Marked [EverlyxSterling]

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At one point, Kassi found herself straddling Mikel's lap and cupping his cheeks as she kissed him, but she was scarcely paying attention to just how close he had pulled her. All she knew was that his kisses were sweeter than sugar and she was starting to empathize with people on the street with drug addictions. There could not possibly be a substance out there more addictive than Mikel. He made every thought in her mind scatter as though they were nothing but dust against a tornado. Every nerve in her body was on edge, but she was relaxed and happy. He made her feel safe, even when she was doing things she had never done before or even considered doing. That was a very special sort of power, and it left her breathless and dazed when she finally pulled her lips away for a few seconds to breathe.
Given the enormous and mind-altering euphoria swirling Mikel's mind, it would have taken something extraordinary to surprise Mikel and rouse him from his dream. Kassi re-positioning herself on Mikel's lap awoke with with new vigor. It was though he had reached a plateau, and was standing on the brink in awe of the expanse before him. Mikel gazed deeply into Kassi's eyes when she pulled back. Her pupils were dilated and she looked ravishing. The back of Mikel's fingers grazed the underside of Kassi's breast with a subtleness that registered the texture of her shirt over her softness. His other hand held the side of her head, and his breathing came hard with desire.

"I love you, Kassi. With every ounce of me ... with all my heart."
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"I love you too, Mikel," Kassi murmured with a smile as her pulse slowly steadied from the erratic jumping it had been doing when she was kissing him. She knew now that it was true - she had known over dinner. A person who would die for another person. That was love. She knew that Mikel made her happier than anybody else and she wanted to be by his side for as long as she could. It had to be love, nothing else seemed right. An Unmarked in love with a Marked man. She smiled to herself, knowing they may as well have just signed their own death certificates.

She didn't care.

She gently slid her fingers along his jaw and cheeks, gazing at him silently. If she had more experience with anything romantic, she likely would have worried that things would go too far. As it was, her only real interest was kissing him, and later cuddling. Wait, cuddling.. Here. It was already past dinnertime and she had no desire to go home. Did that mean she was going to stay here? He had offered to let her live here, so he probably wouldn't mind if she stayed the night. That meant cuddling all night long and waking up to him in the morning. It was like Christmas. She smiled more and slid her arms around him, her belly pressed to his as she laid her head on his shoulder and simply held him.
I love you too, Mikel.

Kassi's words seemed to occupy their own stilled silence as the music wore on. They hung before Mikel and then pervaded him, utterly, and without restraint. She loves me, he thought.

Mikel knew, in a way, but always wondered whether the damage done to this gentle, young woman was irreparable. He feared that Kassi would be cut off from the nuances of emotion and meaning, to be taken by the cruel specter of instinct.

Mikel's mouth cracked in astonished gratitude, for Kassi had never uttered the phrase to Mikel before. When Kassi lowered herself, Mikel wrapped her in an embrace similar to Kate's parting hug. Whereas Kate's imparted a mother's protective love, Mikel's conveyed the earnest attachment of unconditional love.

Mikel couldn't do anything. He didn't want to move. He was perfectly at peace.
Kassi snuggled against Mikel happily, finding his embrace wonderful. Was there any place better? Absolutely not. The music stopped as the track switched over to a new song. Ah, this was a piece that she was familiar with. She smiled and hummed along, amused to find that the rhythm of the song matched Mikel's heartbeat. On one side she could hear his steady heart, on the other, the rise and swell of the song. There was something to be said about humans and music. Perhaps that was why people connected with it so strongly. Her thoughts were lazily twisting around in silly circles, so she tipped her head back and looked up at him.

"Would you care for a dance?"
"I would LOVE to," Mikel said.

Mikel helped Kassi stand, and then stood himself. He led her to a more open part of the room, and assumed the same position when they danced at Tunni's. Mikel exercised extreme caution, just like at Tunni's, where he encumbered his larger size for her benefit. He bent down, and was careful to match her speed and pace. The dancing went easier for Mikel this time, and as he slowly spun amidst the artwork, he fell deeper in love with Kassi.

"There's no fireplace this time," Mikel noticed, off-handedly.
"And no waiter for you to poke fun at," she added with a laugh.

She laid one hand on his upper arm, just as she had done before. This time, though, she stood close to him instead of keeping her distance. They would be hard pressed to fit a book between their bodies as they moved, but she had no complaints. Dinner and dancing seemed to be perfect for them. She smiled to herself, still humming along with the song as she watched the skies darken out the windows.
"I'm glad I don't need to hum," Mikel said jokingly.

Mikel could see the contentment on Kassi's face, and he slowed the pace of dancing slowed considerably. Both Kassi and Mikel seemed to drift like a leaf upon a still brook. Kassi began humming, and Mikel took notice of her excellent tone. Although he was not a musician, he heard his sister play enough to recognize talent, however unlearned or unaccomplished. Mikel listened to the music, and knew it was coming to an end.

"Do you want me to drive you home?" He asked.
Kassi hesitated, not really sure how to answer. On one hand, she really didn't want to go anywhere except back in Mikel's bed.. preferably with him in it. On the other hand, she didn't want to overstay her welcome. This whole social interaction thing was simply way too complicated. She finally just shrugged a little, giving up on trying to figure out if she should lean toward polite or what she actually wanted.

"I'd rather stay with you.. if that's okay.."
"If that's okay?" Mikel asked happily.

Mikel embraced her, and induced both of them into a stumbling rotation. "Sweetheart, nothing would make me happier. I want to lie with you all night long." He reached down, and gave Kassi an impassioned kiss to cement his sentiment. "You are always welcome here, and may do whatever you wish."

The last note ended its sonorous refrain, and the music set retired for the day.
Kassi squealed, her natural clumsiness kicking in when he suddenly released her just to grab her again in a tight hug. She laughed and stumbled about with him, thankfully not falling over thanks to his hold on her.

"Thank you. Going home would seem empty after being here," she said with a smile, curling her arms up around his neck and giving him a soft kiss on the lips. "Are you tired at all?"
"I'm not tired in the least, but I'd love to lay down with you in my bed," he answered.
"Alright," she agreed, straightening up and releasing her hold on him. She glanced out the window and paused in surprise. There were stars in the sky. It wasn't as if she had never seen stars before, but she hadn't seen any since she came to Milliane. The street lights were too numerous, keeping the sky too light for them to be seen. She wandered over to the window and smiled. It was easy to forget how beautiful they were, but now she remembered. Gorgeous. She took one last look, then turned back to Mikel and offered a hand to him to go back upstairs.
Mikel watched Kassi peek beyond the wall of paintings into the dark world beyond. He could sense Kassi trying desperately to view the world beyond, and that struggle filled him with hope. Were those stars she's looking at? Mikel waited patiently, then took her hand and found the main stairs and made the climb to Mikel's bedroom.
Kassi walked with Mikel upstairs, thinking of random silly things until they got to the bedroom and she realized something. Though she had worn her pajamas here, they were not exactly in a good condition to be worn again. Going to bed in jeans would be wretchedly uncomfortable. She pondered, then looked up at Mikel.

"Any chance your sister has pajamas here..?"
"I'm sure she has something. You can search the drawers in her room."

Mikel went to prepare the bedroom. He washed his face and brushed his teeth, then pulled back the covers. Mikel then put his long pajama bottoms back on, but kept his shirt off. He climbed into the bed and tried to warm the sheets for Kassi. Cold sheets annoyed Mikel, and he didn't want to shock his love with a frigid entrance.
"Okay, I'll be right back," she said, wandering off to search the bedroom in question. She poked around the drawers, finally finding pajamas. The pants she found looked comfortable but they were too long and she knew they'd probably end up tripping her or falling off. She set them aside and rummaged until she found a soft pair of shorts instead. Better. She found a tank top that seemed to go with them and quickly changed. Much better. She set the other clothes aside and let her hair loose from the braid, running her hands through it until it was a long wavy mess. That felt nice. She glanced in the mirror and almost laughed. Well, it was a good thing Mikel already loved her, because in her opinion she looked like a mess. She smiled a bit and went back into his bedroom, finding him already in bed.
Mikel looked up as Kassi entered his bedroom from the hallway. He smiled. "It looks like you've found something. Comfy?" he asked. In truth, Kassi appeared more herself than Mikel could remember - her wild hair, her sweet, excited face, and her outfit revealing more of the contours of her true body. She represented a more concentrated form of what Mikel wanted most in this life, and his heart grew eager as she walked toward the bed.

Mikel extended his arm out to invite her to join him. "I've missed you ..."
"Yes, very," she said, nodding as she walked over to him. When he said he missed her, she giggled and shook her head. "I was gone five minutes," she pointed out in a teasing tone, but she realized that she missed him too. Instead of admitting it, she climbed into bed with him and snuggled up to his side. It was even comfier than she remembered it being earlier.. of course, then she had been too tired to truly appreciate it. "You're warm."
Mikel turned down the lights and pulled the cover over them both. The night was damp and mildly chilly, even for the spring time. Mikel had actually laid down on Kassi's side of the bed to warm it as much as possible. Right before she entered, Mikel scooted over, and bore the brunt of icy sheets in glad silence.

You're warm.

Mikel didn't reply with words. He drew her close and wrapped himself about her. His lips pressed against hers with tender gentleness, and he thought they might meld into one. The smoothness of Kassi's legs felt silky against Mikel's muscular quads and thigh. He was content to have her head return to his shoulder, gaze into her loving eyes, and trace new symbols on her exposed sternum. At times, his fingers veered off course and grazed the tender skin of her upper breast. He wanted to see her reaction, and absorb her pleasure.