Murder Game IV: Monokuma Rising

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"I do not pull strings, I simply lead my men into battle. You are the other hand, are a coward and no string puller. You stand no chance against the Wizard of Luck," Robin was ready for this fight.
Through your efforts, the traitorous Lombax is eventually defeated, falling before your might.

With the final traitor killed, only the monster remains...

@El Presidente
"Luck?" the puppet asks with a cold chuckle "Luck is not a factor here, fight me, and you will see" he says, his ghostly armor shimmers as it enters an incorporeal form, making him untouchable for now
"I'm above you! Admit it, you lose!" he says with a wicked laugh
He floats up and sits on the edge of the giant marionette's head, kicking his legs idly against it
"NOT EVEN ALL OF YOU COMBINED COULD STOP ME WITH THIS BODY!" he declares boldly, forgetting the shields were down for the head, and thus, he was sitting on a sinking ship...and taunting the sharks below...

While she was not dead, Erika was simply stuck in a Logic Error, and the punishment for that was grave. Her Logic Error was that she can't be a 'detective,' but yet she had abused that trait many times this game. To others, they would see Erika with a lifeless face, blood trickling from the side of her mouth, possibly in a serious coma. Her consciousness was stuck in a limbo for her crime of a Logic Error...and for that, she would have to face it for all eternity.


@anyone near comatose Erika
Through your efforts, the traitorous Lombax is eventually defeated, falling before your might.

With the final traitor killed, only the monster remains...

@El Presidente
"Interesting," Bayonetta said.


"A lot more burnt fur than the last time!"
The bullets bounce off the armor the boy is wearing and he chuckles, his feet kicking against the intact eye of the floating head he's on, the one controlling the currently invincible PB....

"Oh're a good shot, but you're not too smart" Pretty Boy's possessed body taunts

The Puppet turns back to Robin with a grin and chuckles coldly "I think your girlfriend needs some beat me in a battle...I'll restore her powers..." his words hand with grim purpose

"Lose...and she'll become one of my ghosts" he says, grinning wickedly and getting into a battle stance "So...Tactician, do you care to fight against a fellow string puller?"

@The Pimp Tactician
Ruby turned her attention to the freaky puppet creature now, she pumped the trigger on her weapon once, letting an empty shell eject from it before she drove her weapon into the ground and aimed for it's head, something she would do with the average Grimm enemy. Her rounds felt different now, not just strong, but freezing, sort of like one of Weis's attacksshe fired once, twice, thrice, at the creature before suddenly noticing Erika laying near her, she quickly rushes over to her, seeing that hurt state she was in, looking worried. For the moment, she knelt down next to her, putting away her weapon and shaking her a few times "Wake up detective! Wake up!" she said, looking like she was about to cry again, she still hadn't apologized for answering those questions before she could when they were in that Plaza, not to mention she'd never be able to forigve herself if she couldn't save one of her earliest friends she'd made in this crazy place.
"Down here, your memories can influence what appears. Maybe if you talk about him, he'll appear." He smiles at you, trying to make you feel better.

@Ryu Keiko
Axel shrugged and sighed as he looked up at the 'sky'. "I guess..." He mumbled. "Roxas... Was different, you know?" he said softly, trying to remember that the one he was talking to isn't the real deal. "We all had goals, missions, if you will. But Roxas.... Man he was something. He was the one that cold actually fulfill those goals we had." he said. "To help us finally have hearts...." He smiled a bit as he thought of him. "He always had that dumb look on his face though, like he was confused" he laughed. "But man, he was one of the most amazing friends you could have... You would think he actually did have a heart...."

The bullets bounce off the armor the boy is wearing and he chuckles, his feet kicking against the intact eye of the floating head he's on, the one controlling the currently invincible PB....

"Oh're a good shot, but you're not too smart" Pretty Boy's possessed body taunts

He fired a second round. His bullets are now piercing, as well.

(( Well then... ))

Chung turns to the other demon, "Seriously my missiles were made to fight you." He uses his Hyper Active. A flare goes in the air and where it seemingly disappeared a large array of missles kept coming down onto the demon. Chung set up a Tactical Field during this time and gained more mana and ammo. He summons the Automatic Mortar and targets @DapperDogman, should the demon come to Chung the mortar will constantly summon magical grenades that detonate on impact . "You really should find a new hobby, possibly accounting if I leave any fingers." The mark of the commander fell upon the demon. Now until the debuff deactivated, when an ally or Chung attacked the monster a wave of missiles would come down on him. "Let's just make sure you get your pills. Hope you overdose." The Hyper Active ended with a large bomb. The Tactical Field protected most everyone, but Robin was airborne. Chung activated Blessed Aura giving everyone their enchantments back. "Just hit him!" Chung entered Siege Shelling stance and opened fired.

@The Pimp Tactician - Freezing
@Krieg - Poison
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty - Poison
@Gummi Bunnies - Petrifying
@Mari -Burning
@BarrenThin -Burning
@Raven - Freezing
@york - Freezing
@BarrenThin - Piercing
@Ryu Keiko - Petrifying
Axel shrugged and sighed as he looked up at the 'sky'. "I guess..." He mumbled. "Roxas... Was different, you know?" he said softly, trying to remember that the one he was talking to isn't the real deal. "We all had goals, missions, if you will. But Roxas.... Man he was something. He was the one that cold actually fulfill those goals we had." he said. "To help us finally have hearts...." He smiled a bit as he thought of him. "He always had that dumb look on his face though, like he was confused" he laughed. "But man, he was one of the most amazing friends you could have... You would think he actually did have a heart...."

The boy sits down next to you, nodding. "It does sound familiar, in some way. You and I must be connected, even if I am just a bunch of data."He looks away, joining you in looking up at the artificial sky. You begin to notice the boy's outfit change...


@Ryu Keiko
"Okay, monster," Bayonetta said.


"Let's see what you've got."


She went airborne and got behind the monster, to divide its attention between her and the rest of the group.

The bullets graze his leg, hitting the eye of the thing that isn't currently unkillable, what a stroke of luck!
But they only grazed the glass...
He looks down with a nervous glance, seeing the glass crack quickly he looks back and opens his mouth, seeing a massive wave of missiles heading right for him and the unprotected machine "Oh for f-" the thing explodes into a huge ball of blue fire, sending PB to the feet of a few of the survivors, his skin no longer wooden, and his eyes no longer blue

He was heavily injured during the fight though, and he was in no condition to be fighting for himself for a while

@ItsToppyTippers (You might wanna react to this one XD)
The boy sits down next to you, nodding. "It does sound familiar, in some way. You and I must be connected, even if I am just a bunch of data."He looks away, joining you in looking up at the artificial sky. You begin to notice the boy's outfit change...


@Ryu Keiko
Axel blinks as he looks at the boy, biting his lip a little as memories seem to flood into his mind. "The coat...." He mumbled as he sighed, shaking his head. Don't get your hopes up Axel, you idiot. He thought as he stared back at the sky. "Me, him, and this other girl.... We used to go to this world, Twilight Town, I think, and we used to sit atop the clock tower, and eat sea-salt ice cream. Everyday, after a long day of missions." he smiled to himself.

Chung would have spared no mercy for PB, but killing was dangerous here so he went against it. Although, his debuff remained and if someone simply flicked him five missiles would come end him.
Castle grunted. He moved over to Ratchet before calmly shooting him in the head. Twice.

Better safe than sorry.

Axel blinks as he looks at the boy, biting his lip a little as memories seem to flood into his mind. "The coat...." He mumbled as he sighed, shaking his head. Don't get your hopes up Axel, you idiot. He thought as he stared back at the sky. "Me, him, and this other girl.... We used to go to this world, Twilight Town, I think, and we used to sit atop the clock tower, and eat sea-salt ice cream. Everyday, after a long day of missions." he smiled to himself.
"Twilight Town... Right." The boy pulls something out of his coat, handing it to you.


"This is yours then, right?"

@Ryu Keiko
"Lady Erika!" Dlanor immediately ran over as she saw Erika in a coma, and that Ruby was trying to wake her. She knew what Erika was afflicted by, and that was a Logic Error. Erika's open blank eyes stared at nothing, the comatose girl not acknowledging her assistant or Ruby. Though she whispered out one thing despite her apparent coma...

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