's jacket, we made her a warm place to recover from her ordeal as we returned."

Catching the mission scroll between two fingers, Hibiki turned it in to Shoske.

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Total: 149400 Chakra
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Shinzui nodded and took the scroll from Hibiki, opening one of his drawers and placing it inside of there "I see, well it was a good thing no one was badly hurt" He said with a warm smile. He turned to the group "Seeing as how all of you came personally, I could guess that you guys are ready for another mission?" He said, slightly tilting his head. He opened another drawer, rummaging through them to pull out another scroll. He smiled as he tossed the scroll to Hibiki "Another D-class mission. This time, you will be farming. How exciting huh" He said to the Genin hoping to keep their spirits up.
"Well, I don't think we expected anything more," Hibiki smirked, twirling the scroll between his fingers. "We certainly have enough time for another mission, but that's up to the team. It was their first real test of ninja skills so I'm not sure how they feel after that. Feel up for another mission, team? You can get on to C-Ranks the more D-ranks you do."

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Total: 149400 Chakra
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Neji listened to the hokage speak. He was definitely a weird man, but he was the strongest shinobi in their village and was someone to be respected. "Personally as much as farming sounds fun I'd rather train for the rest of the day, but if my teammates would rather do the mission then yeah I will gladly do is next mission."
Both twins looked to one another. It was obvious Kumiko wasn't very fond of the idea of having to make the decisions, and Akihiko just didn't care what they did. "I suppose we're training then.." Akihiko said, seeing as how the decision fell on him.
Watching the genin decide among themselves was an interesting sight for Hibiki. He knew he had dominant personality that tended to overshadow others but seeing the three genin and their indecision was a bit worrisome. None of the three seemed willing to take charge and the only one that had shown much in the way of leadership initiative had been Neji earlier at the start of the mission. This concerned the Jounin somewhat. Right now they were under his leadership so on missions where it truly mattered, he could take command easily but eventually these three would become chunin and their own leadership would be called into question.

"Well you heard the three Hokage," he said passing back the scroll. "Looks like they want to brush up on their skills a bit more before they go off on another mission. Can't blame them for wanting to be prepared. But we'll be back tomorrow; I seem to recall these three wanting to get on to C-ranks as soon as they can. Let's go you three."

Giving the Hokage a quick wave, he left the tower, hopefully without the three genin running off. As soon as they were out proper, he turned to them.

"Well, training for the rest of the day. I can leave you three to your own devices but you can also train together. Though if you're really adventurous... I might be able to set up a friendly sparring match with a few genin from the Nogitsune clan."

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Total: 149400 Chakra
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Neji looked at the hokage and bowed in front of him. "Thank you lord hokage." Neji being the son of the leader of the Uchiha clan was very respectful to people who were his elders. Especially elders who held quite a lot of power like the hokage did. He followed their sensei out of the tower. He smirked when he heard about the sparing. "I think the three of us could handle that no problem."

Neji was very confident in himself. He graduated number one from the academy and believed that he could take any other genin and could probably hold his own with chunin right now.
Both Kumiko and Akihiko bowed in respect to their Hokage. They may not have been from the highly respected Uchiha clan, but they knew their manners. They had learned quite a bit while their father was alive. They followed their sensei outside and listened to his words.

"The sparring with the other genin doesn't sound too bad." Akihiko commented, while no response came from his sister. As much as he wanted to, he knew that sparring amongst themselves would result in them understanding their techniques and different capabilities, in case a day came where they would have to battle one or the other.
"Thinking you can and actually doing so are two very different things. The three of you are fresh genin, no matter how you placed in your class and your own natural abilities. I'll have to see who's available when we get to the compound but I can assure you, you won't be facing green ninja - they will be more experienced than you. Perhaps with the Shinku Shokuno Sousa as well as the Nogitsune's Raging Tempest sword style . You've seen how well I use it with my chainbades. Imagine if you fought with someone who specializes in shurikenjutsu... A storm of pain wouldn't you say?"

The clan leader's lips curled up slightly at the thought.

"But no matter. You can be my guests this afternoon and I'll set up a sparring match. Come along then."

He headed off for the Nogitsune compound, the smirk still lingering on his face. The idea of shurikenjutsu and Shinku Shokuno Sousa had given him a thought. Why hadn't he a jutsu that evoked his namesake in the bingo book? He really should work on that.

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Total: 149400 Chakra
Neji smirked as he followed their sensei. "It doesn't matter my eyes see everything and with them I can dodge anything that us thrown my way." Neji knew he could handle himself against whoever he was fighting, but he wasn't sure about his teammates. Kumiko had her rinnegan so she should be okay. Akihiko though Neji didn't know much about his fighting style or skill. So it would be very interesting to see. He hoped his teammate could keep up.
They looked to Neji as he spoke then looked to one another. They weren't sure if Neji was egotistical or just confident in his own abilities, though it did sound that the Uchiha just had faith in himself. Kumiko knew that her Rinnegan would protect her against the thrown shuriken, but she was more concerned about Akihiko than her own well being. Akihiko trained harder than most Genin she had seen, but he didn't have the Rinnegan like she did, which could lead to his defeat when trying to hold his own... It was almost unfair how she achieved it that day, but he didn't... The youngest twin could only hope his fighting technique would be able to handle the Nogitsune individuals.. Maybe she could ask Sensei if he knew a thing or two about the Rinnegan and why Akihiko didn't get it when she did....
"Sounds like you have a lot of confidence, Neji," Hibiki smirked as they walked. "But confidence can only take you so far. We didn't have any in our clan graduate this last exam since they weren't of age so whoever you'll be facing will have a fair amount of experience on you. It's possible that you might get to face off against a chunin. We'll see when we get there. Oh, and one more thing. The three of you need to be deciding who among you is going to be leader. There will eventually come a time when we have to split up or if we wind up in over our heads and I get incapacitated. You three need to know who the de facto leader is and be able and willing to follow their commands."

He left them to their thoughts as they walked towards the Nogitsune compound. When they got there he wrangled one of the clan members who handle the day-to-day operations and got a list of current members who are in the compound and not on mission in. There looked to be two teams who just recently got back from missions. One of them was greener than the other but Hibiki was tempted to use the more experienced, if only because that team had had a genin who had failed the chunin exam previously and that would prove to be a good challenge. Hibiki sent to the clan member off to rouse the genin team before turning to face his genin.

"Lucky you, we have a genin team that just got back from a C rank mission yesterday so you'll have a fairly experienced team to go up against. It'll be a little while for they get all three of them down here so you have a few moments to rest and prepare."

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Total: 149400 Chakra
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Neji walked behind his Sensei and listened to what he said. Sure they would be fighting ninja with more experience, but it did not matter who they were fighting. Neji would treat everyone the same and fight them to the best of his abilities. Which he believed were very much superior to a lot of other Genin and even some chunin. He then heard that between the three of them they needed to pick a leader. It would make most sense that he be the leader, but he didn't want to nominate himself. He wanted to see what his two comrades would say.

They got to the Nogistune clans compound. Neji had been here once before on a clan to clan friendship meeting with his father. They soon got to an area where they could sit and rest. Neji decided to lay down on the ground as he tried to relax and gain back some chakra as they waited for their opponents to arrive.
They listened, and they knew their sensei was right. Out of the two, Kumiko was more afraid that she would be taken down easily. If these Nogistune clan members had a good amount of experience, then their team wouldn't exactly outmatch them. After all, they did just come back from a C rank, while she, Neji, and Akihiko had come back from chasing Tora... Though at the mention of who would be team leader, simultaneously, the two twins looked to one another in silent agreement on who the leader should be.

And simultaneously, they both put a hand on his shoulders.

"You did graduate top of the class..." Akihiko said to Neji before his sister added. "...It only makes sense Neji.. If you want to..." Kumiko murmured, seeming as though the twins had the same idea in mind.
Neji turned and looked at the two uzumaki twins and his new comrades. He was in shock as they both had put their hand on his shoulder and said that he should be the leader of the squad. Neji smiled a little bit. "Sure if you guys want me to lead, then I would love to lead the best genin squad in the village."
In a short time, the genin team that Hibiki had sent for arrived. The three of them looked roughly about the same age, maybe thirteen or fourteen, though the two females were clearly identical twins, though one had a clearly overlarge tooth that peeked over her bottom lip. The young man of the group who stood in their shadows with his head cast down was definitely younger but his features were very similar to the other two, indicating that he was probably their brother or some other close relation.

At their waists was very little to suggest what their specialties were. All three carried the usual accoutrement of kunai and shuriken, though the snaggletoothed twin didn't have nearly so many pouches at her waist as her mirror.

"You called for us?" the snaggletoothed one said, throwing a salute alongside her twin while the third member remained silent.

"That I did Akane. You can probably tell that we've got some fresh meat here with us - these three genin behind me. I offered to arrange a little sparring match and your team just so happens to be here ready and raring to go. And...."

He looked off into the distance to the right, his eyes narrowing slightly.

"It looks like the training field is empty - that will be perfect for the six of you. Alright, you three, up and move."

He clapped lightly and headed leisurely towards the training field followed by the Nogitsune genin team. When they got there the Nogitsune genin team took up places at the opposite end of the field, both twins looking ready for combat with their younger sibling looking nervous and not at all ready for it, rubbing his arm in an awkward fashion.

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Total: 149400 Chakra
Neji smiled as the genin team they were facing showed up. They didn't look like much, but they have been genin for a while now, so they must of been way more experienced then Neji and his team. He watched as his sensei and the genin team walked over to the trainin field. Neji turned back and looked at his squadmates. "Hey guys I know we can do this. Lets go and show that we are a very capable group here okay." Neji smiled at the two of them "come on let's go."

Neji walked over to the training field and looked at his sensei. "We are ready to go here." Neji activated his sharnigan as he looked over at the team that they were going to beat.
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