Murder Game XI: The War of the Universe

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With that, Akane and Carth would beam themselves, along with Elijah, Klaus, and Asriel, into the location where the other signals of life had been seen, beams of light enveloping everyone until they were gone from the UN base, white lights completely overtaking their vision. The sensation was not unlike when Elijah and Klaus had been transported to the UN base in the first place, borrowed away from the main group after having been voted out.


When everyone would come to again, they would find themselves in a completely different place. An old, almost decrepit place with a hauntingly chilling atmosphere. Just about anyone could sense the sheer evil that oozed out of every corner of this place.

It was quite the nauseating change of pace.


"This place... We should get who we came for and split as quickly as possible. This place gives me really bad vibes," Akane murmured uneasily, clutching her Dominator weapon closely.


"No time like the present. Follow me, team," Carth said, taking point. Tentatively equipping his blaster rifle, he would lead everyone through the strange, unfamiliar place. Though Carth had as much idea of the place's layout as anyone else, it was fortunate that for the time being, the only path to go down was a linear one with no turns available.

Meanwhile, the Collectors, temporarily perturbed by Joseph's gut punch of a surprise attack from earlier, managed to recover relatively quickly and chase the group, consisting of Tali, Joseph, Mastermind, Lisa Lisa, and Roy, through the narrow corridors. Narrowly avoiding the laser beams that would come their way, the base seemed like a maze with no end in sight. It almost seemed like you'd all run out of juice faster than you'd be able to get the sense that you were getting anywhere.

However, it wasn't until you'd all turn a corner that--


"Aughh! Oh noo!"

Joseph, who had been running in front of everyone else in the group, seemed to bump into something, or rather someone, that he didn't see coming. Holding his head in pain, he would take several clumsy steps back before falling on his ass, while the other party whom he had bumped into would stumble a few steps back, but maintain his footing. However, upon closer examination of whoever Joseph had bumped into, it seemed that not only was there more than one person in front of you all, but they fortunately didn't seem to be Collectors.

Just a moody soldier from the UN named Carth Onasi, former participants of an Illusion Game and operatives of the UN named Akane Tsunemori and Asriel Dreemurr, and the recently voted out participants Elijah and Niklaus Mikaelson.

"Agh! Hey, what the stang?! What--Oh, you're the...!"


"It seems that backup has arrived," Lisa Lisa simply said, instantly recognizing Akane from the comm links that the younger girl had used to contact the main group earlier in the event, "Let us hope that you have an escape route. A quick one, at that."


"Yes, we're from the UN! We're currently anticipating backup. They have the real means to get you back to where you belong, but our immediate priority is your safety first. Are any of you injured?!"

"The goddamn blockhead nailed me in the forehead!!"


"You shoulda watched where you were going, kid," Carth muttered, before sighing, "We don't have to save... all of them, do we? We can just say there were some unfortunate casualties, right?"

Before a response would be given, footsteps would be heard from behind you all as the Collectors took this chance to catch up to you. Soon, they would be able to enter your line of sight, aiming their pulse rifles at you upon coming into range.


"Give into your fear, your despair, and drown in it," the voice of the Harbinger rang as the Collectors immediately began to open fire once again once able to!

"Everyone, behind the corner!" Carth exclaimed, taking cover behind the wall, occasionally poking his head out to return fire with his blaster rifle. Akane did the same, the sound of the firefight ringing throughout the corridors as you could only hope that more Collector reinforcements wouldn't show up soon.

@Jeremi @The Great Detective @Atomyk @Cromartie Sarkissian @york @Justin Charming
@Jeremi @The Great Detective @Verite @Cromartie Sarkissian @york @Justin Charming

After the Collectors were defeated, an empty hall stretched out. The hall stretched out to a door. Two more UN Soldiers stood next to the door. These troops wore body armor, and carried assault rifles. They wore patches that read UNCED, or United Nations Council for Earth's Defense.

The two soldiers nodded as everyone came forward, and one typed a passcode into a keypad.

The door opened. Inside was a standard office. A desk sat at one end, with a chair facing a cityscape that appeared to be a large monitor. Those who had been to Neo-Tokyo, whether it had been in the Illusion, or for work after the fact, would recognize it as the view from the top floor of the UN Building there.


The chair turned around, and a man sat in it. His finely tailored suit bore the symbol of the UN, as if mocking it. The man straightened his tie. He had black hair and green eyes.


A nameplate on his desk said "Kenjiro Yamadera, Secretary-general." The man smiled, and pointed to some chairs.

"Hello again, Kana, Hanako. Long time, no see. Please, sit down." he said.

"... and to think I wasn't thrown about in confusion any further. Care to explain on why you just happen to be here... out of places?"

Being completely left in the dark on what's occurred thus far, Mastermind was terribly lost with the current matters so far, but had a feeling that something was off if someone just happened to be in this area where the Collectors were around...

Almost a bit too subtle with the fact that the group had encounter this man Kenjiro just now, but a small time rift opened up behind the man... a familiar hand popping out of it and scavenging through some things that were present in this room. One thought came to mind as Mastermind happened to notice this first...


Goddammit Esper...

@Jeremi @Verite @Cromartie Sarkissian @york @Justin Charming @The Silver Paladin

Klaus wasn't really interested in anything but ripping the head off of the man that dared to ever control him. His anger was overcoming his whole being, his eyes were still glowing golden yellow while everything else happened around him. Luckily, Elijah was around to keep his brother calm, The Original Vampire had calm down even with the chaos that had just gone on around him. "Niklaus do not lose control right now... we just gained it back." He whispered into his brother's ear, as the duo watched everyone else around him. They both wondered how the others would feel... since the brothers seemed to have had a hand in their deaths. If they were mad then so be it, if they didn't care, that would be better.

@Jeremi @The Great Detective @Verite @Cromartie Sarkissian @york @Atomyk @The Silver Paladin
Esper now has an old globe from the 50's with the USSR still on it. Those are cool.

You also get a piece of paper with the name 'Bailey Dansford' on it, that you can't understand a word of it, but it has a logo of a dragon with the words "United Omnidyne-Cross Industries" on it in the top left.

@Stop @I don't want to do this. @This was just a shitpost
When Ludger and Garnet would arrive, providing a potent helping hand in taking down the Collectors, Akane would sigh deeply, before putting away her Dominator and facing the two of them.


"Thank you for the assist. You two arrived quickly."

With that, it seemed that from down the hall, there was another way that had not been explored. A way that beckoned everyone around to go down. And so everyone did. Was this perhaps an exit? No, there was nothing so convenient like that. Whatever this was supposed to be, it was most likely a trap. And they were either going to fall for it, or spring it.

Upon entering the room, not paying much mind to the soldiers who didn't seem to care enough to cause them any harm just yet, the group would step in and come face to face with the former leader of the United Nations who had betrayed the organization and joined some crazed mastermind for his own personal gains.


"Yamadera... I expected you to be taller," Carth spoke. Though he hadn't been a part of the Illusion Game that Akane and Asriel had once partook in, Carth Onasi had still been a member of the multiversal United Nations for quite some time, and though he had never personally met Kenjiro Yamadera up until this point... Well, when the leader of the organization defects to the cause of one such as Elliot's, news of it would spread throughout the entire place.

"I don't think you're in any position to give out orders. Not anymore. And if you think those soldiers back there scare us, then you--" Carth began to mouth off, before Akane would raise an arm a little.


"With all due respect, Mr. Carth... We'll take it from here," Akane spoke, silencing him. Without another word, her demeanor changing quite suddenly from that of a meek, green officer to that of a cool-headed, professional one.

A wolf.

Remaining standing up, Akane looked down at Kenjiro, before beginning to speak again.


"... Why? Why would you defect from the UN like this, Mr. Yamadera? And of all people... Why would you side with someone like Elliot? What do you have to gain from someone like him?!"

Though she had been given bits and pieces of Kenjiro's motivations, she desired the answer from the perp's own mouth so that she would be able to see for herself. So that everyone here would be able to.

Meanwhile, Joseph looked around the place, giving a small whistle.


"I don't really know what's goin' on here... But I'm really diggin' the view."

Lisa Lisa elbowed Joseph in the gut to shut him up.

@The Silver Paladin @Atomyk @Jeremi @The Great Detective @Justin Charming @Cromartie Sarkissian @york
@The Silver Paladin @Atomyk @Jeremi @The Great Detective @Justin Charming @Cromartie Sarkissian @Verite

Asriel looked really upset at this... The collectors were the least of his concerns right now, but, rather, this man in front of them... Who had betrayed the UN, in favor of whatever offer Elliot had made...

He said quietly... Looking more sad than anything... He knew Elliot was beyond rational thought at this point... And... Having been in a state of mind like that before, he had a feeling Elliot wasn't much different... At one point or another, Elliot had pulled a cloak over each of their eyes, or... Most of them anyways, fabricating an illusory world where they were meant to remain trapped in, forever... He wished he could somehow pull Elliot from his own madness at times, but, at this rate... It was impossible... Even all of the souls in his body, wasn't enough to do so...

As Asriel spoke, it wasn't clear if he was projecting himself, as he once was... As a flower... Onto Elliot's own personality, or if he was certain that Elliot followed a similar train of thought he once had... He seemed to pause for a moment...

Asriel looked almost miserable, despite his best efforts to hold back his emotions... It wasn't certain how much of what he said was true, as he was indeed known to project himself onto others... Even when it might not always work out all the time... But, it was clear he was trying to convince Kenjiro to reconsider his own actions... Somehow...

"Left or right...? Would it be wise for use to split up or stick together. If we split up we'd be more vulnerable to larger waves of enemies but we could cover more ground. Splitting up could also allow a chance for flanking since... Let's be honest... It's never this easy.... There's probably a lot of enemies waiting for us....." Six had spoken up seeing they had two ways to go. He was bringing up the rear of the group with his Revolvers in hand since his Anti Material Rife is almost useless in an enclosed area such as a vent.

@Jeremi @Archmage Jeremiah @The Tactician @TeamShepard

"You can do what you wish!" Skeletor snapped at Six. "I say we go left!"

Shepard would sigh. "I think it's best that we stay together, like you said who knows what resistance we might end up facing?"

As they spoke sirens would start to blare all over the compound as a large number of Geth would run past the undetected group. "They're not looking for us? Seems like the AA Gun Towers group is causing them trouble. That's our cue to find what we need and get the hell out of here."

@The Tactician @Archmage Jeremiah @Crimson Spartan @TeamShepard
It would seem nothing else would happen, no matter how long Toboe held his hand on the device.

The figure managed to gather its bearings somewhat and aim its gun now on Toboe. Though it was still engulfed in flames, it seemed to have a good idea of where everyone was. It fired once again.

@Mari @Lizzy @Bomb @LEGION GROUP
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It would seem nothing else would happen, no matter how long Toboe held his hand on the device.

The figure managed to gather its bearings somewhat and aim its gun now on Toboe. Though it was still engulfed in flames, it seemed to have a good idea of where everyone was. It fired once again.

@Mari @Lizzy @Bomb @LEGION GROUP

Rey waited long enough. She tried to fire again before the thing would fire at Toboe, but she wasn't sure if she was quick enough this time. She hoped she was, as she could not get to the lightsaber in time to react to the firing upon Toboe. She would hope that Toboe would be quick enough to avoid the fire.


@Lizzy @Bomb @Atomyk @legiongroup
  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: Poe Dameron

Light music began to play, it sounded like the strumming of a guitar.

A voice hummed to its light Engrish introduction. The source of the two voices - Producer and Shouko, as Rey, Deemo and the Little Girl would recognise. Where did they come from?

"Deemo my comrade, let's show that husk of a Big Daddy who the real Idol Master is." Producer speaks as he conjures a pair of drumsticks.



"Let's dance!" Producer beats his drumstick on what appears to be some invisible drum thing, producing sounds of sorts to the beat of Shouko's proceeding song.

Before Shouko could be hit by a laser bullet, Producer spins in and tangos with her, while they simultaneously evaded it. They assumed various poses and motions in an effort to evade the mechanical mayhem while the hymns of their music started to damage it.

@Mari @Lizzy @Atomyk @Legiongroup​
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It would seem nothing else would happen, no matter how long Toboe held his hand on the device.

The figure managed to gather its bearings somewhat and aim its gun now on Toboe. Though it was still engulfed in flames, it seemed to have a good idea of where everyone was. It fired once again.

@Mari @Lizzy @Bomb @LEGION GROUP

Toboe's keen hearing picked up the sound and he instinctively moved to the side as fast as possible-though he got a graze on his left arm, there was no major damage done. He didn't have a weapon on him currently, so he'd have to dodge bullets for now. Maybe it could distract the big guy long enough for the rest to defeat it?

"Nice try, but you'll have to try harder than that!" He called out, taunting it.

@Mari @Atomyk @Bomb @Crow @Legion group

Light music began to play, it sounded like the strumming of a guitar.

A voice hummed to its light Engrish introduction. The source of the two voices - Producer and Shouko, as Rey, Deemo and the Little Girl would recognise. Where did they come from?

"Deemo my comrade, let's show that husk of a Big Daddy who the real Idol Master is." Producer speaks as he conjures a pair of drumsticks.



"Let's dance!" Producer beats his drumstick on what appears to be some invisible drum thing, producing sounds of sorts to the beat of Shouko's proceeding song.

Before Shouko could be hit by a laser bullet, Producer spins in and tangos with her, while they simultaneously evaded it. They assumed various poses and motions in an effort to evade the mechanical mayhem while the hymns of their music started to damage it.

@Mari @Lizzy @Atomyk @Legiongroup​

"Ummm...." the girl said as that happened... Well there really wasn't a point in not fighting, even though the girl wanted to persuade the figure.

Well, time to bring out some of their own musical powers and to try and immobilize the figure.

@Mari @Atomyk @Lizzy @Crow @legoin​
"You can do what you wish!" Skeletor snapped at Six. "I say we go left!"

Shepard would sigh. "I think it's best that we stay together, like you said who knows what resistance we might end up facing?"

As they spoke sirens would start to blare all over the compound as a large number of Geth would run past the undetected group. "They're not looking for us? Seems like the AA Gun Towers group is causing them trouble. That's our cue to find what we need and get the hell out of here."

@The Tactician @Archmage Jeremiah @Crimson Spartan @TeamShepard
"Then lets stop talking and get moving!" As the sound of Geth soldiers faded away, Shizuo ducked out of their hiding place and began running down the left path, "We've got business so let's get it done!"
. A fleet of dropships suddenly swarmed through the battlefield, dropping what looked like heavy looking battle units...
Who did that furry little pest think he was talking to?! Broly didn't need anybody ordering him around! Not when he was in his element, the element of destruction! The saiyan truly felt like a kid in a candyshop as he threw energy blast after energy blast at the Geth/Husk forces. They were nothing to him! Nothing but pathetic little insects that needed to be wiped out, exterminated! All because Legion created that holographic image of Kakarot as Broly had requested. Who's to say these creatures couldn't do the same? Just to irritate him? The mere thought only made him want to destroy them even more!

As the dropships came in and began dropping off large quantities of troops, Broly couldn't help but throw his head back and laugh.

"Bring all the soldiers that you'd like! Bring them all to the slaughter!"


As Dust went on the attack and brought down one of the dropships, Broly raised an eyebrow in bemusement. "I guess you aren't all talk and no action after all!" The saiyan admitted before he had an idea of his own. These creatures seemed to think that just because their was more of them that they would win. Broly sought to prove them wrong, oh so wrong.

With his aura flaring around him and making a majority of the area dark green in coloration, Broly charged forward. With his massive arms stretched out to the side, he sought to simply apart any Geth or Husk unfortunate enough to get into his path. Be it by his energy blasts or simply his own two hands. None would escape his wrath! This is what the battle with those heroes should have been! All of them falling to the wayside due to Broly's immeasurable power! That said their were likely to be a number of enemy forces that didn't wish to see Broly simply charge past them.

Broly's response to this was sufficient.



For the Geth/Husks weren't Broly's main priority anymore. The ground forces would still be decimated by his hands, yes. But a new opportunity for destruction had just arrived and Broly wasn't the type to shirk it. Flying up into the sky, Broly sought to hover over one of the dropships as the area glowed dark green again.


The dropships were likely not to be a problem anymore. As was the case for any Geth and or Husk who got caught up in that energy blast.

@york @Kaykay @DapperDogman
It would seem nothing else would happen, no matter how long Toboe held his hand on the device.

The figure managed to gather its bearings somewhat and aim its gun now on Toboe. Though it was still engulfed in flames, it seemed to have a good idea of where everyone was. It fired once again.

@Mari @Lizzy @Bomb @LEGION GROUP





It seemed to happen so quickly, yet so slow and planned out. The figure, focused on its single purpose of wiping out the intruders, would hear a familiar roar ring out from behind it. Before it could have the chance to turn around, it would realize that a giant drill was attempting to impale it from behind. The drill was large, and it could probably realize the being behind it was just as big as they were.

Daddy's home.


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"Then lets stop talking and get moving!" As the sound of Geth soldiers faded away, Shizuo ducked out of their hiding place and began running down the left path, "We've got business so let's get it done!"

"That's the smartest thing you've said!" Skeletor exclaimed motioning everyone to follow. They managed to cover a lot of ground with out any resistance, no doubt thanks to the full on assault going on at the tower.


They'd reach a giant hole in the ground surrounded by a driveway. "And what do we have here?" Skeletor would walk to the edge and look down finding an enormous blast door. "If I was a betting man I'd say we'll find our price down there!"

As he said that they would feel the ground shaking as the blast doors slowly start to open.

"That can't be good." As they finished opening a gigantic eye would shoot out from the hole. "That certainly isn't good!" It wouldn't be loong until they saw the contents of the hole.


A gigantic humanoid robot would be looming over them before giving out a inhuman shriek. Shepard could only think of one thing to do. "RUN!"

@The Tactician @Crimson Spartan @Archmage Jeremiah @TeamShepard @LeftIsn'tAlwaysRight
  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: Verite
Unfortunately for Rey, the strange gun in her hand seemed to have only a single shot in it.

The sudden musical number had the intended effect of confusing the figure, who paused in place and looked about the room. The flames that enveloped its body finally began to die out and its helmet started to shift in color, flashing in tune to the music. Maybe the beast had been calmed by the power of music? Elizabeth closed the tear she had opened and stared in awe while Legion kept a cautious aim on the figure. The group waited a moment to see if the figure would drop his weapon... or possibly begin to dance.

That was, until, the helmet settled once again and the figure aimed on Deemo this time. It would have been an easy shot if not for the sudden appearance of Bubba, whose drill successfully impaled the figure from behind. It was easy with its suit weakened as it was, and the sound of music had drowned out that familiar roar of a drill. The sound of metal grinding on metal filled the room, lasting for an uncomfortable amount of time. Soon enough, the light in the helmet of the figure would go out, and the room would fall into silence.

"Threat neutralized," said Legion.

"We should stop now," added Elizabeth, crossing her arms. "We don't know what kind of danger will be lurking further in."

@CrunchyCHEEZIT @Crow @Mari @Lizzy @Bomb @LEGION GROUP
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"That's the smartest thing you've said!" Skeletor exclaimed motioning everyone to follow. They managed to cover a lot of ground with out any resistance, no doubt thanks to the full on assault going on at the tower.


They'd reach a giant hole in the ground surrounded by a driveway. "And what do we have here?" Skeletor would walk to the edge and look down finding an enormous blast door. "If I was a betting man I'd say we'll find our price down there!"

As he said that they would feel the ground shaking as the blast doors slowly start to open.

"That can't be good." As they finished opening a gigantic eye would shoot out from the hole. "That certainly isn't good!" It wouldn't be loong until they saw the contents of the hole.


A gigantic humanoid robot would be looming over them before giving out a inhuman shriek. Shepard could only think of one thing to do. "RUN!"

@The Tactician @Crimson Spartan @Archmage Jeremiah @TeamShepard @LeftIsn'tAlwaysRight
"Oh goddammit! Can't you just shut the fuck up?!" The shriek caused a stinging sensation in Shizuo's ears as he turned and began to run back the way they came. His eyes darted about in a frantic search driven by a need for a weapon, and soon, a large exposed rod of some sort of metal that was perfect for his means of fighting caught his attention. He plucked the improvised weapon from the ground and continued on running.

Now he just had to wait for the perfect moment to strike the ugly son of a bitch.​
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Unfortunately for Rey, the strange gun in her hand seemed to have only a single shot in it.

The sudden musical number had the intended effect of confusing the figure, who paused in place and looked about the room. The flames that enveloped its body finally began to die out and its helmet started to shift in color, flashing in tune to the music. Maybe the beast had been calmed by the power of music? Elizabeth closed the tear she had opened and stared in awe while Legion kept a cautious aim on the figure. The group waited a moment to see if the figure would drop his weapon... or possibly begin to dance.

That was, until, the helmet settled once again and the figure aimed on Deemo this time. It would have been an easy shot if not for the sudden appearance of Bubba, whose drill successfully impaled the figure from behind. It was easy with its suit weakened as it was, and the sound of music had drowned out that familiar roar of a drill. The sound of metal grinding on metal filled the room, lasting for an uncomfortable amount of time. Soon enough, the light in the helmet of the figure would go out, and the room would fall into silence.

"Threat neutralized," said Legion.

"We should stop now," added Elizabeth, crossing her arms. "We don't know what kind of danger will be lurking further in."

@CrunchyCHEEZIT @Crow @Mari @Lizzy @Bomb @LEGION GROUP

Rey felt relieved when the thing was taken down. She looked towards Toboe, she saw that he had been injured from the blast. She went towards Toboe, to check on him. "Are you okay?", she asked. While she awaited an answer from her friend, Rey then looked towards Legion and the others, and asked another question.


"What is our next objective?"

@CrunchyCHEEZIT @Crow @Lizzy @Bomb @Atomyk @legiongroup
  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: Poe Dameron
"That's the smartest thing you've said!" Skeletor exclaimed motioning everyone to follow. They managed to cover a lot of ground with out any resistance, no doubt thanks to the full on assault going on at the tower.


They'd reach a giant hole in the ground surrounded by a driveway. "And what do we have here?" Skeletor would walk to the edge and look down finding an enormous blast door. "If I was a betting man I'd say we'll find our price down there!"

As he said that they would feel the ground shaking as the blast doors slowly start to open.

"That can't be good." As they finished opening a gigantic eye would shoot out from the hole. "That certainly isn't good!" It wouldn't be loong until they saw the contents of the hole.


A gigantic humanoid robot would be looming over them before giving out a inhuman shriek. Shepard could only think of one thing to do. "RUN!"

@The Tactician @Crimson Spartan @Archmage Jeremiah @TeamShepard @LeftIsn'tAlwaysRight
"OF ALL THE TIMES TO NOT BRING A MINI NUKE LAUNCHER!!!!!!!" Six yelled running away as expected. He may have been crazy but since this wasn't a last stand situation he didn't see need to stand his ground.
"Oh goddammit! Can't you just shut the fuck up?!" The shriek caused a stinging sensation in Shizuo's ears as he turned and began to run back the way they came. His eyes darted about in a frantic search driven by a need for a weapon, and soon, a large exposed rod of some sort of metal that was perfect for his means of fighting caught his attention. He plucked the improvised weapon from the ground and continued on running.

Now he just had to wait for the perfect moment to strike the beast behind.​
While Shizuo was getting an improved weapon Six was getting out his sniper while he ran with everyone else. Maybe a .50 cal bullet could do something but he'd rather find out when a plan would be established

@Jeremi @The Tactician @Archmage Jeremiah @BigGiantScaryRoboMonster​
"That's the smartest thing you've said!" Skeletor exclaimed motioning everyone to follow. They managed to cover a lot of ground with out any resistance, no doubt thanks to the full on assault going on at the tower.


They'd reach a giant hole in the ground surrounded by a driveway. "And what do we have here?" Skeletor would walk to the edge and look down finding an enormous blast door. "If I was a betting man I'd say we'll find our price down there!"

As he said that they would feel the ground shaking as the blast doors slowly start to open.

"That can't be good." As they finished opening a gigantic eye would shoot out from the hole. "That certainly isn't good!" It wouldn't be loong until they saw the contents of the hole.


A gigantic humanoid robot would be looming over them before giving out a inhuman shriek. Shepard could only think of one thing to do. "RUN!"

@The Tactician @Crimson Spartan @Archmage Jeremiah @TeamShepard @LeftIsn'tAlwaysRight

Both the Apple sisters' ears flopped against their heads with a simultaneous jaw-drop. The shrill shriek shook Applejack out of her trance, who quickly slapped Applebloom out of hers, the two of them turning tail and breaking into a gallop to get away.

"Whooo nelly, I did not know they grew 'em so big! There's gotta be someplace to hide around here right?"

Applebloom giggled while they fled, "That fella ain't fittin' through any doors, that's fer sure!"

@Jeremi @Crimson Spartan @The Tactician @Team Shepard
Rey felt relieved when the thing was taken down. She looked towards Toboe, she saw that he had been injured from the blast. She went towards Toboe, to check on him. "Are you okay?", she asked. While she awaited an answer from her friend, Rey then looked towards Legion and the others, and asked another question.


"What is our next objective?"

@CrunchyCHEEZIT @Crow @Lizzy @Bomb @Atomyk @legiongroup


"I'm okay, it's nothing too major." Toboe replied to Rey's question towards him. He was glad that she didn't seem put off by the fact that he wasn't the wolf she met at first.

@Mari @Atomyk @Bomb @Crow @CrunchyCHEEZIT
  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: Poe Dameron

"I'm okay, it's nothing too major." Toboe replied to Rey's question towards him. He was glad that she didn't seem put off by the fact that he wasn't the wolf she met at first.

@Mari @Atomyk @Bomb @Crow @CrunchyCHEEZIT

Rey smiled a bit. Of course, she was not a stranger to unnatural types of abilities, but she was curious now that she had a chance to actually ask him about it. "So, my friend," she asked Toboe, "is this your natural form, or is it the other one? And the ability to change appearance, it seems like it would be a very useful one, is it not?"

When Ludger and Garnet would arrive, providing a potent helping hand in taking down the Collectors, Akane would sigh deeply, before putting away her Dominator and facing the two of them.


"Thank you for the assist. You two arrived quickly."

With that, it seemed that from down the hall, there was another way that had not been explored. A way that beckoned everyone around to go down. And so everyone did. Was this perhaps an exit? No, there was nothing so convenient like that. Whatever this was supposed to be, it was most likely a trap. And they were either going to fall for it, or spring it.

Upon entering the room, not paying much mind to the soldiers who didn't seem to care enough to cause them any harm just yet, the group would step in and come face to face with the former leader of the United Nations who had betrayed the organization and joined some crazed mastermind for his own personal gains.


"Yamadera... I expected you to be taller," Carth spoke. Though he hadn't been a part of the Illusion Game that Akane and Asriel had once partook in, Carth Onasi had still been a member of the multiversal United Nations for quite some time, and though he had never personally met Kenjiro Yamadera up until this point... Well, when the leader of the organization defects to the cause of one such as Elliot's, news of it would spread throughout the entire place.

"I don't think you're in any position to give out orders. Not anymore. And if you think those soldiers back there scare us, then you--" Carth began to mouth off, before Akane would raise an arm a little.


"With all due respect, Mr. Carth... We'll take it from here," Akane spoke, silencing him. Without another word, her demeanor changing quite suddenly from that of a meek, green officer to that of a cool-headed, professional one.

A wolf.

Remaining standing up, Akane looked down at Kenjiro, before beginning to speak again.


"... Why? Why would you defect from the UN like this, Mr. Yamadera? And of all people... Why would you side with someone like Elliot? What do you have to gain from someone like him?!"

Though she had been given bits and pieces of Kenjiro's motivations, she desired the answer from the perp's own mouth so that she would be able to see for herself. So that everyone here would be able to.

Meanwhile, Joseph looked around the place, giving a small whistle.


"I don't really know what's goin' on here... But I'm really diggin' the view."

Lisa Lisa elbowed Joseph in the gut to shut him up.

@The Silver Paladin @Atomyk @Jeremi @The Great Detective @Justin Charming @Cromartie Sarkissian @york
@The Silver Paladin @Atomyk @Jeremi @The Great Detective @Justin Charming @Cromartie Sarkissian @Verite

Asriel looked really upset at this... The collectors were the least of his concerns right now, but, rather, this man in front of them... Who had betrayed the UN, in favor of whatever offer Elliot had made...

He said quietly... Looking more sad than anything... He knew Elliot was beyond rational thought at this point... And... Having been in a state of mind like that before, he had a feeling Elliot wasn't much different... At one point or another, Elliot had pulled a cloak over each of their eyes, or... Most of them anyways, fabricating an illusory world where they were meant to remain trapped in, forever... He wished he could somehow pull Elliot from his own madness at times, but, at this rate... It was impossible... Even all of the souls in his body, wasn't enough to do so...

As Asriel spoke, it wasn't clear if he was projecting himself, as he once was... As a flower... Onto Elliot's own personality, or if he was certain that Elliot followed a similar train of thought he once had... He seemed to pause for a moment...

Asriel looked almost miserable, despite his best efforts to hold back his emotions... It wasn't certain how much of what he said was true, as he was indeed known to project himself onto others... Even when it might not always work out all the time... But, it was clear he was trying to convince Kenjiro to reconsider his own actions... Somehow...

Kenjiro laughed at Carth's comment. "That's funny. I'm not giving orders. I would like to explain myself." He straightened his jacket, and cleared his throat.

"I defected because the UN is nothing but bureaucracy. You can't get anything done because the General Assembly must debate on a course of action. I defected, because they're a useless organization, just like the Coalition. Obsolete, and useless. Elliot was strong. He offered power, he offered control. He could bring peace. That's why I joined him." He leaned back in his chair.

He looked to Asriel. "I'll strike him down first. I'll take him down before he can take me down." He said. "Those injections that kept your memories closed, I took after you did. It gave me God-like power. I could become more powerful than him, and take control. I have plans." He smirked. "The Multiverse will be under my control, and neither the UN nor the Coalition can help it. I will bring those organizations to their knees. That's what it's about. Power. Fortune favors the strong, they say."

He looked at Joseph. "You like it, eh? That's the city of Neo-Tokyo. Beautiful city. Too bad the corporations ruined it."

One of the UNCED soldiers that were outside of the door took off their helmet. Long black hair unfolded down to the soldier's waist. It was Doctor Kim. The CEO of Omnidyne-Cross. "You ruined it. You murdered my father for that power, and blindsided the entire UN all for control. I'm glad you'll be going to hell." She said, clutching her assault rifle. "If you even deserve that luxury."

"Well, what a surprise." Kenjiro laughed.

@Atomyk @Justin Charming @Jeremi @The Great Detective @Cromartie Sarkissian
  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: Poe Dameron
"Oh goddammit! Can't you just shut the fuck up?!" The shriek caused a stinging sensation in Shizuo's ears as he turned and began to run back the way they came. His eyes darted about in a frantic search driven by a need for a weapon, and soon, a large exposed rod of some sort of metal that was perfect for his means of fighting caught his attention. He plucked the improvised weapon from the ground and continued on running.

Now he just had to wait for the perfect moment to strike the ugly son of a bitch.​
"OF ALL THE TIMES TO NOT BRING A MINI NUKE LAUNCHER!!!!!!!" Six yelled running away as expected. He may have been crazy but since this wasn't a last stand situation he didn't see need to stand his ground.

While Shizuo was getting an improved weapon Six was getting out his sniper while he ran with everyone else. Maybe a .50 cal bullet could do something but he'd rather find out when a plan would be established

@Jeremi @The Tactician @Archmage Jeremiah @BigGiantScaryRoboMonster​

Both the Apple sisters' ears flopped against their heads with a simultaneous jaw-drop. The shrill shriek shook Applejack out of her trance, who quickly slapped Applebloom out of hers, the two of them turning tail and breaking into a gallop to get away.

"Whooo nelly, I did not know they grew 'em so big! There's gotta be someplace to hide around here right?"

Applebloom giggled while they fled, "That fella ain't fittin' through any doors, that's fer sure!"

@Jeremi @Crimson Spartan @The Tactician @Team Shepard

The creature tried to reach out and grab the group but they were already too far from it. It would continue to shriek as it clawed the ground before falling back into its hole.

Seeing the best disappear back into the hole Shepard would stop her sprint and let off a sigh. "Well...I guess we know what they're keeping here."

"The creature resembled one of the Reapers inside a humanoid frame! Explain yourself Commander!"

"That's exactly what it is...a human Reaper. I thought we destroyed it, but I guess you can't keep monsters like that down for long." She'd look around the almost deserted base. "We can't do anything with it right now, not with the firepower we have. Not even you, Skeletor."

He'd huff in response. "I didn't say anything."

"Let's get the hell out of here and regroup."

@Crimson Spartan @The Tactician @Archmage Jeremiah @Team Shepard
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