Mystery of the Myth

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The sounds of movement filtered through his mind and ignored until he heard something ripping. Instantly, he spun around, much to the protest of his shoulder. His fur stood on end, his ears flattened and a low growl rumbled out of his chest. He backed away slowly, already noting the possible escape routes. He recognized her almost instantly, the girl from earlier. He didnt want to trust her. He didnt want to let her near him while he was injured, but he found himself relaxing just a bit. He sniffed the air and searched around them for other people, but they were alone. Finally he relaxed, his growl died out and his fur flattened. He stared first at her, then at the bandage. He could smell the herbal cocktail even from where he was at. None of it smelled dangerous, so he limped slowly forward, all his senses alert for possible intruders. Once he was close enough to her, he layed down on his good side, exhaustion finally hitting him. A small rest now, while she was helping him would do him some good.
She was relieved that he was willing to allow her to dress his wound, and took careful steps towards him once he was resting as to not scare him further. Kneeling near him, she took a vial of water and dabbed the wound to wet it and wash off some of the excess blood that was still there, though there wasn't much. Then, she gently began to kneed the poultice into the wound using the cloth, murmuring a soft apology about the fact that she may have been using too much pressure- though, with her weak muscles, it wasn't really likely. Once done, she wrapped the cloth with the poultice in the center around the wound, tying it snugly, but not so much so that he wouldn't get blood flow to his arm. She smiled when done, leaning back. "All done. This will help it stay healthy while it heals. Try to be careful how you move so you don't tear it open though."

She leaned back a bit further, still in a kneeling position as she let her back hit the ground anyway, her knees awkwardly tucked under her body. "I was happy...When I saw you'd eaten the food I left. I wasn't sure you would. But you seemed so happy when you ate that part earlier, I just had to give you the rest in the end. It's tasty, right? I love sweet buns too."
Astor sat up, sniffing the bandage. It felt strange and awkward on his wolf body. A sudden thought struck him. He stared at the bandage disdainfully. So long as that was there, he was stuck in his wolf form - not a thing he was overly sad about to be honest. He quite liked the form. He stood, testing out his leg. It was certainly less painful, but running aggravated it quite a bit. He didnt even want to try jumping. He plopped down again, furious at himself for getting such an important place injured. He could still hunt, certainly, but his success rate would go down quite a bit.

His attention was drawn back to the human when she layed down. He twitched his ear, surprised at her words. Sweet buns? Is that what they were called? I suppose some of your strange food is good, he agreed telepathically. Why do you help me? Surely others of your kind have warned you against us? He watched her carefully, suspicion clouding his features. Is there something you want from me? It was the only reason he could think of that would compel her to help him. Either she wanted something from him, or it was a set up. Somehow, he doubted it was a set up. That only left the first option.
Unfortunately, Flutter knew not how to communicate telepathically. Thus, she figured she'd speak normally instead, and hope it worked out. "You've helped me a lot today." She mused simply. "Not only did you lead me to the herbs I needed, but you led me home when I got lost, didn't you?" She smiled simply, staring up towards the treetops.

Surely others of your kind have warned you against us? The words echoed in her head like an alarm bell trying to break through a thunderstorm. "They say you're evil, yes...But I doubt someone evil, no matter what race, would have helped me home, right?" She laughed lightly. "From what I can gather...If you really wanted to hurt me, you'd have killed me already. I'm pretty weak, so...It's not like it'd be hard. So clearly you don't want to hurt me- either that, or you're waiting. But...I'll take my chances."

She looked at him for a moment. "Ah...My name is Flutter. I never got your name either, did I? I might as well get the name of the one who's helped me so many times today. Plus, I should come check on you about that wound in the future..."
He had to give her credit. She was smart. He stared at her for a bit. It was always the smart ones he was most careful of. They were usually the most devious. She was right, however. He could kill her whenever he wanted, even wounded he could probably get the job done. He felt no urge to do anything of the sort, however.

Talk of home reminded him of a place he frequently occupied when in the area. He needed to get some rest. Flutter... That name suits you. Thank you for helping me. My name is Astor. He hesitated a moment, suddenly unsure of whether he should tell her where his sleeping place was or not. If he did, the safety of the place would be put in jeporady, but if he didnt, he wouldnt be able to get the treatment necessary for the wound to heal quickly. He knew it would heal just fine on its own, but with proper care it would also heal faster and better, and perhaps it wouldnt leave yet another scar. I will tell you my location only if you swear not to reveal it to any other.
"I have no interest in gossip," Flutter responded simply as a way to admit she wouldn't tell anyone. However, she thought it over. "If you're concerned, though, we can just meet here each day for me to check and re-dress the wound. Or a little further in if it's safer." She smiled gently, pointing at the house nearby. "I live in that house right there, you know? It's actually rare I get visitors, and no one would notice if you came near the back door. But it's better if we stick to the woods probably, is my guess. Well...You seem to be able to communicate well. Can you do this long distance? You could just give me a time to meet too. There really are lots of options. I'm mostly just worried about that wound getting infected if we're not careful...It's not the worst wound I've seen, but it's still a wound."

Sitting up carefully, she stretched her arms upward before moving one to lightly stroke his fur. "I'm jealous...It's always cold to me...I wish I could grow fur like you do. It's probably warmer."
He blinked, more than a little surprised at how willing she was to work with him. They were all good options, and ones he would have suggested as well. It offered the chance of getting the treatment and keeping his privacy all at the same time. Very well. Lets meet at that large oak tree at sundown tomorrow. He motioned to the tree in question with his tail. That gave him a whole day to rest, and prevented the possibility of her getting lost.

He stiffened at the feel of her hand on his fur, but he didnt move away. Her hand was very cold compared to how warm he was. Surprisingly, it felt good. He didnt know why. He twitched his ear at her words. Its nothing to be jealous of... He murmured quietly. Images of his parents flew through his mind, their gentle hands, their warm embrace, and even the feel of their fur under his own tiny hands. When the screams and the blood and the pain started to filter through, he roughly pushed the memories away. This is not something you should wish for. He repeated again, a mix of emotion coloring the words.
"Fur is bad?" She looked at him curiously, thinking. "Well...I guess for someone who doesn't have low blood pressure as bad as mine, and isn't abnormally cold all the time...It'd be a pain in the summer, huh?" She laughed meekly as she spoke, feeling a bit silly about it. As she recalled where they'd meet the next day, she looked at the oak tree happily. "That oak tree...It's been there a long time, hasn't it? I used to play there with my brother, before he passed. He climbed it so often, I'm surprised he didn't get tired of it...ever."

She rested her hand a bit as he accepted the pet, relieved when he didn't leave too soon. "I know I've said this, but you really are nice and warm...It's nice. I'm always cold...You're like a heating blanket. Only I can talk to you, too." She smiled shyly at that statement, looking a the treetops again. "It's already getting darker...I should let you go get some rest soon. We'll meet like we said, yes? I look forward to it."
Astor turned and headed back into the forest. Till tomorrow then. It took him a while to get to his sleeping place. It was a little cavern under an old tree, and to get to it he had to crawl through a tunnel. Usually, he went through the tunnel in his fox form, it was much smaller and fit easier, but in his wolf form he had a slightly difficult time getting through. He curled up near one side of the cavern and fell into a restless sleep.


The next day, Astor spent most of the time resting in the sunlight near his little den. A few times he managed to catch a chipmunk or two to munch on. His dreams the night before had been plagued by nightmares once again. His small naps during the day had made up for the lack of proper rest though, so by the time he began heading for the oak tree he felt well rested and awake. His wound hadnt bothered him too much that day. He was confident it would be healed up soon enough.
Flutter had returned home easily, going to rest early after having a mild meal. In bed, she had some nightmares, but not too many. She mostly was quiet though the night, restlessly moving in her bed. When the sun rose, forcing her awake against her will, she got to doing some work during the day, making remedies to sell when it was time for her market day. Work was tediously simple, so it didn't take long to finish since it was mostly routine. After that, she got some medicine prepared for Astor, before leaving to go to their meeting spot.

She went to the oak tree early, taking a seat by its trunk and laying out a small package of sweet buns next to her in a basket, along with some new bandaging and medication to put on it. When she heard rustling, realizing he was getting near, she smiled and waved hello idly, slightly fatigued, but not overly so. "You seem to be recovering well. I'm relieved."
Astor could tell she was already there even before he rounded the tree. She had also brought more of that sweet food she'd given him the day before. He checked to make sure no one else was around then sat next to her. He sniffed the sweet buns before grabbing a couple and downing them quickly. They were still just as good as yesterday. A day of rest can do wonders, he replied, still licking the remnants off his jaws. Plus, your medicine helped greatly.
Flutter giggled lightly as she watched him enjoy the food, smiling to his words even more so. "I'm glad you find the medicine helpful. Considering I make it, it's pleasing to hear." She leaned further against the tree, watching him quietly and finishing up some preparations. "Ready to change the dressing? If you don't change the dressing often enough, it's bad for the wound."

Smiling weakly, she adjusted herself to face him properly. "You seem to really like sweet buns. They're easy to make, so I can make some for you each time we meet here, okay? This way you get a snack each time too. Eating is important too."
Whenever you have everything together, he replied, adjusting his position so she could reach his shoulder easier. For a human, your talent at healing is impressive. You should be happy, its a useful talent.

Sweet buns? Oh yes. There's nothing even close to that sweet and tasty in the wild. They are surprisingly delicious, although I think it might be a bad idea to eat too many at once.
As much as he liked them, his stomach had been a bit uneasy that day, and he suspected the new food was the culprit. That wasnt enough to stop him from eating them, though.
Flutter giggled lightly as she began to undo the current dressing on his shoulder. Taking it off, she could see that the wound was already starting to scab over, and smiled. "You're healing very well. And yes, healing is a wonderful talent. It's especially useful since it means I can take care of my own wounds at times too. Which is good, since I'm clumsy." She wouldn't include that she had a tendency towards bad health, but she was sure that was partially the reason she had gotten an interest in medicine in the first place. As she thought it over silently, she redressed the wound with a new cloth and crumpled the old one into a bag she'd brought with her. Patting a non-injured area of his arm lightly when done with the dressing, she smiled. "All done. At the rate it's going, it won't take more than a couple days to fully heal. Shouldn't leave a scar even after the scab comes off- just don't take the scab off yourself."

Returning to look at the basket that had been the home of many sweet buns, she giggled. "A new food is always harsh on the body at first...And yes, normally you shouldn't eat too many- unless you're me, who needs to eat quite a bit of sugar...Then maybe. But generally, it's best to not eat too many sweets. They say it's what attracts bugs to people is how sweet their blood is...I'm surprised I've never gotten a bug bite considering all the sugar I have to consume."
Astor stood and stretched, then shook himself. He was already tired of wearing the bandage and wanted it gone, but the only solution to that was patience. He sniffed at the bandage. He didnt think she'd have to worry about him picking at the scab. With the bandage on so securely, and being in the form he was in, it would be difficult to pick at it. Bugs are attracted to sweet blood? Thats the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. He layed down in the grass, relishing the cool feel of it under him. It was a quiet, cool night where the only sounds besides her voice were the insects in their nightly dance of life. It was his favorite kind of night. It told of a summer gone by, and a winter soon to come. Hard times were coming, and he was distinctly reminded that he had to be ready for them. He glanced over at her, Why do you have to eat so many sweets? So much of that kind of food will do more harm than good to you, wont it?
"My body produces blood faster than normal, so my blood sugar tends to bottom out quickly. Thus, sweets are a requirement to keep it from doing so." She mused quietly. A soft chill went down her spine as the air began to cool as night became more abundant. "You'd think with my high blood pressure I'd be cold less often, though." Giggling slightly, she curled up a bit more to warm herself, looking upwards as if looking for something in the sky above that was clearly invisible to her. Her mind wandered only slightly, but enough where she actually didn't notice him for a moment. "I eat a lot of sweets, but...Not all sweets are bad for you. Fruits are sweet, often, and they're good for you too. Lots of vitamins. I've even found ways to eat certain vegetables so that they add to my blood sugar, while I still get the health benefits." She smiled as she looked to him. "And what about you? What is your general diet?"
Interesting. I was unaware that such a thing could happen. He watched her shiver and curl up. Cold, huh? He stood and padded over to her and curled up against her, lending his own abundant warmth to her cold body. I'm plenty warm for the both of us. My diet depends, really. I tend to favor predators though, so I eat mostly meat. Once in a while I'll have some berries or nuts when the hunting isnt good. I never eat grass though. To do that, I'd have to change into some kind of deer, and thats just asking to get shot. He shivered at the thought. ​No thanks. Slowly, he felt himself begin to get sleepier and sleepier, his eyes growing heavy. He couldnt understand why just yet, but he felt a sense of peace and safety around Flutter. The thought boggled his mind. Safe? Around a human? Since when? But somehow it was there.
She was surprised when he'd moved closer, but smiled lightly when he spoke- or the equivalent of his speaking to her. "You really are rather warm. I'm grateful to you being willing to share with me." As she listened to him further, she mulled it over for a bit. His diet was basically based on what was available based on how she understood it. Was that healthy?

"So your diet changes a lot...Does it change based on your digestive system? Maybe your digestive track changes on its own and makes you need more of a type of food. Well, I say that, but there are all sorts of diets even amongst the people in the village. It's difficult to make medicine for some of them, because some are against certain ingredients being used..."

Humans were strange creatures, even to Flutter who was one. "It's peaceful here...I'm almost getting sleepy." She mused quietly. Noticing that he seemed to be having trouble keeping his eyes open, even if only a bit, she giggled lightly and moved a hand through his fur. "You seem sleepy too. You should take a nap soon. It'll help you heal anyway. Sleep is when the body goes through the regeneration process."
It changes depending on what form I take, and that depends on what kind of food is available at the time. It keeps me fed. Thats whats important. As he explained all this to her, he realized how strange it must sound. His whole biology changed each time he switched forms. There was little difference between him in animal form and the corresponding wild animal. It was a process that he was so used to, he didnt really think about. It was normal, but humans were stuck in their one shape their whole lives. How utterly sad that must be, he thought to himself. Much of the joy he had experienced had come from his adventures in one animal form or another. Very rarely had it come from his human appearance.

Slowly, his eyes closed and he dozed off for a few moments before jerking awake and jumping to his paws. You're right. I need to go, he replied, slipping off into the forest. He couldnt sleep out there, in the open. It was too dangerous. What had he been thinking? He shook himself and increased his pace to a steady trot. It irritated his shoulder, but not as bad as before. When he got back to his sleeping place, he squeezed inside and fell asleep almost instantly.
Flutter listened to him without really thinking it strange at all. If anything, she thoguht it sounded interesting, fun even. It would be convenient in ways, though she knew in others it would be a troublesome ability to have. But at least he wouldn't go hungry, so long as he could turn to a creature that could eat what was available, right?

She shuddered as he suddenly rushed away. His warmth had been calming, and she had been relieved to feel less lonely for some time by being near him. Sighing, she left with her basket and some herbs near the tree as if to have an excuse if someone were to ask why she'd been there. Then again, no one tended to pay heed to where she was when she wasn't home.

When in her house, she took a seat on her bed before falling back on it, having left her basket on the kitchen table after locking up the house. Staring at the cieling, she let her hand stretch in front of her, a sigh escaping her. "It's nice and yet...It must be hard for him. If only there were more I could do...But the only wounds I can really heal are those that are physical..."
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