Naruto: A Second Chance

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Neji heard akihkos voice. He smiled and quickly made his way to the alley he was talking about. "Hey Akihko Kumiko I'm going to the other end of the alley so Tora will have to run either at me or at you two okay."

Neji soon landed on top of the ramen shop and quietly made his way off of it and landed on the other end of the alley. He could see Tora and at the other end Kumiko and Akihko. "Okay I'm the fastest of the three of us. I want you two to get Tora running down my way of the alley and I think I should be able to get her. If she does get past me I'll be able to out run her. I don't care how you get her running down this way just we have to be careful not to hurt her."
Akihiko nodded once at the plan while the same one Kumiko had thought of before was still in her mind. However, she wasn't going to question Neji or pitch in since his plan was good as well. Maybe some other time. Both twins looked at one another and started to approach the cat, making noise so Tora knew of their presence. Cats didn't exactly like being cornered or noises, which often made them run a different direction than the "death threat". It was part of their survival instinct, like any other animal's.
Tora the Cat
Tora was munching on the cooked fish the nice older man had given him, before suddenly his ears perked up, his tail swung with the bell jingling ever so slightly, before Tora was off. Tora first ran towards Neji, but as Tora neared the boy he suddenly jumped to the left, landing on the wall, before wall jumping all the way to the top and was headed off to the nearby forest of Konoha, though Tora did scratch Neji as hard as he could as he began his wall jump.
Neji didn't even activate his sharnigan as he saw Tora run at him. "Well this should be easy enough he thought." Just as he was about to reach out and grab Tora, Tora jumped to the left and into the wall. And as Tora jumped. He have a cut to Nejis arm.

Neji was shocked as he watched Tora jump up the wall like that. With that he activated his sharnigan and jumped up the wall to the roof top and scanned the area for Tora. In the distance he could see Tora heading towards the Forrest. He radioed in to the mic. "Hey Tora is heading towards the konoha Forrest come on let's go."

Neji began chasing Tora. As fast as Tora was, Neji was catching up to him.
Hibiki watched as Tora was cornered by the genin and ran off towards Neji. It didn't surprise him all that much that Tora was able to wall jump; she was a cat in a ninja village after all. He could tell that the cat had gotten Neji fairly well, sensing the blood welling out from his wounds. Ignoring that for now, he stood back up and tracked the cat with his eyes. She was heading off towards the forest by Konoha, that would make things more difficult for them. Of course, that might have been just what they needed. Smirking, Hibiki followed after the cat.

"I did warn you she was good," Hibiki said across the communicator. "And it looks like Neji got hurt in the process. Not bad of course but all the same, a learning experience. Neji's right, she's heading off into the forest. Let's go."

Character Bio

Total: 149400 Chakra
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Name: Akihiko
Age: 13
Birthday: March 10th
Gender: Male

Village: Konohagakure (Home village) *Spent childhood in Amegakure before coming back to Konohagakure*
Rank: Genin
First Element: Water
Clan: Uzumaki decent
Weapons/Equipment: Smoke bombs, kunais, shurikens
Family: Akio Uzumaki (Father/deceased) Sakurako Kagame Uzumaki (Mother/deceased) Yoshiko Kagame (Aunt)
Teacher: Nogitsune Hibiki
Past: Their mother died during childbirth and Kumiko wasn't even supposed to be alive. The medic nins did the best that they could, but Sakurako lost too much blood. Their father relocated them to Amegakure, where he was a Shinobi killed in battle 10 years later. Yoshiko had received the news of the twin orphans due to being their closest relative, and did what she could to bring the two back to Konoha with her.
Personality: Akihiko used to be a carefree and outspoken child during his childhood. While enrolled in the Ninja academy at Amegakure, he and his sister didn't take their training all too seriously. He was the talkative one of the group, easily making friends with the other students. It was until that he and Kumiko witnessed their father dying in battle that their personalities did a complete 360. He is now a quiet, stoic child that cares for no one other than his sister. He doesn't even care about his aunt, even though she gave them a place to live.


Taijutsu: Hard Fist Style (13% out of 175%), Intermediate
Ninjutsu: Intermediate
Genjutsu: Beginner
Kenjutsu: Beginner
Fuuinjutsu: Beginner| *Will practice to develop this skill later on*
Shurikenjutsu: (Out of 10) Skill: 5 Accuracy: 7 Power: 7

Doujutsu: *Has not unlocked Rinnegan yet*
Special Taijustu: *Currently N/A*
Other: *Currently N/A*


Kawarimi (costs 200 Chakra)
Bunshin (costs 100 Chakra and requires 20% Chakra Control.)
Henge (costs 50 Chakra)
Hidden Mist Technique (300 Chakra to perform/50 to keep it going per round.)
Water Release: Gunshot (The more Chakra put into the shot, the stronger it is.)


Strength: 7 (+2)
Speed: 10 (+1)
Handseal Speed: 5
Agility: 14 (+1)
Intelligence: 9 (+2)
Knowledge: 5 (different in the fact that this encompasses Basic to Ninja Knowledge, from knowing how certain Clans/Jutsu work to the History of your Village.)
Chakra Control: 56%
Chakra: 53%, 2,500
Finesse: 9 (+1) (how Fluidly you can use your physical Skills like Taijutsu and Shurikenjutsu.)
Stamina: 15 (+10 for Uzumakiness)
Ryo (Money): 2,000

Name: Kumiko
Age: 13
Birthday: March 10th
Gender: Female


Village: Konohagakure (Home village) *Spent childhood in Amegakure before coming back to Konohagakure*
Rank: Genin
First Element: Water
Clan: Uzumaki decent
Weapons/Equipment: Smoke bombs, kunais, shurikens
Family: Akio Uzumaki (Father/deceased) Sakurako Kagame Uzumaki (Mother/deceased) Yoshiko Kagame (Aunt)
Teacher: Nogitsune Hibiki
Past: Their mother died during childbirth and Kumiko wasn't even supposed to be alive. The medic nins did the best that they could, but Sakurako lost too much blood. Their father relocated them to Amegakure, where he was a Shinobi killed in battle 10 years later. Yoshiko had received the news of the twin orphans due to being their closest relative, and did what she could to bring the two back to Konoha with her.
Personality: Kumiko used to be a cheerful and joyous girl during their childhood. While enrolled in the Ninja academy at Amegakure, she and her brother didn't take their training all too seriously. She was not as talkative, but she wasn't invisible to the rest of the crowd. It was until that she and Akihiko witnessed their father dying in battle that their personalities did a complete 360. She is now a mellow, quiet girl who shares similar negative traits as her brother. Kumiko holds some compassion within her, but submits to her brother's demands due to her lack of rebellion. If she is told to do something by him, she'll do it.


Taijutsu: Hard Fist Style| Intermediate (17% out of 180%)
Ninjutsu: Intermediate
Genjutsu: Beginner
Kenjutsu: Beginner
Fuuinjutsu: Somewhat intermediate
Shurikenjutsu: (Out of 10) Skill: 4 Accuracy: 9 Power: 5

These are in the case of a Clan.

Doujutsu: Rinnegan
Special Taijustu: *Currently N/A*
Other: 6 Paths of the Sage-Deva Path
(56% out of 100 for new one)


Kawarimi (cost's 200 Chakra)
Bunshin (cost's 100 Chakra and requires 20% Chakra Control)
Henge (cost's 50 Chakra)
Water Release: Violent Bubble Wave (More Chakra used, the stronger it is. Doesn't have to be this.)
Water Release: Syrup Capture Field (The longer it's used, the more Chakra is drained or something. (Ex: 10 minutes of use lessens 100 Chakra, excluding the beginning amount needed to perform it in the first place.)
Attractive Forces (Requires 200 Chakra to perform; stronger the more Chakra is put into it.)
Repulsive Forces (Requires 100 Chakra to perform; stronger the more Chakra is put into it.)


Strength: 11 (+1)
Speed: 9 (+1)
Handseal Speed: 5
Agility: 10 (+2) (encompasses Flexibility and Reflex's)
Intelligence: 15 (+1)
Knowledge: 5
Chakra Control: 57% (the more Chakra you have the less Chakra Control you have. Feel free to edit this how you wish but keep that in mind.
Chakra: 55%, 8,500
Finesse: 5 (+2) (how Fluidly you can use your physical Skills like Taijutsu and Shurikenjutsu.)
Stamina: 42 (+30 for Uzumakiness and Rinnegan)
Ryo (Money): 2,000

Akihiko: 2,500 Chakra

Kumiko: 8,400 Chakra

Combined inventory:

-100 kunai
-46 shurikens remaining
-4,000 Ryo
-4 feet of regular wire

Both twins, especially Kumiko, knew it couldn't have been that easy. Tora was notorious amongst the more experienced Genin and older generation for running away. Perhaps this cat got better with every Genin, for it gradually became more and more aware of what the newest generation should know, and what it should expect. The only question that ran through Akihiko's head was. 'When is this cat going to die?'

Akihiko and Kumiko both jumped after Neji then dashed towards him and the cat, needing to push themselves further to be able to catch up with him. It was then that they realized they would have to work on their speed; they couldn't drag Neji down because they couldn't keep up.
Tora reached the forest in a quick and speedy way and started darting through the tree's, zig-zagging randomly to try and lose them as it held it's bell in it's mouth to stop it from ringing. Eventually Tora for a small hole to hide in and dragged a few large branches with leaves to hide itself from the pursuing team.
With his sharnigan activated Neji could predict Tora's movemtns. He was still behind her him but he was able to see where the cat was going. He jumped off a Branch and landed on the ground as he searched around for Tora. He smirked as he was able to locate Tora's hole. He radioed in to everyone "hey guys I know where Tora is." He radioed In his coordinates to them. "I'll wait until you guys get here so we can come up with a plan. I don't want to get scratched again."
Hibiki followed along, keeping a quick pace as Tora darted into the forest; this would make things more difficult for the genin. However it seemed that Neji was on the ball already - his Sharingan was able to track the cat easily. Landing beside the genin, he grinned his disconcerting grin of sharp teeth.

"Well done. Now to see you three actually catch her. Surely you don't think that you're the first to track her with your Sharingan."

Character Bio

Total: 149400 Chakra
Akihiko and Kumiko followed Neji to the designated location of where Tora was, seeing as how their teammate was able to track the cat down. The team needed a plan... one that would keep the Uchiha from getting scratched again... The youngest Uzumaki twin then twiddled her thumbs, unsure of her idea, but it was a plan nonetheless.

"Can I try something..? It might not work, but it's better than doing nothing.." She asked.

"What is it?" Akihiko asked since he was curious.

"Have Neji move the debris from Tora's spot and have you ready to catch with your hoodie while I force her out using Universal Pull..." She explained to her team, already aware she was putting her face, her brother's hoodie, and maybe her brother at risk of Tora's claws. It was better if they didn't have Hibiki-Sensei help them, since he was way more experienced than all three of them combined.
Neji looked at Hibiki sensei "well I kinda figured I wasn't, but don't worry we will catch him."

The Uzumaki twins landed next to Neji and Hibiki. Kumiko came up with a plan and neji smiled. "Of course we should have used your universal pull from the beginning. Just make sure that you don't hurt Tora in the process."

Neji walked over to the hole Tora was hiding in and cleared the debris from it. "Okay my job is done."
Name: Akihiko
Age: 13
Birthday: March 10th
Gender: Male

Village: Konohagakure (Home village) *Spent childhood in Amegakure before coming back to Konohagakure*
Rank: Genin
First Element: Water
Clan: Uzumaki decent
Weapons/Equipment: Smoke bombs, kunais, shurikens
Family: Akio Uzumaki (Father/deceased) Sakurako Kagame Uzumaki (Mother/deceased) Yoshiko Kagame (Aunt)
Teacher: Nogitsune Hibiki
Past: Their mother died during childbirth and Kumiko wasn't even supposed to be alive. The medic nins did the best that they could, but Sakurako lost too much blood. Their father relocated them to Amegakure, where he was a Shinobi killed in battle 10 years later. Yoshiko had received the news of the twin orphans due to being their closest relative, and did what she could to bring the two back to Konoha with her.
Personality: Akihiko used to be a carefree and outspoken child during his childhood. While enrolled in the Ninja academy at Amegakure, he and his sister didn't take their training all too seriously. He was the talkative one of the group, easily making friends with the other students. It was until that he and Kumiko witnessed their father dying in battle that their personalities did a complete 360. He is now a quiet, stoic child that cares for no one other than his sister. He doesn't even care about his aunt, even though she gave them a place to live.


Taijutsu: Hard Fist Style (13% out of 175%), Intermediate
Ninjutsu: Intermediate
Genjutsu: Beginner
Kenjutsu: Beginner
Fuuinjutsu: Beginner| *Will practice to develop this skill later on*
Shurikenjutsu: (Out of 10) Skill: 5 Accuracy: 7 Power: 7

Doujutsu: *Has not unlocked Rinnegan yet*
Special Taijustu: *Currently N/A*
Other: *Currently N/A*


Kawarimi (costs 200 Chakra)
Bunshin (costs 100 Chakra and requires 20% Chakra Control.)
Henge (costs 50 Chakra)
Hidden Mist Technique (300 Chakra to perform/50 to keep it going per round.)
Water Release: Gunshot (The more Chakra put into the shot, the stronger it is.)


Strength: 7 (+2)
Speed: 10 (+1)
Handseal Speed: 5
Agility: 14 (+1)
Intelligence: 9 (+2)
Knowledge: 5 (different in the fact that this encompasses Basic to Ninja Knowledge, from knowing how certain Clans/Jutsu work to the History of your Village.)
Chakra Control: 56%
Chakra: 53%, 2,500
Finesse: 9 (+1) (how Fluidly you can use your physical Skills like Taijutsu and Shurikenjutsu.)
Stamina: 15 (+10 for Uzumakiness)
Ryo (Money): 2,000

Name: Kumiko
Age: 13
Birthday: March 10th
Gender: Female


Village: Konohagakure (Home village) *Spent childhood in Amegakure before coming back to Konohagakure*
Rank: Genin
First Element: Water
Clan: Uzumaki decent
Weapons/Equipment: Smoke bombs, kunais, shurikens
Family: Akio Uzumaki (Father/deceased) Sakurako Kagame Uzumaki (Mother/deceased) Yoshiko Kagame (Aunt)
Teacher: Nogitsune Hibiki
Past: Their mother died during childbirth and Kumiko wasn't even supposed to be alive. The medic nins did the best that they could, but Sakurako lost too much blood. Their father relocated them to Amegakure, where he was a Shinobi killed in battle 10 years later. Yoshiko had received the news of the twin orphans due to being their closest relative, and did what she could to bring the two back to Konoha with her.
Personality: Kumiko used to be a cheerful and joyous girl during their childhood. While enrolled in the Ninja academy at Amegakure, she and her brother didn't take their training all too seriously. She was not as talkative, but she wasn't invisible to the rest of the crowd. It was until that she and Akihiko witnessed their father dying in battle that their personalities did a complete 360. She is now a mellow, quiet girl who shares similar negative traits as her brother. Kumiko holds some compassion within her, but submits to her brother's demands due to her lack of rebellion. If she is told to do something by him, she'll do it.


Taijutsu: Hard Fist Style| Intermediate (17% out of 180%)
Ninjutsu: Intermediate
Genjutsu: Beginner
Kenjutsu: Beginner
Fuuinjutsu: Somewhat intermediate
Shurikenjutsu: (Out of 10) Skill: 4 Accuracy: 9 Power: 5

These are in the case of a Clan.

Doujutsu: Rinnegan
Special Taijustu: *Currently N/A*
Other: 6 Paths of the Sage-Deva Path
(56% out of 100 for new one)


Kawarimi (cost's 200 Chakra)
Bunshin (cost's 100 Chakra and requires 20% Chakra Control)
Henge (cost's 50 Chakra)
Water Release: Violent Bubble Wave (More Chakra used, the stronger it is. Doesn't have to be this.)
Water Release: Syrup Capture Field (The longer it's used, the more Chakra is drained or something. (Ex: 10 minutes of use lessens 100 Chakra, excluding the beginning amount needed to perform it in the first place.)
Attractive Forces (Requires 200 Chakra to perform; stronger the more Chakra is put into it.)
Repulsive Forces (Requires 100 Chakra to perform; stronger the more Chakra is put into it.)


Strength: 11 (+1)
Speed: 9 (+1)
Handseal Speed: 5
Agility: 10 (+2) (encompasses Flexibility and Reflex's)
Intelligence: 15 (+1)
Knowledge: 5
Chakra Control: 57% (the more Chakra you have the less Chakra Control you have. Feel free to edit this how you wish but keep that in mind.
Chakra: 55%, 8,500
Finesse: 5 (+2) (how Fluidly you can use your physical Skills like Taijutsu and Shurikenjutsu.)
Stamina: 42 (+30 for Uzumakiness and Rinnegan)
Ryo (Money): 2,000

Akihiko: 2,500 Chakra

Kumiko: 8,300 Chakra (-100)

Combined inventory:

-100 kunai
-46 shurikens remaining
-4,000 Ryo
-4 feet of regular wire

Kumiko smiled, seeing how they were going through with her plan. Akihiko went ahead and took off the hoodie he wore, revealing that hidden underneath been a necklace Kumiko had given him when they were younger. On the day of their father's death, the younger twin managed to take it off the corpse before running off with Akihiko to avoid being spotted. It was a promise on their father's grave that Akihiko and Kumiko would protect each other and their precious people until they died. Some people they explained to (like their aunt) before leaving Amegakure called it a total cliche they could find in books, but they didn't care. It was a promise they intended to keep.

Akihiko readied the hoodie and himself, giving his sister the 'go ahead' to get Tora out of the hole. She nodded once then positioned herself and her hand to aim where the cat just might be. Kumiko loved animals, and despite Tora being a vicious one, she wanted to hurt the creature as much as the owner wanted them to. She coursed a small amount of Chakra into her hand, creating a force that would hopefully be strong enough to get the cat out of its hiding spot and even more hopefully, Akihiko would be able to catch and wrap it around Tora before she could hurt anyone.

"Universal Pull.."
Character Sheet
1800 chakra total left
-1 fuuma shuriken (4 left)

Shizuka's expression goes blank the second she notices the substitution, but she could tell the Mizukage wasn't immediately around her. Eyes look all around in front of her before turning around and spotting her sensei in a tree... doing a jutsu. 'Crap... run!' She sheathes her sword as fast as she can as her feet take her off in the opposite direction as the incoming wall of water. Two of her kunai come out her pouch as she gets behind a large tree and holds onto the trunk with her kunai after jumping as much as she can. The kunai are used to climb up higher on the large tree as she hopes to hold on during the incoming wave.

As the worst of the jutsu passes, she takes one of the fuuma shuriken off of her back and holds herself up on the tree. "Future note, people will usually teleport behind you..." She throws the shuriken around the tree at where her sensei was before pulling out her kunai and dropping to the ground. 'Gotta move quick, she knows where the attack came from.' Shizuka breaks off and runs deeper into the treeline, hoping some cover will help her out.
Tora the Cat
Tora was about to jump out of the hole it hid i once the debris suddenly disappeared but during mid-leap out of the hole Tora was suddenly dragged by an invisible force towards the genin and before she knew it she was trapped inside of a coat. Tora was knocked out because during the flight she hit her head on Akihiko's hand, no doubt leaving a bruise.

Mizukage Reiko Yuki
Reiko watched as the genin retreaded into the forest as she conjured up an ice mirror that easily stopped the Fuma Shuriken in it's tracks. Reiko went and grabbed the Fuma Shuriken and summoned 2 ice Mirrors, one that stayed above the genin as she move, and one in front of Reiko that she walked into, showing her reflection, as she bent outside of the one staying above and moving with the genin, as she threw the Fuma Shuriken towards Shizuka at high speeds while Reiko herself jumped out of the Mirror, dispelling it as she did so, as she landed in front of the genin and started doing handsigns. All the while thinking 'She's very resourceful, and certainly surprised me when she managed to escape my jutsu, lets see how she does when i use her own weapons against her and use a different kind of jutsu.'

Character Sheet

194,700 Chakra
(-250 Ice Mirrors)

---Current Inventory---
-200 Kunai
-300 Shuriken
-100 Senbon
-100,000 Ryo
-10 Soldier Pills
-20 feet of Ninja Wire
-A Bingo Book
-A Forbidden Scroll
-2 Blueprints
-Normal Owl Summoning Contract
Watching Tora be pulled into the coat was rather amusing to Hibiki, and surprisingly effective. The fact that Tora wasn't resisting when she was in the coat was a surprise; he had expected her to claw her way out by now. Between Kumiko and Neji, the two would be excellent at finding targets. There was already a sense of synergy between them and Akihiko could only serve to assist them in improving it. The jounin smiled at his students' progress.

"Well done. This keep a good hold on her-if she wakes up, she'll claw her way out of that bag quickly."

Character Bio

Total: 149400 Chakra
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Akihiko and his sister had been expecting the cat to claw at him the moment she landed, but instead, the vicious beast was limp in his hoodie. For that brief moment, Kumiko thought she killed Tora, until she saw the cat still breathing, which made her sigh in relief. The eldest twin made quick work of tying the cat up with his jacket as best as he could, wrapping Tora up like a hospital would a newborn baby but tighter.

"Let's get moving then, hm? The more time we waste, the higher chance we have of Tora waking up." Akihiko said, holding Tora in both arms. At least if the cat woke up, it wouldn't hurt Kumiko, Sensei, or Neji (again).
Character Sheet
1700 chakra total left

-100 chakra (Demonic Illusion: Hell Viewing Technique)
-2 kunai (48 kunai left)

She felt the shuriken come down at her from the effect of her dojutsu. 'No way I'm strong enough to block or catch it. Too close to dodge.' The two kunai in her hands went to block the shuriken and push it off to the side, just enough to stop it from hitting her. The throw was still strong enough to knock her on the ground as she dropped her kunai, and the fuuma shuriken cut into her side a bit. She couldn't exactly tell how deep it was because there was still no pain. "Why isn't this hurting..." The words barely come out of her mouth as she quickly rolls away from the shuriken, and she starts doing hand signs of her own. It was the same genjutsu as before, but maybe this time it would actually do something.
Neji stood there and watched as the plan went into action and it worked. Neji thought to him self. "That rinnegan she has is definitely something else. I am going to have to train my sharnigan to a whole different level if I'm going to want to compete with that when were older."

Neji looked at all of them "well come on let's go and collet our pay for this mission."
"Excellent timing too. If we get back quick enough, we should have time for another mission. That is, if there are any left. There are usually several genin teams running around."

Hibiki shrugged and headed off in the direction of the Hokage's tower to turn in the mission to what he expected would be a very pleased MAdame Shijimi.

"Should probably take her out of the coat and revive her before we hand her over. At least she's dry this time."

Character Bio

Total: 149400 Chakra
Both twins followed their sensei and teammate towards the Hokage tower. Akihiko made sure to hang onto Tora in fear of dropping her; they didn't need an unconscious cat getting even more hurt.

"Alright, but not until we get there Sensei..." Akihiko said, seeing how he would suffer the cat's wrath if they revived her too soon and probably have to go after her again. Hibiki-Sensei would get a kick out of all the blood that would come from his wounds.
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