Lucky in Love

"Oh, don't worry. I've got some pretty advanced AC units", he said with a little chuckle. It was nice that he could joke about that sort of thing without reinforcing her earlier suspicion. Of course, it would likely take a while to win over her trust, but it was a good start. "But if it everything does melt, I'll come to you for relocation ideas. "

He'd felt his stomach turning a little as well, but until she mentioned being hungry he had just assumed he was nauseous. A bite to eat probably wouldn't hurt. "Probably. If not, I'll go look for my wallet and order us something. Do you know any take-out places with delivery boats or choppers?", he asked as he stood, grinning a little at the thought of a pizza delivery guy parachuting onto the deck. Julian stretched a little before he offered his hand, keeping the other on the wall. "Come on, we'll go look around. I wont let you fall off the boat."
Lucky also seemed to imagine take-out people dropping on to the ship from parachutes. The mental images were making her grin wide and it was an effort to stifle her giggling. Any suspicions of him were not completely forgotten as she took his hand to rise. Once they walked out of the hallway, Lucky was still a little hesitant. But once she realized there was plenty of room on the ship's deck and no immediate threat of falling in to the sea and drowning a terrible death, she was fine.

"So what do you do, Mister Julian? Um, as a job I mean. At the moment I am between jobs..." She instantly wished she hadn't brought up jobs, because explaining her long history of careers and the many ways the went horribly wrong tended to be a very awkward subject. Not only was Lucky not lucky in going out with friends, but Lucky was really unlucky with work too.

"...or we could talk about family! Do you have a family? ....oh.. you're not already married or with a girlfriend are you? I don't an angry housewife trying to kill me! I've seen those shows on TV!"