Murder Game IV: Monokuma Rising

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Electric Town looks quite literally like a small town full of nothing but dilapidated electronics stores. You may not find your screwdriver here, but you may find a whole lot else.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Regardless of what it may or may not have had, River decided to explore the electronics store. She walked inside to see if there was anything valuable or if there was anyone to speak with inside (employees working at the store, or etc). "Hello, anyone in here?" she called out.

@Atomyk @Anyone who wants to join River :3
Wuya took a pamphlet and looked through it Jack smiled seeing a market for he was hungry yet again. Wuya looked at Jack as he stared to make some more annoying ape sounds. "Jack what?" She asked annoyed. "We need to go to the RocketPunch Market I'm hungry." Wuya rolled her eyes "Fine but shouldn't we go with some of the others? I mean our allies are back so why not go and find them?" Jack gave Wuya puppymonkey eyes. She gave a sigh of defeat. "Fine Jack lets go then." Jack and Wuya then began to make there way to the RocketPunch Market.
There's a whole ton of stuff laying around! You guys should have no problem finding murder weapons here. There's also a Monomono Machine.

Jack looks around and gets an idea. "Um...Wuya do you think there is a murder weapon here?" Wuya rolled her eyes and approuched the Monokuma Machine. "Maybe you can look Jackie while I try once more for my mirror." Wuya said as she once more went to activate the machine. Jack nodded and stayed close but began to look around for what he could find.

@Atomyk @Anyone who might have followed
Wuya took a pamphlet and looked through it Jack smiled seeing a market for he was hungry yet again. Wuya looked at Jack as he stared to make some more annoying ape sounds. "Jack what?" She asked annoyed. "We need to go to the RocketPunch Market I'm hungry." Wuya rolled her eyes "Fine but shouldn't we go with some of the others? I mean our allies are back so why not go and find them?" Jack gave Wuya puppymonkey eyes. She gave a sigh of defeat. "Fine Jack lets go then." Jack and Wuya then began to make there way to the RocketPunch Market.
There's a whole ton of stuff laying around! You guys should have no problem finding murder weapons here. There's also a Monomono Machine.

There's a whole ton of stuff laying around! You guys should have no problem finding murder weapons here. There's also a Monomono Machine.



Sandor stormed into the shop, approaching the Monomono Machine. "What the fuck do you do?" he asked grumpily, staring at the machine.
And she went into the sea water to relax for a bit. And look around to see if there was anything of interest in the water or on the sandy beach.
Luckily for you, Frank's not around to take pictures.

After a few moments, a head pops out of the water-- A Prinny! He doesn't look happy to be swimming out here. "Is there... anything that you need, dood? We have... deep sea diving activities."

Sandor stormed into the shop, approaching the Monomono Machine. "What the fuck do you do?" he asked grumpily, staring at the machine.
Unfortunately, the machine does not speak. A plaque on the front says it's offering free spins.

Pretty Boy sighs and focuses his mind, wondering what he could do first of all...

Setting up a place to stay would not be too bad, so he decides to look for a room to stay in at the hotel

Approaching the front desk, he looks for a prinny servant, or maybe even a monobear to ask about a room for the night
"Anyone here?" he mutters as he looks around, ringing the bell, if there was one
Another Prinny works the desk here. Perhaps it's a pleasant sight after seeing Monokuma everywhere. "I am here, dood!"

Regardless of what it may or may not have had, River decided to explore the electronics store. She walked inside to see if there was anything valuable or if there was anyone to speak with inside (employees working at the store, or etc). "Hello, anyone in here?" she called out.
It's empty. These stores don't seem to have any employees. In fact, it doesn't look like anyone's been to this part of the island in a long time. You do see an odd collection of video tapes...

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
He looks down and chuckles "Such intriguing creatures" he mutters as he looks it over "I was wondering about a room for the night...I need somewhere to keep my things, and somewhere to do" he was of course talkign about his attempts to use his powers to bring the dead back, but that didn't matter to the prinny, nor to monobear, nor the survivors

Only he needed to know what was he was attempting to do, after didn't work need to get folks hopes up, like he had done with Yang before

"Oh, and before I you have any...Vending machines...around you?"

Luckily for you, Frank's not around to take pictures.

After a few moments, a head pops out of the water-- A Prinny! He doesn't look happy to be swimming out here. "Is there... anything that you need, dood? We have... deep sea diving activities."

Bayonetta was surprised by the Prinny's appearance.

She didn't bother to cover up her... appearance, though.


She playfully splashed some water onto Prinny.

"Deep sea diving activities you say?"

She was curious of course. She took a deep breath of air and dove underwater to see what Prinny may have been speaking of.

It's empty. These stores don't seem to have any employees. In fact, it doesn't look like anyone's been to this part of the island in a long time. You do see an odd collection of video tapes...

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Disappointed by the lack of people or anything interesting, River was tempted to leave the shop. She grabbed a few electronic components and kept them figuring maybe she could attempt to put together a makeshift sonic screwdriver, but the chances she could do it weren't likely. Before leaving, however, she spotted the odd collection of video tapes. There were some TVs in the shop so she decided to pop one of them in a VCR and see if anything interesting was on the tapes.

@Atomyk @Anyone who wants to join
Jack looks around and gets an idea. "Um...Wuya do you think there is a murder weapon here?" Wuya rolled her eyes and approuched the Monokuma Machine. "Maybe you can look Jackie while I try once more for my mirror." Wuya said as she once more went to activate the machine. Jack nodded and stayed close but began to look around for what he could find.
For Wuya, the machine pops out a fortune with a *ding*!...

"Nothing Shows A Man's Character More Than What He Laughs At."

You also get...

Japanese Tea Cup

"A Japanese tea cup from the Royal Wood luxury brand. It's said that when you use this tableware, even ordinary water feels sweet."

As for Jack, he finds surf boards, candy, chocolate, bathing suits, cat food, headphones, socks, disposable cameras, toothbrushes, and instant noodles.

"Oh, and before I you have any...Vending machines...around you?"
"As one of our new guests, there is already a room set up for you. There's also a party going on by the pool, dood!" The Prinny salutes. "And there's a vending machine at the market."

Pretty returns the salute with a chuckle, heading off to put a few things in his room, hidden about the place, so that he'd hopefully not be robbed completely by anyone who walked in, hopefully

Then he heads off for the market with a slightly worried look
What if he didn't get his knife?
That was what he needed...and out of all the items he could find...he had to hope for his knife to the be the one item he got...
He stops at the machine and uses his free spin, crossing his fingers he got what he'd come to get, and not more Oilatoes or boxing gloves

Disappointed by the lack of people or anything interesting, River was tempted to leave the shop. She grabbed a few electronic components and kept them figuring maybe she could attempt to put together a makeshift sonic screwdriver, but the chances she could do it weren't likely. Before leaving, however, she spotted the odd collection of video tapes. There were some TVs in the shop so she decided to pop one of them in a VCR and see if anything interesting was on the tapes.
There's certainly enough parts laying around for that to be possible, if one had the necessary skill You may have a better chance getting yours out of the machine!

Popping in the tape, all you see at first is static. You think you hear a voice. It's quiet at first, but then-- "Entry Number Four, Isabela Keyes." You weren't around to meet this woman, but you will recognize her as the one who led the scientists who tried to capture the immune survivor. "I... should probably speak more of my brother. Of his actions. As the cause of the outbreaks, it is my responsibility for allowing him to carry it out. Carlito hated America, hated them for valuing 'meat over human life.' I agreed with him at the time, but seeing the destruction it has caused..."

Through the static, you see Isabela. Her head is down. "Carlito infected over fifty orphans with the suppressed zombie parasite. All of them were either adopted or sent to orphanages, where they proceeded to infect all of the United States, and later, the world. I can not express enough my--"

Isabela cuts out. The remaining video is only static.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
She playfully splashed some water onto Prinny.

"Deep sea diving activities you say?"

She was curious of course. She took a deep breath of air and dove underwater to see what Prinny may have been speaking of.
The Prinny groans, holding up a diving mask and suit in his hand. He tries to lift the oxygen tank in the other, but he can't quite get it above the water. "The area... is beautiful, dood!"

"Well I have luck and tactical intuition! Oh look, they're both saying I should do this!" Robin laughed as he grabbed Erika and pulled her under the water to give her a quick kiss.
Erika's face once again became dark red as she received another kiss under the water of the pool. After a few seconds, they would resurface from the depths of the pool, the detective still blushing.

"Bold move there tactician," Erika said as she had the blush partially go away, but it was still there,"But as the detective, I found myself and you in a lovely relationship."

@The Pimp Tactician
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Hearing of a Monomono machine supposedly being nearby, the priest decided he may as well try his luck to see what God had in store for him. Making his way to the RocketPunch Market, Kotomine looked for the monomono machine, and spun it or something.

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