Marked [EverlyxSterling]

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Kassi blinked, watching the Bear Cat with interest and confusion as he managed to move his own plate across the table. She tilted her head when he stopped next to her plate, unsure whether she should be amused that he wanted to eat next to her or not.

"I have no idea," she said when Mikel came back and noticed the change. She shrugged and eyed Gün, who seemed to not be paying them a bit of attention now that his moving about was done.
Mikel laughed to himself. "I guess that settles that," he said. He placed Kassi's drink on the table and returned to the kitchen. He drained the noodles and placed them around the pork, which had been placed on a great, oval platter of white porcelain. The flavorful juiced from the meat mixed with the noodles as he carried the platter, and Kassi's salad creation to the table. He placed them down, and began slicing the meat, allowing Kassi to serve herself.

He held back a bit, watching her reactions, wanting to know if he'd ruined her taste buds.

"Well, what do you think?"
Kassi sat down and served herself, noticing that as she did Mikel's eyes were on her. She knew he was very curious as to whether she would enjoy it or not. After her teasing about his cooking, she simply could not resist. She took a tentative bite of the pork, being very careful not to smile as she did. After a moment, she made a face as though disgusted, but she couldn't keep it up for more than half a second before she giggled and shook her head.

"It's delicious," she assured him. "How did you learn to cook so well?"
A wounded look filled Mikel's eyes when Kassi's face turned down, and remained, even as they both smiled from her teasing. "I'm rather touchy about my cooking, you should know. Where I come from, men do not generally cook, the women do. Being able to cook some dishes is slightly odd to the self-sufficient quality us northerners pride so much. My sister, Elliana, taught me, actually. Mother would always roll her eyes, but I just found the process fascinating. It was artistic, like painting, and the cooking process was like curing or firing ceramics. It's sort of how I got involved in art in the first place. But, being able to cook has served me well, being on my own for so long." Gün gave a sharp cry while eating his portion of the pork.

"You're terrible, by the way," he pouted, smirking.
"Aww, I'm sorry," Kassi said, feeling rather guilty now even though he seemed to take it in stride. She scooted out of her chair and stood up, going over to him and gently kissing him on the cheek in additional apology before returning to her seat to eat. "Your sister did well. This is fantastic. I never really.. cook. Ever. Sometimes I don't eat. I just get so distracted when I'm painting, nothing else is important. And when I do think to eat, it's in a hurry. That's why I didn't have any groceries other than tea when you were at my apartment. Everything else goes bad before I think to eat it, so I don't buy it."
"No, no ... it's alright." He was surprised when Kassi rose, and watched her with pleasant alarm as she came closer. The kiss popped whatever was inside and he may have blushed from Kassi's sweetness. "Well, I'm glad you like it. You should eat more healthy meals from time to time. But, I understand the drive of people who create. It can trump just about everything else." Mikel set himself more focus upon his meal, feeling bad he was keeping Kassi from enjoying hers by incessantly chatting. He ate in contented silence, alternating between watching Kassi and glaring at Gün for being such a traitorous skag. He rose momentarily and lowered the lights using a dimmer, then re-filled Kassi's water whenever he thought it became too low. Mikel helped himself to the noodles for a second portion, releasing a happy hum at the taste of them mixed with pork juices. Toward the end of the meal, he reached over and laid his hand upon Kassi's. Both chewed their meals, but their eyes met and engaged in lively conversation.
Kassi nodded in agreement. It really did trump everything, except Mikel. She wondered if she would still be able to focus on her painting if he was not her subject. Probably, though she had a feeling her mind was going to wander. She looked up at him, smiling as their eyes met yet again. There was some emotion in her heart, and she pondered what it was. Warm. Care? More than care. She adored Mikel and was seriously wondering if she loved him. Love was supposed to be this all-encompassing emotion. She had read in one of her novels that love meant you'd be willing to die for the person.

But was she willing to do that for Mikel if she had to?

She looked over at him again, catching him looking down at his plate as he took another bite. The touch of his hand on hers was reassuring, and her fingers instinctively curled around his. She watched him as he gave poor Gün another glare, but instead of making her feel bad, she wanted to laugh. There was such life in Mikel's eyes and she had to restrain herself from reaching over to cup his cheeks. She smiled and settled back in her chair with a full belly, slowly finishing off her water.

Yes, she was.
Mikel chewed his food in contentment. He caught Kassi looking at him in a strange way. It wasn't strange in an odd manner, and her gaze did not imply any trouble lived within her beautiful, light blue eyes. It was as if she was observing for observation's sake, processing what she saw within the depths of her mind. Mikel continued to eat, trying not to smile. It was hard to do many things while smiling, like humming for instance, as well as eating. His hand was over hers, and the sensation of her fingers curled around his, made his life feel whole. Mikel finished his meal, leaning to the side of his chair, not wanting to break the hold on Kassi's hand. He looked down onto the table and chuckled in amusement. Near Kassi, Gün was sprawled across the table width with his head and paw hanging over the edge. He was lightly snoring.

Mikel rose quietly, and whispered. "I don't want to wake him ... I'll clean up."
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"Okay," she murmured softly, amused by how Gün was just sleeping on the table. Adorable creature. She slowly stood up, following Mikel with her plate and silverware. After setting them down next to the sink, she returned to the table and eyed the Bear Cat. That table couldn't be very comfortable. She pondered for a moment, then slowly crept closer like she was sneaking up on a sleeping baby. Scooting down, she curled her arms around him to cradle him close, slowly picking him up to snuggle against her. Despite the fact that she had held him earlier in the car, she didn't realize he was quite so heavy. She still managed to hold him snugly, taking careful steps into the living room in hopes of being able to move him to the couch.
Mikel began washing the dishes in the kitchen sink. He turned the water off while scrubbing the dishes clean, then ran the water at half flow to keep the noise down. With so few dishes, the task of cleaning up was completed shortly. Mikel tip-toed quietly to the end of the kitchen where he caught glimpse of Kassi struggling to carry Gün to the couch. A wistful feeling draped over Mikel then, for Gün's vigor had been declining for some years now. Extremely long-lived, he knew his eccentric friend was tiring out, and he gave silent thanks that Gün could meet Kassi and get to know her.

Mikel began to walk toward the couch, stopping by Kassi's side and sliding his arm around her waist.
Kassi set Gün down very gently, smiling to herself when she heard another little snore. Good. She looked around, finally spotting a small blanket that she tucked him in with. That was probably the closest she would ever get to having a child, and it felt really nice. She gazed at him for a moment, then felt Mikel's arm. That felt really nice too. She turned to face him with a smile, then took his hand and silently led him back into the odd room they had been in before the pork was done.

"He didn't even open an eye," she said once they were out of the room. "I figured he'd want a comfier place to sleep than the table."
"Bear Cats are used to sleeping on rock ledges, so he's never been picky. He's getting older, though, and he sleeps more soundly, more often than he used to."

The room was still filled with the light jazz music Mikel had started earlier. Night had fully claimed the sky beyond the hung portraits, and the fringes of green foliage could be seen from the light overflowing from the Gallery. The leaves shifted gently in the breeze, and the arhythmic motion had a hypnotic effect if watch long enough. Mikel felt the same way about Kassi. He watched her walk delicately, and her facial expressions invited spectacle, for he thought they changes so beautifully.

Mikel reclined on the couch and invited Kassi to join him.
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"This is my favorite room," Kassi decided, following Mikel and sitting on the couch to snuggle up to this side. She looked over at the windows, watching the leaves sway in the wind. It was beautiful. The city had many pretty places, and the park was nice enough, but from her window Kassi had never been able to see anything that was naturally green. Keeping plants inside was never an option since she'd forget to water them and they'd die. She smiled contentedly, not wanting to budge. "If I ever painted here, this would be where I did it."
Mikel eyed the space with a more full scope. He had been thinking of a present for Kassi since last night, since their conversation at Tunni's. He considered that there would be plenty of room, but wondered if his gallery had the acoustics to support what he was thinking.

"Kassi," Mikel began, "If I could find a used piano, and brought it here, would you be interested in learning how to play it?"

The idea was based on a hunch. He knew Kassi was adamant about no creating any more paintings. Mikel was truly certain as to why, other than Kassi mentioning no being inspired. Perhaps, then, alternative creative outlets, such as music, might help draw the young woman out.

Mikel considered Kassi's mysterious music preference, and how she so wanted to listen to it. Mikel wanted Kassi to be happy, and felt inclined to latch onto any concrete option. There was a music emporium he knew off up the highway, and Mikel thought it would be wonderful to expose Kassi to the place. It always left his ears ringing and his soul joyful.
Kassi blinked in surprise and looked up at him. A piano? She remembered how desperately she had wanted to learn how to play years ago, but now she was not sure that she could. Some people were gifted, and she did not even know how to read music or anything like that. It was just something she adored listening to. But Mikel's offer had her intrigued. If she could figure it out.. that would be lovely. She pondered for a few moments, unsure, then finally nodded. It wasn't something she could say no to, not when she enjoyed it so much.

"Yes, definitely. Do you play?"
"Oh, no ... Not me. Elliana was blessed with musical talent. I'm the visual sibling. There actually might be books in her room about how to play, and some basic sheet music. Feel free to rummage around to your heart's content."
"That involves moving," she groaned, then she smiled and curled an arm around him. "Later, maybe.."
"Oh, I didn't mean now. Heavens, we have better things to do."

Mikel felt he had behaved himself admirably. But in truth, he wanted Kassi. He needed her closeness and very soft touch. Mikel lay his head atop of Kassi's and began to nuzzle his nose through her soft hair, inhaling her scent. He then began gently kissing her cheek, with each kiss singly, playfully, headed for her lips,
Kassi laughed and nodded. Yes, better things to do. Like sit around and do nothing. Or.. Her thoughts trailed off as she felt his lips on her cheek. Well. That was a better thing to do. She felt his kisses getting closer and she felt her cheeks warming up with a pink blush. Once he was close enough, she turned her head slightly and caught his lips with her own. This was what she had been craving for hours. Honestly she still wasn't very good at it. But practice made perfect and she was a fan of practicing.
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Kassi made Mikel feel so powerful, but it was a power devoted to her pleasure than that of taking. He felt her writhe slightly as his jaw drove his kisses. Mikel's arm reached for Kassi's waist, wanting her closer and closer. She could not be close enough.