Mafia - That one!

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I think investigating ourselves might reveal some interesting clues. Until then, think of this as some logical puzzle almost all of us are in on solving. Would probably help if we found some good way to represent the information we find.
I agree that investigating ourselves would be benefical. I will do so tonight.
With no nomination, we shall move to the night phase. The nightphas e shall last three days and will end on Thursday March 14th 2019.
The world around all of you begins to shake, it appears as though the everything around you has become unstable or corrupted. A ravine cracks throughout the middle of your group, most of you are able to quickly move out of the way however Dipper stumbles and tumbles down to the bottom...

Day 2 may begin now. (sorry about slight delay)


Edit: The discussion/nominated phase shall last 5 days and will end on Wednesday March 20th 2019
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Welp. Sorry, Dip.

I investigated Lucky and he came up as innocent. Any verdict, guys?
I investigated neo last night. I got innocent.

I realized in the night phase that due to how our investigation results were the first night, it would be impossible for neo to be mafia. (We had 3 guilties. Assuming neo is mafia, it would have required neo to be investigated by one of us who gave guilty, which investigated lucky, lucky, and Dipper. Under this assumption and investigation results, it is contradictory. It is therefore impossible for neo to be mafia.)


With that said, I'll nominate @LuckycoolHawk9

@Canadian Cat
  • Ah Seen It
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I investigated myself and got guilty, which means I'm paranoid.

Updated theory
Kiilgore- Insane or mafioso
Pen-Insane, Sane or mafioso
I would like to nominate Lucky as well.
  • Ah Seen It
Reactions: Canadian Cat
  • Ah Seen It
Reactions: Canadian Cat
Look, I forget the site exists occasionally ok

I investigated myself, and I came up guilty, meaning I am as previously assumed, insane or paranoid as well.

I wanna try to assemble a list of all investigation claims made, see if we can make sense of that.
- Dip = gui
- LcH9 = gui

- LcH9 = gui
- IPDS = gui

- LcH9 = gui
- Nbd = inn

- Nbd = inn
- LcH9 = inn

- KG = inn
- X

Abbreviated names aside, I hope you can understand the format I'm going for here. One thing we know for sure is Kiilgore is either sane, insane, or lying. Lucky is either paranoid, insane, or lying. I'm either insane/lying, paranoid/lying, or paranoid, depending on Lucky's role. It's hard to say anything for sure about Neo and Dip, though the latter's at least innocent, so their statement that Kiilgore is also innocent isn't a lie. Neo is either naive, sane, or lying.
Ok dang, Lucky is not maf. I'll share my findings once I complete the table, but at least what I've found so far implies that Lucky can't be mafia and everyone else is telling the truth.

My method for setting up this table was setting mafia along the diagonal, and filling out the potential roles of people, were that person mafia for each row. Obviously the last row where Dipper'd been mafia is not included.

If my logic is sound, then the only consistent case is if Kiilgore is mafia, for the following reasons:
  1. The only role left for Dipper to have had here was Insane, which they couldn't have had if Kiilgore came up as innocent to them.
  2. Here, Kiilgore could've been either Insane or Paranoid, oppsite of what Lucky would've been. They couldn't've been Paranoid, as they got differing results, and they couldn't have been Insane, as both people they investigated were innocent in this scenario.
  3. This is the only one where no roles are unaccounted for, and no roles given twice, so this is the one I find most likely.
  4. In this scenario, Kiilgore is certainly Insane, which makes it impossible for either of me and Lucky to also have that role.
Thus, I nominate @Kiilgore as mafia, @Canadian Cat
  • Ah Seen It
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  • Ah Seen It
Reactions: Canadian Cat
  • Ah Seen It
Reactions: Canadian Cat
I also would like to apologize now if I am wrong and am played, but the evidence does seem pretty damming.
The discussion/nomination phase is now ended, you may now begin the final voting phase. The final voting phase will last three days and end on Saturday March 23rd 2019.

With nominations 3, Killgore's fate will be voted upon. You may vote either guilty, innocent or choose to abstain from the voting. The verdict will be decided based on the majority votes. Remember, with four players left alive it takes 3 to make a majority.

I vote Guilty as well.
  • Ah Seen It
Reactions: Canadian Cat
I vote guilty as well.
  • Ah Seen It
Reactions: Canadian Cat