Murder Game IV: Monokuma Rising

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River shrugged. "To me it sounds like a place for children, but it says nothing about such a think on the map. I, too, am curious as to what it could be about." She smirked. "I don't have any children myself, so if this is only a store with items for a child, I will have no use for it whatsoever." River frowned for a moment. She'd probably never have children, in fact. That stupid Doctor of hers wasn't the type of man to ever father any more children. He was too busy and lead a life making it impossible for such a thing, even if River secretly would have liked one.

Anyhow, the store could have something interesting inside. The trip may be worth it.

"Don't fuss about my wound too much. We'll get to it in time, sweetie." She glanced down at her leg. Sure, it was a bit swollen, but she could live with it. She laughed. "I get hurt all the time, to be honest. Even broke my own wrist one time just to escape an enemy that had a grip on me. I'm used to this sort of thing."

@Joellie @Atomyk Heading for Child's Play. :3
Edward laughed once again. "Aye, I can see you're able to take some pain. More so than any woman I've met in my life so far." As he said that, he started reminding himself of his late wife. She was always the only thing he cared about. In fact, she was the reason he started sailing in the first place. He wanted to work as a privateer to earn a decent wage.

He also remembered that River had shared some intimate things about her life with him, and he'd only kept silent in return. He kept a silence for a time, then spoke up. "I had a wife once. Caroline. In God's eyes, we're still married, but she... left me some time ago." He sighed, looking at the ground for a while. "But recently I received a letter from miles away. It was from home. It told me that she hadn't left me alone. Not at all. She's left me a daughter..." Edward's eyes were focused on nothing but the ground, and he stopped walking, a light smile on his lips for only a second. "Jennifer Kenway. The joy I felt when reading that name... I'm sure you understand."

Edward turned his head back to River, smiling now. He only assumed she already had children. :) "There's no bottle of Rum, no large ship, no amount of gold that could make me happier than having a child of my own. There's no feeling more pleasant than being a... a parent."

"Russian cosmonaut dog. It makes joke funnier."

The dog would then start looking around the area. Using his natural sense and his telepathic gift to find any of anything of interest, or any nearby threat.
~Paradise Plaza~

It had been a good hour or two since Arya had departed from the main group to venture on her own, the ambitiously strong, petite princess seeking to find herself and ease her troubling mind with the company of herself. Solace would be extraordinarily hard to find in this environment, especially with the undead roaming, groaning, and stumbling at every corner. Oddly, Leisure Park had been eerily quiet, many bodies of the dead scattered and some sort of contraption with one of those metal magic sticks attached on the back of it, a much larger one to be precise. Shaking those thoughts out of her head, Arya knelt before a groaning corpse, shoving Needle through the forehead of the Wight and retracting her blade.

Killing was something that frighten her still, even if these bodies were already dead. Strong or not, the ability to take a life, even an undead one, shook the young girl's fractured innocence. The more she dwelt upon the subject, the more she could feel her skin crawl from underneath. Hastily sprinting throughout the Paradise Plaza, Arya was able to efficiently navigate through the plaza, keeping to small, crampt corners and ventilation shafts to get around. Given her stature and still feeble body from her time at Harrenhall, she was in no position to directly combat these Wights.

Kicking the metal door down from a shaft, Arya landed gracefully on the ground, scanning her eyes around for the undead. Swirling about, the girl dressed as a boy stared up, scanning the entrance sign before her...

"Child's Play..."
"Well, while I can't fault your logic...since I can't prove that god doesn't exist..." he says with a nod "I happen to have been made from almost pure malice...I feel nothing for human life, and have killed countless teenage girls...why does God allow me to live?" he asks, his own existance was a testament to the fact that god had forgotten the human race


"As for a joke, we'd have a sitcom if we could work in a romance, a death and a plot twist" he jokes with a soft chuckle

@Josh M
"Well, while I can't fault your logic...since I can't prove that god doesn't exist..." he says with a nod "I happen to have been made from almost pure malice...I feel nothing for human life, and have killed countless teenage girls...why does God allow me to live?" he asks, his own existance was a testament to the fact that god had forgotten the human race

"Well, God works in mysterious ways, as they say. As long as you repent, you shall find salvation," Kotomine said, though his eyes deep down seemed to imply he was more interested in Pretty Boy's wrongdoings in the past, "...And yet... being made from pure malice, you say? Tell me, do you regret killing so many people? Do you regret not being able to feel anything for human life?" He asked.

In truth, he actually wanted to hear more about his new so-called companion's grievances. He wanted to hear it all not to satisfy his "innocent curiosity" or his supposed need to know the whole truth before he could bless someone, bu rather, because he enjoyed listening to it. Stories of people dying, losing everything, regretting it all. He ate it all up.

Truly, he was as if the Anti-Christ was a man of Christ. An irony that amused even the haughty Gilgamesh.
"Well, God works in mysterious ways, as they say. As long as you repent, you shall find salvation," Kotomine said, though his eyes deep down seemed to imply he was more interested in Pretty Boy's wrongdoings in the past, "...And yet... being made from pure malice, you say? Tell me, do you regret killing so many people? Do you regret not being able to feel anything for human life?" He asked.

In truth, he actually wanted to hear more about his new so-called companion's grievances. He wanted to hear it all not to satisfy his "innocent curiosity" or his supposed need to know the whole truth before he could bless someone, bu rather, because he enjoyed listening to it. Stories of people dying, losing everything, regretting it all. He ate it all up.

Truly, he was as if the Anti-Christ was a man of Christ. An irony that amused even the haughty Gilgamesh.

Welcome to Colby's Movieland!
Current movies playing are 'Pride', 'Ratman', 'Dorry', and the hit sequel 'Megaman 2'! "I've heard this is a great movie," Frank says offhandedly, staring up at the poster for 'Megaman 2'.

The theater where 'Megaman 2' would usually be playing, you all hear chanting. It's quite ominous.

@Josh M
@ anyone round

Cosmo would move towards the Megaman 2 theater.

"Everyone, Cosmo will go first. Try to sneak. If they catch me, Cosmo will let you all know. Stay frosty."

The Russian dog would then enter.
Edward laughed once again. "Aye, I can see you're able to take some pain. More so than any woman I've met in my life so far." As he said that, he started reminding himself of his late wife. She was always the only thing he cared about. In fact, she was the reason he started sailing in the first place. He wanted to work as a privateer to earn a decent wage.

He also remembered that River had shared some intimate things about her life with him, and he'd only kept silent in return. He kept a silence for a time, then spoke up. "I had a wife once. Caroline. In God's eyes, we're still married, but she... left me some time ago." He sighed, looking at the ground for a while. "But recently I received a letter from miles away. It was from home. It told me that she hadn't left me alone. Not at all. She's left me a daughter..." Edward's eyes were focused on nothing but the ground, and he stopped walking, a light smile on his lips for only a second. "Jennifer Kenway. The joy I felt when reading that name... I'm sure you understand."

Edward turned his head back to River, smiling now. He only assumed she already had children. :) "There's no bottle of Rum, no large ship, no amount of gold that could make me happier than having a child of my own. There's no feeling more pleasant than being a... a parent."


"Indeed. I picture you are the same way, Edward. You seem to be a tough man who could probably take pain," River replied. "You did survive my secret weapon after all. It must have taken some real strength to do so," she added with a smirk. But in all seriousness, he did seem strong. He could probably handle a weapon too. Not that she didn't mind a pacifist, but it was nice to see a man handle a weapon.

River was surprised when Edward began to talk about his wife and a daughter that he had too apparently. She felt a pang of jealousy stab her. Despite what Edward assumed about her, River didn't have any children. Her husband was never around for that, and told her he wouldn't do such a thing anyhow. Although, River did long for children. A child would be an extra part of herself to carry on after she was gone. But she didn't think it was possible. River knew her future--for the most part--and she never saw children in it.

She furrowed her brows slightly when Edward almost rubbed it in without realizing it. "Yes, it is the best thing, isn't it? A joy unimaginable." She paused, tempted to end the discussion at a lie, but changed her mind. "I say it's unimaginable because I really can't imagine it. I have no children." She gritted her teeth. "My husband won't allow it." She averted her glance, looking a bit sad. "H-He says it isn't in our future. We cannot. But I understand how it can bring you joy. I'm certain it would bring me joy as well if it were to happen."
@ anyone round

Cosmo would move towards the Megaman 2 theater.

"Everyone, Cosmo will go first. Try to sneak. If they catch me, Cosmo will let you all know. Stay frosty."

The Russian dog would then enter.

"Good luck, my brave Russian cosmonaut dog" Bayonetta said as she watch Cosmo enter the theater.

@Josh M @Jeremi @DapperDogman @Kirite @Atomyk

"Indeed. I picture you are the same way, Edward. You seem to be a tough man who could probably take pain," River replied. "You did survive my secret weapon after all. It must have taken some real strength to do so," she added with a smirk. But in all seriousness, he did seem strong. He could probably handle a weapon too. Not that she didn't mind a pacifist, but it was nice to see a man handle a weapon.

River was surprised when Edward began to talk about his wife and a daughter that he had too apparently. She felt a pang of jealousy stab her. Despite what Edward assumed about her, River didn't have any children. Her husband was never around for that, and told her he wouldn't do such a thing anyhow. Although, River did long for children. A child would be an extra part of herself to carry on after she was gone. But she didn't think it was possible. River knew her future--for the most part--and she never saw children in it.

She furrowed her brows slightly when Edward almost rubbed it in without realizing it. "Yes, it is the best thing, isn't it? A joy unimaginable." She paused, tempted to end the discussion at a lie, but changed her mind. "I say it's unimaginable because I really can't imagine it. I have no children." She gritted her teeth. "My husband won't allow it." She averted her glance, looking a bit sad. "H-He says it isn't in our future. We cannot. But I understand how it can bring you joy. I'm certain it would bring me joy as well if it were to happen."
Edward quickly realized his mistake when River started talking about not having any children but wanting them. He could see in her eyes how badly she wanted to be a mother, but what could he do? Somehow he felt like saying 'I'll give you some children' would be a little... soon. "Ah, River, I apologize... I'm sure your husband will one day have a change of mind, and before you know it, children will be falling from the sk-" // @Klutzy Ninja Kitty

He was interrupted by seeing a child falling from the sky. "What the Devil..." he mumbled, his attention now to the boyish looking girl who just fell from the ventilation shaft. "Where did you..." he started, slowly walking toward her, looking up at the ventilation shaft. "... you fell from there?" He paused for a second or two, and then laughed again. "Quite a show, boy! ... And quite a sword as well." Edward said, now looking at the sword she was holding. // @Krieg

As Edward turned around to look at and speak to River again, he noticed the presence of yet another lady. This one he had met before, Elizabeth, he remembered. "And another familiar face. Pleased to see you alive and well, miss Swann!" // @Xibilation

// I feel like this might get complicated xD
"Good luck, my brave Russian cosmonaut dog" Bayonetta said as she watch Cosmo enter the theater.

@Josh M @Jeremi @DapperDogman @Kirite @Atomyk
You pass by a notice on the wall--


Continuing into the cinema, you spot a large number of people in rain coats and masks in the seats.​

But they aren't watching the movie, instead they are watching a man standing upon a raised platform at the front of the theater. Beside him are one man and one woman tied to wooden poles. The man has everyone's attention as he lifts a sword high into the air.

"Behold!" the cult leader cries. "The end of the world is upon us! Death itself has tainted the world, defiling each and every one of us! The only path to the salvation of the soul..." The man raises a hand and makes a grand sweeping motion. "... is the purging of the tainted blood!"
The cult leader readies to stab the captured man.

@Josh M
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~Child's Play~

Dusting herself off, Arya winced, brushing her boyish, dark brunette hair to the side and hastily wiping the blood of the undead off her sword against her tattered tunic. Shockingly, Needle had remained vigilantly sharp and precise, not quite the best slicer in terms of sword but certainly a very potent and agile thrusting weapon. She may not be able to get through plate armor, but chain-mail of any sorts would be in ruins from this graceful weapon.

Approached by a familiar yet still unknown man, the smuggler type of some sorts, Arya hastily backed up, putting her left hand behind her back and raising Needle in a fencing position. Her technique and stance was similar to many Renaissance fencers, primarily Italians to be exact. Certainly, she was a deadly little preteen, one that did not savor the idea of killing, but had seen enough chaos in Westeros to be persuaded otherwise. Hearing the compliments and the smuggler confuse her for a boy, Arya lowered Needle, sheathing it and calming down.

"I'm not a boy, you daft pirate." Arya whined openly, certainly giving the look and impression of it. Normally, she wouldn't reveal her gender, especially in the oppressive society she lived in. But, in this strange land with even stranger people, the She-Wolf noticed there was a disturbing majority of rather strong, agile females. Female warriors that, in fact, Arya argued could beat most knights from Westeros. Such a feat was unheard of from her lands, but, it harbored long ago to the sisters that rode with Aegon the Conqueror.

"Mi'lady Rivers." Arya noticed a much more familiar face, wondering what she was doing with this odd pirate fellow. Bowing politely, the She-Wolf of Winterfell felt a bit more at ease. At least she somewhat knew Miss Rivers, although, the panic at that school didn't bode well for establishing friendships.

Edward quickly realized his mistake when River started talking about not having any children but wanting them. He could see in her eyes how badly she wanted to be a mother, but what could he do? Somehow he felt like saying 'I'll give you some children' would be a little... soon. "Ah, River, I apologize... I'm sure your husband will one day have a change of mind, and before you know it, children will be falling from the sk-" // @Klutzy Ninja Kitty

He was interrupted by seeing a child falling from the sky. "What the Devil..." he mumbled, his attention now to the boyish looking girl who just fell from the ventilation shaft. "Where did you..." he started, slowly walking toward her, looking up at the ventilation shaft. "... you fell from there?" He paused for a second or two, and then laughed again. "Quite a show, boy! ... And quite a sword as well." Edward said, now looking at the sword she was holding. // @Krieg

As Edward turned around to look at and speak to River again, he noticed the presence of yet another lady. This one he had met before, Elizabeth, he remembered. "And another familiar face. Pleased to see you alive and well, miss Swann!" // @Xibilation

// I feel like this might get complicated xD

River shook her head, opening her mouth to reply to Edward when Arya suddenly crashed to the ground near them. She let go of his arm and allowed him to walk forward to greet the child. It didn't take long before she spotted Elizabeth nearby also, whom she nodded to. River actually said nothing to either of them, however, going silent for a moment. She was sorta bummed out from her conversation with Edward. :)

Edward didn't really understand that her husband and herself were time travelers. She ran into The Doctor at many different points in time, even versions of The Doctor from the future. And he told her they wouldn't have children. They shouldn't, because it would just overcomplicate things. That only irritated River more though. The Doctor was the freaking King of overcomplicating things! Why couldn't he just do her one little favor?

"I bloody hate that man," River mumbled quietly to herself, inwardly a bit sad and frustrated.

She pulled herself out of her emotions for long enough to look at Arya when she was addressed by her. "Yes, it's good to see you live, Arya. You as well, Elizabeth." She then took a step back. It was starting to feel a little crowded. And she didn't really want to lose control of her emotions in front of strangers.

"My leg is aching," River lied, mumbling rather quietly, but still loud enough to be heard. "I'm going to find a seat." She hobbled a few steps away from the others to look for maybe a bench she could sit on outside the Child's Play area.

@Krieg @Joellie @Xibilation
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~Child's Play~

Dusting herself off, Arya winced, brushing her boyish, dark brunette hair to the side and hastily wiping the blood of the undead off her sword against her tattered tunic. Shockingly, Needle had remained vigilantly sharp and precise, not quite the best slicer in terms of sword but certainly a very potent and agile thrusting weapon. She may not be able to get through plate armor, but chain-mail of any sorts would be in ruins from this graceful weapon.

Approached by a familiar yet still unknown man, the smuggler type of some sorts, Arya hastily backed up, putting her left hand behind her back and raising Needle in a fencing position. Her technique and stance was similar to many Renaissance fencers, primarily Italians to be exact. Certainly, she was a deadly little preteen, one that did not savor the idea of killing, but had seen enough chaos in Westeros to be persuaded otherwise. Hearing the compliments and the smuggler confuse her for a boy, Arya lowered Needle, sheathing it and calming down.

"I'm not a boy, you daft pirate." Arya whined openly, certainly giving the look and impression of it. Normally, she wouldn't reveal her gender, especially in the oppressive society she lived in. But, in this strange land with even stranger people, the She-Wolf noticed there was a disturbing majority of rather strong, agile females. Female warriors that, in fact, Arya argued could beat most knights from Westeros. Such a feat was unheard of from her lands, but, it harbored long ago to the sisters that rode with Aegon the Conqueror.

"Mi'lady Rivers." Arya noticed a much more familiar face, wondering what she was doing with this odd pirate fellow. Bowing politely, the She-Wolf of Winterfell felt a bit more at ease. At least she somewhat knew Miss Rivers, although, the panic at that school didn't bode well for establishing friendships.

Edward was surprised to see the girl so defensive when he approached her, but somehow it amused him. He smiled even as she pointed her blade at him, standing in a position he didn't think anything of. Even though Edward had been in plenty of fights, he'd always just handled it either instinctively or sneakily. Luckily, she lowered her sword and responded to him.

He chuckled once again. "Easy then, lass. Do you see me wielding any sort of weaponry? I mean no harm" He tried to calm her down. "And I apologize for calling you a boy. Haven't seen many small girls running around with swords, you see." Edward kept smiling as he looked at her, the way she looked at him, the way she stood... He couldn't help but think of his daughter he never saw but recently found out he had. He'd imagine she would be a lot like the girl in front of him.

"I'm not as daft as you might think me to be, but aye, I am a pirate if you'd call me so. I see you've already met miss Song." He extended a hand. "Captain Edward Kenway" he smiled.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
You pass by a notice on the wall--


Continuing into the cinema, you spot a large number of people in rain coats and masks in the seats.​

But they aren't watching the movie, instead they are watching a man standing upon a raised platform at the front of the theater. Beside him are one man and one woman tied to wooden poles. The man has everyone's attention as he lifts a sword high into the air.

"Behold!" the cult leader cries. "The end of the world is upon us! Death itself has tainted the world, defiling each and every one of us! The only path to the salvation of the soul..." The man raises a hand and makes a grand sweeping motion. "... is the purging of the tainted blood!"
The cult leader readies to stab the captured man.

@Josh M
"Hmm... this ought to be interesting," Kotomine murmured quietly, assuming they hadn't noticed the group yet. The priest didn't sound like he exactly intended to save the tied hostages, but he wouldn't exactly have too many qualms if he had to rescue them. After all, he was a priest, and servants of God had to serve and protect. They were like the police officers of the mage world. You don't fuck with 'em, y'know?

"Shall we watch or intervene?" He asked, seeking the input of the others.

@Mari @Josh M @Jeremi @DapperDogman
You pass by a notice on the wall--


Continuing into the cinema, you spot a large number of people in rain coats and masks in the seats.​

But they aren't watching the movie, instead they are watching a man standing upon a raised platform at the front of the theater. Beside him are one man and one woman tied to wooden poles. The man has everyone's attention as he lifts a sword high into the air.

"Behold!" the cult leader cries. "The end of the world is upon us! Death itself has tainted the world, defiling each and every one of us! The only path to the salvation of the soul..." The man raises a hand and makes a grand sweeping motion. "... is the purging of the tainted blood!"
The cult leader readies to stab the captured man.

@Josh M
After seeing the sign and the scene:


Bayonetta looked at Pretty Boy, Kotomine, and Funny.

"I say we help Cosmo" she told them.


"He wanted to go in first, but that seems like a lot for one to deal with" she said as she went in after Cosmo.

@Josh M @Jeremi @Verite @DapperDogman @Atomyk
~Child's Play~

What a queer store.

Brightly-colored lights and toys greeted Arya's gaze, toys, dolls, bear plushies, and all sorts of knicks and knacks thrown about. Even behind this pirate fellow, Arya winced her dull, ash eyes at the sight of it, almost blinded by it's cheerfulness. Irony could not even begin to describe the site of this certain market, hells, the She-Wolf had every reason to believe it was that accursed "Bear Puppetmaster" at his devilish work again. Staring up at Edward, Arya's gaze soften, but for her age, she was a little stern, stubborn, arrogant tomboy.

"Arya Stark of Winterfell...House Stark." the girl said, lightly shaking the other man's hand, not used to such a gesture. Formally, that was her title, and even more formally, they would be a 'princess' before it all. Of course, calling Arya a, 'princess' was like yanking on a feral wolf's tail and not expecting it to bite said hand off. Wary and uneasy, Arya cautiously strolled past Edward, her eyes lighten up and staring in wonder at this beautifully peculiar shop.

"So, how do you and Mi'lady Rivers meet back in that university? I saw you two going out of the bathroom in the school, did you steal the damned water?" the young girl questioned, openly jesting though a bit annoyed as she hadn't had a good bath in awhile. Smirking, the child stepped into the shop, eagerly looking around all the childish toys, feeling foreign to this place. She was never one for knitting, or playing with toys, but there was always this fascination with them.

"I'd never think to see you two, well, three here."
@ all

Seeing the man about to be killed, Cosmo, barks loudly. Cosmo would telepathically push all the cultists.

"Get the man! Cosmo will take Cultists! Go!"
There's a clamor as the cultists rise to meet you all. The cult leader stops what he is doing and yells, "Ah, we have nonbelievers in our midst!" The cultists then rush to attack, but Cosmo's psychic abilities throw them back.

The cult leader can only laugh. "Truly, there is a demon if I've ever seen one!"

From the cultists come flash bangs flying from the stands to land at your group's feet.

@Josh M
//ooc: I'm going to bed so here's my last post for the night. I'm tired. I'll be back tomorrow just outside the Child's Play area so I can rejoin all of you. ^^ @Xibilation @Joellie @Krieg

It hurt River's pride a little when she walked away and none of the three seemed to notice or acknowledge it. Maybe she was just being sensitive, but it bothered her anyhow. She was already feeling a little down from her earlier conversation anyhow.

"Isn't that how it is? You feel a good kick to the ol' bum when you're already down." She chuckled sadly and hobbled over to bench in front of the store. She almost sat on it, but instead decided to move one bench over so she would be out of viewing distance. She didn't really want anyone looking at her. Why was it that the heart was the one organ in the body that caused the most pain? She'd never understand.

But at least, for now, she could shut out emotions. River had done it many times before. It was a trick her captors had taught her as a child when they brainwashed her with a desire to kill The Doctor. It helped her shut out all distractions so she could do what she needed to.

"Perks of being a psychopath," she said with a dark, half smile. River let the little sparkle she had earlier fade from her eyes before she crossed her legs and leaned her head back to relax for a moment.
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