Mahou Madness!

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As the lesson progressed it seemed everyone was too busy or too scared of the teacher to try anything, including talking, for most of the lesson until the teacher stepped out to take a call and everyone immediately forgot how well behaved they were, including the girl sitting next to Namiko.
"Hey... So like, there's a load of people who saw you hanging out with Lucas and protecting him... And like dressing up together? So you should be able to answer... Are you two a couple or something? Or is he just like, super gay? I mean look at that hair... And he's the only guy in the sewing club..."
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The girl's comment caught her attention. Namiko turned her head, trying to remember if she'd talked to the girl anymore. Her gaze looked like a glare from close up; though she couldn't really say she wasn't in a glaring mood. "He is neither gay nor my gi—boyfriend," she said, frowning. "But we are friends, and so frankly I do not appreciate the speculation. Him being in the sewing club means nothing." She sighed. Really she held no ill will towards this girl, but she was tired of the rumors already, even though they hadn't been circulating that long. "Look, I don't mean to come off irritated. But I would appreciate it if you'd lay off the rumors." That wasn't a threat; it was an earnest request, and delivered as such.
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"Huh... Wait what did you say before boyfriend?..."
She asked before nodding and motioning the zipping of her lips as if to say she wouldn't talk to her about it... Though she was clearly still curious and would probably be paying attention to their interactions now...
"I can promise not to talk about it but it's already gotten around... Not a lot of gossip since that weird damage happened..."

Class soon ended and they PE! It was just simple running that day since it was their turn to swap lessons with the lazy teacher that always 'forgot' to plan any actual lesson activities...
Luca seemed to be practically clinging to Namiko again now, was there any wonder people thought they might be a couple?
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Namiko smiled at the girl. "Thank you," she said. "These things are bound to circulate, but I appreciate you not exacerbating them." She faced forward as if to indicate the conversation was over.

Next period was PE. Namiko was fairly average at it, scoring middle-class grades in pretty much everything. If she weren't a magical girl those grades would likely be even worse. So this period was fairly indicative—she was always deep in the center of the crowd of runners, never falling behind but never passing anyone either. Except for one detail, which was the cute girl running alongside her. Hoo boy. Those kids were gonna have a field day with this one. She turned her bobbing head to Luca, forehead coated with a thin layer of perspiration. "Are you holding up?" she asked.
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Lucas seemed to have lost her smile by the time changing was done, but it soon came back as she ran alongside Namiko, easily keeping pace and barely even sweating in the process! She wasn't usually this strong... But then it became apparent how it was happening.
Luca was tapping into her magical energy! It was a thing that most close ranged magical girls could do, where they would channel magic to enhance their normal form in strength and endurance... Namiko herself could use a form for things like aiming.
"Umm... Pretty good... I feel stronger than usual! Luca actually looked extremely feminine right then, perhaps a side effect of the PE uniforms basically being the same for both genders.
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It wasn't hard to figure out that Luca was using her magical energy. She'd never struck Namiko as the athletic type, and with how little trouble she was having...yeah, it was obvious. She did look radiant though, glowing in blue track shorts and a white t-shirt. The sight occupied her temporarily.

"Luca," she scolded quietly, relying on the various panting noises to drown her out. "Try not to rely so much on your powers. What happens when you don't have them to help you? Trust me, I know."
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Being scolded actually surprised Luca, it seemed she hadn't actually been doing it intentionally... However before she could say or do anything in response... The momentary distraction on a turn in the lap caused her to lose her footing, catching everyone's attention as she tripped... It was almost comically quick, one moment she was preparing to say something, and the next she was on the floor, having skidded a little on the track and torn some skin off her knees... That would be quick to heal with her magic but it still hurt like hell!
"Oh damn it... Namiko! Get them to the nurse's office!"
The teacher demanded.
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Luca's horrible fall almost didn't register. It took a few moments, but she gasped and dropped down to her knees besides her. "Luca! Are you okay?" A small thin trail of blood leaked onto the sand. Namiko complied inmediately with the teacher's demand, pulling Luca up and guiding her over to the main building.
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"Y..yeah I'm okay... Ouch... I'm not usually this clumsy".
She assured as Namiko guided her to the nurse's office, it was likely a result of the powers, when someone strengthened themselves they needed to adjust to their new strength and speed, but as Luca hadn't even realized what she was doing... It ended in a fall, hell she was lucky to have stayed up that long.

The nurse's office was empty, with the nurse herself likely off for lunch or some other break, why she chose PE of all times was anyone's guess... But it meant Namiko would need to treat Luca's injuries herself, of course she could just leave it to heal, but that wouldn't take care of the grains of sand in the wound or the pain... Not to mention everyone would expect to see at least a few band aids!
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"Yes, you aren't..." In fact, though Luca seemed exactly the type to be clumsy she was in reality quite deft, whether in fights or life. Her earlier wizardry with the pancakes proved that.

They traipsed up to the nurse's office, situated conveniently on the same side and floor as the field (for obvious reasons). Unfortunately, the nurse seemed to be out. She frowned. It wasn't like nurses couldn't be out, but it broke some unspoken agreement between patients and medical professionals - "You'll be there when I need you."

She sighed. "Well, I'll take care of it then." She washed her hands in the sink, then grabbed a paper towel off the dispenser and soaked it. The work of cleaning the wound was quick but dirty; little crumbs of earth fell from their roosts onto the floor as she worked, and the water turned the wound a vivid crimson. "This tends to happen," she said as she worked, "when you tap into your powers. You didn't realize you were doing it, didn't you?"
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Luca winced as her legs were cleaned up, but nodded slowly.
"Yeah... I felt weirdly stronger... But I thought it might just be a good day... Or because I wasn't hiding from myself it like... Unlocked potential or something..."
From the tone of voice and look on her face even Luca thought that was a little ridiculous sounding.

By the time her legs were fixed up the nurse still hadn't returned, but a toothache had... It was a little distance from the school so now they had a decision, bug out now and go chase it... Or hope that one of the other magical girls went after it...Of course there was a chance it was one or both of those new type chimera, in which case neither of them could actually win...
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The second she stripped the last bandaid onto Luca's right knee Namiko felt a toothache. A light one, indicating some distance away from the school. Namiko almost collapsed right then and there. It always had to come at the least convenient times. It was like being hit with a hammer at random times in the day, striking you when you least expected it and least wanted it, right when it was out of sight, out of mind. Out of sight, out of mind was a principle wholly alien to magical girls, of course, but they could almost forget if they tried hard enough.

They won't give a shit if we miss school again, she thought. But it might cause some more rumors. And if it's one of those humanoid chimera, going after it could be suicidal. She took one look at Luca and knew that she didn't want her to get hurt, didn't want anything to happen to her.

Namiko stood up. "Anyways, we should probably get back to class," she said with a meaningful glance towards Lucas. "We still have a bit of PE to go."
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Fortunately it seemed Luca, with her less than hones senses and likely distracted by the pain in her legs, didn't notice the chimera, otherwise she may have insisted on going after it to try and protect people... Even if they just ended up losing again or getting in the way of someone like Kana.
"Oh! Sure, though I hope the teacher lets me sit down... I don't really like running, though it was less boring with you there".
Luca stated as she got up and headed back to class where the run had devolved into a sort of casual walk and talk with the teacher on their phone not paying attention, a few people glanced their way of course but quickly dismissed them after realizing there wasn't really much more gossip potential at that moment.
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They walked back onto the field. The students had stopped running, and instead were simply chatting along with walking. Some had their phones out, havig snuck them onto the field. Some eschewed walking altogether. A small part of Namiko wanted to shout at the teacher to stop them; but why would she? Better for them.

"Well," she said, "you can, but it seems like we're not doing much anyways." They walked out into the babbling mass. "How's the knee feeling?"
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Even if she did shout it was unlikely the teacher would actually do anything, sometimes students had to wonder why exactly he was still employed, the answer was of course, that he was generous with marks so the staff assumed he was an amazing teacher... And of course letting students laze around often got a few votes for favorite teacher.

"Oh! Umm, yeah, it's barely hurting now, wow this healing is quick".
She commented, looking down at her leg and choosing to stay next to Namiko for the rest of the class.
When the bell finally went there was quite a rush, some people ran towards the changing rooms, others to the exit, Luca seemed inclined to get changed at home rather than in the changing rooms.
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For her part, Namiko opted to change before leaving. While in the locker room she strained to hear any whispers about them, but the industrial ambiance of the locker room barred any attempts at recon. She finished quickly, meeting up with Luca only two minutes after entering. "Not changing?" she asked, seeing her still in uniform. A smile broke out on her face and she patted Luca on the head, almost inexplicably.
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Luca waited patiently, her phone out, it seemed at least that after the last lesson on a friday no one could be bothered to mess with her in any way, so she was able to smile honestly when Namiko approached.
"No... I uhh, think I might as well stay like this..."
She seemed a little uncomfortable, then again, had Lucas EVER changed at the end of a lesson? She seemed to even forget her actual PE uniform most of the time.
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Luca's discomfort was not lost on Namiko. She didn't know the exact reason, but she could make an educated guess. She shrugged. "Alright. Let's go, then. We gotta catch the bus."
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They were able to make it to the bus and get seats next to each other, less people took the bus home than they did to school since time wasn't such a constraint for a lot of them.
"So umm... Do you wanna come over again?... I uhh... I won't ask you to stay over again... You seemed a little uncomfortable last night... And it made me feel a little guilty since you stayed just so i wasn't lonely..."
Luca had of course put things together when she was feeling a little more calm and collected...
"Though if you don't want to that's fine too!"
She assured as the bus finally started moving.
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It didn't take Namiko long to make a decision. Staying overnight was definitely a no, but she didn't have any plans for the afternoon, so coming over was a yes. And spending time with Luca was always a plus.

"Sure," she said with a smile. "I won't stay over tonight though. You want to do anything in particular?"
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