Murder Game VI: Fusion

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Pietro looked back and ran back to Patchouli. "You're a nice person," he said to her, "a rare find these days." He then went back to the computer in a blur.

His fingers were getting sore from guessing the password, but he continued.
Well, nice was a broad word. Not that it would completely describe her. Given from her friend's observations towards her, Patchouli deemed herself to be more of a reclusive and social introvert... but she wasn't sure if that was different to the others on how they thought of her so far.
Garnet spun her chair around. "No. We start by trying to figure things out."

She got up, and approached Naoki. "Royalty by power hm? I had people like that back in my world. And I'm just warning you. Don't try anything strange or I will END you. And as for you..." She pointed to Patchouli. "You seem unused to this tech. I can teach you - it's very simple."

@The Pimp Tactician @Gummi Bunnies @DapperDogman
"I would appreciate that. To think that such concepts are common in the Outside World, and then non-existent in Gensokyo," the librarian didn't see much other way to figure out this "computer" on her own. As much as she taught young youkai on how to use spells, it was best for her to learn of "tech" from someone that knew it best. Or at least the basics of it so she had a foundation to work off of.

As for the others...
"Probably after being threatened at gunpoint and after they were done holding knives to her throat" she spat in disgust "She was a single mother, asshole...god...I know you're a demon, but I expected you to have standards" she scoffs, her ball rolling across the floor slowly toward his feet, hoping to distract him so he could trip and land in the milk he dodged earlier, his mind was hardly able to focus on such a tiny thing at this moment in time, after all, he was too busy being an insensitive asshole
Naoki let out a growl at Garnet's words, "Listen, you, I don't care about your world. I only care about my own and making sure it goes to those who have the strength to guard it. Merit and strength are what a society should be built on, and that is what I plan to create."
"Oh!...Well, oh, okay. A figure of speech." She scratched her head with an awkward giggle, then flustering upon hearing pietro's comment, her tentacles coiling up as she twiddled her fingers, a wide grin on her face "Oh stop you~" A lightbulb (figuratively) appeared above Ika's head, she smirked "Hey, if this 'Fuse' thing involves people literally fusing together, I wanna be fused with Pietro! It'll be a really cool...Fast, squid thing with cool goggles! The perfect combination, right?" Ink bled from her nose as she wondered about the possibilities if this fuse thing was actually what she thought it was, and you know...If it was, how they would fuse. She thought of the process in exetreme detail, her mouth hanging open, her eyes closing, and her hands held up to her cheeks "Aaaah...Fusion.." She then blinked, shaking her head and snapping out of it. The girl wiped the ink off of her face, pointing at Naoki in a sassy fashion "You know, the power-hungry guys always lose in movies...." She shifted her hat around "Except in movies where the power hungry guy is the hero. But they usually realize power isn't the key to happiness! Hah, aren't those morals stupid?!" Clearly, Ika had perfect morale compass.

@Gummi Bunnies
@Wedge Antilles
@The Pimp Tactician
"I'm sorry, but I didn't know your mother was raped. Perhaps you should have made that information available before opening your mother up as a target for my bullets," Naoki countered, feeling no sympathy for the girl. While it was tragic that her mother had been raped, he was not given the proper forewarning of the forbidden topic, "However, if you agree not to bring my parents into the debate again, then I'll agree not to insult your mother as well. You weren't wrong, I do have standards. I simply can't follow them if I'm not warned of sensitive topics," Seeing as he was still seated in his chair, he simply kicked the balls gently back to her, "And be careful with those things, you might cause someone to break a neck."
"... why must you all be so rowdy and disruptive? My standard hearing is not used to this much sound at once..." the violet-haired girl gave a disturbed look on her face, putting a hand to the side of her head as she tried to keep herself attentive and to maybe readjust to this sound volume. Her poor health might not be the greatest for this right now, but she was trying to tolerate it for now.

@Wedge Antilles @Yiyæl @The Pimp Tactician @Mirage @DapperDogman
"Who has 13 kids of their own free will?" she asks aloud, with a slightly confused expression "As a single mother, nonetheless..." she sighs a little and catches the ball, tossing it up and down slowly, scowling behind her false look of calm
She'd get him back, given time...she'd make sure of it
She nods slowly " insult me and me alone, pedo" she says with a small grin "Unless you doubt your bullets'll hit me" she cocks her head a little, as if questioningly
"Someone who doesn't make men wrap it before they tap it?" Okay, even Naoki thought he deserved to be hit for that one, "Apologies, that was more directed at certain indivduals who wouldn't take responsibility for their actions and... I do agree, your mother was strong for what she did. She has a strength that should be looked up to and admired by all," There was an odd sincerity to his voice, as though his words were meant to be taken as lies. Perhaps he wasn't all bad after all.
"Ah i don't think we met, my name Is Matt, Matt Murdock, this is no worry, i am no threat. Besides how is a blind lawyer supposed to be a threat." Matt smiled but could sense the unpleasantness in the mans voice, but there was no need of threats or fights, because this was supposed to be a time were he could get away from the killing. "So are you her security guard or something."

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @BarrenThin
"Someone who doesn't make men wrap it before they tap it?" Okay, even Naoki thought he deserved to be hit for that one, "Apologies, that was more directed at certain indivduals who wouldn't take responsibility for their actions and... I do agree, your mother was strong for what she did. She has a strength that should be looked up to and admired by all," There was an odd sincerity to his voice, as though his words were meant to be taken as lies. Perhaps he wasn't all bad after all.
Natalia gave the man a look for a moment and nodded slowly "Ma was a damn fine lady..." she says with a faint smile "Besides...having 12 siblings is what made me so fast...I used to always miss out on I ran...everywhere...I got quick after a while...damn quick...quicker than most can even see" she says with an odd pride "And I can go faster" she says with a smirk, tapping the can of Bonk! she had drank earlier "I can dodge bullets at point blank with a can of this in my system...heck...I can dodge fire when I'm hopped up on it..."
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Well now, Cole suddenly felt wary of this guy now too. His brow furrowed in confusion at what Jeffery was saying. "Hold up, you want my Conduit gene? How exactly would I give it to you, even if I wanted to?" Cole's eyes flared, the glow of electricity apparent behind them. "It's a part of who I am. My DNA. Besides, if you had one of your own, you might not like the results."

Jeffery extended his arm, and faced his palm upwards,

"My power, my race in fact, we have the ability to not only take someone's power, but when we do, to copy parts of their DNA. In my world, all beings of magic and supernatural had biological tells. If I would take your power, and use it, my whole biology would change with it, giving me the Conduit gene." stated Jeffery as he started to call Cole's power to his hand, blue mist exited Cole's body and begun to flow towards Jeffery's hand before he closed it, the mist shooting back into Cole.

"It is how we survived since the beginning of time, and I am the only one willing to give up my almost interminable lifespan and power to you, to save the remaining few who might be hiding on my home planet, and in order to bargain with the humans, I must have that gene."

@Emperor of Gallifrey
"Ah i don't think we met, my name Is Matt, Matt Murdock, this is no worry, i am no threat. Besides how is a blind lawyer supposed to be a threat." Matt smiled but could sense the unpleasantness in the mans voice, but there was no need of threats or fights, because this was supposed to be a time were he could get away from the killing. "So are you her security guard or something."

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @BarrenThin

"You could say that." Redington tilted his head slightly. "A blind lawyer? Hm. Fine. Stick around."

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty

Pietro couldn't think of any adequate words to say to Ika. So, he left the computer in a blur (for the umpteeenth time) and appeared next to her, standing there for a moment.


And then he went back to the computer, the way he had been doing, again.
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@DapperDogman @The Pimp Tactician @Gummi Bunnies

Garnet pointed both at Natalia and Naoki. "You two. Quiet down and keep it cool."

She then plopped next to Patchouli. "I understand how you feel. I had to learn that myself - in the grand scheme of things, it's a pretty new thing even for humans - and my people never needed this because all of our things were focus-oriented." She readjusted her glass visor some.

"But I'm getting carried away. This computer - the terminal - is a very simple piece of technology. The screen-" Garnet had put her hand on top of the computer "-shows you the information that the computer wants to display. It... draws, in a sense, what it want to tell you - even though it's not particularly smart. Then there's the keys -" She wiped a hand over the keyboard. "- that are the opposite, you press them to form words that the computer can understand. Does the humans, or your people, have an alphabet that looks like anything on the keyboard in your world?"
"You improved your physical abilities to survive fighting amongst your siblings instead of worrying your mother with such things? While I think you should have asked your mother for help, I do approve of your self-reliance. It surely helped with the burden your mother faced," Naoki returned the smile, remembering his own days as a child. He had been an only son, left to make siblings of his own by become close with friends. Though sadly, those bonds had to be broken as Isamu stood in my way and Chiaki only wanted the best to rule her world. Then again, that also meant he had fought to improve himself as well to survive sibling disputes, though his were much deadlier.
Redington raised an eyebrow. "We're on an island full of cultists and you feel like being naive?"

The comment about vacation few a laugh from him. "As nice as this place is, no, I'm not here for pleasure. On the contrary. I'm here on... business, you could say."
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Poetic_Justic3
"Ah i don't think we met, my name Is Matt, Matt Murdock, this is no worry, i am no threat. Besides how is a blind lawyer supposed to be a threat." Matt smiled but could sense the unpleasantness in the mans voice, but there was no need of threats or fights, because this was supposed to be a time were he could get away from the killing. "So are you her security guard or something."

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @BarrenThin

Elizabeth Keen
Liz folded her arms, finally sparing Red a glance. "There's a difference between naively starting idle chit-chat with a stranger and speaking with people to gather information about this place," she firmly stated. "Besides, I can handle myself. If you have business, I suggest you take care of it unless your business is to follow me around. In which case, you should probably find a new past time." Liz then smirked at Matt's words. "Sometimes, I feel he think's he's my guard. That or I'm a puppet for his amusement... I really don't know. Don't ask me."
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Jeffery extended his arm, and faced his palm upwards,

"My power, my race in fact, we have the ability to not only take someone's power, but when we do, to copy parts of their DNA. In my world, all beings of magic and supernatural had biological tells. If I would take your power, and use it, my whole biology would change with it, giving me the Conduit gene." stated Jeffery as he started to call Cole's power to his hand, blue mist exited Cole's body and begun to flow towards Jeffery's hand before he closed it, the mist shooting back into Cole.

"It is how we survived since the beginning of time, and I am the only one willing to give up my almost interminable lifespan and power to you, to save the remaining few who might be hiding on my home planet, and in order to bargain with the humans, I must have that gene."

@Emperor of Gallifrey
"Copy it for who? For Mr. MacGrath or your people?" Threepio asked, feeling a little suspicious of Jeffrey's offer.


Elizabeth Keen
Liz folded her arms, finally sparing Red a glance. "There's a difference between naively starting idle chit-chat with a stranger and speaking with people to gather information about this place," she firmly stated. "Besides, I can handle myself. If you have business, I suggest you take care of it unless your business is to follow me around. In which case, you should probably find a new past time." Liz then smirked at Matt's words. "Sometimes, I feel he think's he's my guard. That or I'm a puppet for his amusement... I really don't know. Don't ask me."

Red looked at her quietly for a few seconds. He didn't want to upset the woman, so he just clasped his hands together and soaked up the dislike. He'd been having to do that a lot lately.
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
"You improved your physical abilities to survive fighting amongst your siblings instead of worrying your mother with such things? While I think you should have asked your mother for help, I do approve of your self-reliance. It surely helped with the burden your mother faced," Naoki returned the smile, remembering his own days as a child. He had been an only son, left to make siblings of his own by become close with friends. Though sadly, those bonds had to be broken as Isamu stood in my way and Chiaki only wanted the best to rule her world. Then again, that also meant he had fought to improve himself as well to survive sibling disputes, though his were much deadlier.

"I trained to be the best from a young age" she says with a slight shrug "Ain't no other class gonna do that" she adds with a soft chuckle before rummaging in her bag for a moment and pulling out a sandwich, and eating it slowly "I mean...Demo's a one eyed drunk who chucks bombs around blindly, Soldier...he's just a guy with a rocket launcher who couldn't spell Freedom, let alone shut about it...Pyro...that thing just ain't right...Engie's an egghead with no sense of humor...Spy's...well...he's something alright...a smelly French something who likes to backstab...can't fight like a real man...That leaves us with Heavy, a fat man who loves his gun, Medic...who isn't even a real doctor any more...and Sniper...a man who sits about and tosses jars of piss at people...and lives in a freaking camper van..." she chuckles a little and nods "Yeah...battlefield full of men...and I'm still the best out there..."

She nods proudly for a moment and looks to him "So...why do you even want this Fusion stuff, if you're so you even need it?"
Elizabeth Keen
Liz folded her arms, finally sparing Red a glance. "There's a difference between naively starting idle chit-chat with a stranger and speaking with people to gather information about this place," she firmly stated. "Besides, I can handle myself. If you have business, I suggest you take care of it unless your business is to follow me around. In which case, you should probably find a new past time." Liz then smirked at Matt's words. "Sometimes, I feel he think's he's my guard. That or I'm a puppet for his amusement... I really don't know. Don't ask me."
"You could say that." Redington tilted his head slightly. "A blind lawyer? Hm. Fine. Stick around."

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Matt nodded at the mans words. "Yup, it's difficult to live this life blind, it's good to see that someone supports that." He smiled and gripped his cane. "So shall we find something to eat, i don't know about you guys but i am hungry."
Ika paused as Pietro stood next to her, gasping softly before looking to the side of her, Pietro was gone at that point. She sighed and stroked a tentacle with her hand as if it were hair, looking down at the floor for a few moments. She then just looked at Naoki longingly as the situation proceeded, not knowing what at all to say. "S-So how's the progress on the Fuse thing? Why'd you call me over anyway? Nothing notable about me compared the group here. You're like a god or something" She pointed at Naoki, then shifting her finger to Natalia "You're like a super soldier," she moved her finger to Pietro "You're super fast," and finally she pointed at Garnet "And you have an squidding awesome afro! What's so special about me?"
@The Pimp Tactician
@Gummi Bunnies
@Wedge Antilles
Jeffery extended his arm, and faced his palm upwards,

"My power, my race in fact, we have the ability to not only take someone's power, but when we do, to copy parts of their DNA. In my world, all beings of magic and supernatural had biological tells. If I would take your power, and use it, my whole biology would change with it, giving me the Conduit gene." stated Jeffery as he started to call Cole's power to his hand, blue mist exited Cole's body and begun to flow towards Jeffery's hand before he closed it, the mist shooting back into Cole.

"It is how we survived since the beginning of time, and I am the only one willing to give up my almost interminable lifespan and power to you, to save the remaining few who might be hiding on my home planet, and in order to bargain with the humans, I must have that gene."

@Emperor of Gallifrey
Cole jerked backwards, for the second time today. He put a few steps of distance between them before Jeffery allowed his power to snap back toward him. Someone who could cancel his powers entirely, and another who could just take them. "I... that's heavy stuff," he managed to say. "But this tour, shouldn't you get the power to save your people without the Conduit gene? I can't just give it to you, at least... not without some thought. Can you possibly give copy the gene to all of humanity, in both my world and yours?" His gene could be used to save this individual's people... or perhaps that was entirely a lie. Cole couldn't be sure, so he wasn't sure what to think of this offer. Besides, Cole didn't want a longer lifespan, he wanted so much more.

"... When this tour is over, then we can talk about this."

@Emperor of Gallifrey @TheColourlessRainbow
Matt nodded at the mans words. "Yup, it's difficult to live this life blind, it's good to see that someone supports that." He smiled and gripped his cane. "So shall we find something to eat, i don't know about you guys but i am hungry."
Red looked at her quietly for a few seconds. He didn't want to upset the woman, so he just clasped his hands together and soaked up the dislike. He'd been having to do that a lot lately.
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty

Elizabeth Keen
Liz gave Matt a light nod and small smile. "Sounds fair enough. I did intend to explore this place a little more after I found the book I was looking for. The more people around, the better," she stated. "Do you need any... help?" she asked Matt, respectfully noting his blindness. The man seemed like he could get around just fine, but Liz just wanted to see if that was true or not. For all she knew, he might not have even been blind and could get around well because he actually could see. Liz trusted nobody. She had been married to a habitual liar, after all. She had to be careful with every single person she met.
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