Murder Game VIII: Legend of Zelda Extravaganza

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"Hehehe." He chuckled quietly to himself, even after she carved through his cheek a bit. "You do know what I'm babbling about. It's why you won't kill me, regardless of what beast intervenes or not. It's why your attacks are downplayed to this." He looked downwards at his cheek and further, at the cut in his chest as she traced over it. "And it's why I know no matter what you say, you won't be killing Yuno. Yes, you are a shadow..." He flicked his eyes to stare expectantly at it. "But you are also a Yuno. And no matter what world she lives in or what form she takes, Yuno is Yuno. And if there's any one thing I'm confident Yuno would not's killing me. It won't happen." He grunted as he was swept aside, pinned by whatever that was. "None of what you described will ever come to pass. If I'm wrong...well. I guess we'll find out soon." He closed his eyes, taking several gulps and hoping beyond hope that he was right.

She didn't resist much from the tackle, landing on the small island and just slowly, casually rising back up. A quick patting to dust herself off as she stared at herself. The corrupted shadowy copy. She just stood there and stared in solemn silence, not even making a move to attack or run or anything quite yet.

"Before we get started, before we finish this...I want to know. Why?"

@TheSpringwoodSlasher @york @The Tactician @Jeremi
Star-Lord tilted his head, as he followed Ri and Kazuma.
'Hang on a this like Life of Brian or something? Navi's master is a green-clad boy called Link, and this kid is a green-clad boy called Lank....

Is this a trick, or a trap? It can't be a coincidence.'
@Mari @Raven @Wedge Antilles
"Then we should be very careful", Ri said to both Star Lord and Kazuma, as she went towards Lank. She considered the Star Lord's words, that it was possibly a trick.


"Have you never gotten into a situation before, where things were not all that they had originally seemed to be?", she asked Star Lord. Though Kazuma might easily hear it as being spoken to him as well.

@Mighty Roman @Wedge Antilles @Raven
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Lank listened and smiled. "Great maybe you can help me save them." He explained then Reci revealed himself. "Oh you think Lank is a trap?" He stated then looked around. "NAvi show yourself they said you were with help me explain what the Great Deku Tree once told us." He stated soon Navi flew from behind Ri. "We were told Link had a twin named Lank. The details no one but the great Deku tree knows." Navi spoke. Reci flew around. "One meant to be a hero. The other a normal child who may seem like a coward. But both having the same skills as the other." Reci finished.

Lank blinked. "Um anyways if you guys would follow me... Maybe we can save the others.... They um just finished dealing with a few ghost I think and now have one more. Or maybe it was just my imagination on the ghost. And what they are fighting now is real?" Lank stated as he began to walk seeming to head for a secret passage in the temple.

@Mari @Mighty Roman @Wedge Antilles
Lank listened and smiled. "Great maybe you can help me save them." He explained then Reci revealed himself. "Oh you think Lank is a trap?" He stated then looked around. "NAvi show yourself they said you were with help me explain what the Great Deku Tree once told us." He stated soon Navi flew from behind Ri. "We were told Link had a twin named Lank. The details no one but the great Deku tree knows." Navi spoke. Reci flew around. "One meant to be a hero. The other a normal child who may seem like a coward. But both having the same skills as the other." Reci finished.

Lank blinked. "Um anyways if you guys would follow me... Maybe we can save the others.... They um just finished dealing with a few ghost I think and now have one more. Or maybe it was just my imagination on the ghost. And what they are fighting now is real?" Lank stated as he began to walk seeming to head for a secret passage in the temple.

@Mari @Mighty Roman @Wedge Antilles

"We are needed", Ri said, wondering if the explanation would be good enough to Star Lord. It may still be a trap, of course, but she felt they should be careful regardless of the situation anyway, so the explanation was a little reassuring to her. But she would nevertheless stay focused and alert in case it was a dangerous situation.


She then followed Lank into the secret passage.

@Raven @Mighty Roman @Wedge Antilles
@Bomb @ShiroKiyoshi

"Attending the horses." The girl answered she also gave Bo a look of 'what else'.​
"Well, that's not obvious. Since when does a six year old tend to three-hundred pound animals?" Bo snapped back at her. He glared her down and then walked past her to the pony. "Whatever. I don't care." Bo pointed to the small horse and spoke to the girl. "Were you singing to this thing?"

@Raven @Bomb
The girl looked to him. "I was singing to all of them it's just her's favorite song and she's a gorse not a thing." The girl replied. She was also trying to think of the man a nickname for Bo didn't seem to fix. She had one for the man's companion.

@ShiroKiyoshi @Bomb
"We are needed", Ri said, wondering if the explanation would be good enough to Star Lord. It may still be a trap, of course, but she felt they should be careful regardless of the situation anyway, so the explanation was a little reassuring to her. But she would nevertheless stay focused and alert in case it was a dangerous situation.


She then followed Lank into the secret passage.

@Raven @Mighty Roman @Wedge Antilles
Lank looked behind he was pleased to see at least one was following. He wondered why they just didn't seem to trust him must be the recent deaths.

@Mighty Roman @Mari @Wedge Antilles
"Aww, who shut the door?" Zanzibar asked no one. After a few moments, he shrugged and turned back. He then begun looking for another way.

Meanwhile, Mitten hissed. The gap was too far apart for him to jump so he went back.

@Mighty Roman

Ashitaka walked in, and the door sealed behind him as well. He looked at Strax, Mitten, and Zanzibar. Ashitaka then saw the bridge. He drew his bow, and fired, thus releasing the bridge.

Ashitaka held his hand up. "Follow me." He said, walking across the new bridge.

@Mighty Roman
Investigating the painting Accelerator would see movement. The rider would be charging and getting closer and closer towards him. The others too might notice that the same rider would be emerging from the other five paintings as well.

"Well matey's! It appears that we have a cavalry on our hands!"

As Motochika said that the rider from the painting was investigating would emerge from the painting ready to charge at him with his spear.

The other five would soon break through their paintings as well and would head towards the rest of the group spears poised.

@Raven @Kaykay @Crimson Spartan @Verite

"What the fuck?!" He would exclaim in surprise as the rider would charge at him.

Recovering just in the nick of time, Accelerator would clench his fist, before proceeding to swing it right at the rider that was charging after him. As usual, his fist had the power of a raging truck behind it, hopefully giving him the edge and defeating this guy in one hit. A power was useless if it didn't do its job after all.

@Jeremi @Raven @Kaykay @Crimson Spartan
Ashitaka walked in, and the door sealed behind him as well. He looked at Strax, Mitten, and Zanzibar. Ashitaka then saw the bridge. He drew his bow, and fired, thus releasing the bridge.

Ashitaka held his hand up. "Follow me." He said, walking across the new bridge.

@Mighty Roman
"Annd a person just so conveniently pops up to helps us. No, we will find an alternate way because this just makes the plot boring. Though if you insist, Mittens can go with you and if he dies, depending on factors, your death will be long and playful! Now, Strax, are you going with Mittens or are you going to try and find another way around or are you going to keep staring at rocks all day?"

@Mighty Roman
"Annd a person just so conveniently pops up to helps us. No, we will find an alternate way because this just makes the plot boring. Though if you insist, Mittens can go with you and if he dies, depending on factors, your death will be long and playful! Now, Strax, are you going with Mittens or are you going to try and find another way around or are you going to keep staring at rocks all day?"

@Mighty Roman
No alternate routes are available. Ashitaka is motioning for you to follow him.

@Mighty Roman
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Lank looked behind he was pleased to see at least one was following. He wondered why they just didn't seem to trust him must be the recent deaths.

@Mighty Roman @Mari @Wedge Antilles

Kazuma followed Ri and Lank as well. She was showing uncommon courage here, so he thought he should undoubtedly support her, and Lank. "I will keep an eye on all of you", he said, trying to sound caring but realizing with his tone it might sound rough, even threatening. But he meant well.

@Mari @Raven @Mighty Roman
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Investigating the painting Accelerator would see movement. The rider would be charging and getting closer and closer towards him. The others too might notice that the same rider would be emerging from the other five paintings as well.

"Well matey's! It appears that we have a cavalry on our hands!"

As Motochika said that the rider from the painting was investigating would emerge from the painting ready to charge at him with his spear.

The other five would soon break through their paintings as well and would head towards the rest of the group spears poised.

@Raven @Kaykay @Crimson Spartan @Verite

How odd. But there wasn't much time for thinking.

"Execute Rhododactylos."


Two white hands flew out from her back and tried to crush two of the riders.

@Jeremi @Verite @Crimson Spartan @Raven

"Oh lovely, forced choices. We'll play your game and follow," Zanzibar said. He and Mittens both followed Ashitaka, but kept a close eye on him in case he tried anything suspicious.

"Are you coming Warrior Strax?" Mitten called out.

@Mighty Roman
Strax picked up his blaster and followed his companions. 'Coming, Sir!' He looked at the Newcomer: 'If this is a trap, you will be obliterated.'
He hoped that they had almost reached their goal. All of this walking was tiring even to someone of his stamina.
@Archwar @The Silver Paladin
Star-Lord decided to follow Ri, Kazuma and Lank. Thinking about Ri's question he said: 'Yep. So many times. In my line of work nothing, and nobody is what they first appear to be. But things tend to show their true colours after a while, no matter how ugly that truth may be.'

He instinctively held both of his Kree Sub-Machine Guns in his hands. 'For the Hero of Time's brother, you're not very brave, are you Lank?'
@Wedge Antilles @Mari @Raven
Balto stood in awe at the leader, he had questions:

"Can you hear me? What happened to you? And what got you here? You said you ruled? How was it like?..."

Meanwhile, a disgruntled Rocket had other plans,
"OH NO NO NO! No time for questions! Just tell us where to find these soul thingy!"
"Of course I can hear you! I'm your spirit guide after all." Nero said. She changed into a wedding dress?


"I ruled an Empire called Rome, and then I died, and was placed into something called The Moon Grail. I fought there with my Praetor for a while. I don't know how I got here. I met the Zant Person, and... then I woke up here. Who knows how long I've been here?" Nero sounded serious. She then smiled again. "Anyway, Co-Praetor is right, we should go." She walked into the next room, which was a grand ballroom with a woman in the center of it, while people wearing Victorian Era dress and masks danced in inhuman synchronicity. Cloaked men played Instruments at one end of the room. It was... Eerie. Nero began laughing, and dancing with the others. You saw Victor near the Musicians, and they looked at him from under their cloaks.

You can:

Talk to the woman in the center
Investigate the dancers
Investigate the room
Talk to Ner

@Raven @FireDrake150
The girl looked to him. "I was singing to all of them it's just her's favorite song and she's a gorse not a thing." The girl replied. She was also trying to think of the man a nickname for Bo didn't seem to fix. She had one for the man's companion.

@ShiroKiyoshi @Bomb
Hmm, that's a nice voice, Fizz thought.

"Hey!" Fizz said to the girl. "Nice to meetcha!"

@ShiroKiyoshi @Raven
Bo put his hand back in his pocket and slouched over looking back to the horse. "Pretty sure it's a thing." Bo stared hard at its back. His eyes scanning its smoothness and minor height. His glance slowly turned to the girl. "Lemme ride 'em." He ordered with an unimpressed expression and a slouch that looked more uncomfortable than it felt.

@Bomb @Raven

The girl paused from her singing to see the new comers. "Hi" She replied and smiled.


@Bomb @ShiroKiyoshi
Bo reached out for Fizz, but he had already gone and spoke to the girl and she replied back. Bo paused with his hand in the air and leg off the ground. He looked like the "AND1" logo stuck on the ground. Using his weight to fall forward and lead the way to the girl he was robotic. The soothing song unable to reach his ears as he thought about approaching the little one and was in the action of doing so, however it also seemed that she took a break to talk to them. Bo had met with the girl and she was slightly shorter than he. Renewed with his sense of superiority Bo grew a spine and stood up pulling his hood back. I thought SHE was taller than me. Good, I'm still better. A smile reached ear to ear on Bo's face as he brought up a peace sign and winked. "Name's Bo little one." Thinking himself a fool he cleared his throat and leaned back with his hands in his pockets. "What are you doing out here?" He asked with a much colder tone than before.

@Raven @Bomb
@Bomb @ShiroKiyoshi

"Attending the horses." The girl answered she also gave Bo a look of 'what else'.​
"Well, that's not obvious. Since when does a six year old tend to three-hundred pound animals?" Bo snapped back at her. He glared her down and then walked past her to the pony. "Whatever. I don't care." Bo pointed to the small horse and spoke to the girl. "Were you singing to this thing?"

@Raven @Bomb
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Lank walked on once all seemed to join he then sighed. "No I'm not..." He replied and sighed. "But I'm also the one who get's hurt more so I guess that's why." He stated soon the group could see above it would seem the others it appeared they were fighting men on horses. Or well from above that's what Lank could determine.

@Mighty Roman @Mari @Wedge Antilles
Bo put his hand back in his pocket and slouched over looking back to the horse. "Pretty sure it's a thing." Bo stared hard at its back. His eyes scanning its smoothness and minor height. His glance slowly turned to the girl. "Lemme ride 'em." He ordered with an unimpressed expression and a slouch that looked more uncomfortable than it felt.

@Bomb @Raven

The girl once more looked over his height. "Aren't you a bit tall to ride a pony?" She asked. "A horse would fit your size better." She commented seeming to notice how much taller Bo was than her.

@Bomb @ShiroKiyoshi
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