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Max nodded and ran off to get the bags. A new adventure! And she could ride real actual horses! Quickly, Max found her bags and picked them up, throwing them over her shoulder. She hesitated when going to Kylm's room, still remembering what she had found last night. Taking a deep breath, she quickly went in and grabbed the bag before dashing out of there. Guilt ripped at her chest, but she ignored it. She'd wait for Kylm to tell her about her family. She didn't have to know that her apprentice knew some of her secrets yet. Thinking about riding the horses, she smiled and ran downstairs to meet up with her master. "I got the bags!" She called.
The very same moment that Max came down from the stairs Kylm pulled something out of her clutter. It was a neckless, black string with a small clear diamond. "Here. Trade you for my bag." She said, tossing her the jewel. Two things could be seen by the doorway: Kylm's staff and a colorful wizard hat that matched her robes. It hung casually by a nail in the doorframe, waiting.
Max tossed Kylm her bag, blinking as she caught the simple necklace. The jewel shone in the light, blinking beautifully. "What's this?" Max asked her master, holding up the black string. The girl noticed the hat and was tempted to try it on, simply to see if she looked as cool as Kylm did while wearing it. The young girl doubted it, however it was a thought.
Kylm gave a clever grin. "You'll find out soon enough. Now," the wizard put her satchel on and grabbed her staff. Her hat, ready for action as always. He gently placed it on her head and looked up with a glint in her eye that wasn't there before. "Let's be off." The wizard swung the door open. "Draké's place is at the edge of town, south of here."
Max rose an eyebrow before putting the necklace on. She guessed soon enough would come fairly quickly. If not then she could just keep bugging Kylm about it until the master told her. Nodding, she followed her master out the door, blinking a bit as her eyes adjusted to the bright sunlight. She smiled as she started walking with her master, a bit of a skip in her step. "So, what's Draké like?" The young apprentice asked, eyes full of curiosity and wonder.
As the two walked down the cobble road Kylm searched for the right words. "He starts out a pleasant chap, friendly and always free for a good laugh. Loves animals to death, would trade his leg to save a turtle. But he's short tempered, and can get real ticked off very easily. Don't worry though, him and I are good pals, we worked together at the tavern."
Max nodded, wondering just how easily Draké could possibly get mad at someone. The young girl shivered slightly before continuing to follow Kylm down the road. The buildings passed by in what seemed like a blur to her. Soon she could smell the familiar stench of animals. Max nearly wanted to run ahead of Kylm, bouncing in excitement as she couldn't wait to see the animals.
The sables as they were called were more like a circus. A large wooden barn with all manners of creatures filling it up and brimming out the sides. Giant bats hung on the large doorframe, a large red dragon slept on the roof with its kin, and horses seemed to rome freely, never straying too far from the barn. A wolf-like creature with broad, jagged teeth was milling about with a air of pride and dominance as a man shouted at it. "Gillegan! If you don't get your fat ass back into your pen I'll throw you in myself!" He was around Kylm's age with a five o' clock shadow upon his jaw. Fiery red hair and a even more fiery look on his face. The beast took little notice, seemingly out of spite. He still hadn't noticed them as mentor and apprentice approached him. "Go one then. Say hello." Kylm said, gently pushing Max's back with her free hand.
The different creatures awed the young apprentice as she looked around at the different creatures. Dragons, a wolf thing, bats, even her beloved horses! She could have stood there all day just watching the things when she was pushed forward by her master. Max blinked and turned to look at Kylm before realizing what she wanted. The man, Draké she assumed, looked ticked off and extremely not in the mood for hellos. Feeling a lot more nervous than she wanted to be, Max took a deep breath and approached the men tentatively. "U-um..." She started off softly before calling out, "H-hello? Are you Draké?" She kept her stance meek and close to herself. Angry adults never spoke good news. She wanted to minimize any threat she might pose to this man.
Draké spun around with a furious glint his eye that quickly softened when he saw a little girl talking to him. "WH- oh. Hey there. And you are?" Kylm stepped forward, giving the animal trainer a small wave. "Sup Draké? I present you Maxine, my new apprentice." "Oh, really? Well then, what brings you two fine ladies to my stables?" The redhead seemed to have completely forgotten the large wolf, who growled with annoyance and left for the barn.
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Max smiled as the man calmed down instead of dishing his irritation out on her. She stood a little taller as Kylm explained that she was her apprentice. "Kylm said we needed horses." The young apprentice answered to Draké's question. "And since I don't know how to ride one, she said that you might be willing to teach me, maybe?" A hopeful look splashed itself across the blue eyed girl's face. She practically vibrated on the spot as she glanced out at the horses before glancing back at the animal trainer. The anticipation was nearly killing her. She fidgeted with her bag, wanting to start learning already.
"Ehh..." Kylm narrowed her eye at Draké. "Certainly! I think I can fit in a few lessons before I have to get back to work!" He said quickly, a single drop of sweat forming on the back of his head. He looked at Max closely, sizing her up. "I think I have just the horsey for you. I'll get you Clipper as well Kylm." With that the redhead left to where his horses were most concentrated. "See?" ,said Kylm, "you need to loosen up Max." She was serious, flinching in the motion of a spell was very dangerous.
Max nearly felt her smile split her face. "Thanks, Mr. Draké!" She called as the man went back to his horses. At Kylm's comment, Max turned to her master sheepishly. "Sorry, I'll work on it." She took a deep breath, flexing her muscles before relaxing. Again, she repeated this until she was no longer fidgeting. "Do you intimidate a lot of people?" Max asked, tilting her head. "I mean, Draké didn't look too willing to teach me until you glared at him." The young apprentice's eyes had flicked between the two adults during the short encounter, taking note of reactions and body language between the two. Despite her excitement, the young girl made sure to keep an eye on everything.
Kylm chuckled, observant wasn't she? "Ah, not when unneeded of course. It's just that Draké and I have known each other for a long time, as well as my not telling Leone about that bottle of brandy he stole." Ahh, good times. Back when all she had to worry about was peoples orders. "Here we are!" Draké returned with a black stallion and Max's pony following suit.
((I'll let you chose how he/she looks))
Max nodded, about to probe Kylm to see if she would tell her again about the necklace, but was stopped when she saw the horses. One was a black stallion, tall and proud and obviously Kylm's. However, the other caught her attention much more quickly. The mare's grayish coat blended into black at her hooves and face. Dark mane and a dark tail fluttered slightly in the breeze. She seemed calm, perfect for a beginner rider. "Wow..." The young girl whispered, taking a step toward the horse. She held her hand out to pet the beast's muzzle, stopping before she could touch the blackened head. The mare didn't move away or snuff at her, so the apprentice took the chance to lay her hand carefully on the snout. She nearly giggled as she felt the coarse fur underneath her fingertips, gently rubbing the mare's head.
"Thought you would like Sugar." Draké announced with a bit of pride in his voice. Kylm caught his gaze and nodded approvingly. Clipper clopped to her side, ready to be taken out again. She rubbed her hand along his neck. "We'll be off soon you nutter, be patient." "Follow me and we can do your riding lessons!" The animal trainer waved them along as he approached a empty section of the field with a few feet of fence with some saddles drawn over it.
Max glanced back at Kylm before taking the rope that was being used to lead Sugar along. "Come on Sugar... Let's go girl." The horse responded well to the young girl, following her down to the rounded fence area. Max was gentle with the mare, trying to keep her pulling to a minimum so all she had to do was lead the horse over to the area where Draké stood. "So, where do I start, Mr. Draké?" Max asked, ready to learn. Sugar stood quietly, her tail swishing to keep bugs from getting anywhere near her.
Kylm stopped a few feet away from the fence. She leaned on Clipper who didn't seem bothered and pulled a apple out of her satchel. She wasn't the only teacher for this little girl, she thought as she fed her horse.

Draké found the right sized saddle for Sugar and began to put it on her. "Pay attention." He said as he showed Max how to saddle her steed. One whistle was all it took to bring his muscular, hazel mare dashing up to him at breakneck speeds before coming to a full stop. "This is Flash. Watch closely." He saddled Flash and slowly mounted, narrating as he did so. "One foot in the stirrup, grab tightly onto the sides of the saddle, host yourself up while bringing one leg over to the other side, grab the reins, and you've mounted."
Max followed Draké's instructions as they saddled Sugar. After her horse was correctly saddled, Max watched closely before nodding. "Got it." She took a deep breath before putting her left foot into the stirrup. Sugar kept still as the young girl hopped a bit. She tried to push herself up with her right foot, only succeeding in making a small jumpy motion. She gripped the saddle tighter and finally succeeded in hoisting herself up onto the horse. A bit surprised by the motion, Max gripped the mare's neck for some support so she wouldn't fall out. After she was sure she wouldn't slide out of the saddle, she let go of Sugar's neck and took the reins. Taking a deep breath, she looked over at Draké, waiting for his next instructions.
The next half hour was spent with Draké teaching Max how to turn, speed up, and slow down, as well as telling her that the horse would jump on its own but it was best to avoid such things. Flash seemed annoyed by how slow they were going but remained obedient throughout the training. His rider only became truly mad with Max once and that was only for a small period of time. The lesson was finished with doing a full lap around the fence at varying speeds. "There we are! Your ready to ride." The animal trainer smiled, a rare phenomenon to say the least, and dismounted. "You keep the saddle Max, a little present from me. You and Sugar will get along fine, Kylm though..." He joked with a chuckle.

The wizard in question had shamefully fallen asleep. She was leaning back much more heavily on Clipper, her hat tilted to hide her eye. Around when Max finished she slipped a little and awoke with a start. Kylm played it off as if she had watched, not wanting to hurt her apprentice'a feelings. "Hush you loon. Well done Max, it took me a day or two to learn to ride!" "A day or two?" "Weeks, days, same thing."
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