Murder Game IV: Monokuma Rising

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Kotomine's father smiled as he slid down his leg and embraced his son, his arms held tightly around his shoulders as he spoke.
"I always wanted what was best for you, son, but you always held onto the pure beliefs of logic, and never were able to understand emotion well. I blame myself for this, because I know I could have done better for you. I shouldn't have pushed you so hard and shown you more love. I should have allowed you to do more when you were a child. I see all of this now in death, but I wish that I had had the heart to figure this out while I still lived. It may be too late for me, here in this living Hell, but it's not too late for you.
"Gh!" Kotomine grunted in surprise, instinctively tensing up a bit as he was hugged, but hesitated to attack when it appeared as though his so-called father didn't intend on attacking... yet anyway.

"Tch... Worry not, Father. I've been doing just fine without you," Kotomine said, trying to worm his way out of his father's grasp, suspicious this was still a trap, "While I do follow logic closely, I do have one emotion within my heart..."

Yes, that was correct. Only one desire. Only one emotion.

"I never felt anything when my wife died. I never felt anything when my daughter was taken from me. I never felt anything when you died. That's because I have only one feeling within my heart..." He said as a dark smirk began to crawl onto his face, "The desire to cause suffering! This is what your son has become! A being who revels in nothing but pain and agony!" He grinned madly.

The truth came out, and even though he was still convinced this was merely an illusion, it felt satisfying to let out the truth. Love never had any effect on him. Deep down inside, not even God could redeem him.

"If this is Hell... How has my wife been, eh? Does she still believe I cried to her death because that wench thought I'd miss her?! Bring her here now then! Let me destroy her illusion as well!"

It was like the priest was going insane. He was normally far more calm and collected than this. Maybe it was the sheer madness of the situation. The heat of it. Maybe he wanted to make up for the time he didn't know what he wanted...
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// fuckin shit anal beads the quote didn't go through I fuckin hate posting on my phone

@Caramon Zero
Jennifer, feeling shy around the presence of two older people, just goes quiet as she is led to the shed. It is completely silent as your group approaches. Jennifer holds back at first, but once River opens shack's front door, she rushes inside.

Inside is unremarkable. There's no light source, so you only have the moonlight from the open door for sight. Someone's been using this for storage, as you see some general gardening equipment scattered about. There's also a few scattered buckets, stray pieces of wood, a few discarded crayons, and...


It's the Bucket Knight.
He stands in the middle of the shed, looking a bit more battered than usual. At his feet is a chalkboard with a piece of chalk attached to it by string. On the chalkboard are the words, "ARYA STARK OF WINTERFALL, THE YOUNG WOLF, Everlasting." And just below that is the name, "Bayonetta."

"Bucket Knight..." Jennifer says slowly, apparently familiar with it.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
@Reaper Jack

@Reaper Jack @Atomyk

River gazed around in curiosity as she walked into the shack, proceeding with caution. The shack didn't appear to have anything too important except for the bucket knight again. River remembered seeing it once before, at the school when she visited the bath area with Edward. She smirked slightly, remembering that time, but upon remembering Ed she wondered what had happened to him. He wasn't here, so he must not have died. Somehow River felt... relieved.

She stepped forward, glancing at the bucket knight. She hadn't spoke to it before so she wasn't sure if it could speak.

"You speak?"
she questioned the knight. River side-glanced to the chalk board while she waited for a reply, wondering what the names were there for.
~The Dark Dimension~

"Edward! Edward?! Ed-" Arya kept calling out, feeling the world around her distort and contract, the mad Puppeteer of a bear most likely playing tricks on her. Illusions filled her mind, of people running, of people running, and people dying. Crimson and viscera flew from left to right, the girl freezing and occasionally thrusting Needle through the air. A ballad of the damned commenced around here for the span of a mere ten seconds, and just like that, the visions halted as soon as the began. Heaving and huff, Arya collaped on her knees, feeling the blood rush down her nose and her ears beginning to violently ring.

Spitting onto the floor, the petite child arose, shakily holding Needle as her attention grew to The Iron Throne. As she feared to predict, the cloaked man arose, a mighty greatsword being sheathed from a scabbard of some sorts. Valyrian steel temporarily blinded Arya, the girl lifting her free hand (right hand) in response, cringing at that ungodly radiant, deadly steel. She had never used Father's sword, but had seen it enough times in her life to know it could easily a hack a man in two with one mighty swing.

"F-Father..." Arya repeated calmly, looking at the greatsword that was Ice, watching it levitate in awe. She did not grasp it, nor that she have any desire to hold that blade. For one, it was far too heavy and bulky for her, perhaps if she was a young, grown woman, it would hold no burden. But as it stands, being not surpassing five feet and certainly under a hundred pounds, Arya would be massively overburdened by such a legendary sword that has been past down since Aegon's Invasion. If Robb, the true Young Wolf was here, it would certainly be in his hands.

"T...This makes no sense...I saw!" Arya refused, on the brink of tears, growling loudly, twirling Needle in her left hand, bracing away. "You aren't with me anymore! The honor we Starks hold in our hearts has brought us to all of our knees, even Robb's! We should of stayed in Winterfell...we should of stayed..." Arya repeated, weeping for the briefest of moments, thinking of the horrid tragedies that befell upon her family-name and upon every soldier that she regarded as a protector just like her brothers.

Bracing herself into a combat position, Arya vainly tried to keep herself together, staring up to the demented face of her father's. If needed, she would fight, but it was a fight that held no glory or honor, a fight that The Old Gods would condemn. "Please, Father, I beg of know The Old Gods will damn you for this. And if they won't...I will."
@Caramon Zero
@Josh M
@Child's Play​
I'm Natsu and i'm sure I haven't you either. Though lets talk more later. I have no idea what these things are and I prefer not to get caught off guard. *He turns back to the entrance taking a sniff to check for the claws*
@york @Atomyk @ItsToppyTippers @ShadowPrime
Ruby looked towards the other person who they'd eneded up with when they had run off, though she seemed a bit upset realizing neither Erika nor Dlanor was around. Her eyes then turned to the more immediate situation in front of them; whatever those things were, the claws that came out and around them, they weren't exactly very friendly to say the least, and due to the situation, Ruby seemed more serious than she usually was. Instinctively, her hands moved towards her back where she usually kept her weapon, but then, remembering she only had a katana with her, she drew her weapon, her eyes scanning around, seeing if they could find some way to escape or something.
@Reaper Jack @Atomyk

River gazed around in curiosity as she walked into the shack, proceeding with caution. The shack didn't appear to have anything too important except for the bucket knight again. River remembered seeing it once before, at the school when she visited the bath area with Edward. She smirked slightly, remembering that time, but upon remembering Ed she wondered what had happened to him. He wasn't here, so he must not have died. Somehow River felt... relieved.

She stepped forward, glancing at the bucket knight. She hadn't spoke to it before so she wasn't sure if it could speak.

"You speak?" she questioned the knight. River side-glanced to the chalk board while she waited for a reply, wondering what the names were there for.
There's no response from the little scarecrow. Beside you, Jennifer shakes her head. "He can't hear you," she says. "But he's telling me that he's the Bucket Knight." Clasping her hands together, Jennifer looks down at the names on the chalkboard. "He's the keeper of promises, the words carved at his feet are words he'll remember eternally."

Jennifer seems to realize she's speaking more than usual, so she goes red and quiets down. As far as either of you are aware, the Bucket Knight hasn't spoken a word.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
@Reaper Jack
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With attention directed toward the shed, Frank pointed toward it. "Okay, that's where we're going!" he yells, before bashing aside a few zombies with a baseball bat.

Leia is at his side, assisting, but it's not enough to turn back the tide. "Someone keep them off us!" she cries.

@Gummi Bunnies
@Archmage Jeremiah
@Thuro Pendragon
"Well," Bayonetta said, "I've enough power built up now to try this."

A chant from Bayonetta,


then a wicked weave summoned fists to clear a path to the shed.

"Let's make haste!" she shouted to the group, pointing toward the shed.

@Atomyk @Archmage Jeremiah @Jeremi @Thuro Pendragon @Gummi Bunnies
There's no response from the little scarecrow. Beside you, Jennifer shakes her head. "He can't hear you," she says. "But he's telling me that he's the Bucket Knight." Clasping her hands together, Jennifer looks down at the names on the chalkboard. "He's the keeper of secrets, the words carved at his feet are words he'll remember eternally."

Jennifer seems to realize she's speaking more than usual, so she goes red and quiets down. As far as either of you are aware, the Bucket Knight hasn't spoken a word.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
@Reaper Jack

@Reaper Jack @Atomyk

River raised an eyebrow and placed her hand on her hips, skeptical of what Jennifer suggested. She honestly didn't believe her, but at this point River was willing to listen to what anyone had to say. Any possible hints to help her figure out this mess were welcome.

"You can communicate with him then? Jennifer, can you ask him what those names mean?" River questioned.
The Mirror Demon smirked as it continued its fisticuffs assult, yet suddenly kicked him in the ribs, a creepy laugh escaping its lips in his voice.

The Doctor got to his feet, yet stood his ground as he raised his head, yet not his hands.
"Hit me. She died because of me both this time and the last. She had faith in me to the end, yet you showed her the love she deserved. Hit me, and let's be done with this farce, for you're the better man for her, and I'm just in her way."
He spread his arms wide, a small, golden pocket watch in his hand, a gentle glow eminating from it.

Upon walking through the door she is met by a bright light, finding herself in a room appearing to be a Captain's Cabin, the floor swaying with the sea that can be seen from the room's porthole windows.
In the distance, there are three lifeboats, each having a single passenger: Govenor Swan, Will, and Little William, and there is something coming for them, a dark shadow in the deep.
There is a harpoon on deck, which can be seen through the window of the locked door, yet there is only has one line to fire, so she must choose who she will save: her father, her husband, or her son, while the others will be taken by the sea.
There is a strange console on the table in the middle of the room which has three buttons and a switch, each button marked with a face of the men outside, while the switch is drab and gre/ay, with no special markings to indicate its use.

Which will she choose:
A)Her Father
B)Her Husband
C)Her Child
D)Pull the Switch

"Then I have no choice but to show you how wrong you are. You wish to see your wife? You think this is all some kind of game? I'll show you just how real this is."
At these words, Kotomine was engulfed in darkness, regaining his sight in a brightly lit field, it was a peaceful and serene display, with nothing around but green grass that seemed to stretch on forever.
"This is how you used to view the world, so long ago, before you can even remember. This is the light you lost as you grew. You met my every expectation, and then I discovered the monster you'd become all too late to save you. If even this doesn't phase you, I'm sorry to say that you've failed."

@Krieg :
"I have already been damned, my poor child. This eye is proof of my curse, and fighting me holds much honor, as it would give my child a chance to cleanse this world of the taint I have provided in the name of the Arch Demon. I can see no nobler death than by the hands of my ugly little princess. Needle is far too small to hold up to this blade, and I would hate to leave you without a weapon, so I have provided one for you. Right now I am not Eddard Stark, your father, but Darth Rex, the Shadow King, your enemy, and enemy to all I loved and swore to protect."
Holding his sword at the ready, he awaited his daughter to strike, knowing she'd do what was right.
I don't even know, my fucking alerts are still broken for tags. Maybe a quote will fix it? <.< Also, Anastasia is following anyone who's willing to try and put up with my unreliable alerts.

Anastasia had still been full of fear through everything surrounding her, and blindly she followed those around her in hopes someone would know what was going on. Still she was lost from her lack of listening and paying attention, but she'd been drawn to one of the males she'd found while in the toy store, or at least she thought he'd been in there. He seemed familiar enough for it. Shadowing him quietly, Anastasia tried to keep her eyes locked on him as they went about actions for the current moment.
Pretty Boy coughs as the demon kicks him

"Puny demon" He mutters as he delivers the palm strike to the things chest, tearing it's heart clean out, granted that it had one

@Caramon Zero
@Reaper Jack @Atomyk

River raised an eyebrow and placed her hand on her hips, skeptical of what Jennifer suggested. She honestly didn't believe her, but at this point River was willing to listen to what anyone had to say. Any possible hints to help her figure out this mess were welcome.

"You can communicate with him then? Jennifer, can you ask him what those names mean?" River questioned.
"Umm..." The girl shrugs. "I guess I can..."

A pause, then-- "He says other people wrote them down. He met them a long time ago... or maybe it was recently. He's not sure." She examines the chalkboard closely. "He says we can write our names down, so that he doesn't forget us either."

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
@Reaper Jack
"Then I have no choice but to show you how wrong you are. You wish to see your wife? You think this is all some kind of game? I'll show you just how real this is."
At these words, Kotomine was engulfed in darkness, regaining his sight in a brightly lit field, it was a peaceful and serene display, with nothing around but green grass that seemed to stretch on forever.
"This is how you used to view the world, so long ago, before you can even remember. This is the light you lost as you grew. You met my every expectation, and then I discovered the monster you'd become all too late to save you. If even this doesn't phase you, I'm sorry to say that you've failed."
"Gh!" Kotomine exclaimed as he was engulfed in darkness, gritting his teeth as his expression suddenly changed from a crazy one to a struggling one.

Looking around himself, the priest frowned as he found himself in an unfamiliar place. "Tch... I may have been raised as a God-loving priest, but I never felt anything for sunshine and happiness. Your words mean nothing to me, phantom. Even if you somehow happen to be my real father, I care not for you," he said, scanning his environment to check if anyone or anything was about to sneak up and attack him.

"Now let me out of here. I tire of this," he said impatiently, clenching his fists, ready to strike if someone were to approach him.
"Well," Bayonetta said, "I've enough power built up now to try this."

A chant from Bayonetta,


then a wicked weave summoned fists to clear a path to the shed.

"Let's make haste!" she shouted to the group, pointing toward the shed.

@Atomyk @Archmage Jeremiah @Jeremi @Thuro Pendragon @Gummi Bunnies
Leia is a little frightened by Bayonetta's attack, but Frank leads the assault to the shed. It's an easy run with the enemies at bay, but cultists come out to meet you, followed by--

"Demons, spawned from the death that's tainted our lands!" It's a man you haven't seen before, followed by the cult leader from the movie theater. Considering how the 'cult leader' is looking at the man leading him, he wasn't the cult leader at all. The real cult leader, his blond hair shining amidst the darkness of the park and his glasses reflecting a small shred of the moonlight, bows to you all.

"For the True Eye Cult, our eyes are open!"

The Doctor got to his feet, yet stood his ground as he raised his head, yet not his hands.
"Hit me. She died because of me both this time and the last. She had faith in me to the end, yet you showed her the love she deserved. Hit me, and let's be done with this farce, for you're the better man for her, and I'm just in her way."
He spread his arms wide, a small, golden pocket watch in his hand, a gentle glow eminating from it.
Edward again lowered his hands when the man seemed to give up fighting. "Jesus man, calm your mind and collect your thoughts! She's dead and there's nothing either of us could have done, you damned idiot!" He was yelling at the man now, allowing his anger to take over. "Just go back to where you came from so we can be done with this foolishness! I'm not fighting a man that won't defend himself."
"Umm..." The girl shrugs. "I guess I can..."

A pause, then-- "He says other people wrote them down. He met them a long time ago... or maybe it was recently. He's not sure." She examines the chalkboard closely. "He says we can write our names down, so that he doesn't forget us either."

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
@Reaper Jack

@Reaper Jack @Atomyk

River scratched the side of her head, trying to process all that Jennifer said. Madness. This was all madness. She wasn't sure if this made sense. But then again, she was a psychopath. Maybe she should open her mind to stranger possibilities?

"Tell him I'll write my name on the chalkboard if he tells me the importance behind the names already there. Why did these people visit this place and leave their names?" River questioned.
Upon walking through the door she is met by a bright light, finding herself in a room appearing to be a Captain's Cabin, the floor swaying with the sea that can be seen from the room's porthole windows.
In the distance, there are three lifeboats, each having a single passenger: Govenor Swan, Will, and Little William, and there is something coming for them, a dark shadow in the deep.
There is a harpoon on deck, which can be seen through the window of the locked door, yet there is only has one line to fire, so she must choose who she will save: her father, her husband, or her son, while the others will be taken by the sea.
There is a strange console on the table in the middle of the room which has three buttons and a switch, each button marked with a face of the men outside, while the switch is drab and gre/ay, with no special markings to indicate its use.

Which will she choose:
A)Her Father
B)Her Husband
C)Her Child
D)Pull the Switch
Elizabeth's eyes widened as she saw her surroundings.

The familiar sway of the ship comforted her, in a way, until she noticed the three men she loved the most about to die. Of course. Seeing Will alive again hurt, but now she knew it was a test. A test.

They were all about to die, she was sure of that. And she had to make a decision. Elizabeth gnawed on her bottom lip, her eyes surveying the buttons. She was heartbroken. She knew she would have to pick her son, but she couldn't. The gre/ay (i laughed) switch sat there, and she glanced at it uneasily. Ugh.

There wasn't any time to spare, and without another thought, she flipped the switch.
@Reaper Jack @Atomyk

River scratched the side of her head, trying to process all that Jennifer said. Madness. This was all madness. She wasn't sure if this made sense. But then again, she was a psychopath. Maybe she should open her mind to stranger possibilities?

"Tell him I'll write my name on the chalkboard if he tells me the importance behind the names already there. Why did these people visit this place and leave their names?" River questioned.
Jennifer's brow furrows. "He... He can't. They never came here, but he can't recall where he met them. The young wolf, the dog, the mysterious lady... All he can say is that is that these words will never be erased, never forgotten."

She crosses her arms. "I don't know. I don't really get all of it..."

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
@Reaper Jack
Leia is a little frightened by Bayonetta's attack, but Frank leads the assault to the shed. It's an easy run with the enemies at bay, but cultists come out to meet you, followed by--

"Demons, spawned from the death that's tainted our lands!" It's a man you haven't seen before, followed by the cult leader from the movie theater. Considering how the 'cult leader' is looking at the man leading him, he wasn't the cult leader at all. The real cult leader, his blond hair shining amidst the darkness of the park and his glasses reflecting a small shred of the moonlight, bows to you all.

"For the True Eye Cult, our eyes are open!"

Bayonetta was ready to attack all the cultists, especially the leader, but now?


"Bowing to us?" she asked. "Now I'm a bit puzzled".

@Atomyk @Thuro Pendragon @Archmage Jeremiah @Gummi Bunnies @Jeremi
Leia is a little frightened by Bayonetta's attack, but Frank leads the assault to the shed. It's an easy run with the enemies at bay, but cultists come out to meet you, followed by--

"Demons, spawned from the death that's tainted our lands!" It's a man you haven't seen before, followed by the cult leader from the movie theater. Considering how the 'cult leader' is looking at the man leading him, he wasn't the cult leader at all. The real cult leader, his blond hair shining amidst the darkness of the park and his glasses reflecting a small shred of the moonlight, bows to you all.

"For the True Eye Cult, our eyes are open!"

Erika narrowed her eyes at these cultists and their leader, and you could tell that there was some disgust in her eyes.

"As if I had enough cult fanatics back at the island, especially the old man Kinzo..." Erika said to herself, not quite liking where this is going as it reminded her of the premises of the 5th and 6th games of the massacre.

"Oh well, I have a lot of work on my hands then. Besides, I bet you don't even know the real truth with those eyes," Erika shrugged and verbally mocked the cult leader, but was wondering if there was opportunities to use her Truths.

@Mari @Jeremi @Archmage Jeremiah @Thuro Pendragon @Atomyk
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