Murder Game IV: Monokuma Rising

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He smiles and nods "Whenever you're ready, Robin" he gives everyone a final bow, his ghosts suddenly appearing to do the same, an oddly huge display of respect for his fellow students "I just want to say...I never wanted to kill anyone...but after what they did to Yang...they left me no choice...I hope you don't think less of me for it...just imagine if it was Erika in that position" he says, knowing Robin would have done the same thing in his shoes

@The Pimp Tactician

When River dropped to the carpet of the hotel room, her head felt so dizzy that she stopped moving for a moment. She made the mistake of gasping from the pain of the fire scorching her flesh, and breathed in fiery ashes that burned the inside of her nose and throat. She coughed several times, almost dropping her electronic experiment. She gripped hard onto it, however, refusing to drop it.

"I won't lose this. It's important," she thought to herself.

Swallowing, River decided to stop breathing until she made it to the doorway. Breathing would do her no good anyhow. The air was getting bad in the room. She began an army crawl slowly for the door, hoping The Doctor-- No, Edward, was following her. The smoke was getting to her if she too was calling him The Doctor now.
Robin sighed, "I'll try, Pretty, I'll try..." With a press of a button, Robin's vote went to Pretty Boy.
Bayonetta observed the latest developments.

"Now, that is rather interesting", she said.

She understood the need for justice against Pretty Boy... but could also sympathize with the desire for revenge...

For now she would just observe and see how things progress.
He smiles and takes off Ember Celica and hands them to Robin, along with his knife

"If you see Yang, give these back to her...tell her I found them laying for the knife...I doubt you'll see me again...keep it" he says, managing a smile "Now...if you'll excuse me...I'm keeping a lady waiting" he says, adjusting his clothes slightly
"..." Erika had nothing to say. She wasn't sure if it were appropriate to say so at the moment, taking a moment to go and place her vote on Pretty Boy.

"... I'm sure that Yang... misses you..." Erika said, at first sounding awkward with the words...

When River dropped to the carpet of the hotel room, her head felt so dizzy that she stopped moving for a moment. She made the mistake of gasping from the pain of the fire scorching her flesh, and breathed in fiery ashes that burned the inside of her nose and throat. She coughed several times, almost dropping her electronic experiment. She gripped hard onto it, however, refusing to drop it.

"I won't lose this. It's important," she thought to herself.

Swallowing, River decided to stop breathing until she made it to the doorway. Breathing would do her no good anyhow. The air was getting bad in the room. She began an army crawl slowly for the door, hoping The Doctor-- No, Edward, was following her. The smoke was getting to her if she too was calling him The Doctor now.
After a bit of a struggle, Edward managed to free himself from the man's grip and quickly ran back into the room to help River in the last few feet to the door. Maybe it was just the adrenaline getting to him, but he felt worried and angry at the same time. After escorting River out of the burning room, he sat her down against the wall opposite of it.

"You just risked your life out there! Whatever you did it for, it's not worth it, River! Just listen to me, why does no one ever listen to me? Curse that stubborn head of yours to the bottom of the ocean!" He called out in a short fit of rage, which seemed a little bit un-Doctorlike. Maybe there was still a tiny bit of Edward in there at least.
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Robin took the gauntlets and held them close, as if protecting a child, "I will and I'll read the note soon."
After a bit of a struggle, Edward managed to free himself from the man's grip and quickly ran back into the room to help River in the last few feet to the door. Maybe it was just the adrenaline getting to him, but he felt worried and angry at the same time. After escorting River out of the burning room, he sat her down against the wall opposite of it.

"You just risked your life out there! Whatever you did it for, it's not worth it, River! Just listen to me, why does no one ever listen to me? Curse that stubborn head of yours to the bottom of the ocean!" He called out in a short fit of rage, which seemed a little bit un-Doctorlike. Maybe there was still a tiny bit of Edward in there at least.

The last few seconds Edward used to help River break free of the room were vital. She had almost passed out from holding her breath too long. Once she felt the clean hair of the hallway outside the room hit her face, she took deep breaths and coughed a few times before leaning her back against the wall. She let out a small whimper of afterwards, looking down at her burned hands and arms. Yeowch. That hurt. They were red and felt fiery to the touch. Hands shaking, she pulled them from the item she had been trying to protect.

Breathing heavy, River seemed to register what Edward was saying just as he had finished. "G-Go ahead, be angry at me all you want," she said between pants. "I don't care if you hate me for going back in that room, but it was important." She gazed at the wall behind Edward, avoiding his gaze. "I did it for yourself, you prat." She paused. "To fix your mind... this device might be able to help with that so you won't die." She glanced down at her burned hands. "Don't give me a look. I don't want you to die, all right? It was worth..." She trailed off, speaking quietly at the end, "...risking my life for."
"Ya know...I would have killed Kotomine and Frank...but they didn't last long enough to face me" he says with an empty chuckle "I guess its for the best, now that the bear has ratted me out" he turns the bear and gives him a sickeningly sweet smile "I'll see you in hell, right, Monobear? I'd hate to have my partner in crime be lonely for all eternity"

He looks back to Robin and Erika and almost has some longing in his eyes as he mutters something "Ya two cherish what you have...I doubt Yang will want anything to do with me now"
He knew she would hate him, she was someone who stood for justice and good, killing someone for was wrong

But for her, he did what he had to, even if she would hate him forever, to avenge her he was happy to have done it

@The Pimp Tactician
@Gummi Bunnies
"I know I will, Pretty... It's just a question of if she wants to put with me," Robin's joke was meant to ease the situation, though even he didn't feel much better hearing it.
*Natsu's ear twitched and he spun around looking for what caused it. This happened once before when something was talked about Lucy. Though for some reason he didn't think it was for her this time. It might have been for Yang. He ignored it for now and waved it off as nothing. We're dead so it doesn't really matter to him* So why exactly are we waiting around? I don't fully understand why, but can we at least do something while we wait? I don't wanna sit here forever. *He said with a sigh to match his bored tone* Maybe we could go for another fight Yang! *He smiles with a giggle. He has energy due to none being used since he got here. He hoped she has forgiven him and this was kinda his way of asking if she did*
@york @ItsToppyTippers @Krieg
~The Afterlife~

Arya gracefully took the scissors, staring at the odd contraption, not familiar with such a design of blades. Granted, it fascinated the young, spunky tomboy, assuming it was some sort of dagger or dirk. Nodding softly, smiling at Ruby, the girl unsheathed the stick, grinding away at the bark near the end, ensuring it had a fine point. Certainly, it was no Needle, but it would suffice as a fine, wooden spear. With the enemies that the group had been faced, the concern of armor was most likely not to be taken into consideration.

"Thank you, Ruby." Arya genuinely spoke, flipping the scissors in her hand, holding the blade and offering the 'hilt' of the 'dirk' to her. Arising, holding back any annoyance for her petite height being under five feet, the noblewoman dusted herself off, adjusting her padded, hard-boiled leather breastplate and crown of spikes. "I...hope you don't feel uncomfortable around me." Arya openly remarked, knowing fully that she was a rather peculiar child and the mental stress of this whole scenario was starting to catch up on her.

"If I do something...odd, or if I act out of line. Please, promise me to protect the group any means necessary." Arya formally elaborated, her expression darkening a bit but looking sadden, as if she acknowledge she had no control over her body.

And to be brutally frank, she wasn't exactly wrong either.
Ruby tilted her head, but then shookher head "Why would I feel that way? I know you're not having a good time righ tnow, but I still think you're a good friend!" she said, smiling again, but she looked more serious after what Arya had said next. "I'll try but... It won't come to that... Because... Because I'm going to try my best to keep that form happening!" Ruby practically declared, she had a fist raised in the air in a confident way.
Even though it were meant to lighten up the moods, something about that comment of Robin's brought some uncomfortable feelings for the detective. It almost made her wonder if she would end up as... she didn't even want to think of that name in particular. Well, there was a majority vote to execute Pretty, but it was the best they could do
Bayonetta had an idea, as she entered a vote towards Ratchet

"Why are we giving what Pretty Boy wants, while letting the traitor stand in our midst?" she asked everyone at the courtroom.


"We have a chance to take out the traitor, why are we wasting it on this revenge-seeking madman? I say we vote for who we believe killed Kotomine, and we can personally see to the demise of Pretty Boy afterwards".

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*Natsu's ear twitched and he spun around looking for what caused it. This happened once before when something was talked about Lucy. Though for some reason he didn't think it was for her this time. It might have been for Yang. He ignored it for now and waved it off as nothing. We're dead so it doesn't really matter to him* So why exactly are we waiting around? I don't fully understand why, but can we at least do something while we wait? I don't wanna sit here forever. *He said with a sigh to match his bored tone* Maybe we could go for another fight Yang! *He smiles with a giggle. He has energy due to none being used since he got here. He hoped she has forgiven him and this was kinda his way of asking if she did*
@york @ItsToppyTippers @Krieg
"Alright, Mr. Dragon Slayer," Yang smirked at the pink-haired male. She stretched her arms into the air and soon cracked her fingers. The girl was up for another round and craved to have another fight - even if it was with Natsu the Boob Puncher. The blonde got into a stance to show that she was ready to go at it. Yang had gotten used to fighting without Ember Celica, so she felt fine without them.

"Feel free to throw the first punch - I don't mind."
"If that's the route you're taking, then fine, Bayonetta. However, don't expect us to just go along with it. After this, I'm not voting anymore and honestly, Bayo, you haven't been a part of this trial aside from a few comments. I don't want to vote for anyone you do," Robin quietly countered. The wait was killing him. Couldn't Monokuma hurry up?
Bayonetta had an idea, as she entered a vote towards Ratchet

"Why are we giving what Pretty Boy wants, while letting the traitor stand in our midst?" she asked everyone at the courtroom.


"We have a chance to take out the traitor, why are we wasting it on this revenge-seeking madman? I say we vote for who we believe killed Kotomine, and we can personally see to the demise of Pretty Boy afterwards".


"I like your style! But alas, I think our students have come to a decision!"

"If that's the route you're taking, then fine, Bayonetta. However, don't expect us to just go along with it. After this, I'm not voting anymore and honestly, Bayo, you haven't been a part of this trial aside from a few comments. I don't want to vote for anyone you do," Robin quietly countered. The wait was killing him. Couldn't Monokuma hurry up?

"Ah, the great leader Robin, is it?" Bayonetta replied. "Shouldn't you be busy leading another 'witch hunt' on a non-traitor?"


"Oh, that's right, you're doing that already. Don't mind me at all."

@The Pimp Tactitian
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