Mad Max: Fury Road (Possible Spoilers? Assume there's spoilers)

  • Thread starter BitoftheUltraviolence
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Outside that first one, 'cause I hadn't started looking for an alternate way to entertain myself that early in. But yeah, cue plot twist, paradise doesn't exist so we have to face problems head-on instead of running away.

It was pretty formulaic, wasn't it?
I still don't see why you consider it formulaic (also with the implied bad connotation). The plot is predictable because the director gave us clear clues of where it was heading.

Your other criticism of the characters as cardboard is hard to agree with.
I don't see why you find it brilliant either. I don't think foreshadowing isn't supposed to spoil a movie, rather I feel it's meant to have you have this AHA! moment when it happens. What you feel is good, I feel is bad. The problem is that this isn't going to change. We can go back and forth about how we have different feelings towards a piece of media until one of us gets tired of it all (or the topic gets locked because this always goes just so well) and we all leave unfulfilled and frustrated.

Or we can accept we're both human beings who hold different biases and opinions and leave it at that. I like that option. I didn't come here to convince people the movie is bad, just to express how I personally felt about it.
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I found the movie brilliant for consistent setting, interesting characters, and visual story telling - and the action. Your complaints about it are that the plot didn't pop, to which I would quip that relying on twist/pop based plots is bad because it simply invalidates previous narrative, and that you sort of missed the point of the movie.

Furthermore, every time I see this criticism with regards to any piece of fiction:

cardboard [...] and care so little for the characters

I have to ask to calibrate: what are your examples where you personally related with the characters?
I really enjoyed Mad Max. I thought it was the perfect summer action movie
I thoroughly enjoyed the movie. I don't really have any complex reasons for why I enjoyed it, though, lol. I also enjoyed the original movies quite a bit, I need to find a copy of Road Warrior to watch again. It seems to be the least played movie out of the originals or I simply keep missing it when it crops up on cable.
I know I enjoyed Mad Max.
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