Murder Game IV: Monokuma Rising

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Wuya nodded and looked to Jack. "Jack I agree with him. I noticed you made one of your bots." Jack nodded. "Does this one have the ability to speak?" Jack looked at Wuya amazed that she paid any attention to some of his past bots. "Yes." She smiled "Good we might need him." She looked to Robin "The others do need to know the truth. So how should we approach telling them? Staying together or splitting up?" Wuya asked Jack looked at the two and waited for whatever Wuya had planed.

@Conrad Norwood
"Not even trying to hide the boner he has for her...such a surprise"
Pretty Boy was already getting bored of these antics, he didn't find this man as entertaining any more...if he had his knife, this man's blood would be pooling around his feet by now
"Well, I'm off to find something a little more...intellectually stimulating, and to get away from that pervert"

he moves to the door before looking back at the fairy-witch "In my humble opinion, I like the fairy better than the swimsuit, little bit of magic never hurt anyone"

He gives her a wink before heading into the corridor, considering his options for where to head next, but still outside the changing rooms should anyone want to get his attentions before he left

"Thank you," Bayonetta replied, "but I'd be more comfortable in my... traditional appearance."

"After all, we are in a school. We would want children wishing things at me, now would we?"

Lyle couldn't help but smile at Urushihara's enthusiasm. "I guess it's settled then." He ran after him, and they arrived at the Shop to find a whole lot of people.

@Conrad Norwood
@anyone else in the shop
"Hello, I am Hanzo Urushihara; and you all are?" He decided the best way to meet people was to just come out, say your name, and then ask them there's. He counted at least four people in the shop, and waited to be overwhelmed with responses and names.
@Conrad Norwood
@Anyone else in the shop
(( Short post))

"Okay. Cool. So, wanna, you know, meet him and stuff? I mean, I'll be, like, your boyfrien-- guardian throughout this nightmare! I mean it!"
"Well," Bayonetta responded, "okay. If it means getting my appearance back to normal."
"Stay together as no doubt one of the others will snap and last out anything that draws their ire, namely us or Monokuma. In that case, we need to be prepared to defend ourselves," Robin explained. Looking at the bot, he cocked his head to the side, "I'm guessing this is your creation, Jack?"
The balls inside the machine bounce around.

With a *ding*!, it pops out a ball. Inside you find a fortune...

"You will be rewarded for your patience and understanding."

You also get...

Crane & Tortoise Diamond

"A diamond ring that embodies the Platonic ideal of engagement rings. However, this is a glass replica."


It seems your monocoin gets you a second item!

The balls inside the machine bounce around.

With a *ding*!, it pops out a ball. Inside you find a fortune...

"You will make many changes before settling down happily."

You also get...

Sword Wind Secret Notebook

"A book with the stage direction for a certain fight scene written in it. A beautiful scene of fencing, like cutting through the flower petals dancing through the air. The posture makes it seem like the sword itself is singing."
After taking a look at what he got, Edward was still not satisfied. At first the ring looked like something valuable, but when it turned out to be mere glass, he wasn't exactly any happier. Maybe he could still sell it for a nice price to some fool who couldn't see the difference, so he dropped it into his pocket anyway.

He then stepped back over to the bear behind the counter. "I've had enough of our riddles. I demand to be taken to wherever my belongings lie!" he said, slamming his fist onto the counter. His outfit alone was worth a lot of coin, and he wouldn't allow it to just be lost like that.
For Lyle, the balls inside the machine bounce around.

With a *ding*!, it pops out a ball. Inside you find a fortune...

"The world is always ready to receive talent with open arms."

You also get...

Donut Floaty Ring

"A giant donut usable as a floaty ring. Naturally, you can eat it while floating in the sea as well. There are various prints, as well."



For Hanzou, the balls inside the machine bounce around.

With a *ding*!, it pops out a ball. Inside you find a fortune...

"The best is yet to come."

You also get...

Green Ribbon

"A lovely ribbon."



"Hello, I am Hanzo Urushihara; and you all are?" He decided the best way to meet people was to just come out, say your name, and then ask them there's. He counted at least four people in the shop, and waited to be overwhelmed with responses and names.
@Conrad Norwood
@Anyone else in the shop
Jack smiled. "Well I'm Jack and she's Wuya." He said pointing to Wuya.
"Stay together as no doubt one of the others will snap and last out anything that draws their ire, namely us or Monokuma. In that case, we need to be prepared to defend ourselves," Robin explained. Looking at the bot, he cocked his head to the side, "I'm guessing this is your creation, Jack?"
Jack then looked at his bot and at Robin. "Yep He is one of my famous Jack Bots." He said with pride. Wuya rolled her eyes. "Yes it's his."

@everyone in the school store
Robin gave a small smile to Hanzo, "My name is Robin. Could you stay around here for a minute, we need to talk to you and the others?" Leaving his question unanswered, he turned back to Jack, "Can you amplify your voice or record messages with it?"
"Thank you," Bayonetta replied, "but I'd be more comfortable in my... traditional appearance."

"After all, we are in a school. We would want children wishing things at me, now would we?"

"Something tells me there is more to what you say than what you will admit" he hadn't seen her original outfit for himself, but he was sure it was a very flattering costume for her, given her current garb, and the options she appears to have been given
"Now, if I could get something black to wear..." he murmurs, leaning against the door frame, but outside of the dressing rooms

"Well," Bayonetta responded, "okay. If it means getting my appearance back to normal."
The Noob trailed behind The Engineer and Bayonetta, "You know he's tryin' to get into yer pants, right?" He soft hummed a Country tune to himself, while his fellow Battlefield Friend ignored his dumb ass. "I mean, yeah... YEAH... I'll help you get your appearance back to normal! You won't break up- I mean, leave once we get it, right? AND YOU..." He pointed a finger at The Noob, "... You shut your dirty little mouth, don't you -dare- try to break what me and I-don't-know-her-name have. Got it?!" Oh, wait a minute. He glanced over at Bayonetta, "What IS your name anyway?"

Lyle laughed out loud at his "prize." He never expected to get a giant donut. "Well, I guess I know what I'll be eating all week." His fortune wasn't anything special, but he found it a bit funny, as it seemed more like a description of his past than a fortune. He then took a look at Urushihara's prize, and was definitely grateful he didn't something as useless as a ribbon.

@everyone else in the shop
After taking a look at what he got, Edward was still not satisfied. At first the ring looked like something valuable, but when it turned out to be mere glass, he wasn't exactly any happier. Maybe he could still sell it for a nice price to some fool who couldn't see the difference, so he dropped it into his pocket anyway.

He then stepped back over to the bear behind the counter. "I've had enough of our riddles. I demand to be taken to wherever my belongings lie!" he said, slamming his fist onto the counter. His outfit alone was worth a lot of coin, and he wouldn't allow it to just be lost like that.
Monokuma only looks up at you. He's attempting to pretend to yawn. "I'm so sorry you didn't what you wanted!" Monokuma says with mocking sincerity. "There's always next time, you know."

He brandishes a claw. "The hands of fate have turned! Now good day, sir."

Jack smiled. "Well I'm Jack and she's Wuya." He said pointing to Wuya.

Jack then looked at his bot and at Robin. "Yep He is one of my famous Jack Bots." He said with pride. Wuya rolled her eyes. "Yes it's his."

@everyone in the school store
Robin gave a small smile to Hanzo, "My name is Robin. Could you stay around here for a minute, we need to talk to you and the others?" Leaving his question unanswered, he turned back to Jack, "Can you amplify your voice or record messages with it?"

"Such interesting names... I like it," Urushihara smiled, and nodded. He looked from Jack to Wuya to Robin with an unreadable expression.
For Lyle, the balls inside the machine bounce around.

With a *ding*!, it pops out a ball. Inside you find a fortune...

"The world is always ready to receive talent with open arms."

You also get...

Donut Floaty Ring

"A giant donut usable as a floaty ring. Naturally, you can eat it while floating in the sea as well. There are various prints, as well."



For Hanzou, the balls inside the machine bounce around.

With a *ding*!, it pops out a ball. Inside you find a fortune...

"The best is yet to come."

You also get...

Green Ribbon

"A lovely ribbon."


"A green ribbon? You've got to be kidding me!" He yelled at the machine, holding the green ribbon in his hand. He had to admit; it was a lovely ribbon, but that doesn't mean he couldn't of gotten anything better. What the hell was he supposed to do with a green ribbon?

(( The Engineer x Bayonetta. I must make it happen. >:) ))
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The Noob trailed behind The Engineer and Bayonetta, "You know he's tryin' to get into yer pants, right?" He soft hummed a Country tune to himself, while his fellow Battlefield Friend ignored his dumb ass. "I mean, yeah... YEAH... I'll help you get your appearance back to normal! You won't break up- I mean, leave once we get it, right? AND YOU..." He pointed a finger at The Noob, "... You shut your dirty little mouth, don't you -dare- try to break what me and I-don't-know-her-name have. Got it?!" Oh, wait a minute. He glanced over at Bayonetta, "What IS your name anyway?"

"I'm Bayonetta," she introduced. "How about yourselves?"

She was amused by the two, their contradictions and mannerisms and all.

River frowned, shaking her head slightly annoyed. "So we explore the school to get the coins? Oy, I really don't have time for this. I lost my journal to some idiot blue alien and now I've lost my other items to some daft machine. I swear, I'll be spouting grey hairs faster than a hot knife cutting through butter."

She turned away from the bear and began to head to the door, glancing over her shoulder before moving any farther. Maybe she would need someone to go with her? It would be safer that way. "Anyone up to exploring another room with me?" River called out toward all in the school store.

@Anyone in the school store who wants to leave and go explorin' with River~
"I suppose I oughtta introduce myself as well. I'm Lyle Dylandy, but you can call me Lockon. Or Lyle- I don't really care which." He turned to the young man who called himself "Robin." "What is it you have to say to us?"

@Conrad Norwood
@everyone in the shop
Robin gave a small smile to Hanzo, "My name is Robin. Could you stay around here for a minute, we need to talk to you and the others?" Leaving his question unanswered, he turned back to Jack, "Can you amplify your voice or record messages with it?"
Jack smiled. "Of course that's child's play." He looked at his bot. "Jack Bot get ready to record and repeat." Wuya gave a smile. "I guess for once your toy isn't useless Jack."

@Canrad Norwood @everyone in School Store
"I suppose I oughtta introduce myself as well. I'm Lyle Dylandy, but you can call me Lockon. Or Lyle- I don't really care which." He turned to the young man who called himself "Robin." "What is it you have to say to us?"

@Conrad Norwood
@everyone in the shop
Urushihara, disappointed, followed Lyle's example, turning to Robin. He honestly wondered what Robin had to say--he felt that Robin had an interesting personality.

@Conrad Norwood
@Everyone else in the Shop
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