Murder Game IV: Monokuma Rising

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"Sorry, it's just this is too humourous. You show that after I repeat the Red Truth along with the Knox's 7th. Please pay attention to all that I say, because I'm sure you've missed something Monokuma," Erika pointed out, and then returned her attention to Wuya.


"I'll be sure to rip apart your claims into denial," Erika sneered at Wuya, completely ignoring Robin as if she were really going to do this. Then again, this detective had many tricks up her sleeve. You could say, that there were many reasons why she agree to this, and that was clear as soon as she grabbed the scissors.
"But you're in another world, you lousy detective! Are you sure your laws apply here so readily?" The bear grins. "Watch, as I defy a law of physics!"

Before your eyes, Monokuma grows a second head out of his side. "Oof!"

@Gummi Bunnies
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"But you're in another world, you lousy detective! Are you sure your laws apply here so readily?" The bear grins. "Watch, as I defy a law of physics!"

Before your eyes, Monokuma grows a second head out of his side. "Oof!"​

Funny wrinkled his nose in disgust at the sight. One head on that bear was enough, two was a disaster.

Brown barks, walking amidst your feet with his tail wagging. Jennifer gets an idea, and kneels down to pet Brown. "Maybe you could find us a butterfly?" she asks. The dog stares at her for a moment before bounding off down the hallway.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Ruby looked towards River and back at Brown before grabbing ahold of River's hand in one hand and Jennifer's hand in another, pulling them along quickly as she ran after Brown, she really hoped they would find a butterfly soon as it seemed to be the only thing they had to do here... What slipped her mind was what they were supposed to do after they found the butterfly and brought it to that box.
" to move aside, I'm quite busy at the moment," Erika said without even looking at Monokuma, she was too invested in this to pay attention to him.

Erika smirked, this was too good. Way too GOOD. "Apologies for the rule change here, but I only seek it as necessary," Erika smiled innocently, and then there was a flash of red.


"Just so you know, this is a precaution of mine, the conceptual barrier replicated of the Endless Nine, the perfect field of the denial of magic. question," Erika said as this strange red barrier surrounded them in.

"Do you really think you'll find the culprit this way?" Erika started off with a basic question, it's a good start for now. It was always key for her to start off slow before bringing down complete hell in these sorts of battles.
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Wuya looked at the girl and laughed. "Of course. This is a start isn't it and I do not mind the change of the game for it was a Xiaolin Dare." She said answering both questions and then finally the balloon turned not popping which to Jack was shocked. "Wuya you spoke true?Amazing." His question was just a statement for it was not his turn. "Hmm so my turn. Well here a simple question do you use others as tools? True or False? Which in this case Truth or Lies?" Wuya said with a snicker.

@Gummi Bunnies @The Pimp Tactician
River frowned when Ruby grabbed her hand and took off out of the room. "You're really going to trust the dog on this? I hope you're right about this..." She continued to follow Ruby down the hallway, wondering what the dog would lead them to.

@Atomyk @york
"Truth. A detective can't work without her tools, or else I wouldn't be in this position as a detective anyways," Erika said, to which it was true as shown by the balloon not popping. She didn't seem hesitant about it either, as if she had nothing to hide.

@The Pimp Tactician @Raven
Wuya rolled her eyes watching the balloon not seeming to Pop. "Whatever." She replied. Now was Jack's turn. Jack smiled at Robin. "So Robin did you forget your pay back to Wuya? Truth or Lies?" Jack said smiling for the answer.

@Gummi Bunnies @The Pimp Tactician
~Harvest Room~

"COWARDS! COWARDS THE LOT OF YOU!" Arya screamed, arising onto an elevated platform, in her fit of anger unsheathing Needle and tossing in below, trying to prove her innocence to these fools. "Half of you voted simply because the others did, not even taking a moment to consider this through! You vermin! You filth! Is this what we have become?! Do you not realize the ones voting could very well be traitors themselves?!?" Arya cried out, carefully walking her way amongst the platform, shooting daggers into the eyes of many below, minus those she considered dear allies and those that agreed with her line of thinking.

"I've said it once and I'll say it to my grave, it is not the murder itself we should be looking at it! It is the murders together that we need to focus on! Do you think that the bear demon there made it that easy? I may die from the undead, or from another soul here, but I will not sit here and allow myself to die to fools, cowards, and incompetent asses!" Arya raged, knowing this would most likely decrease her chances of actually pulling out of this one alive. But, Seven Hells if she was going to sit by and wait for her death.

"Vote me if you truly believe, but I will damn you to the ends of the Westeros. I am no traitor, I am no traitor..and to prove that, I vote myself, Arya Stark."
"No, I haven't, Jack. However, Miss Wuya, I won't allow you to use it to force me to harm someone I care about. Therefore, if you are claiming that I forgot my debt, then I declare Lies as I never forget a debt owed," Robin braced himself for a pop, but it never came. With that, he breathed a sigh of relief.
After some consideration Funny decided to cast his vote. "I do think I will continue with my original hunch of the two dimwits calling themselves the Engineer and the Noob. They, evidently, have a military background that could show efficiency with a blade. They are two. which could give them an edge in killing individuals. They also have a nonchalant look at murder, which to be frank might not be needed in this place, but it doesn't quite hurt either."

He'd then eye both Erika and Wuya. "I'm afraid this verbal jousting is not helping neither of your cases either."

BearBrown circles around a girl playing with a butterfly.


"All mine," she says. "All mine."
"Jack, you care more for that boy Chase Young than you do for Miss Wuya, truth or lies!"
Giroro and Keroro listened quietly to the argument over Erika's innocence. He decided to take a look at her profile and noticed that the vote button was still there. He knew what this meant, so he changed Keroro's vote to Erika. He decided he should keep his mouth shut, as he did not to interrupt whatever the others were doing.

Jack gave a smirk. "So a fan boy question. I do care more for Chase Young. So truth. I wish I had him here instead of Wuya I wish I was his apprentice not her not Omi, Not even Haniable Bean But me Chase Young's apprentice." Jack told truth in his statement yes but that he Cared for Chase more NO False. Jack felt the balloon go *pop* leaving him on a smaller balloon. "Ah Jacky you do care for all Heylin Villains." Wuya then looked back at the other two. "Well Jack go ahead ask them away." Jack smiled shocked that Wuya asked him to go on. "You find me a different sort of Genius Miss Erika Truth or Lies?" He asked curious if what she had said earlier was a lie.
@Gummi Bunnies @The Pimp Tactician
BearBrown circles around a girl playing with a butterfly.


"All mine," she says. "All mine."

@Atomyk @york

River followed the dog with Ruby until it led them to a girl playing with a butterfly. Her eyes widened. Maybe that girl could tell them where they could find one? Or maybe if they were lucky they could talk the girl into giving them hers. "Excuse me," River said, "Where did you find that butterfly?"
Current Votes

Robin - Arya
Noob/Engineer - Arya
Erika/Dlanor - Arya
Kotomine - Arya
Arya - Arya
Frank - Wuya/Jack
Poirot - Wuya/Jack
Lucy - Wuya/Jack
Ratchet - Frank
Keroro/Giroro - Erika/Dlanor
Funny - Noob/Engineer


Arya - 5
Wuya/Jack - 3
Kotomine - 1
Frank - 1
Noob/Engineer - 1
Erika/Dlanor - 1
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River followed the dog with Ruby until it led them to a girl playing with a butterfly. Her eyes widened. Maybe that girl could tell them where they could find one? Or maybe if they were lucky they could talk the girl into giving them hers. "Excuse me," River said, "Where did you find that butterfly?"
The girl takes a moment before looking up at you. She cups the butterfly in her hand protectively, as if you might steal it. "Jennifer... and you new girls." Brown sniffs at her, and the girl roughly pushes him away. "Get away from me, you mutt!"

Looking back toward your group, she sneers. "I'm Amanda, and I've found the best butterfly. I won't tell you where I got it... I won't let you show me up!"

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
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