Mahou Madness!

"Umm... I don't know... I mean... It's been years and I do trust you... So if you want to talk about it I will..."
Luca replied, she sounded earnest, and kind of like she wanted to talk about it, but just needed one last push to go the whole way.
As she waited for an answer she absently rubbed the traces of makeup off of her face.
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"Then," Namiko said, looking at Luca finally - watching her stroke the makeup off her face, as if rubbing away any pretense, trepidation, the barrier holding back history - "go ahead."
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"Umm... Okay... Well... Me and Drew were friends... He was the first person i met when I came to Japan... And he spoke english too so he helped me learn the language... And we always hung out for years!"
She declared, clearly remembering the time fondly.
"I umm... One day I was at his house... And... Well I told him I liked dresses... And wanted to be a girl..."
This was big, it meant Luca had known about herself for a while!
"But... He hated it and thought I was gay and wanted to kiss him! He made me feel wrong and I I forgot I wanted to be a girl... And then... He told all the bullies what I had told him..."
Well this also seemed to explain her social situation...
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Namiko listened patiently. From the way Luca stumbled over the story, it was obvious that this had a drastic effect on her. Namiko's expression was unreadable the whole way through.

When she finished, Namiko asked "Do you forgive him?" It was a strange question but it needed to be asked. For her the answer was a resounding 'no'. She couldn't forgive him for making Luca feel that way. Inwardly she fumed as this earlier person, crossed his name out in red.
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"I don't know... I don't know if I hate him... But... He joined the bullies, and even though he never hits me he still says mean things and calls me gay... Umm... I think I AM gay... Just not on the way he thought..."
Luca mumbled quietly.
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Namiko went straight from livid to embarassed when Luca mentioned being gay. She couldn't stop a slight blush from blossoming on her face. "Oh. Oh," she said, looking away. "I see. Well -" she cleared her throat "- I...don't think I can forgive him for making you feel that way. To spend years like that, being unable to claim your identity..."
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"I see... And yeah... I... Wish i had figured things out earlier... And not hidden... But I still have to hide... So but much really changed at all..."
She sighed wistfully, the same kind of look on her face as when she spotted the uniform at the school shop.
She however mistook what the blush meant.
"Ahh... Umm... I'm sorry if me uhh... Being gay makes you uncomfortable... I know it's kinda gross..."
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"Huh? Ah! No, I didn't mean it like that," Namiko said, uncharacteristically frantic. "I don't have any problem with that. And anyways, you'll fit right in, because most magical girls are also...y'know. We mostly have ourselves for company, and fighting for our lives tend to...bring us close." Her eyes darted around awkwardly. "So no problems there. No problems at all."
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Luca breathed a sigh of relief as she heard that Namiko didn't have any problems with that... She wouldn't want to weird out her best friend, who was also the only one she ever talked to outside of school and had taught her to be a magical girl.
Though her eyes widened as she heard it was actually common among magical girls, and wondered if maybe that included Namiko... Before sighing in defeat, even if they DID like girls... Luca was kind of missing some parts....
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Though Luca seemed relieved when she said she didn't have a problem with her being gay, she did seem strangely disappointed. Now Namiko was by no means dense, but she was going through some denial of her own, so the full message was somewhat repressed here.

Nevertheless, she pulled Luca into a hug. She couldn't see Namiko's blush ripen over her shoulder. "It's okay," she said. "I'll accept you for who you are." She gasped. Wait, that sounded like... "No, wait," she said, pulling back all of a sudden, revealing her boiling face. "That" She attempted to look stoic, but ended up coming to an expression that more resembled debilitating constipation.

"Anyways, w-we should eat dinner now," she said. "It's getting late, isn't it?" As smart as Namiko was, she had no idea how to navigate the world of teenage hormones. You can't factualize emotions when you're caught right in the thick of them.
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The hug caught Luca off guard... Though honestly it seemed most affection did, she was a very affection starved girl it seemed! And the words that came next caused a slight coughing fit as she sucked in air too fast, for a moment it sounded like Namiko was confessing or something! Though of course she mentally kicked herself for getting her hopes up a moment later when Namiko tried to clarify... So she must have meant it as a friend or something along those lines...

"Oh! Y...yeah... I will cook something good for you! Oh wait... You didn't want me cooking for you for dinner... But I didn't cook lunch yet and I need to cook anyway for mama and papa... So is just this once okay?..."
She asked, puppy dog eyes making their full appearance again, if she ever learned to control that the world would likely bow at her feet.
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A slight shiver of fear convulsed through her body at the mention of cooking, but it wasn't enough to override her embarrassment. "S-sure. Yeah. But just this once, okay?" It made her wince just thinking about it, but...who could say no to those pleading eyes?
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"Okay!~ I'll make something great! You won't regret this!"
Luca assured, running off to start cooking, her mother was still downstairs, looking at something on a laptop while the father was nowhere to be seen, though he was likely in the house's office finishing up work.
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Namiko did not follow for a couple minutes. She just sat on the carpet, staring blankly at the screen. What was all that about? Why was she so embarrassed? And why, oh why, did she allow her to cook for her again? The last thing she needed was another episode, especially not on the first day of meeting Luca's family. If she retched on the dinner table, they'd probably kick her out then and there.

Eventually she did go downstairs, resolving to try her best to just endure it. Just this once. For Luca. All for Luca. She sat herself at the dinner table and waited patiently, and somewhat anxiously, for dinner to be completed.
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Luca was busy at work in the kitchen when she came down, she seemed to be cooking an absolutely loaded eight layer lasagna, it was clear that with both her parents AND Namiko over she was planning to go all out and make an amazing meal.
While cooking though her mother went upstairs...Returning about twenty minutes later with her father and they all sat down as Luca served a massive portion to everyone and sat down.
"Looks great as always Son".
Her father declared.
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The wait passed fairly uneventfully, with Namiko being the only one seated at the dinner table. After twenty minutes, however, the whole family sat at the table as Luca heaped piles of lasagna into everybody's plates. Namiko smiled politely as her portion was served. Well, at least it was Italian.

And there they were, all eating. For Namiko eating was always meditative in one way or another, a sacred slice of silence. But at the table they were a family, and Namiko felt like she had been granted entry into their unit, if only for a moment. It was a strange feeling, to see them make inane conversation, to ask in mousy voices for things to be passed around. It was somewhat saddening. She was an only child, once. Now she's an orphan, a title that will stick to her for the rest of her life. She's never had much of a problem with it - for orphans even the epithets carry a tone of solidarity - but still.

And this lasagna. Heavenly. But she reacted in exactly the way she thought. She consumed ravenously, tomato sauce coating the edges of her mouth; spoonful after spoonful down her gullet. And as her hunger was sated a new hunger grew parallel to it: a hunger for emptiness, a hunger for nothingness. Her subconscious dreamed of expelling the pasta from her stomach and diving onto the table, into the mess, and licking up the chunks of pasta, the brown-ish mixture of sauce and gastronomic liquid, layer after layer like a bohemian slushie, the stuff pigs lie in and fish die in. Her brain was her stomach and its synapses were firing, firing firing fucking fast. Oh how wonderful food is, how wonderful it is to eat everything. The leafy crunch of paper, chalk like hardened Pixy-Stix, cloth like the skin of animals. There is nothing purer than pure consumption, sitting in the veldt, putting your fingers between your ass and into your mouth, ripping into the carcass of some deceased animal with pointy sticks rammed into its lungs. They'll eat their teeth as they decay, their loved ones as they die. They will eat and eat until something else eats them.

She was the first to finish. She placed her fork gently onto the table, drank the rest of her glass of water, wiped her mouth off with a napkin, and bowed politely. "Thank you for the meal, Lucas. If you'll excuse me, I'll prepare for bed now." And she walked upstairs.
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The others didn't seem to mind her ravenous hunger, it wasn't the first time they had seen someone react that way to Luca's cooking after all, and they themselves were still a little messy in their eating, though both had changed out of their work clothes.

When Namiko left Luca quickly finished, intending to go the bathroom... Since she REALLY needed to go and had been holding in while cooking so she could monitor the whole process without any mistakes or changes, so she ran upstairs, intending to burst into the bathroom, after all, Namiko was going to bed right?
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As soon as Namiko reached the bathroom she closed the door behind her, bowed gracefully beside the toilet, and retched her entire dinner into the pearly whites of the porcelain throne. The entire mouth was filled with a tumorous chicken-noodle concoction, laced with skin-colored bits of noodles. The edges splattered with muck. She vomited and vomited, until there was nothing left to vomit. Slowly she slumped to the floor, her back against the toilet seat, which had luckily been spared the assault. A little sickly bit of drool hung from her mouth as she panted.
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It was at this moment that Luca entered the bathroom, without so much as a knock announcing her arrival she opened the door... And let out an extraordinarily high pitched shriek as she ran over to check if Namiko was okay.
"Nami?! Are you alright? What happened? Are you dying?!"
She asked in horror, switching to the short nickname in her panic... It was then that she noticed the vomit...
"Oh... It was my fault... I messed up... I should have checked allergies... or triple checked the use by dates... How could I mess up like this?! Hopeless... Stupid hopeless..."
She moved to a crouch, seeming horrified.
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Namiko didn't even have the strength to be shocked by Luca's sudden entry. Luca seemed terrified. She crouched down by her, excoriating herself for oversights she did not commit. "" Namiko mumbled, trying to explain. "It isn't...this isn't..." But Luca seemed inconsolable. How could she have fucked up this badly? Namiko thought. Why didn't she lock the door? Or just not done this at all, held it in better? How could she?

She stood up and locked the door, and then grabbed her by the shoulders so hard it would hurt, and looked fiercely into Luca's eyes. "Listen to me. Listen to me. This isn't your fault. I have some issues, alright? But it isn't your fault. Don't ever think it's your fault. Please. Please."
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