Magitech Academy OOC and Characters

Glad to know! I tried my best
Hmmm. I kinda see like there may at some point be a situation for a 'humble pie' joke but I don't think Bathum is the type to make it xD
Aww thats a shame
Wait we came from the feast? Thought we were going to it.
Wait we came from the feast? Thought we were going to it.
We came from the feast. I don't know if my wording was confusing, but this is what I said: "They are treated to a feast along with all the other students before being sent off to their dorms to meet their new team"

Which, at least the way I meant it, means "They ate at the feast, and are now going to their dorms"
I'm almost done working out my char didn't want to send it off before I have worked out the kinks sorry for being kinds of slow and not saying
So, I never mentioned if Di's deity is considered a good or evil deity. Im kinda up in the air as it would be great for this pristine girl to suddenly do some things that are like >.> "Wow I didn't think she had it in her."
Personally I would go benevolent. Maybe not totally pacifistic or so, but not evil?
I'd say its benevolent towards its people (The Humans) and malevolent towards the Techno's. So she will have some very interesting rituals in regards to destroying them and what she does with their parts afterward. So it would be a Lawful Neutral perhaps.
Hmmmm... I'm curious now about her rituals and how her life was in the.. cloister?
Hmmmm... I'm curious now about her rituals and how her life was in the.. cloister?
I view it like the Knights Templar. Very devout but highly secretive of many of their traditions. She'd of been a Speaker, a person who would help lead people in prayer, prepare the service and set it up for the temples leader to come and give the whole sermon. They aren't the type to willingly recruit more people. But if people were to come to them they'd allow them in but keep them at an arms length. Di's induction at birth is why she is so into the whole thing. I still need to figure out why she was given up at birth and who gave her up. But in a way they are like the Spanish Inquisition and the Knights Templar.
*Sucks at history and such*

As for who dropped her off... maybe not she was kidnapped and then given away. Maybe her parents were murdered and she got dropped off by a 'well-meaning' bystander. Or maybe her parents were poor or something. Or maybe
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I personally love history. But that'll work. Her being a kidnapped child could lead to some interesting outcomes later on. The temple wouldn't have been the ones to kidnap her but either way she would be upset that she never knew her parents.
@Mook-LandStrider is it bad that I want her to meet them and then they can be all happy?

@Rads I did see your message, however I am unsure about accepting another character at the moment. I mean no offense.
I mean, if its something you'd like to have happen go ahead but Di would likely stare at them. She'd be conflicted as she wouldn't view them as families, only progenitors.
Hmmmm.... Bleh, ideas.
@Rads you can go ahead and finish your character and let me see them first :)
I have a humble request

All the characters be friends