Murder Game IV: Monokuma Rising

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Wanting to narrow it down, Erika had a thought...

"If that was the case Wuya, then why would the possible traitor decide to not give protection to their own? In this case, is possibly Desmond," Erika said, and then continuing,"Does anyone know also on what Desmond was up to before this occurred? It would really help on narrowing down on who he could be focusing majority of his time with."

@everyone at the harvesting room
"I've run into that young man before," Kotomine piped up in response to Erika, raising his hand, "He was with me when I spent my time with the other group, consisting of Bayonetta, Funny Valentine, Cosmo, and possibly some others I've neglected to remember," he said, glancing at them with his arms folded behind his back, "So what say you all?"

@Gummi Bunnies @The Pimp Tactician @Jeremi @Mari @Josh M @others
"Just because there is protection, does not mean one is safe from all possible means of death. Illness could kill you in an instance and there would be nothing you could do. Perhaps the employer simply lost control of the situation or forgot about Desmond. Perhaps Desmond angered his backer," Robin worked through, seeing the possibility of a traitor being betrayed ironic.
Wuya smiled at the girl. "Simple They had become of little use. Usually that or they just have become on the lacking side." She had done this same thing once when she had in a way thought Jack was no longer a tool she could use. Wuya then listened to the others. "Or he could have had something slip when he was with you earlier if he is a traitor." She said not convinced.

@Harvesting Room

ooc:// I will reply for Jack again when there seems to be others with him online
@Gummi Bunnies
@The Pimp Tactician

Cosmo would growl at Erika before turning his head to Robin.

"Comrade Robin! I do not trust this one! You think I'd trust her after what she did to Ruby?!" The Dog asked. "Comrade, before you ask, da, Cosmo knowns you lead a vote charge in the first place. Cosmo knows you didn't know the punishment was death!. But that girl! She didn't care about Ruby! She knew what voting off someone would do! "
"And like myself, Cosmo, she made a mistake. Tell me, if you were the one who had led the vote, would you want us trying to crucify you? For now, Cosmo, we can not allow ourselves to be divided into factions. I'm leaving this discussion here, friend, do not try to bring it back up till we are all safe and sound," The hostile tone he spoke with was meant to end all discussion on the subject.
"Honestly, I had only seen Desmond when we were still in the mall," Erika shrugged as she recalled the only time she had run into him. Seeming as if there were any truths to this scenario, turning this discussion into the catbox. apparently the dog happened to be against her, oh well...

"It was the cause of figuring out the truth. What if we didn't get anyone at that moment? No progress would be done. And besides, what would be a gain for me if she's dead? Nothing. That's the truth I give to you," Erika said as she spoke this to Cosmo. Dlanor didn't seem to be talking much, but she did look a bit surprised at Cosmo's direction at approaching this. Surely after that, Erika would leave it at that, she didn't want to waste her great words with people that surely won't understand them, right~?

@everyone at the harvesting room
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Wuya just listened and thought on any of her Heylin knowledge that might help being a villain you would think that maybe she would spot the traitor but so far she seemed blind. 'If the traitor really is Jack I swear there is a fool amongst us and it's not him but that damn bear. But something tells me it's not him for he would have spelt by now. Hmm...'

@Harvesting Room
The undead were pressing their position and if they didn't act now, they were sure to fall. John had other intentions and his mission was clear: search and destroy. He wouldn't be able to do that trying to fight off an armada of the fallen. He picked up his ID and strapped it to one of his magnet holsters on his armor.

"Move away," he told Axel as he walked passed and approached the door. Chief slid his hands between the seems of the heavy blast doors, groaning as he began to pull them open. He pressed harder feeling the doors slowly slide open, then jammed them to each wall. The steel doors made a loud shriek and sparked as he felt the short-circuit.

"We've got five minutes. We need to move, now!"

@Harvest room
Jack watched as the man went to open the door. He didn't like the thought of the zombies being on his tail.

Wuya heard the doors and turned to look and see who all they would reveal.

@Harvest Room
@The Pimp Tactician
@Gummi Bunnies

If Cosmo lead a vote, a good person be dead! Look, do I think we're all going to survive, sadly Nyet. But the good one have to. Ruby was a great little girl and a sister! Erika doesn't to care! Let me tell all a sad fact. The traitor might be good people. Cosmo know that. They might be forced. Erika could a traitor. Robin could be a traitor, anyone. Does Cosmo catch the traitors? Da. But would Cosmo rather keep the good ones? Da! Cosmo hates playing judge, but we has no choice. We're all in giant grey area." Cosmo would look around. "Comso thinks we have a better chance of just trying to just survive till this over than find a traitor. What clues do we have Comrade! tell Cosmo! We're just playing the most dangerous game of pin the tail on the donkey! Cosmo has enough blood on his paws! Cosmo refuses more!" Cosmo would earnestly yell at Robin. "All Cosmo cares for it to keep Arya and his friends alive. Cosmo think this is the best way."
@The Pimp Tactician
@Gummi Bunnies

If Cosmo lead a vote, a good person be dead! Look, do I think we're all going to survive, sadly Nyet. But the good one have to. Ruby was a great little girl and a sister! Erika doesn't to care! Let me tell all a sad fact. The traitor might be good people. Cosmo know that. They might be forced. Erika could a traitor. Robin could be a traitor, anyone. Does Cosmo catch the traitors? Da. But would Cosmo rather keep the good ones? Da! Cosmo hates playing judge, but we has no choice. We're all in giant grey area." Cosmo would look around. "Comso thinks we have a better chance of just trying to just survive till this over than find a traitor. What clues do we have Comrade! tell Cosmo! We're just playing the most dangerous game of pin the tail on the donkey! Cosmo has enough blood on his paws! Cosmo refuses more!" Cosmo would earnestly yell at Robin. "All Cosmo cares for it to keep Arya and his friends alive. Cosmo think this is the best way."

"I care not for the circumstances of the traitors, nor do I care for how good and sweet the victims were when they were living," Kotomine interjected, "The fact remains that one by one, fellow survivors are killing each other. This is the law of the jungle, where not even God's miracles can reach. It does not matter if you are good or bad, if you are a saint or a devil. Yes, it is indeed a sick game. It is almost like we are doing the traitors' jobs for them; choosing one person to kill off, only to realize they were not a traitor, who in turn will commit another murder. You cannot simply decide you are done before the job is done. Until we catch one of the traitors, whether it be in a few hours or a few days, more people will die, and the jungle will take what it wants, good or bad person," he said with a somewhat nihilistic edge, "Blood will cease to be shed when the people who shed blood are stopped. Simple as that."

"To put it simply, we're continuously shooting in the dark, hoping our shots will hit a bullet. You'll have to depend on chance, or dare I say, God's miracles if you're bold enough, if you want to catch a traitor."

@Gummi Bunnies @The Pimp Tactician @Atomyk @Harvesting Room​
"While I would normally be of the idea that violence begets more violence, I see the truth in Kotomine's words. What we are in, Cosmo, is a war, one of attrition and heartbreak. The enemy is cloaked and holds daggers to the backs of all of us, and we cannot remove them without making the sacrifices. To dally would be to surrender, to not vote is to not live, to not accuse is to die, Cosmo," Robin explained, "I apologize for sounding so negative, but what I, Erika, and Kotomine all have said is the truth."
Wuya listened and keep an eye on the now open it seemed door. "Yes you all speak truth. That is why I am afraid an old Heylin rule must apply here. Trust no one make no friends only. Those who may be of use. But I may can see past that for some." She said thinking on how she may be able to find a way to see past Monokuma's game.

Jack looked and moved trying to find a way to enter the room and hope to be away farther from the zombies that where probable headed his way.

@Harvesting Room @Those with Jack
Wuya listened and keep an eye on the now open it seemed door. "Yes you all speak truth. That is why I am afraid an old Heylin rule must apply here. Trust no one make no friends only. Those who may be of use. But I may can see past that for some." She said thinking on how she may be able to find a way to see past Monokuma's game.

Jack looked and moved trying to find a way to enter the room and hope to be away farther from the zombies that where probable headed his way.

@Harvesting Room @Those with Jack
Jean stood there as he stared at the body of Desmond. Holy shit, this was real. He then realized he needed to save as many people as possible, It was his job as a soldier. He stepped forward looked around. "Anyone have a clue what to do next?" He asked, looking to Wuya, who closest to him.
Wuya breathed. "No clue but I think others are coming." She finally choose to point out the now basically opened door. Revealing a few others. Jack was in this other group at the door but he couldn't see Wuya and she didn't really see him for he was still behind the others.

@Harvesting Room
her With Jack

"We have no more time to speak of THIS. Any longer, and I fear that we're only allowing the undead to come closer to our LOCATION. We must find a place of greater SAFETY," Dlanor spoke up finally after her long period of silence, thinking that they needed to leave before their discussion drowns out for too long for the zombies to catch up with them.

"I agree with Dlanor, we need to get moving. Besides, we can always discuss more of this later on," Erika was going to say a bit more just to get on the dog's nerves, but apparently Dlanor's suggestion seemed much more beneficial for herself in particular.


"Anyone have any reason to not get moving now? Or else we're going now to find a way out. We already examined this scene enough," Erika said to the rest of the people in the group, a gentle smile that would be seen as a facade for those that didn't take a liking to her in the first place.

@Everyone at the harvest room (still lazy to tag pplz)
"No, I do not, Miss Erika. I'm sure we can figure out who we should vote for based on what we have already discovered. Besides, I would rather not deal with this tension any longer unless we are in a safer place," Robin returned Erika's smile, though his was genuine. However, his mouth morphed into an o-shape as he remembered something Erika had done earlier, "Oh yes, do you want to duct-tape my wrist to you again, Miss Erika?"
"No, I do not, Miss Erika. I'm sure we can figure out who we should vote for based on what we have already discovered. Besides, I would rather not deal with this tension any longer unless we are in a safer place," Robin returned Erika's smile, though his was genuine. However, his mouth morphed into an o-shape as he remembered something Erika had done earlier, "Oh yes, do you want to duct-tape my wrist to you again, Miss Erika?"
"Duct tape to your wrist... Is this one of the sort of devilish, kinky activities you youngsters partake in these days?"

@Gummi Bunnies
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