One thing I try really hard not to do with long-running franchises that get reboots and entirely new casts is judge the new one by the old one, and vice versa. There's always the risk of nostalgia glasses that make you forgive a lot of stuff that you'd really find bad in newer movies, and sometimes they are trying to make something that stands out from the originals. It's probably why I was able to enjoy Jurassic World as much as I did, because while the first remains my favorite movie of all time and it's pretty much perfect as far as movies go (at least for what I look for in a movie), it wouldn't be fair to compare a far-off sequel that feels like a reboot to the original on a point by point basis. There were a couple things I was looking for, namely that they treat the dinosaurs like animals instead of movie monsters and that they respect the source material, but overall I went in without having pre-existing expectations and I think I came out a bit happier for it.That's absolutely fair, I see where you're both coming from. I think it's just because I'm so nostalgic about the originals and I liked the story and characters. I can see why it seems really dated if you watch it after this one, it had a budget that pretty much equated to peanuts. I think three hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Mel Gibson was an unknown actor and the villain was silly, yeah. Going into it, I know what I wanted to see and it wasn't what I got. From that standpoint, I didn't think it was a great story and I didn't particularly like the characters presented. It went a different direction than the others did and I wasn't entirely feeling it.
Because that probably wouldn't get butts in seats like a known name would, and it takes place in Mad Max's universe.Though I do still wonder why they didn't just title it Furiosa, because it wasn't about Max at all.
Yeah, I suppose that's true. Furiosa would make an awesome movie title, though...Because that probably wouldn't get butts in seats like a known name would, and it takes place in Mad Max's universe.
Also, I just wanted to point out my approval for your avatar. The Autobots don't always do right, but Wheeljack is fucking awesome.
Nah, just sounds like a more feminine Furious. But that's what you would have if your superpower was getting lots of sympathy. And candy; people usually give you lots of candy if they feel bad for you.Furiosa sounds like a disease that makes you erode whenever you get really angry. I don't even know what I'm talking about, but that would make for a terrible superpower.
Very well said.Those people who claim mad max doesn't have plot or anything should pay more attention to how much is told by visual cues without the 'I'm going to explain everything with a five minute speech.' The movie was masterfully crafted to make important parts obvious. No one had to ask why the War Boys said 'WITNESS ME' or why they worship the V8 (shiny and chrome it is).
There was nothing in that film which was out of place. The entire setting and characters summed up to paint a world that one can accept as internally consistent.
Quite possibly one of my favourite movies, ever.
Telling a story without boring exposition, a focus on the setting instead of plot, and strong characters without implied romantic undertones? Iwaku could learn from all three.
How subtle do you want your cues?but because I could predict literally everything that happened within the next ten minutes of the movie.