Mafia 2.0: Day Thread Game #7

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Overall Policies

Do not discuss the game with other players outside of the in-game PMs and day phase thread, at all. You are free to discuss it with people who are not playing.
Do not edit or delete posts. No, not even to correct typos or to remove double posts. While I know that this is frustrating, it is too easy to cheat otherwise. If the current "hall monitor" (@Shizuochan) or I catch you editing or deleting posts, we will revert your edit or undelete your post.
Do not talk in night chats during the day phase, and vice versa. This should be fairly self-explanatory.


Inactive means no activity in the day thread or responding to night action reminders.
If you are inactive for 1 full cycle, you will receive a warning.
If you are inactive for 2 full cycles, you will be roleblocked.
If you are inactive for 3 full cycles, you will be killed. I will state at the beginning of the discussion phase that you were removed for inactivity. If you have a power role and there are any vanilla team members alive and active, one of them will randomly receive your role.

The game will start with me using a RNG to assign roles to players. I will then PM each player to let them know what their role is and ask them for their first night action if they have one. Once you receive this PM, the game has officially begun.

The game consists of three phases: the night phase, the discussion phase, and the voting phase. The discussion and voting phase are referred to collectively as the day phase. The night phase will take place solely in PMs, while the discussion and voting phases will take place on a public thread. Each phase will be 72 hours long, starting and ending at 5:00 PM MDT. A maximum of two single-day extensions each may be requested for the discussion and voting phases. The discussion phase will also end early if requested. I may also extend or end the day phase if I believe discussion is still active or has ended, respectively. You are still allowed to discuss during the voting phase.

At the start of the night phase, I will PM each person with a night role asking how/if they would like to use their night action. Once the night phase ends, the night actions will resolve and I'll enact any results. For example if person X is killed, then at the end of the night I will inform X that they have been killed, and add/remove them from any PM chats as necessary. Most PMs are between the player and myself only, however some players have the ability to communicate with others at night: if this is the case, it will be stated in their role description.

Next comes the discussion phase. Every discussion phase will begin with me announcing who (if anyone) died the previous night, that it is now the discussion phase, and when the discussion phase will end. In the discussion phase everyone is able to talk about who they think is what role, who they want to lynch, and whatever else may be relevant to the game. I may jump in with rule clarifications if I believe someone is confused about the rules. At the end of the discussion phase, I will announce that the discussion phase is over and that it is now the voting phase, along with when the voting phase will end.

In the voting phase everyone may vote on who they want to lynch. In order to vote you must publicly announce in the day phase thread that you are voting to lynch X player. People are allowed to cancel or change their vote, but keep in mind that you are not allowed to edit or delete posts. If someone is voted on by the majority of players (majority = (Total Living Players/2)+1, rounded down when total players is odd) before the end of the voting phase, then that player will be lynched. I will post announcing that X player has been lynched, state their faction (town, mafia, or neutral), and add or remove people from PMs as necessary. If nobody receives a majority of the vote before the end of the voting phase, I will announce that nobody has been lynched. When either somebody has been lynched or the voting phase ends, I will announce that the voting phase has ended and the night phase has begun. I will also state when the night phase will end.

Any questions people have during the game can be asked in this thread, in the day phase thread if it is currently the day phase, or via PM. I would prefer that you ask any role-related questions via PM to prevent cheating, though this is not strictly necessary.

The game ends once either all the town or all the mafia are dead. Once this happens, the game will end and I will announce the results in the discussion and voting phase thread. The results consist of who won and a complete role list. After the game is over, the discussion and voting phase thread will be archived, and players may discuss their thoughts on the game in this main thread. We will generally start planning the next game and pick the next GM and "hall monitor" at this time.

Mayor: The mayor may reveal themselves anytime during the day phase. After they are revealed, their vote counts as 3 votes.
Detective: The detective may visit one person every night. They learn the faction--town, mafia, or neutral--of the person they visit.
Doctor: The doctor may protect one person from being killed every night. They have two self-heals.
Medium: The medium can communicate with the dead. They will be part of the dead chat. While they can always see the dead chat, they are only allowed to talk to the dead at night. After they die, they will be able to send one message. They may choose who to send this message to at any time. The message will be sent at night.
Lookout: The lookout may visit one person each night. They will see who visits that person. The Lookout has a night chat with the Tracker.
Tracker: The tracker may visit one person each night and see who that person visits. The Tracker has a night chat with the Lookout.
3 normal townies

Mafia and Neutral
2 Mafiosos: The mafia vote on who to kill each night. They may decide who visits the target. If they do not choose, one of them will be randomly picked.
Consort: Mafia-aligned. The consort may visit one person each night. The person they visit can not use their night ability and will be told that they were blocked. If there are no other mafia alive, the Consort becomes a Mafioso.
Executioner: Neutral. The executioner gets a randomized town-aligned target at the beginning of the game. Their goal is to make sure that person is lynched. If their target dies at night, they become a Jester. The Jester's goal is to be lynched. Both the Jester and the Executioner are immune to night kills.
Survivor: Neutral. The survivor's goal is to survive throughout the game. They get three self-heals that they can use at night.
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Pen was roleblocked again last night, but I had his home bugged, and I saw @Anguissette visit him.
I'd say she has some explaining to do, wouldn't you?
@CloudyBlueDay @Anguissette @7.39
So, you three have been silent in this game. May I ask for your thoughts on the situation? Who do you read as good and bad?

What do you mean by this? Pointed at me? or pointed in the way that I was saying?


I haven't been silent, I've been working with Elle all along.

Barring an unavoidable few days offline recently (which meant I missed the change to lynch Dipper's hot tip) if you read back you'll find me regularly involved in the various investigations. I'm not, unfortunately, gifted with a role that lets me do any of my own investigating this game so all I have to go on is what other people say and what little I know of the overall picture.

Up until today I've been inclined to trust Joan and Elle - and on their sayso, Pen - but with Elle being murdered last night and Joan attempting to point the finger at me I'd say our mafia have finally overplayed their hand.

@Joan, weren't you just telling us earlier that you were the tracker and Pen was the lookout? How exactly did you bug his home as you say you did, if you're going to claim I went to visit him?

I wasn't doing anything of the kind.

I'm not sure if you're both maf or Pen is actually playing Jester and you're just taking advantage of him for cover, but I find the garbled quotes and the fact that you haven't found anything to announce since Night 1 a little suspicious.

Obviously this morning's accusations have helped me to see the other side of the pattern mind you.

I find it hard to imagine anyone would genuinely draw suspicion on themselves not just "for the lols" but directly against the best interests of their own role. And if he's not lookout, then there goes your alibi as tracker.

I'm changing address for a week (today) so I'm liable to be barely online again, but will try to keep some attention on things once I've settled in.

I haven't been silent, I've been working with Elle all along.

Barring an unavoidable few days offline recently (which meant I missed the change to lynch Dipper's hot tip) if you read back you'll find me regularly involved in the various investigations. I'm not, unfortunately, gifted with a role that lets me do any of my own investigating this game so all I have to go on is what other people say and what little I know of the overall picture.

Up until today I've been inclined to trust Joan and Elle - and on their sayso, Pen - but with Elle being murdered last night and Joan attempting to point the finger at me I'd say our mafia have finally overplayed their hand.

@Joan, weren't you just telling us earlier that you were the tracker and Pen was the lookout? How exactly did you bug his home as you say you did, if you're going to claim I went to visit him?

I wasn't doing anything of the kind.

I'm not sure if you're both maf or Pen is actually playing Jester and you're just taking advantage of him for cover, but I find the garbled quotes and the fact that you haven't found anything to announce since Night 1 a little suspicious.

Obviously this morning's accusations have helped me to see the other side of the pattern mind you.

I find it hard to imagine anyone would genuinely draw suspicion on themselves not just "for the lols" but directly against the best interests of their own role. And if he's not lookout, then there goes your alibi as tracker.

I'm changing address for a week (today) so I'm liable to be barely online again, but will try to keep some attention on things once I've settled in.
...When have I ever claimed that I was tracker? @IntrusivePenDesperateSword may have claimed lookout d1, but when we revealed, we specifically clarified that he had been lying about that and that I was the lookout, not him.

Also, if you don't think Pen wouldn't draw attention to himself just for the sake of the haven't met Pen, really. Also, claiming that you've been working with Elle after her death just seems fishy to me.

We have had information, though it hadn't been much. We confirmed that @Lusterine was telling the truth about being survivor because they visited themselves.

I haven't been silent, I've been working with Elle all along.

Barring an unavoidable few days offline recently (which meant I missed the change to lynch Dipper's hot tip) if you read back you'll find me regularly involved in the various investigations. I'm not, unfortunately, gifted with a role that lets me do any of my own investigating this game so all I have to go on is what other people say and what little I know of the overall picture.

Up until today I've been inclined to trust Joan and Elle - and on their sayso, Pen - but with Elle being murdered last night and Joan attempting to point the finger at me I'd say our mafia have finally overplayed their hand.

@Joan, weren't you just telling us earlier that you were the tracker and Pen was the lookout? How exactly did you bug his home as you say you did, if you're going to claim I went to visit him?

I wasn't doing anything of the kind.

I'm not sure if you're both maf or Pen is actually playing Jester and you're just taking advantage of him for cover, but I find the garbled quotes and the fact that you haven't found anything to announce since Night 1 a little suspicious.

Obviously this morning's accusations have helped me to see the other side of the pattern mind you.

I find it hard to imagine anyone would genuinely draw suspicion on themselves not just "for the lols" but directly against the best interests of their own role. And if he's not lookout, then there goes your alibi as tracker.

I'm changing address for a week (today) so I'm liable to be barely online again, but will try to keep some attention on things once I've settled in.
Also, if you want an un-garbled version of those quotes, I can get them. Pen just fucked up with his quoting.
The claims as they are so far (with me claiming in here too)

Detective: Dipper
Doctor: ???
Medium: Elle
Lookout: Joan
Tracker: Pen
3 normal townies : LuckyCoolHawk, Kiilgore, ???
2 Mafiosos: Neo , ???
Executioner: ???

people who we do not know the roles of
Who are (99.99% chance of being) town. (if not, then one of them actual survivor. Can't be mafia because then there's only be one mafia left, and wouldn't be able to roleblock.)
Kimber, RJS,
People who could be either side.
The_J, Cloudy Blue, Angui, 7

I haven't been silent, I've been working with Elle all along.
Sorry. Just haven't seen a post from you in a while, didn't look back and thought, yeah. so my bad. Sorry.

Also, if you want an un-garbled version of those quotes, I can get them. Pen just fucked up with his quoting.
I'd like to see those.

And the investigation log since N1 please.
What do you mean by this? Pointed at me? or pointed in the way that I was saying?
Oh, haha. I meant the evidence pointed to Neo.

Thanks, Joan. Yes, I do indeed pointlessly ask for attention at times. And yes, I did mess up the tags. I'd love if you can provide those logs this time, Joan, I don't have access to a computer for some hours.
Also, forgive me if I fall for hindsight fallacy here, but the mafs actions tonight should seem fairly predictable. Kill the one in kahoots with the dead, among which is the detective, while disabling half of the remaining investigative force, the half that can reliably identify mafs directly.
The claims as they are so far (with me claiming in here too)

Detective: Dipper
Doctor: ???
Medium: Elle
Lookout: Joan
Tracker: Pen
3 normal townies : LuckyCoolHawk, Kiilgore, ???
2 Mafiosos: Neo , ???
Executioner: ???

people who we do not know the roles of
Who are (99.99% chance of being) town. (if not, then one of them actual survivor. Can't be mafia because then there's only be one mafia left, and wouldn't be able to roleblock.)
Kimber, RJS,
People who could be either side.
The_J, Cloudy Blue, Angui, 7

Sorry. Just haven't seen a post from you in a while, didn't look back and thought, yeah. so my bad. Sorry.

I'd like to see those.

And the investigation log since N1 please.

Oh, haha. I meant the evidence pointed to Neo.

Thanks, Joan. Yes, I do indeed pointlessly ask for attention at times. And yes, I did mess up the tags. I'd love if you can provide those logs this time, Joan, I don't have access to a computer for some hours.
Alright, here you go. I didn't quote @Starlighter's messages because I'm not sure whether I'm allowed to do that, but I've included the investigation logs. If anything here needs additional clarification, please ask.

Night 1
Joan said:
I'm gonna watch Angui, she made a huge target out of herself last round by being so dang smart. I dunno if the mafia are going to be dumb enough to attack her, but it's worth a try.
IntrusivePenDesperateSword said:
Uh yeah I'm gonna check out LuckycoolHawk9. No particular reason, first night targets are shots in the dark anyways.
@Anguissette was not visited. @LuckycoolHawk9 did not visit anyone.

Night 2
Joan said:
Before I make a decision, I'd like to ask...

Tree, any particular reason you called attention to yourself? Should I be watching you?
IntrusivePenDesperateSword said:
No. There is no reason.

I... Love attention. And without a shred of an actual strategy, a sudden an unprovoked roleclaim seemed the most effective way to get it. Sure, people mentioned being aware of reverse psychology, but that'd only really properly apply if I was playing joker, or mad and wanted people to think I was joker.

I'm sorry for messing up the game like this. For now, though, I don't think you need to watch me. I doubt the mafia will be looking to get the biggest distraction of the century away any soon.
IntrusivePenDesperateSword said:
Oh yeah and uh watch Lusterine
Joan said:
Hmmm...alright, then. I'll figure out who to watch soonish, got some other things to deal with at the moment.
Joan said:
sent that before you replied lol

Any particular reason?
IntrusivePenDesperateSword said:
Eh, they called my potential reverse psychology out? I dunno, I have literally nothing else.
Joan said:
I mean, I would have if we weren't on the same team. -shrugs- It was pretty shady.

In any case, whether I watch you or not primarily depends on whether we think the mafia took your claim seriously...

i dunno, I'm interested in still keeping an eye on Angui, though maybe we should change it up tonight? You watch her and I watch Luster, maybe?
IntrusivePenDesperateSword said:
Sounds good enough. I only need to check a person once to know their affiliation, after all.
Joan said:
Alright then.
@Lusterine was visited by @Lusterine.
@Anguissette did not visit anybody.

Night 3
IntrusivePenDesperateSword said:
Do we check Neobendium? If everyone so far is telloing the truth, and Neo was in fact roleblocked, then simply tracking them won't be enough. Chances are whoever roleblocked them will now want to do that again, as they have reason to believe Neo is maf. Thus, tracking Neo will reveal nothing.
Joan said:
Alright, so Luster is likely either survivor or doctor. I can't think of any other likely possibilities since we account for lookout and tracker.
Elle's behavior is suspicious as all hell but the message she posted sounded very, very much like Dipper, and nobody has counterclaimed. It's quite possible the medium's already dead or laying low, but I'm not sure. Nobody counterclaimed detective, either...
About your earlier question, the only roleblocking role is Consort. So neo is not going to be roleblocked again by somebody suspecting they're mafia. Nobody counterclaimed that claim either, so neo is most likely town. It's possible that Consort didn't RB last night to give neo an alibi, though.

I'm eager to see what Elle has for us tomorrow...I'm going to watch her in case of doc/mafia visits, I think. I think you should also keep eyes on Elle, because if she visits anybody, we can confirm she's lying.

Your thoughts?
IntrusivePenDesperateSword said:
I like the sound of that plan. Is all the living mafia shown as visiting a person if they are their target? If so, if Elle is lying and is maf, that sounds like the best course of action to catch her.
Joan said:
The mafia decide which of them visit their target. So it's possible she won't visit if she is mafia, especially since quite a few people were expressing suspicion of her. However, if she is mafia, or really even any townie role with a night action, visiting just one person will prove she's lying, because mediums cannot visit people.
IntrusivePenDesperateSword said:
Aight, that clears things up. Still, why would a townie with a night action, or a townie in general, lie about being the medium? Really, the only role I can see her have if she's lying, is maf.
Joan said:
She could be trying to throw maf off the scent of the actual medium, trying to pull the mafia out, or be an exe turned jest. Not all of these are likely, but they are possibilities.
IntrusivePenDesperateSword said:
That's true. Tracking her it is, then.
Joan said:
Star, just to confirm/clarify, we're both watching Elle.
@Elle Joyner was not visited.
Pen was roleblocked this night.

Night 4
Joan said:
Okay, whew, he's down.

Now that we've revealed, we're in danger of being roleblocked and killed, so we'd better make the most out of it. Right now, my biggest concern is whether J is mafia, jester, or executioner. watch him, mayhaps? And...I watch you or me?
IntrusivePenDesperateSword said:
That makes sense. There are two maf total, right? So if now that Neo is dead, and J is maf, they'll have to perform attacks themself. I'll track them, and as long as they don't kill me, which you'll know if they do, I'll know with pretty high certainty they're maf. Love it.
IntrusivePenDesperateSword said:
Long as we're not roleblocked again, ofc
Joan said:
There are two killing maf, but we have no idea if Neo was a mafioso or consort. If anybody's roleblocked tonight, though, we'll know.

If you do get killed, I believe you will still get info, though I'd have to see how Star's ruling that this game. In any case, either of us could die tonight, so be fully prepared for that. Doctor can only be one place at once (and they could be dead), and the mafia have three targets to go for, so...we'll see what happens tonight.

To confirm, Star, unless we come up with a better plan, I'm watching Pen and he's watching J.
@IntrusivePenDesperateSword was visited by @Anguissette.
Pen was roleblocked this night.
Alright, here you go. I didn't quote @Starlighter's messages because I'm not sure whether I'm allowed to do that, but I've included the investigation logs. If anything here needs additional clarification, please ask.

Night 1

@Anguissette was not visited. @LuckycoolHawk9 did not visit anyone.

Night 2

@Lusterine was visited by @Lusterine.
@Anguissette did not visit anybody.

Night 3

@Elle Joyner was not visited.
Pen was roleblocked this night.

Night 4

@IntrusivePenDesperateSword was visited by @Anguissette.
Pen was roleblocked this night.
Solid, thanks for the job. Copying and quoting that on a phone would've taken forever.
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Reactions: Joan
...When have I ever claimed that I was tracker? @IntrusivePenDesperateSword may have claimed lookout d1, but when we revealed, we specifically clarified that he had been lying about that and that I was the lookout, not him.

Also, if you don't think Pen wouldn't draw attention to himself just for the sake of the haven't met Pen, really. Also, claiming that you've been working with Elle after her death just seems fishy to me.

We have had information, though it hadn't been much. We confirmed that @Lusterine was telling the truth about being survivor because they visited themselves.
This still makes me suspicious. The lying and backtracking come off to me as some messy play by the two of you to convince the town.

Let's also not forget, people, that forging a convo really isn't that hard.
Let's also not forget, people, that forging a convo really isn't that hard.
How, though? Insofar as the language actually used in the given stuff is actually believable as mine and Joan's, how would we make it? Only way we'd have contact with each other, was if we'd be the remaining maf and consort.

"But," I hear you say, "that is a perfectly legitimate explanation." It would seem like that, until The_J claimed roleblock as I did. Why? That is, why would the consort roleblock J, and I claim to be at the same time, unless I really wanted myself caught? Besides, not only do neither of you have solid alibis other than The_J's "Oh by the way I'm"-style claim.
How, though? Insofar as the language actually used in the given stuff is actually believable as mine and Joan's, how would we make it? Only way we'd have contact with each other, was if we'd be the remaining maf and consort.

"But," I hear you say, "that is a perfectly legitimate explanation." It would seem like that, until The_J claimed roleblock as I did. Why? That is, why would the consort roleblock J, and I claim to be at the same time, unless I really wanted myself caught? Besides, not only do neither of you have solid alibis other than The_J's "Oh by the way I'm"-style claim.
You're talking about the optimal way of playing, which is not how everyone always plays. We're all human, after all. I'm not willing to discount a bit of a fuckup, or a poorly thought-out tactic to snipe someone by making them (me) claim against you, and then you convince everyone by being two people's words against the one person's alone. Heck, that's actually not an awful tactic to get someone lynched.
You're talking about the optimal way of playing, which is not how everyone always plays. We're all human, after all. I'm not willing to discount a bit of a fuckup, or a poorly thought-out tactic to snipe someone by making them (me) claim against you, and then you convince everyone by being two people's words against the one person's alone. Heck, that's actually not an awful tactic to get someone lynched.
Yet you're willing to discount me fake claiming for attention and action early on.

Cool cool, but why in the story of whatever would I want you lynched? If I was exe, why would I only start targetting you after you counterclaimed my roleblock? If I was maf, why would I choose a person who until the counterclaim, said minimally? I would have no reason to want you dead.
Alright, here you go. I didn't quote @Starlighter's messages because I'm not sure whether I'm allowed to do that, but I've included the investigation logs.
As a general rule I can't say I'm huge on this whole quoting business to begin with, buuuuut quotes can very easily be forged so it's kind of a grey area. My preference from here on though would be that everyone uses plain text when claiming to copy/paste from night chats.
Yet you're willing to discount me fake claiming for attention and action early on.

Cool cool, but why in the story of whatever would I want you lynched? If I was exe, why would I only start targetting you after you counterclaimed my roleblock? If I was maf, why would I choose a person who until the counterclaim, said minimally? I would have no reason to want you dead.
Why would you want anyone lynched? Because you're a mafia, you picked a target who, by some emtric of your choosing, was ideal to be falsely lynched, and you made your play. Mafia are going to want *town* to get lynched, not one of their own, and controlling the lynch is one way to achieve that.
Why would you want anyone lynched? Because you're a mafia, you picked a target who, by some emtric of your choosing, was ideal to be falsely lynched, and you made your play. Mafia are going to want *town* to get lynched, not one of their own, and controlling the lynch is one way to achieve that.

There is a big plot hole in that statement. Both Joan and Pen voted for Neo, who was confirmed to be a mafia. Why would both mafias vote for their partner to be guilty? It wouldn't make much sense. I'm not saying it isn't possible for tricking the town, but it doesn't make any sense, especially when mafia knows everyone who is on their team.
There is a big plot hole in that statement. Both Joan and Pen voted for Neo, who was confirmed to be a mafia. Why would both mafias vote for their partner to be guilty? It wouldn't make much sense. I'm not saying it isn't possible for tricking the town, but it doesn't make any sense, especially when mafia knows everyone who is on their team.
They could evidently see that Neo was believed by a lot of people to be mafia. It's a smart move to vote with the town on that one to look less suspicious, when not losing much because it's likely to happen anyway.
They could evidently see that Neo was believed by a lot of people to be mafia. It's a smart move to vote with the town on that one to look less suspicious, when not losing much because it's likely to happen anyway.

Even an even smarter move would be to not vote at all. I'm inclined to believe though since nobody else has counterclaimed though. If someone did, it would make their claim less valid, but it seems to take a lot more effort to fake a log of conversation and also fake observing people the further in the game it gets.
There is a big plot hole in that statement. Both Joan and Pen voted for Neo, who was confirmed to be a mafia. Why would both mafias vote for their partner to be guilty? It wouldn't make much sense. I'm not saying it isn't possible for tricking the town, but it doesn't make any sense, especially when mafia knows everyone who is on their team.
Especially considering my vote was the deciding one.
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