Murder Game IV: Monokuma Rising

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"I'm guessing I have no choice, Miss Erika?" Robin then reciprocated the smile with a smirk, "Then again, it could be worse. I was actually planning to stick around the group as much as possible, plus this lets me be close to a cute girl."​

Trying to move his wrist, Robin grimaced, "Though I hope you don't plan for this to still be while we sleep. I tend to snore a little."
(Sad attempt to get back into the roleplay. Welp.)

Yang was frustrated. They didn't have jack! No pencil, pen, or paper to send to her baby sister to give her a message! Her eyes turned into a pigment of red and she wanted to yell all of her anger out. When she was about to let out her cry, the monstrous screams came out of nowhere and she froze in place. Great. They had to fight some more, huh?

Reaching at her sides, she pulled the two knives she had from their sheaths and got into a stance in preparation of the blood bath they were soon to have. "Seems like some new friends want to join us," she warned the others that were with her.

Soon enough, the zombies had arrived.

"Fun," the Hound muttered, holding his two-handed sword, before charging towards the zombies. He thrusted his sword forward, impaling one through the chest, before ripping the blade back out of the zombie, to slice another one in half through the waist. A zombie raked its claws against him, but failed to penetrate the armor, as the Hound brought down the pommel of his sword into the creature's head, smashing its skull in as it crumpled to the ground uselessly.
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Most of them begin to run for the adjacent hallway, but one lingers behind. He seems hesitant in the face of the danger around you, but eventually he rushes forward to get your attention. "For the infection, you'll need a drug called Zombrex to combat it." The scientist falters when there is a roar across the room. He lowers his body slightly before quickly finishing, "In the Labs, you'll find some there!" And then he's gone, joining the others in fleeing.

He grunted in thanks. Now, he turned and ran to follow the scientists until he could find a directory to point him to the labs. The moment he did, he ran in that direction without thinking about anyone else. He was well aware, though, that he needed to find a weapon, so he kept his eyes open as he ran.
Kotomine, Robin, Erika, Dlanor, Wuya, and Lucifer find themselves waking up in a large glass tank. Surrounding you all is lab equipment and scientists. There is a latch above you and a door in the glass wall connecting you to a tank full of zombies. Leia gasps at the sight of it.
Across the zombie tank, a second group is waking up. Morrigan, Abelas, Axel and Jack find themselves in a similar glass tank with scientists observing them as well. Morrigan and Abelas happen to find a Student ID on their person now. Frank rushes forward and slam against the glass wall. "What's going on?!" he cries. "What do you people think you're doing?!"

A voice comes on over an intercom, speaking to both groups. It's Isabela's voice. "I'm sorry that we have to do this," Isabela says. "What you all represent... is an amazing opportunity. If you come from other worlds as you say... as we expected... then there's no other choice for us here. Some of you likely possess supernatural abilities and physiologies we could only imagine. The cure that is possible years from now... could be made in just a few short months."

"This can't be happening!" Leia cries. "How am I supposed to write my story if I'm being experimented on?!"

"... These are just holding tanks," Isabela explains. "Once you're all exposed to the virus, we will continue further experimentation from there."
But then an alert starts its shrill scream throughout the facility.​

"What trouble. It really is a case of "out of the frying pan and into the fire," eh?" He murmured mostly to himself with a displeased frown, trying his best to stand upright, "I care not for this virus nor a search for the cure, as this world does not seem to be mine, so it is not my concern. However, when you try to force me to become a part of it, you will regret it, I promise you that. You had best pray for your life before I find you," Kotomine threatened, before sighing to himself, putting a hand in front of his chest and beginning to recite something, attempting to remain calm even despite the alert.

"I will kill. I will let live. I will harm and heal. None will escape me. None will escape my sight. Be crushed. I welcome those who have grown old and those who have lost. Devote yourself to me, learn from me, obey me. Rest. Do not forget song, do not forget prayer, and do not forget me. I am light and relieve you of all your burdens. Do not pretend. Retribution for forgiveness, betrayal for trust, despair for hope, darkness for light, dark death for the living. Relief is in my hands. I will add oil to your sins and leave a mark. Eternal life is given through death. Ask for forgiveness here. I, the incarnation, will swear."

"It is time..."

@The Pimp Tactician @Gummi Bunnies @KayThePilotChapter @everyone else​
They had been betrayed. Of course they had been betrayed by the scientists. Robin should have seen this coming, no one in this world would give without taking. Not asking for Erika's permission, he grabbed his hunting knife he had kept hidden and cut through the tape, "Miss Erika, I apologize, but stand behind me. I don't want you getting hurt for my foolish, idealistic mistake."

Putting himself between the detective and the zombie tank, Robin readied his stane, "Dlanor, you still have your weapon, correct? I suggest you ready youself."
He nods as he stands there, ready to go. "Alright, get ready to lift me." He said softly as he looked up. All he saw was darkness, and to be honest, that kid of worried him. Strange, coming from a man who resided in darkness most of his life.
Frank manages to get you inside, and then proceeds to get the others up along with himself. It's a cramped space, and it seems likely you're not intended to be up here. "Jeez, this is cramped," Frank mutters, stating the obvious. You still hear the alarm in your ears and the sounds of moaning can be heard not only below you, but above you as well.

@Ryu Keiko
Pretty Boy sighs, grabbing Rubbish Bin off the floor and using him for what he's good for, eating shit

He uses the robot to absorb zombie after zombie, reaching toward Yang "Care to share the toys?" he asks, his eyes glowing as he sees the knives

With his only weapons having been eaten back in the shadow realm, the chance to use knives again was simply too good to resist

He makes good use of Rubbish Bin, devouring enemy after enemy with it, with that being his only real way of fighting back, with his lack of powers and weapons
"Excuse me..." he drawls in his slow voice. "But that's an improper use of a rubbish bin, which I am."

The big guy seems slow and sluggish at first, but with a throw of his arm, he latches on to the wall of the hallway and flies toward it. Then, latched to the wall, he begins extending his arm to punch at you all.

After the fall, Bayonetta looked at Jean.

"I'm Bayonetta, by the way" she introduced.

Then, the two bodies. "Stab wounds again?" she asked.

Would the killers be so arrogant to continue this mode of killing, she wondered.

She decided to take a closer investigation of the wounds, if something else may be revealed.
Risa has suffered multiple stab wounds to her chest.

Connor has a single stab wound to his neck.

Both of them appear as if they had participated in a struggle, though Risa looks much worse.

A trail of blood leads from Risa's corpse and toward the heavy metal door...

@Jeremi @Krieg @Josh M @Akibahara @Crazy 8 Nate @Mari
Pretty Boy sighs, grabbing Rubbish Bin off the floor and using him for what he's good for, eating shit

He uses the robot to absorb zombie after zombie, reaching toward Yang "Care to share the toys?" he asks, his eyes glowing as he sees the knives

With his only weapons having been eaten back in the shadow realm, the chance to use knives again was simply too good to resist

He makes good use of Rubbish Bin, devouring enemy after enemy with it, with that being his only real way of fighting back, with his lack of powers and weapons
(Eyyy I'm coming back)
*Natsu strikes a sumo like pose igniting his hand as he slammed his foot down. He smiled ready for a fight. He was always ready no matter what* I'm all fired up! Hey Yang I'll take out that big guy if you cover me!
"Fun," the Hound muttered, holding his two-handed sword, before charging towards the zombies. He thrusted his sword forward, impaling one through the chest, before ripping the blade back out of the zombie, to slice another one in half through the waist. A zombie raked its claws against him, but failed to penetrate the armor, as the Hound brought down the pommel of his sword into the creature's head, smashing its skull in as it crumpled to the ground uselessly.
Yang nodded towards Pretty Boy and decided to give him one of her knives so that he would also be able to participate in killing the infected. At hearing Natsu's proposition of taking out the mutated monster with a big arm out, she happily complied. The blonde followed suit to what Hound was doing, but since she only had one knife, she decided it was best to be more cautious with slashing at the zombies. Giving out a small war cry, she made her way to the zombies that led to the big armed creature and stabbed at the head of a zombie that was reaching for her and kicked it back at a couple of other zombies. She continued to go at the undead so that Natsu would be able to get the monster that punched constantly at them.
He grunted in thanks. Now, he turned and ran to follow the scientists until he could find a directory to point him to the labs. The moment he did, he ran in that direction without thinking about anyone else. He was well aware, though, that he needed to find a weapon, so he kept his eyes open as he ran.
The scientists aren't equipped to take on a containment breach, but Isabela did have the sense to take on soldiers in case something went wrong. They come streaming into the hallways now, firing on not only the undead, but the escapees as well.

Yang nodded towards Pretty Boy and decided to give him one of her knives so that he would also be able to participate in killing the infected. At hearing Natsu's proposition of taking out the mutated monster with a big arm out, she happily complied. The blonde followed suit to what Hound was doing, but since she only had one knife, she decided it was best to be more cautious with slashing at the zombies. Giving out a small war cry, she made her way to the zombies that led to the big armed creature and stabbed at the head of a zombie that was reaching for her and kicked it back at a couple of other zombies. She continued to go at the undead so that Natsu would be able to get the monster that punched constantly at them.
A rather fat zombie ploughed into Sandoz, knocking him over. The ugly thing screeches, and tried to bite at his face, but Sandor placed both hands on the sides of the thing's head, keeping it away from him. His gloved hands began squeezing against the zombie's weak skull as it screeched in pain. Sander grinned, intensifying his grip, until he felt something give way, and-


Sandor pushes the corpse off of him, ignoring the brain matter sprayed all over his armor as he grabbed his sword at helped Yang and Natsu reach the mutant.
The scientists aren't equipped to take on a containment breach, but Isabela did have the sense to take on soldiers in case something went wrong. They come streaming into the hallways now, firing on not only the undead, but the escapees as well.

"Shit." Frank ducked inside a doorway. This wasn't good. He waited until the soldiers came by before launching a thunderous punch at one's jaw. If the punch landed, he'd attempt to rip the gun from the man's hand, grab him by the throat, and slam him into the wall. Frank was fighting for his life, now, so he was going to go all out.

@Anyone else that happens to be nearby
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They had been betrayed. Of course they had been betrayed by the scientists. Robin should have seen this coming, no one in this world would give without taking. Not asking for Erika's permission, he grabbed his hunting knife he had kept hidden and cut through the tape, "Miss Erika, I apologize, but stand behind me. I don't want you getting hurt for my foolish, idealistic mistake."

Putting himself between the detective and the zombie tank, Robin readied his stane, "Dlanor, you still have your weapon, correct? I suggest you ready youself."
With the facility in the midst of chaos, the scientists surrounding your tank have moved away to either protect lab equipment or to flee to another location.

"I'm so sorry!" Isabela says, though she sounds a bit distracted at the moment.

The door of the zombie tank opens up, allowing them inside your tank.

@The Pimp Tactician @Gummi Bunnies @KayThePilotChapter @Verite @Raven
Yang nodded towards Pretty Boy and decided to give him one of her knives so that he would also be able to participate in killing the infected. At hearing Natsu's proposition of taking out the mutated monster with a big arm out, she happily complied. The blonde followed suit to what Hound was doing, but since she only had one knife, she decided it was best to be more cautious with slashing at the zombies. Giving out a small war cry, she made her way to the zombies that led to the big armed creature and stabbed at the head of a zombie that was reaching for her and kicked it back at a couple of other zombies. She continued to go at the undead so that Natsu would be able to get the monster that punched constantly at them.
*Natsu ran towards the big guy as the plan was set in motion. He ignited his feet and jumped over the few zombies in front of the big guy once he was at a good angle he took a deep breath* Fire dragon roar!! *he spit out a giant fireball at the big armed zombie*
@Atomyk @DapperDogman
Pretty Boy can only chuckle as he spins the knife and brandishes Rubbish Bin

"Let's take out the trash"

Slashing throat after throat, alowing many decapitated heads to fall into Rubbish Bin, Pretty Boy's eyes glow almost menacingly, his only remaining power being tested, he ssummoned a cloud of fog, obscuring vison for the large zombie, and a small area around it

"Try not to die, yeah? I've grown rather fond of you" he says to Yang with a chuckle

"Shit." Frank ducked inside a doorway. This wasn't good. He waited until the soldiers came by before launching a thunderous punch at one's jaw. If the punch landed, he'd attempt to rip the gun from the man's hand, grab him by the throat, and slam him into the wall. Frank was fighting for his life, now, so he was going to go all out.
These soldiers simply don't have the training you do. In the midst of the chaos, the others don't notice one going down by your sudden onslaught. He cries out as you rip the gun out of his hand, but he quickly goes limp at being choke-slammed into the wall. He still breaths, but he's been knocked out cold.

You find the gun he was wielding to be based off the M4A1 SOPMOD.


These soldiers simply don't have the training you do. In the midst of the chaos, the others don't notice one going down by your sudden onslaught. He cries out as you rip the gun out of his hand, but he quickly goes limp at being choke-slammed into the wall. He still breaths, but he's been knocked out cold.

You find the gun he was wielding to be based off the M4A1 SOPMOD.


He took any extra mags from the unconscious soldier and peeked out, firing quick, precise bursts into guard's knees and/or hands if they seemed as though they were going to shoot him. The gun wasn't what he was used to, but it was a good weapon. Frank continued to push to the labs.

"...This is why I don't give my trust to anyone so willingly..." Erika narrowed her eyes at the zombies that were entering their tank, seeing that they were in such a bad situation, to the point where she didn't care if Robin had cut off the handcuff duct tape.



"Dlanor!!! BEAT! THEM! TO! DEATH!!!"

Seeing that it was either do something or die, Erika seemed to drift away from her elegance as she ordered for assistant to do this.

" you WISH," Dlanor said with a bored expression on her face, drawing out her sword. This might be the last time she'll use this sword as it was already worn out from closing off the tunnel with the MegaKuma from earlier. However, if this would to work, Dlanor would have to borrow the power of the Truths, and that would be something that Erika would fuel her servant with.

"Hear this zombie freaks! People die when they are killed! Surely you're all killed, and that must mean all of you should be dead. There, Dlanor, ensure their deaths! Virus or not, this surely can't be a thing as it violates the Knox's Decalogue, right~?" Erika exclaimed with the help of the Red Truth, the words of red fueling Dlanor with strength.

"..." Dlanor didn't say anything but went to engage the zombies that were focused on them.

@The Pimp Tactician @Verite @Raven @KayThePilotChapter @Atomyk
*Natsu ran towards the big guy as the plan was set in motion. He ignited his feet and jumped over the few zombies in front of the big guy once he was at a good angle he took a deep breath* Fire dragon roar!! *he spit out a giant fireball at the big armed zombie*
With another reach of his arm, the big guy leaps across the hall. He does something strange... and begins throwing zombies at you!

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