Murder Game XI: The War of the Universe

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At the vent Skeletor would use his magic to melt the covering from off the vent to allow them to enter the compound.


"The enemy has not yet been alerted to our infiltration. We should keep it that way."

Skeletor would then speak to Shepard. "Commander, you have the map, surely you know where to go next?"

"I think our best bet is to head into the base proper, if nothing else I can try to hack the systems so we might get a better pin point on the item. We can got either left or right, both will lead us to our destination."

@The Tactician @Crimson Spartan @Archmage Jeremiah @TeamShepard
"Left or right...? Would it be wise for use to split up or stick together. If we split up we'd be more vulnerable to larger waves of enemies but we could cover more ground. Splitting up could also allow a chance for flanking since... Let's be honest... It's never this easy.... There's probably a lot of enemies waiting for us....." Six had spoken up seeing they had two ways to go. He was bringing up the rear of the group with his Revolvers in hand since his Anti Material Rife is almost useless in an enclosed area such as a vent.

@Jeremi @Archmage Jeremiah @The Tactician @TeamShepard
[BCOLOR=transparent]Dan was going towards the AA control facility. For no peculiar reason, he was rather tired of being presented with choices yet again. Couldn't they all go gathered towards a single goal? Staying around the group, he quickly noticed Asgore, returning from the UN, base searching for him.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Asgore! What did they find out about ya?" His attention directed towards Asgore, he didn't notice the various options of choice by the batteries. While he would move towards the group of various creatures looking like traders, he stopped to converse to Asgo[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]re.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]@Librarian Goat @AA group[/BCOLOR]
Throwing out a blast of biotic energy, Kaidan managed to clear the entrance to the temple. After Kaidan gave the order to head inside, Legion made a break for it. "I'm heading inside too!" cried Elizabeth as she made a run for it, bullets and lasers flying overhead. Legion waited just inside, its gun trained back outside ready to cover those joining him. Once they were all inside, the robot turned and hurried down the a set of stone steps that appeared to be built into the rock flooring.

Natural light streamed down into the stairwell through holes in the rock cieling above you. The trip couldn't have been more than five minutes when you found yourself deposited in some kind of atrium. Despite the bunker outside looking as if it would be a military complex, the inside wasn't far off from what most would consider an ancient temple.


Light illuminated a circular door engraved into the stone wall. In the center of the room sat a stone dais.


"Source of mainframe remains unclear. We will have to investigate."

@Mari @Lizzy @Bomb @LEGION GROUP

Deemo wouldn't be able to find much of note beyond the door and dais.

When Little Girl placed her hand on the door, it would glow a bright blue. This seemed to unlock the door as it began sliding open. A long bright corridor would be revealed, as was a lone figure.


It slowly walked forward, the light on its helmet glowing red.

@Mari @Lizzy @Bomb @LEGION GROUP

While the others focused on the door and the creature coming from it, Toboe went to investigate the dais. Throwing up his human disguise while he did so.

"Let's see what's up with this thing." He muttered to himself.

@Mari @Atomyk @Bomb @Legion group/anyone I missed
As the figure loomed closer, it was clear that he towered over each and every one of you. He moved to step through the opening of the stone door, his gun aimed at Little Girl. Elizabeth made a point of standing away from the figure, seeming to recognize the threat it presented. It was Legion that finally said, "It is guarding this place."

On cue, the figure would have moved to knock Little Girl aside. Whether or not this worked out, the figure would have moved to aim its gun at Rey, firing off a blast of heavy pellets.

Meanwhile, Toboe would find the dais react to his touch, the platform glowing blue as a result. From the ground would rise a strange contraption...


@Mari @Lizzy @Bomb @LEGION GROUP
  • Useful
Reactions: Jeremi
As the figure loomed closer, it was clear that he towered over each and every one of you. He moved to step through the opening of the stone door, his gun aimed at Little Girl. Elizabeth made a point of standing away from the figure, seeming to recognize the threat it presented. It was Legion that finally said, "It is guarding this place."

On cue, the figure would have moved to knock Little Girl aside. Whether or not this worked out, the figure would have moved to aim its gun at Rey, firing off a blast of heavy pellets.

Meanwhile, Toboe would find the dais react to his touch, the platform glowing blue as a result. From the ground would rise a strange contraption...


@Mari @Lizzy @Bomb @LEGION GROUP
Rey didn't have much time to change her strategy, once the thing fired at her she could only try to dodge the pellets fired as best as she could. Once she had a moment, she would try to grab her lightsaber, at least using it would provide some form of defense from the attacks. "Attack!", she yelled out to the others.

@Atomyk @Lizzy @Bomb @LEGION GROUP
  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: Poe Dameron
As the figure loomed closer, it was clear that he towered over each and every one of you. He moved to step through the opening of the stone door, his gun aimed at Little Girl. Elizabeth made a point of standing away from the figure, seeming to recognize the threat it presented. It was Legion that finally said, "It is guarding this place."

On cue, the figure would have moved to knock Little Girl aside. Whether or not this worked out, the figure would have moved to aim its gun at Rey, firing off a blast of heavy pellets.

Meanwhile, Toboe would find the dais react to his touch, the platform glowing blue as a result. From the ground would rise a strange contraption...


@Mari @Lizzy @Bomb @LEGION GROUP
The girl would've been pushed aside by the figure, but Deemo took her hand, and pulled her back before that happened.

"Wait! We don't want to fight!" the girl tried to persuade the figure. "We're just trying to look for a way..."

@Atomyk @Mari @Lizzy @legion​
The figure paused for the slightest of moments upon hearing the girl's pleas. It seemed to recognize something there, but as it stared at the girl, the hesitation seemed to melt away. It focused its attention then on Deemo, choosing to fire on them instead.

Legion aimed on the figure with its gun, firing off a few blasts that only put dents in the creature's armor. Elizabeth looked unsure what to do for a moment, but soon enough she was lifting her hands to open a tear in space. Inside the open tear sat what appeared to be part of an armory with weapons that looked like they packed a real punch. Laser rifles, pistols, and some strange red-painted gun sat waiting to be picked up. "It's safe to grab them!" yelled Elizabeth.

@Mari @Lizzy @Bomb @LEGION GROUP
The figure paused for the slightest of moments upon hearing the girl's pleas. It seemed to recognize something there, but as it stared at the girl, the hesitation seemed to melt away. It focused its attention then on Deemo, choosing to fire on them instead.

Legion aimed on the figure with its gun, firing off a few blasts that only put dents in the creature's armor. Elizabeth looked unsure what to do for a moment, but soon enough she was lifting her hands to open a tear in space. Inside the open tear sat what appeared to be part of an armory with weapons that looked like they packed a real punch. Laser rifles, pistols, and some strange red-painted gun sat waiting to be picked up. "It's safe to grab them!" yelled Elizabeth.

@Mari @Lizzy @Bomb @LEGION GROUP

Rey observed the effect that Legion's attack had, and it seemed to have very little. Once the other weapons were revealed, she saw the strange red gun. It seemed very unusual to her, so she thought it was worth trying. She grabbed the strange red painted gun, and fired it at the thing that was attacking them.


@Lizzy @Bomb @Atomyk @legiongroup
  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: Poe Dameron
As the figure loomed closer, it was clear that he towered over each and every one of you. He moved to step through the opening of the stone door, his gun aimed at Little Girl. Elizabeth made a point of standing away from the figure, seeming to recognize the threat it presented. It was Legion that finally said, "It is guarding this place."

On cue, the figure would have moved to knock Little Girl aside. Whether or not this worked out, the figure would have moved to aim its gun at Rey, firing off a blast of heavy pellets.

Meanwhile, Toboe would find the dais react to his touch, the platform glowing blue as a result. From the ground would rise a strange contraption...


@Mari @Lizzy @Bomb @LEGION GROUP

Toboe would hesitantly reach out to touch the strange contraption, but when he heard the guns firing he'd turn to look over his shoulder to see how the others were faring.

@Mari @Atomyk @Bomb @Legion group
The gun was bulky, but seemed to pack a powerful punch.


At the press of the trigger, Rey would feel a harsh kickback as a wall of fire would erupt from the mouth of the gun. The figure was knocked back by the blast, stumbling backwards and into the wall. Its armor began to burn, melting slightly and turning him soft. Legion fired off another shot, this one penetrating the figures hide. "The armor has been weakened," it said.

As Toboe touched the contraption, he would feel a static shock occur between him and the device. The inside of it glowed brighter for a moment and you could hear a ding.

@Mari @Lizzy @Bomb @LEGION GROUP
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"So that's a no on the cola? Oh, but I insist!" Joseph exclaimed, taking a step back as he would infuse the cola bottle in his hand with the power of the Ripple, the soda inside beginning to surge violently, before aiming the bottle at Harbinger and the Collectors as though it were a gun or some other sort of weapon.

Before long, the cap would shoot right off from the sheer pressure of the cola, empowered by the Ripple!


With that, the cap would be sent slamming straight through one of the Collectors' heads as though the cap were a reinforced bullet. At the same time, the drink shot out of the bottle like water out of a fire hose, being shot out with enough pressure to send a few of the enemies stumbling back.

Joseph would spray around the area to ensure that it got all over the place, and as the cola would run out, it would leave a steady trail leading from the Collectors to Joseph's shoe. A grin tugged at the young rusemaster's, before his body would once again surge with the Ripple.


"Harbinge this!"

Was "harbinge" even a word?

Ahh, whatever! It sounded cool anyway!



Raising his arm, Joseph would bring it down and punch the ground, making contact with the trail of leftover soda on the ground. Once again charging his Ripple energy, the cola would surge a bit from the pulse of energy, like electricity traveling through water, and just like electricity through water, the Ripple traveled through the trail of cola and was sent into the Collector bodies with the intention of giving them quite the nasty shock, emitting a loud FSSSSSSHHHT sound!

Lifting his arm up, JoJo would suddenly up and bolt out of there once he was finished with his attack, following Tali and the others.



Lisa Lisa reluctantly followed as well, keeping a contained expression on her face.

"Retreating isn't my style, but these Reaper forces... They're beyond my understanding for the time being."

Know thine enemy. A basic rule of conflict.

@Jeremi @The Great Detective @Cromartie Sarkissian

"How... h... how long is this... going to go on for?"

Mastermind felt like all of this running was getting to him, prompting him to hop onto his Dynamos like a hoverboard to continue following the others and Tali.

@Jeremi @Verite @Cromartie Sarkissian
With that, Akane and Carth would beam themselves, along with Elijah, Klaus, and Asriel, into the location where the other signals of life had been seen, beams of light enveloping everyone until they were gone from the UN base, white lights completely overtaking their vision. The sensation was not unlike when Elijah and Klaus had been transported to the UN base in the first place, borrowed away from the main group after having been voted out.


When everyone would come to again, they would find themselves in a completely different place. An old, almost decrepit place with a hauntingly chilling atmosphere. Just about anyone could sense the sheer evil that oozed out of every corner of this place.

It was quite the nauseating change of pace.


"This place... We should get who we came for and split as quickly as possible. This place gives me really bad vibes," Akane murmured uneasily, clutching her Dominator weapon closely.


"No time like the present. Follow me, team," Carth said, taking point. Tentatively equipping his blaster rifle, he would lead everyone through the strange, unfamiliar place. Though Carth had as much idea of the place's layout as anyone else, it was fortunate that for the time being, the only path to go down was a linear one with no turns available.

Meanwhile, the Collectors, temporarily perturbed by Joseph's gut punch of a surprise attack from earlier, managed to recover relatively quickly and chase the group, consisting of Tali, Joseph, Mastermind, Lisa Lisa, and Roy, through the narrow corridors. Narrowly avoiding the laser beams that would come their way, the base seemed like a maze with no end in sight. It almost seemed like you'd all run out of juice faster than you'd be able to get the sense that you were getting anywhere.

However, it wasn't until you'd all turn a corner that--


"Aughh! Oh noo!"

Joseph, who had been running in front of everyone else in the group, seemed to bump into something, or rather someone, that he didn't see coming. Holding his head in pain, he would take several clumsy steps back before falling on his ass, while the other party whom he had bumped into would stumble a few steps back, but maintain his footing. However, upon closer examination of whoever Joseph had bumped into, it seemed that not only was there more than one person in front of you all, but they fortunately didn't seem to be Collectors.

Just a moody soldier from the UN named Carth Onasi, former participants of an Illusion Game and operatives of the UN named Akane Tsunemori and Asriel Dreemurr, and the recently voted out participants Elijah and Niklaus Mikaelson.

"Agh! Hey, what the stang?! What--Oh, you're the...!"


"It seems that backup has arrived," Lisa Lisa simply said, instantly recognizing Akane from the comm links that the younger girl had used to contact the main group earlier in the event, "Let us hope that you have an escape route. A quick one, at that."


"Yes, we're from the UN! We're currently anticipating backup. They have the real means to get you back to where you belong, but our immediate priority is your safety first. Are any of you injured?!"

"The goddamn blockhead nailed me in the forehead!!"


"You shoulda watched where you were going, kid," Carth muttered, before sighing, "We don't have to save... all of them, do we? We can just say there were some unfortunate casualties, right?"

Before a response would be given, footsteps would be heard from behind you all as the Collectors took this chance to catch up to you. Soon, they would be able to enter your line of sight, aiming their pulse rifles at you upon coming into range.


"Give into your fear, your despair, and drown in it," the voice of the Harbinger rang as the Collectors immediately began to open fire once again once able to!

"Everyone, behind the corner!" Carth exclaimed, taking cover behind the wall, occasionally poking his head out to return fire with his blaster rifle. Akane did the same, the sound of the firefight ringing throughout the corridors as you could only hope that more Collector reinforcements wouldn't show up soon.

@Jeremi @The Great Detective @Atomyk @Cromartie Sarkissian @york @Justin Charming
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But these weren't the only UN reinforcements to join in on the fight. Falling in from above was a man holding twin pistols, the barrels aimed down at the incoming Collectors. "You're going down!" he cried, a flurry of shots punctuating his words.


As Ludger Kresnik neared the ground, the pistols in his hands glowed white and changed shape, moving together to form a singular form. This white form elongated into a sledgehammer, just in time for the man to smash it into the ground upon landing. This sent a shock wave all around Ludger, knocking a group of the Collectors away.

Following this appeared a second warrior, descending from above much like Ludger had.


Crying out, the tall woman slammed her foot into one of the Collectors that had been sent flying into the air. The alien bounced off her foot with enough force that he put cracks into the ground upon landing. The woman landed next to Ludger, adjusting the shades covering her eyes.

"Let's go."

@Jeremi @The Great Detective @Verite @Cromartie Sarkissian @york @Justin Charming @The Silver Paladin
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@Jeremi @The Great Detective @Verite @Cromartie Sarkissian @york @Justin Charming

After the Collectors were defeated, an empty hall stretched out. The hall stretched out to a door. Two more UN Soldiers stood next to the door. These troops wore body armor, and carried assault rifles. They wore patches that read UNCED, or United Nations Council for Earth's Defense.

The two soldiers nodded as everyone came forward, and one typed a passcode into a keypad.

The door opened. Inside was a standard office. A desk sat at one end, with a chair facing a cityscape that appeared to be a large monitor. Those who had been to Neo-Tokyo, whether it had been in the Illusion, or for work after the fact, would recognize it as the view from the top floor of the UN Building there.


The chair turned around, and a man sat in it. His finely tailored suit bore the symbol of the UN, as if mocking it. The man straightened his tie. He had black hair and green eyes.


A nameplate on his desk said "Kenjiro Yamadera, Secretary-general." The man smiled, and pointed to some chairs.

"Hello again, Kana, Hanako. Long time, no see. Please, sit down." he said.
With that, Akane and Carth would beam themselves, along with Elijah, Klaus, and Asriel, into the location where the other signals of life had been seen, beams of light enveloping everyone until they were gone from the UN base, white lights completely overtaking their vision. The sensation was not unlike when Elijah and Klaus had been transported to the UN base in the first place, borrowed away from the main group after having been voted out.


When everyone would come to again, they would find themselves in a completely different place. An old, almost decrepit place with a hauntingly chilling atmosphere. Just about anyone could sense the sheer evil that oozed out of every corner of this place.

It was quite the nauseating change of pace.


"This place... We should get who we came for and split as quickly as possible. This place gives me really bad vibes," Akane murmured uneasily, clutching her Dominator weapon closely.


"No time like the present. Follow me, team," Carth said, taking point. Tentatively equipping his blaster rifle, he would lead everyone through the strange, unfamiliar place. Though Carth had as much idea of the place's layout as anyone else, it was fortunate that for the time being, the only path to go down was a linear one with no turns available.

Meanwhile, the Collectors, temporarily perturbed by Joseph's gut punch of a surprise attack from earlier, managed to recover relatively quickly and chase the group, consisting of Tali, Joseph, Mastermind, Lisa Lisa, and Roy, through the narrow corridors. Narrowly avoiding the laser beams that would come their way, the base seemed like a maze with no end in sight. It almost seemed like you'd all run out of juice faster than you'd be able to get the sense that you were getting anywhere.

However, it wasn't until you'd all turn a corner that--


"Aughh! Oh noo!"

Joseph, who had been running in front of everyone else in the group, seemed to bump into something, or rather someone, that he didn't see coming. Holding his head in pain, he would take several clumsy steps back before falling on his ass, while the other party whom he had bumped into would stumble a few steps back, but maintain his footing. However, upon closer examination of whoever Joseph had bumped into, it seemed that not only was there more than one person in front of you all, but they fortunately didn't seem to be Collectors.

Just a moody soldier from the UN named Carth Onasi, former participants of an Illusion Game and operatives of the UN named Akane Tsunemori and Asriel Dreemurr, and the recently voted out participants Elijah and Niklaus Mikaelson.

"Agh! Hey, what the stang?! What--Oh, you're the...!"


"It seems that backup has arrived," Lisa Lisa simply said, instantly recognizing Akane from the comm links that the younger girl had used to contact the main group earlier in the event, "Let us hope that you have an escape route. A quick one, at that."


"Yes, we're from the UN! We're currently anticipating backup. They have the real means to get you back to where you belong, but our immediate priority is your safety first. Are any of you injured?!"

"The goddamn blockhead nailed me in the forehead!!"


"You shoulda watched where you were going, kid," Carth muttered, before sighing, "We don't have to save... all of them, do we? We can just say there were some unfortunate casualties, right?"

Before a response would be given, footsteps would be heard from behind you all as the Collectors took this chance to catch up to you. Soon, they would be able to enter your line of sight, aiming their pulse rifles at you upon coming into range.


"Give into your fear, your despair, and drown in it," the voice of the Harbinger rang as the Collectors immediately began to open fire once again once able to!

"Everyone, behind the corner!" Carth exclaimed, taking cover behind the wall, occasionally poking his head out to return fire with his blaster rifle. Akane did the same, the sound of the firefight ringing throughout the corridors as you could only hope that more Collector reinforcements wouldn't show up soon.

@Jeremi @The Great Detective @Atomyk @Cromartie Sarkissian @york @Justin Charming
But these weren't the only UN reinforcements to join in on the fight. Falling in from above was a man holding twin pistols, the barrels aimed down at the incoming Collectors. "You're going down!" he cried, a flurry of shots punctuating his words.


As Ludger Kresnik neared the ground, the pistols in his hands glowed white and changed shape, moving together to form a singular form. This white form elongated into a sledgehammer, just in time for the man to smash it into the ground upon landing. This sent a shock wave all around Ludger, knocking a group of the Collectors away.

Following this appeared a second warrior, descending from above much like Ludger had.


Crying out, the tall woman slammed her foot into one of the Collectors that had been sent flying into the air. The alien bounced off her foot with enough force that he put cracks into the ground upon landing. The woman landed next to Ludger, adjusting the shades covering her eyes.

"Let's go."

@Jeremi @The Great Detective @Verite @Cromartie Sarkissian @york @Justin Charming @The Silver Paladin
@Jeremi @The Great Detective @Verite @Cromartie Sarkissian @york @Justin Charming

After the Collectors were defeated, an empty hall stretched out. The hall stretched out to a door. Two more UN Soldiers stood next to the door. These troops wore body armor, and carried assault rifles. They wore patches that read UNCED, or United Nations Council for Earth's Defense.

The two soldiers nodded as everyone came forward, and one typed a passcode into a keypad.

The door opened. Inside was a standard office. A desk sat at one end, with a chair facing a cityscape that appeared to be a large monitor. Those who had been to Neo-Tokyo, whether it had been in the Illusion, or for work after the fact, would recognize it as the view from the top floor of the UN Building there.

The chair turned around, and a man sat in it. His finely tailored suit bore the symbol of the UN, as if mocking it. The man straightened his tie. He had black hair and green eyes. A nameplate on his desk said "Kenjiro Yamadera, Secretary-general." The man smiled, and pointed to some chairs.

"Hello again, Akane, Hanako. Long time, no see. Please, sit down." he said.

"... and to think I wasn't thrown about in confusion any further. Care to explain on why you just happen to be here... out of places?"

Being completely left in the dark on what's occurred thus far, Mastermind was terribly lost with the current matters so far, but had a feeling that something was off if someone just happened to be in this area where the Collectors were around...

Almost a bit too subtle with the fact that the group had encounter this man Kenjiro just now, but a small time rift opened up behind the man... a familiar hand popping out of it and scavenging through some things that were present in this room. One thought came to mind as Mastermind happened to notice this first...


Goddammit Esper...

@Jeremi @Verite @Cromartie Sarkissian @york @Justin Charming @The Silver Paladin

Klaus wasn't really interested in anything but ripping the head off of the man that dared to ever control him. His anger was overcoming his whole being, his eyes were still glowing golden yellow while everything else happened around him. Luckily, Elijah was around to keep his brother calm, The Original Vampire had calm down even with the chaos that had just gone on around him. "Niklaus do not lose control right now... we just gained it back." He whispered into his brother's ear, as the duo watched everyone else around him. They both wondered how the others would feel... since the brothers seemed to have had a hand in their deaths. If they were mad then so be it, if they didn't care, that would be better.

@Jeremi @The Great Detective @Verite @Cromartie Sarkissian @york @Atomyk @The Silver Paladin

"... and to think I wasn't thrown about in confusion any further. Care to explain on why you just happen to be here... out of places?"

Being completely left in the dark on what's occurred thus far, Mastermind was terribly lost with the current matters so far, but had a feeling that something was off if someone just happened to be in this area where the Collectors were around...

Almost a bit too subtle with the fact that the group had encounter this man Kenjiro just now, but a small time rift opened up behind the man... a familiar hand popping out of it and scavenging through some things that were present in this room. One thought came to mind as Mastermind happened to notice this first...


Goddammit Esper...

@Jeremi @Verite @Cromartie Sarkissian @york @Justin Charming @The Silver Paladin

Esper now has an old globe from the 50's with the USSR still on it. Those are cool.

You also get a piece of paper with the name 'Bailey Dansford' on it, that you can't understand a word of it, but it has a logo of a dragon with the words "United Omnidyne-Cross Industries" on it in the top left.

@Stop @I don't want to do this. @This was just a shitpost
  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: Poe Dameron

This statement seemed to infuriate Broly more than Haruka standing up to him. For while Haruka had a power that Broly saw worth protecting/fighting when the time was right, Koro Sensei had none of that. What did he know of Broly's past? Where did he see where Broly the saiyan started and Broly the monster ended? The reality of the matter was that he didn't know anything about Broly! The saiyan's aura flared and he lifted himself slightly off the ground as he glared Koro's way.

"You know why I do what I do? Why I hurt the people that I've hurt? Destroy entire worlds without a care? Spare me! You know absolutely nothing of my past, squid! The moment you try to say otherwise, I'll have your head." The saiyan bellowed before listening in on the rest of what Koro had to say. Giving an idle shrug at the mention of needing a power boost, Broly glanced down at Haruka.

"I don't need any help. If I were to go too far I'm sure this child would reign me in. That seems to be the one thing she has over and continues to hold above my head." It's why Broly let the girl speak her mind so freely around him. She was his antithesis and he wanted to figure out a way around the Dragon Torque. To prevent Haruka from taking away the power that along with other factors left Broly's sanity a shattered mess. Landing on the ground however, the saiyan stormed ahead without so much as another word from him. He had said his piece. Nobody here knew about his past and that's how he preferred it stay. He was a monster straight from birth and he'd never have it any other way.

Having said little after snapping on Koro, Broly's attention was finally piqued as the group made their way to the gun batteries that were apparently used by the Geth. Broly had seen something that referred to itself as a Geth before. He believed it's name was..Legion? Normally, it would have been of little interest to the brutish saiyan. But the image of Legion stuck with Broly if only because after Broly had requested(i.e demanded) Legion give him a strong warrior to fight, a holographic battle between Broly and-


Broly started to make his way towards the horde of Geth and Husks that were heading over. How many of them were their? How heavily armed were they? What about the lives of those who had been stuck with the legendary super saiyan?

None of it mattered. But that image that Legion had helped burn back into Broly's head and one the saiyan now associated with these creatures. Floating up into the air, Broly glanced down at the Geth.



@Kaykay @DapperDogman @york

The squid would simply continue to laugh as Broly's blood would begin to boil all over again, ready just in time to use a devastating attack on the Geth before them

"If you're done..." he mutters, his usual, chipper tone of voice gone as he steps out into the crowd, a husk throwing itself toward him with a growl, only to collapse, a blurred after-image of tentacle lashing across it's neck, as he continues to walk toward the gun battery, his bright yellow form warping out of the way of attacks from all directions as he assassinates every synthetic that dares to cross his path

@Kaykay @T.O.M. @Krieg
@Those Taking On Geth & Reaper Forces
@Kaykay @T.O.M. @Krieg @DapperDogman
As everyone cleared away Geth and Reaper forces alike, they could hear heavy mechanical whirring noises, and even footsteps surrounding them... It was apparant that their foes saw infantry wasn't going to be enough to handle this matter... A fleet of dropships suddenly swarmed through the battlefield, dropping what looked like heavy looking battle units...

They looked to be of both Geth and Reaper origins...

An group of red looking husk creatures began to lumber towards the group... Behind them, were more... Bulky looking husk creatures, appearing to be some sort of ranged unit, it was apparant that these creatures would definitely cause them some trouble... And to add to all of their troubles, it appeared that the Geth dropships were dropping larger creatures behind the husks, the surviving Geth troops gathering around the mechanical hulks as this occurred...

Looks like the cavalry had arrived... Whatever the cause, the Geth and Husk forces alike were rather intent on protecting the control center...

"Waaah! Look at the size of those things! And the ships in the air are dropping more of them!!!" Fidget shouted, frantically flapping to and fro as Dust chased away the remaining Husk and Geth forces, preparing to fight the incoming armada that was just dropped onto them.

"Right! Then it's time for me to take down those dropships! I'll leave it up to the rest of you to take care of the ground troops, I'll keep them from sending any more reinforcements!" Dust shouted, Fidget seemed a little reluctant, as they charged towards the dropships as they flew overhead, jumping into the air as he delivered an massive series of slashes... Aided by Fidget, who launched flaming projectiles into the air as Dust spun around... Causing pillars of fire to shoot up from the ground... And into the airship... In it's weakened state, Dust suddenly used his sword to grab the ship straight out of the air... Pulling it into a downwards spiral, sending it crashing into the ground...
(Something like this)

Whew... What a spectacle; it appears he's got the air units taken care of... Hopefully, it looks like those that had chosen to fight the armies only had the ground units to worry about... Though they brought in the "big guns", it shouldn't be too much for Broly and the rest of the "gang" to handle... Right?
Karasu had been planning to just do some investigation of his own until Broly suddenly started blasting away at them. Well, it wasn't like they weren't sure whether these forces were friendly or hostile. They were quite clearly hostile. Thus, Karasu couldn't care less if Broly cleared the way for them. From what he'd seen, he had more than enough power to deal with that on his own.

So instead, he led Haruka by the hand to the small encampent of strange creatures.

@york @T.O.M. @Krieg @DapperDogman @AA Batteries​
@Those Headed To The Encampment
As those headed to the encampment drew closer... It seemed apparant that it was a crudely set up "trading post" of sorts, made of scavanged parts, and bits of brown cloth... With little dwarf-sized creatures running around, yelling and seemingly bickering at one another in an unknown language.

At first glance, they seemed like a bunch of nomadic scavengers... With some wares up for trade... But, looking closer at the "wares" it became apparant that they were stolen bits of Geth and Husk machinery... Heck, some looked like they might be beacons, or other mechanical devices... And heck, there were even a few weapons laying about... Though, it was a mystery how these creatures even managed to survive here, let alone steal most of their "inventory" which was up for sale, but... The only way to find out was to talk to them... Right?
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The gun was bulky, but seemed to pack a powerful punch.


At the press of the trigger, Rey would feel a harsh kickback as a wall of fire would erupt from the mouth of the gun. The figure was knocked back by the blast, stumbling backwards and into the wall. Its armor began to burn, melting slightly and turning him soft. Legion fired off another shot, this one penetrating the figures hide. "The armor has been weakened," it said.

As Toboe touched the contraption, he would feel a static shock occur between him and the device. The inside of it glowed brighter for a moment and you could hear a ding.

@Mari @Lizzy @Bomb @LEGION GROUP

Toboe jumped at the shock, his fingers twitching. Otherwise, his hand stayed on the device to see if something else would happen.

@Mari @Atomyk @Bomb @Legion group

"... and to think I wasn't thrown about in confusion any further. Care to explain on why you just happen to be here... out of places?"

Being completely left in the dark on what's occurred thus far, Mastermind was terribly lost with the current matters so far, but had a feeling that something was off if someone just happened to be in this area where the Collectors were around...

Almost a bit too subtle with the fact that the group had encounter this man Kenjiro just now, but a small time rift opened up behind the man... a familiar hand popping out of it and scavenging through some things that were present in this room. One thought came to mind as Mastermind happened to notice this first...


Goddammit Esper...

@Jeremi @Verite @Cromartie Sarkissian @york @Justin Charming @The Silver Paladin

Klaus wasn't really interested in anything but ripping the head off of the man that dared to ever control him. His anger was overcoming his whole being, his eyes were still glowing golden yellow while everything else happened around him. Luckily, Elijah was around to keep his brother calm, The Original Vampire had calm down even with the chaos that had just gone on around him. "Niklaus do not lose control right now... we just gained it back." He whispered into his brother's ear, as the duo watched everyone else around him. They both wondered how the others would feel... since the brothers seemed to have had a hand in their deaths. If they were mad then so be it, if they didn't care, that would be better.

@Jeremi @The Great Detective @Verite @Cromartie Sarkissian @york @Atomyk @The Silver Paladin
@Jeremi @The Great Detective @Verite @Cromartie Sarkissian @york @Justin Charming

After the Collectors were defeated, an empty hall stretched out. The hall stretched out to a door. Two more UN Soldiers stood next to the door. These troops wore body armor, and carried assault rifles. They wore patches that read UNCED, or United Nations Council for Earth's Defense.

The two soldiers nodded as everyone came forward, and one typed a passcode into a keypad.

The door opened. Inside was a standard office. A desk sat at one end, with a chair facing a cityscape that appeared to be a large monitor. Those who had been to Neo-Tokyo, whether it had been in the Illusion, or for work after the fact, would recognize it as the view from the top floor of the UN Building there.


The chair turned around, and a man sat in it. His finely tailored suit bore the symbol of the UN, as if mocking it. The man straightened his tie. He had black hair and green eyes.


A nameplate on his desk said "Kenjiro Yamadera, Secretary-general." The man smiled, and pointed to some chairs.

"Hello again, Kana, Hanako. Long time, no see. Please, sit down." he said.
When Ludger and Garnet would arrive, providing a potent helping hand in taking down the Collectors, Akane would sigh deeply, before putting away her Dominator and facing the two of them.


"Thank you for the assist. You two arrived quickly."

With that, it seemed that from down the hall, there was another way that had not been explored. A way that beckoned everyone around to go down. And so everyone did. Was this perhaps an exit? No, there was nothing so convenient like that. Whatever this was supposed to be, it was most likely a trap. And they were either going to fall for it, or spring it.

Upon entering the room, not paying much mind to the soldiers who didn't seem to care enough to cause them any harm just yet, the group would step in and come face to face with the former leader of the United Nations who had betrayed the organization and joined some crazed mastermind for his own personal gains.


"Yamadera... I expected you to be taller," Carth spoke. Though he hadn't been a part of the Illusion Game that Akane and Asriel had once partook in, Carth Onasi had still been a member of the multiversal United Nations for quite some time, and though he had never personally met Kenjiro Yamadera up until this point... Well, when the leader of the organization defects to the cause of one such as Elliot's, news of it would spread throughout the entire place.

"I don't think you're in any position to give out orders. Not anymore. And if you think those soldiers back there scare us, then you--" Carth began to mouth off, before Akane would raise an arm a little.


"With all due respect, Mr. Carth... We'll take it from here," Akane spoke, silencing him. Without another word, her demeanor changing quite suddenly from that of a meek, green officer to that of a cool-headed, professional one.

A wolf.

Remaining standing up, Akane looked down at Kenjiro, before beginning to speak again.


"... Why? Why would you defect from the UN like this, Mr. Yamadera? And of all people... Why would you side with someone like Elliot? What do you have to gain from someone like him?!"

Though she had been given bits and pieces of Kenjiro's motivations, she desired the answer from the perp's own mouth so that she would be able to see for herself. So that everyone here would be able to.

Meanwhile, Joseph looked around the place, giving a small whistle.


"I don't really know what's goin' on here... But I'm really diggin' the view."

Lisa Lisa elbowed Joseph in the gut to shut him up.

@The Silver Paladin @Atomyk @Jeremi @The Great Detective @Justin Charming @Cromartie Sarkissian @york
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